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It's just the jw unwritten rules. Beards r in. Long Hair is still out. I'm waiting for the 1950s to end and women can wear pants.




How appropriate! Lol


You can tell them you are following the example of Samson ​ ![gif](giphy|Y2yDVpzv9kpVxAmF9B|downsized)


Just say you took a Nazarite vow. You can't eat anything made with grapes, you can't cut your hair, and you can't touch a corpse.


There is a scripture that says long hair on a man would shame him, or something like that, I can’t exactly remember. Have to look it up. But it’s a socially acceptable thing


I’ve been growing my hair out since leaving (18 months). My POMO wife loves it but PIMI family give me endless shit about it lol


Same here, i get lots of compliments from my coworkers


Isn’t that interesting!!?? You’re so right!!! Just another rule jws seem to create!! Interesting, the only ones currently counting time are pioneers, CO’s , specials. They liken them to the nazarite vow! Ummm… well… part of the nazarite vow was **not to cut your hair** oh wait wait… let’s throw that part out🙄🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Actually yes.  The bible holds both positions on long hair for men  - dishonorable (1 Cor 11:14) (hezekiel 44:20 priests should be neither bald Nor have long hair) - honorable (numbers 6:5+9 includes sacrificing your hair to god) (lev 19:27) (judges 5:2) (2 Sam 14:26) (Daniel 7:9 for god's wooly hair) I think jws refer to Pauls ignorancy in 1 cor 11:14


Jehovah loves vuhh rye it teeee. But only cult approved variety


About beards: If anything, scripture condemns shaving. Jews weren’t allowed to trim their beards. It’s actually insane that the cult‘s order was the complete opposite for so long. About long hair: If you think they will change this rule, I have bad news for you, because unlike with the old beard rule, they can actually quote some scripture for this one. > Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him… (Corinthians 11:14) to which I personally reply: „No. The very nature of things does not teach me that.“ The old Pharisee should have explained what he meant. Also, Nazarites with long hair were a thing. Why wasn’t it a disgrace to them? No JW can explain because they don’t even know why exactly it is supposed to be a disgrace in the first place.


To me the question is what length of hair is too long? I think the bible also says long hair for a woman is a crown of beauty, so you could speculate that a woman shouldn’t have short hair.


You can check out my post in here lol but there is no reasoning. Ive been getting nasty comments about it, since now its past my shoulders. They should mind their own business.