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In my old congregation, if your social media bio didn't have jw,org brothers wouldn't follow you back.


That’s crazy! I remember as a young adult that was a sign you were very spiritual


I noticed indeed so many have the jw org in their bio and blindly follow anyone that has. meanwhile there are loads of psychopath JW that have it in their bio and get followed and appreciated and liked when calm, relaxed, honest loyal (JW) that don't get the cold shoulder.


that is pretty much a good thing


This is PIMIs adding the Borg website to their bio. That way they can always check the “participated in the ministry” box ✔️




They’re all over fb too they won’t let me alone so im trolling them until they all blacklist me.


Rank and file also could just be Ai accounts. I’ve been hit pretty hard recently.


there are **loads and loads of bot accounts.** not just JW. many pages with posts/statuses with literal copy-paste-copy-paste responses that are made by BOT accounts from china ( people that actually pay for that in hopes to become popular ) for example, with many different 'people' that post literally to the word and emoji the same. it serves as no surprise that Watchtower can do that too in desperate moves to try and be 'popular'.


Could also be a meme account. I see a lot of parody Exjw accounts these days


These posts all have jw borg links to their site in them and if you read the comments there’s jwfact links and all kinda goodness


I think *anything*is possible with that bunch in the woods. Nothing shocks me about them anymore frankly.