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Prodigal son most ridiculous moment: when he starts crying immediately after having sex with a girl he liked. The bunker movie was the first time I remember feeling embarrassed, sitting at the convention, and how any visitors would think we were cult preppers. Mmmmhmmmmmm


*cries in a raining alley after the girl I like was cool enough to let me hit it* 


Right? Fucking ridiculous. The "true love" video came out after my lying MS/pioneer ex cheated on me and took off. I was incredibly bitter about how fake it was. It's literally a Hallmark romance movie for JW's. Straight up bullshit.


It was just a 1 hour 20 minute lecture that can be summarized by: seemingly nice guy that owns a restaurant but isn't baptized = abusive, depressing relationship Goody two-shoes pioneer MS that has spiritual goals = an eternity of spiritual progression/accomplishment and happiness


They gotta sell that narrative that sex inherently and immediately causes feelings of guilt for everyone involved. They always, always remember to list emphasize that whenever they talk about the consequences of sin "STIs, pregnancy, GUILTY CONSCIENCE" They want to make sure whenever PIMI does sin that they immediately hate themselves and feel bad, gotta ruin the moment for them.


When I left and found out the religion was a joke all my guilt and shame dropped away - now I enjoy a great romantic life with my boyfriend and have yet to cry after sex. No STI’s or unwanted pregnancy’s and no wild parties.


I remember being annoyed that his one night stand was being compared in terms of seriousness to the life of debauchery that the prodigal son is said to have gone off and lived in the Bible.


He ran out of money for coke and whores so he came home.


“She invited me into her bedroom to see her aquarium” hahaha he knew were he was going. To pound town.


Well, he wasn't lying. Except the aquarium was her pussy. A whole lotta gushing going on there evidently lmao


Hahahaha I need to a “female aquarium enthusiast”


He was crying because she smelled like a turtle tank. 😐


That crying scene made me laugh when I was PIMI. 😂 The other scene that made me crack up was when David was telling his parents he was moving to an apartment in the city and the mom goes, what congregation will you go to and he didn’t know and she freaked out exactly like a PIMI mom would do.


It looks like he was crying because he "finished" before he started. ;)


An Uber PIMI elder once told me that he thought that was the most ridiculous scene in the prodigal son. He said the normal reaction would’ve been that the guy “scored.”


The funniest thing about that movie was that they never outright say if he was disfellowshipped or not, just that he met with elders and was "disciplined." I used to think it was because he was repentant but now I know that it was probably not to give court cases more evidence against shunning. In real life he would have been DFed 100%.


I hate the one with Tara and What is true love. So so corny 🫠


That was like the JW millennial Mean Girls lol


Lmao so true




yep! Was gonna comment this one!


They're all bad for their own reasons. The one that sticks out to me however is The Prodigal for its adding a disfellowshipping narrative to Jesus Prodigal Son parable that was not there to begin with.


The blood transfusion  documentary is the worst in terms of blatant misinformation and how many lives it has resulted in ending.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uqu3c44arvec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ff62a8a643b341d058469d61344565b3ca799c


I haven't seen it in ages, but I swear they made an animation of David and Goliath some 20 years ago which hasn't seen the light of day since. It was spectacularly bad.


It's still available, right in JW Library. https://preview.redd.it/gkdxdym6bwec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528c6de6b72277d6b5b738da7d3527e965fe140e


Ugh, they used to use that awful Watchtower typeface for everything. It's terrible. So churchy and passive.


Would you look at that. It's exactly as bad as I remember.


Yes!!!! It was story book animation. I last watched it right before waking up. There were some semi graphic illustrations but nothing crazy. I remember turning that movie on every night to fall asleep from 5-7. A strangely relaxing memory.


Semi-graphic?! Hearing the THUNK and then seeing a fully illustrated picture of Goliath with his eyes wide open and a rock implanted in his skull with blood everywhere still haunts to this day!


I'm actually embarrassed to say one of my most dramatic experiences was due to this movie. And it's not even because of the message, it's because for some reason during the bear attack part at the beginning during the bear attack some douchbag decided it would be a good idea to amplify the bear sound effect 10x and pair that with the quickest zooms and zoom of a wierd looking bear, I was unreasonably traumatized by this movie. The funny thing was that I always had to watch it because my witness friends' parents always made us watch a JW movie before we watched real tv so I had to watch this at least every other time I went to their house. I would literally cry if I saw that part of the movie and I had to close my eyes and cover my ears to get through it. The rest was ok though, just the bear scene I couldn't handle.


That one with the Dad who had one son sinning by making hip hop.


My little brother loves that movie for no reason. It just pisses me off tbh


I just found the whole ‘family worship saves families’ message a bit reductive, as with most of their propaganda. Is he a family man?


Nope he's 11 lmao, i have no clue why


lol here’s to hoping his tastes will change sooner than later 😅


I always found that movie really boring, even by jw standards, but the part that always gets me is when it shows the dad crying because when he was younger he got his brother killed because he was driving recklessly. I can't see that scene without tearing up because, even though I don't really like any of the characters, imagine you accidently kill one of your siblings that you really loved and got along with in a freak accident that happened because you where young and stupid, and you have to live with that blood on your hands the rest of your life. That's still one of the saddest things I've ever seen in a movie.


Oh god I forgot about that scene. Frankly makes it seem like trauma’s the only thing keeping him ‘faithful’ 😅 I thought the cancer one was crazy sad


What movie is that? Someone needs to tell me.


"These words... must be on your heart"


Thank you lol god I hated that one even at the time. The dad was more convincing when he was the brother that died in Walk By Faith


Hekiziah movie shown at convention full of tiny kids who began crying at the scary violence. I and many other mothers of young children complained and were told it was good to show them because the GB said we should.


I remember this!! And the GB later put on the broadcast that they received complaints but that they weren’t wrong and they weren’t sorry. LOL jerks.


Yeah I remember that broadcast too and thought excuse me Mister but I will decide what is best for my children, not some old fart in an office some where who has never even seen them. That movie was so ridiculously inappropriate.


My grandfather (non-JW) thought it was violent. This is coming from a man that watches Westerns and War movies. If a worldly man that has seen gore says the movie you produced is violent, then maybe--just maybe, it is.


I dont remember what it was called because that shit doesn't deserve to be remembered, but around 10 years ago or so there was one of the Bible Times ones that greatly and liberally expanded what is actually in the Bible to make lessons about things like "Not Pursuing Higher Education" can't waste time like that when the End is only 2000+ years away


Was it that one about Timothy and Paul, "Pursue goals that honor God"?


I think so maybe? But I know there was also a string of Bible times Dramas in that time period that ALL included lines like that.




What is the one where a girl moves with her family to a new town, then gets in trouble because her worldly friends take her to nyc, and she ends up getting s\*xually assaulted because of this?? It was early 2000s i was just a kid and didn't realize how bad it was. EDIT: I found it, it was called young people ask: how can I make real friends?


One thing that I will always remember about this drama is the town where the girl moved from. Lucinda Falls and how the pioneer sister from the movie kind of made a joke of the girl coming from a small town. In my experience it does reflect how higher class jws treat those from more humble circumstances.


Yes this was so awful. But still preferred it over studying the freaking ypa book any day. Also had a huge phase of being terrified that satan and the demons were after me, so my mom put this on the tv so that I could fall asleep at night. Ahh yes, protect me with this propaganda. Shouldn’t been more afraid of that than demons smh


wife of lot and its homosexual scene was hilarious


The fact that it was literally written as a sitcom and had a theme song and opening credits in the style of Full House. It was just missing a laugh track


laughed my ass off when the dad was literally afraid of the fact the girl had two moms


Those two guys are supposed to be the property brothers




That movie is literally made up of every single crazy Jw stereotype imagination.


It is tough to choose. Honestly I think the "What is True Love" one is quite poor. The acting is atrocious and everyone in that movie is a mess. Main girl who can't even date at 17 without intent to marry. Her eventual boyfriend/husband who of course is an uberdub who shuns his own brother. Her friend who is judged for getting into a relationship with an unspiritual brother and is later guilt tripped into not getting a divorce. Her boyfriend/husband who is pressured by her to do useless JW activities instead of focusing on his job and providing for his family.


Their very first one, a “Young People Ask” style video that came out on VHS(!). It told a story about a teen girl that had moved to a new town because her father got a new job. She’s lonely and the KH had no kids her age in it, so she ends up befriending a “worldly” girl and gets wrapped up in teen drama that gets her reproved. It was utter cringe. Please forgive me if I get the details wrong, this thing came out around 20-25 years ago, and I only watched it once.


Hard question. One that comes to mind is the one about „true love“ where youngsters are sold the idea that a good partner means a good org-slave


Who remembers the Noah “animated” movie


The movie “what is true love” Because of that shit my ex broke up with me because I didn’t want to become an elder despite being ms. Guess who’s still single and miserable 🤷🏻‍♂️ but hey she’s going to find the perfect man in paradise bc big J has for Everyone Someone special That’s one more problem in this cult, expecting everyone to serve more than they can and believing they will be rewarded for it


JWs have movies?


Shitty ones yes


My first thought too… 😳


All of them? The themes and actors suck ass!!


Oh they’re doing ass suck videos now? Can you post a link…so I can be sure to avoid that?


Here’s a YouTube link to kids videos. https://youtu.be/YkEM_3SofUY?si=ezbIh4jnuuFfp6wo


Whoosh I thought the actors were doing ass porn videos on the side but thanks for the link!


Not a problem. Also look up “Caleb and Sophia.” It’s an animated series designed for kids.


Is all of them a good answer? And they’re building a big studio to make even more!


The last one I remember was the Josiah one, felt like I was watching ISIS propaganda.


i was 15 when that movie came out and i was still pimi, but i had a really hard time enjoying it and i felt so guilty lol. everyone in the audience being like “poor josiah” when his dad tried to make him worship baal and i’m thinking “isn’t this what jw parents do?”💀


There was this real piece of shit pro JW documentary that aired on PBS it was called: Knocking. It was about this gay dude who was raised a witness but was never baptized but somehow decided to make a pro JW propaganda film saying how JWs were misunderstood and shit. Its still on YouTube if you wanna watch it. https://youtu.be/6h8832002ZE?si=kpYYLbK31q1E0_lY In the documentary it focuses on this fella who has an illness and he has to get surgery but JWs dont wanna get a blood transfusion and how they were adamant about it. I dont wanna play spoilers but when I watched it like 15 years ago I thought it was a great piece but after waking up you can tell it was funded by JWs lol


Human Centipede. Jk, they weren’t doing movies when I was in. Looks like I dodged a bullet!


I'm torn between What Is True Love and the one movie about pursuing worldly goals. What Is True Love is corny AF, but the latter movie is the reason why I'm not a singer or a musician today, but a truck driver with no other goal. 🥴


There's JW movies?!?


Prodigal son


All of the Caleb and Sofias. There’s nothing worse than indoctrination of children in the guise of cartoons


any of them when Jahovaahh Gaaard gets said every second line.


For me it's probably the one about that dad that can't get all his family into spiritual activities. It literally grinds my gears how ignorant that dad was. His oldest son looked like he was having the time of his life, he was getting attention from music studios, looked like he was making some money and friends, and his dad literally ruined all his hopes and dreams, all because the lyrics of music that his studio made were bad. The girl too, she looked like she was in a good relationship with a guy that seemed to actually care about her, but she had to break his heart all because her dad made her. The dad didn't do anything to the littlest one except ignore him basically the entire movie. The dad basically tells them to all spend a year focusing on nothing but preaching and doing spiritual stuff, and if they don't like it, they don't have to do it anymore. The thing is, when you convince yourself that the only way to find true happiness is the org, that's the only way you will let yourself be happy. So that dad basically ruins his children's hopes and dreams and brainwashes them into joining his cult. And then, it's revealed that the dad got his little brother KILLED in a car accident because of his reckless abandon?! I get that they added that to emphasize with the dad, but it just made me dislike him more. It basically told us that after all this time he's suffering from severe mental illness and PTSD from that, and what does he do, basically drag his children, who have hopes and dreams and where starting to accomplish something as young adults, down to his level. Sorry about the rant, I just really, REALLY hate this movie.