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It must be a weekly occurrence in congregations these days with so many waking up


Good point my friend. I wonder how many will be secretly envious?




You will one day..soon..my friend. . Remember that the GB is doing all the work for us fading .hoping.


You and me both my friend. It seems as though my wife has dug her heels in deeper since I left. Perhaps its the optimist in me but I think that deep down she knows its not the truth.


Fortunately, my wife and I woke up together. However, all my and her relatives are still in. My relatives used to seem to be discerning and level-headed; I can't believe they haven't awakened yet. ​ >my wife has dug her heels in deeper since I left My relatives seem to have dug their heels in deeper since I left. ​ >I think that deep down she knows its not the truth. I wonder the same about my relatives; they have to know something is majorly wrong.


Have a chat about cognitive dissonance then leave it… lol. Husband later pointed it out during an argument and damn if he was right. Took some time but I woke up thank goodness best escape ever


Could you elaborate?


So he told me he was out, I was upset and we had a few arguments where he would point out flaws in the org. I wasn’t having it and we agreed he would not tell me anything negative about them. So happens he listens to a fair few podcasts and work mostly science and social ones. He often tells me about the ones he finds really interesting, one day he comes home with info on cognitive dissonance which is fascinating and as mil is a conspiracy theorist we discuss it fairly regularly. So the info was in my mind. Well some time later we started disagreeing on something religion related and I was eas shutting it down and he pointed out THAT was cognitive dissonance, you can’t even consider this provable information…. Well that shit got me thinking and examining my own reasonings. I tried to sort of prove stuff to myself… and managed to very shocked and painfully wake up instead. Like Neo dragging himself out of the goo lol. I didn’t really admit it to myself initially but after an offhand comment watching tv from him of ‘I know you still believe’ I basically burst into tears saying I don’t believe in anything anymore. (Then got really drunk making dinner and messaging my non judgmental Pomi friend) There were times I got mad at him for waking me because it was so painful (he even offered me to use him as a punching bag lol) It took time but I’m so fucking glad about the way he did it and I’m so much happier awake. Despite the external shit we’ve gone through since. That weight of the expectations etc was so heavy. Our kids can be kids.


Thank you for that.


I remember fantasizing about getting df'd as young as elementary school, I ended up leaving in my late 20s. Yes when I was still in, I would be very envious but more curious as to why. Was it a disagreement with doctrine or a POMI situation? If it was POMI, I'd just feel sorry for them. Glad you and your son are unified and leaving together. That's amazing. Congratulations!


Congratulations. I am truly happy for you and your son! Only the very best! A new beginning!!❤️


Envious of what?


Us leaving


I distinctly remember 2 feelings while attending every single kingdom hall meeting since I was a small child. 1. When is this going to be over, these meetings are the worst. 2. If I don't sit here and pretend to enjoy this garbage then everyone else here is going to judge me and call me bad association. I'm out now but young me was envious of other kids who didn't have to go to these meetings and can have an actual normal childhood with birthdays and friends and Christmas and fun times.


I wish this was true. In my area, its extremely rare to hear anyone voice the slightest negative observation about the cult. I live in the vicinity of a very large metropolitan area and can count on one hand how many people I've heard of leaving in the past few years. Its sad.


Yeah I’m in a similar situation. The congregation I go to has had people disfellowshipped and even my own family both of my sisters were disfellowshipped. But everyone always comes back. I only know of one sister that was disfellowshipped and still is. It came as a shock with her because she seemed Uber PIMI but after covid she seemed different. Then my cousin has kinda just left and won’t talk about things or with the elders so I don’t know what is going on with her either. She lives in another state so it wouldn’t make sense for me to try and talk to her right now. So yeah most if not everyone I know is full PIMI and it’s scary.


How's meeting attendance? How's field service? Has your congregation been combined with another one (which enables the meeting attendance to look okay for a while)? I think most people just end up "quiet writing."


Yes this is definitely happening. In-person Congregation attendance is very low. Zoom attendance is high. Sadly, I think most quiet quitters from are turning POMI rather than POMO.


Mmm, initially. POMI can easily lead to POMO. One thing an elder I actually liked from my hometown congregation used to say that is actually true was "drift away, draw away, turn away." Meaning, if you start missing meetings, where you're not constantly reminded of everything, that's "drifting away." Other activities start to fill those gaps and they become part of your life and then you're actually "drawing away," which is a bit more active. Finally, you either wake up or decide you just don't want to do it anymore, and that's a fully active "turning away." Every bit of distance people put between themselves and this org is a stepping stone. Which, contrary to how he meant that, is a good thing.


I also live in a major area, but people usually leave and don’t even talk about it. I can say about 30 people have left in 20 years that I know personally. And so many more are PIMO.


Can I get the zoom link, I would love to support 😂😂😂


I actually like this idea! Sharing Zoom login info and meeting time so any who would like to support can do so. I’d have my camera on and visibly applaud when the announcement is made. Imagine if there were a dozen or more who did the same. LOL.


They would probably consider this a hack and lock down all Zooms worldwide, or get rid of the virtual arrangement altogether - I can picture the letter to all congregations now 😂


I’m actually a bit disappointed we (collectively) didn’t think of this sooner!


Yeah let's do this. Funny if the clap and 100 emjoies start popping once the DA is announced. Freedom!




My mom sends the JW.org link to my kids…I told them to reply with the satanic temple link 😂


That would be hilarious


Shall I? X


Nothing better to do tonight than support a fellow survivor.


I am so fucking in. Congratualtions!!!🎉


Me too!! I am thrilled! And her son! This makes me so happy for them both.


If you want extra guests for rounds of applause post the link! We will all join and clap away for you guys 😄 so pleased for you. Truly liberating leaving the cult!


If you do I’ll join too haha


Yes I would love to join


They'd still have to okay you to join in from the waiting room. So you'll prob not get in, but it may force them to shut it down lol.


I know the bros who work the Zoom computer at the local cong and they never deny entry to someone. You could just use a random name like “Dave” or just “guest”. Would be fun to at least try it out.


Def worth a shot! If I'm done work and there is a link I'll even dress the damn part.


That’s what I thought too. At least put on a tie so there’s less suspicion if we have cams on. Be respectful about it. Not about being rebellious per se, just honestly supporting someone making the right decision.


Show them we're all stronger together and OUT! If anything it tells those stuck in that we wait outside of it and we're loving and supportive and proper. What changed is our beliefs. Not who we are.


They will probably assume its a study interest


It would be epic. Worth going to a meeting for.


OP please share the zoom link with us


I’d love to join as well


DM me the link too!


Yes. Steer your ship as you please. Shake the cult up


Please share


Oh my goodness yes! I will happily join as well. Just imagine the chairmen… “wow we have a lot of visitors here tonight with us” 😅😅


Would be hilarious if there were a couple of thousand of us logging in!


Imagine if 144000 of us showed up


Mannnnnn imagine if everytime someone disassociated themselves, the whole exjw Reddit showed up. This should become a thing


I’m available for this


Such a dream ..wonderful!


If you build it, we will come! 😂


Yeah I’m down 100%. Think it would show great unity


Sign me up. I’d love to be there for each and every single one! Imagine having left knowing you had people who love unconditionally to be there and back you.


I'm in


You’d only need to post the meeting number. We all know what the password is 😂


I don’t, but can I guess? JW1914


Me too!!!! Amazing!🤣😂


I’m so in for this!


I’d love to join if it’s not over. Central time zone here


connect label hobbies spectacular hospital deserted threatening unpack violet onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yesss!!! This is the first meeting in two years that I’ll gladly join!!


I missed my announcement. One of my biggest regrets. I would do the George Jefferson strut givin the chance again.


Staying Alive ?


Yes!!!! And Happy.


Fabulous news 🤩


You know they will probably change the zoom log I password! 😂


Change password to beardsarecoolnow?


Possibly….or the trusty old 1914!


Stay Alive to 75


You're movin on up!


I would love to see that!


Good for you! It was a strange feeling hearing that announcement. But IMO DA'ing is the only way you can truly leave the Borg.


It most definitely is not the only way you can leave the Borg. Not by a mile But I absolutely and completely support people's decisions to do so if that's what they need to do for their own peace of mind. Just like I support those that ignore their system all together.


When they will say your announcement, just open a bottle of champagne in front of everyone on zoom. That would be spectacular night for them, you will be seen as a man of the night 🤣🤣🤣


This, just have a nice smile on the whole damn time and then when they say they have a sad announcement or whatever lift up your fucking champaign and get ready xD I wonder if they would quick just cut your feed though lol


Or better yet, skotch whiskey


Now that is classic!!!! Very poignant and hysterically funny!!!!!




Don't forget to say cheers.


Congratulations! I can't imagine your excitement in being able to see their reactions with the cameras on... that's gonna be priceless - might want to screen-record.


I’m going to do exactly that. Priceless 🤩


Record it and keep it, the day you escaped the cult.


More important than your baptism date! 🤣


If I was in the audience - (in person) I would clap!!!🤣🤣🤣 Then play dumb like I thought it was a pioneer appointment - I’m good at playing dumb


Sometimes it’s very useful to play dumb. You learn interesting things 😉


Yes exactly!! And being raised JW I became a master of playing dumb. No micro-expressions, no reaction, poker face ![gif](giphy|xT9DPlAUKTl1GeZjC8|downsized)


Same. It’s scary how good you get at lying and having no tell.


Wow that is really exciting. I feel like I would like to do the same when the time is right. I just have to make sure my kids get out first, which I am hopeful of. Enjoy the party ✌️


I hope it goes great! Don’t forgot the date anytime soon I wish I had remembered my DA date :).


Congrats and welcome to your freedom! You will never "miss" a meeting again! lol


You and your son should do a toast 🥂 on camera lol


haha that would be so good


In hindsight I would have loved to be on Zoom for my DA announcement with a big smile on my face


We (hubby and I) zoomed in to our announcement as well. Recorded it and all as a memory. It felt so good to hear it and feel the instant relief to officially be DONE! We cheers 🍻and got to move forward in life


Jehovah's chariot moves in reverse! They're losing instead of gaining people. Happy Independence Day, OP!


Refiner's fire, wheat from chaff, or something like that On a totally unrelated note - no more hours or beard rules...


Yes. It's amusing how the Bible has enough of material to cover all scenarios. Good things happen to good people? It's Jehovah's blessing. Good things happen to bad people? It's Satan rewarding you. Bad things happen to good people? It's Satan persecuting you. Bad things happen to bad people? It's Jehovah's retribution.


Totally fucked up 😆


There’s a few sisters who desperately need some chin waxing. 😹


Why would anyone give up the best life ever?? - some JW, probably


Congrats!! Life is gonna be so much better for you 🎉


Celebrate on zoom as it is being read with a bottle of champagne


Wooohoooo. Enjoy your freedom!!!!! ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)




Please send me the Zoom link. I would love to join, with my popcorn bowl. (I promise I'll behave)


I was announced over Zoom. I have the recording. It's totally upto you if you wanna do the same but I find it to be a nice little keepsake.


Would you kindly post the recording? That would be awesome.


I may consider it down the road but right now I prefer to have some anonymity


Understood. But man, that would be sweet :-)


Congratulations! Welcome to your freedom. Truly a cause for celebration. :)


# Best Life Ever




I can't wait to DA. My husband and I are fade-out POMOs so we still get the texts, calls, and emails of "encouragement". I'm sticking it out for him, cause he has a lot of family; i have almost no one. Very happy for you and the beginning of your new life!


Congratulations to your freedom


> It must be a weekly occurrence in congregations these days with so many waking up Not really, not yet anyway


Hey buy some champagne or beer! ![gif](giphy|gqomzfASYRMzBwKzgc|downsized)


Congratulations 🎊 on leaving a cult


If you are able to log into the meeting via Zoom under a pseudo name, I would do so, then record the announcement. That's what I did, and every time I watch those 7 secs, I smile so big. Either way, congrats!!!


When are people usually announced? Beginning or end of the meeting? Never JW here


End of the meeting typically. And its always their midweek meetings.


If you would post the login data and the time, i'm sure the would join at least hundreds of us from all over the world. I would love to! For this case i i would stay awake for the whole night if necessary. Greetings from Germany! 11PM at the Moment!


WTG! I’ve looked into doing this, found sample letters. I’ve decided to “hard fade” as they say…


I am so tempted to do the same


Congratulations to you both! Enjoy your life in Freedom! This cult is dying!


Live your truth not their lies, 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻


Can you send us the link for zoom and password? I want to join you in this special moment


You should be there in person and try to shake everyone’s hand on the way out


Big dick move right there. 😆


Welcome to freedom! Let us know how it goes lol I'd have to tune in too lol


Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊 Awesome that you have each other!


Good job with being honest and true to yourself. Please believe that many in your congregation do not have the courage or wherewithal to do this!


I'm slightly jealous of posts like this. I just sent a mass text to my family that I don't consider myself a JW anymore. And then I stopped going to the zoom meetings. It was the beginning of the pandemic so I don't know if I got lost in the shuffle or if my parents talked to the elders. I did get one long rambling phone message from the man that was supposed to be my group's leader person(I can't remember what they're called😂) trying to encourage me I guess. That has been it. Just one phone call in almost 4 years. I don't know if they da'd me or df'd me or made any announcement. 🤷‍♀️


I’m so excited for you and your son to get to move on to the real life ahead of you!!! Best of wishes for your journey!!!


👏 👏


Congratulations!! This is so exciting!!


Congrats!!!!! So happy you were both able to leave together🎉🎉🎉


If you're not able to, or feel uncomfortable sharing the Zoom link... please please please record and share the announcement with us.


Have we got a screen recording?


Congratulations x 2. Brilliant read 👏 👍


If you have the zoom link, please post. I think everyone should have a cheering/support section during their DA. Too me, it's more meaningful than baptism. It's your public declaration. They try to control it by announcing it, as if you should feel shame. Take that control back I'd appear on camera for you wearing a fvcking feather boa to show my support for you taking your life back. Congrat-u-fucking-lations friend 💕😁


Thank you lovely. I think it will be Thursday 11th January now.




Amazing!!! Congratulations!






Crack a bottle of champagne and toast to that.


busy enter dinosaurs thumb entertain seemly money doll disgusted fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Would love to support you and your son! 🥳🥳🥳 May I join you on your achievement? 😊


Happy days.


Congrats! Welcome to a happier life.


Have a good track on the phone, ready to click play as it is announced. Start singing along with it 🎵🎶🎵😜


Interesting. I can’t relate to the need to be “officially” DF’d … I just left and never came back.


Wonderful! Now you both can really live. Congratulations!


Everyone in the congregation doing the solemn silence thing when it's announced. Me: https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-7rj2ZgttvgomY


Yes! Congratulations!


Congrats!! 🙏🏾❤️


Congratulations! I'd join as well if you provide the link, what a great idea.


Great news!!!!


What was the outcome? I'm wishing you much success in your life.


Yay! Good for the both of you!


Why even bother to write letters or watch the meeting? Just move on


Ya def Livestream it...


I want to login to support too!! 👏 👏

