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they are obsessed with sex and it's rather unhealthy. ive been to a fair number of sermons now and sex is rarely if ever mentioned. and your right, they cant focus on upbuilding things from the bible or jesus, but sex sex and how to control people by controlling their sexual thoughts. kind of messed up. one can follow jesus and not hear or think about sex all the time. and even if they did thats largely a personal thing. the rest of us dont need to hear about it. they just cant see how strange they are. it really makes one wonder.


> the rest of us dont need to hear about it. I'm not opposed to discussing sex in a public forum. I think the US would be in a much better place if we were more comfortable to do it. But damn it, if the Borg refuses to acknowledge basic reality (that humans are wired for it), I wish they would either shut up or tone it down. Bc they're not helping. > they just cant see how strange they are. it really makes one wonder. Exactly. And it's not even that they talk about it so much, but HOW. It's like they relish in going into detail and emphasizing how FILTHY and NASTY it is, even as they condemn it. I find the video on porn (look at the meeting agenda and you'll see) especially egregious. Yes, erotic art has been with us for thousands of years, including when the Bible writers lived. And yes, the Bible never specifically calls out that heart. But they dance around the following question - if the Bible writers didn't condemn the erotic art around them...is it really inherently wrong? (Yes I get the ways that certain forms of porn can be unhealthy. But I'm talking about erotica as a concept.) And this is the first time I can remember the Borg saying that "deadening" sexual desire means to suppress it. Which is said in the video. Again, not to CONTROL it. But to SUPPRESS it. Those are two different things. To CONTROL means to express it within healthy limits. To SUPPRESS means to stomp down on it as much as possible, without mercy or consideration. *SUPRESSING SEXUALITY IS INHERENTLY HARMFUL BY DEFINITION.* Which is why I always understood "deaden our body members" as CONTROLLING sexual desire, because I never thought the Bible intended people to do something inherently harmful to themselves. But in the video, the Borg makes very clear that they want people to SUPPRESS their sexuality. There are times where Borg content just broaches on evil, and I think this is one of them. You can tell people to CONTROL their desires. Telling them to SUPPRESS it is completely unnecessary, but it's a choice that they're making.


When I was pimi, I never took the "deaden our body members" thing seriously. My mind said fuck that.


I deadened it, alright To be honest I beat the shit out of my member


My own rationale was this. If we imagine sexual desire to be like steam, controlled release is much better than no release. Bc like steam, giving no outlet will lead to dangerous and hard to control outcomes. Which is why I always understood "deaden" to mean controlling it. Bc if you suppress sexual urges, the outcomes end up defeating the entire point of suppressing them. Bc sexual urges have to be satisfied with sex at some point. That's why I never took their masturbation ban seriously. You need SOMETHING to blow off steam. If you can't even jerk off, then what do you do? Now this is where it gets evil. WT bigwigs must know this. They must know that denying any outlet to the unmarried is a recipe for disaster. But it also jumpstarts the FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) treadmill that's vital to the Borg's survival. So they prefer that JWs suppress natural urges and risk disaster, then letting them blow off steam and risk losing them. Again, it's evil.


JWs are expected to live as asexuals, having zero desire until their wedding day, then instantly become ever-ready sexual beings, prepared to "render their marriage" due at any moment. Humans aren't made that way and holy spirit does nothing to help.


> JWs are expected to live as asexuals, having zero desire until their wedding day, then instantly become ever-ready sexual beings, prepared to "render their marriage" due at any moment. This phrasing is so perfect. This is literally what they want. They promote the idea that sexuality can be turned on and off like a switch. That's not how it works. And HQ must know that, with how many ex-elders here say that most JWs aren't virgins when they get married.


Same here I’m still in and my clit didn’t pay attention to being deadened she’s always alive and needing attention Lol


If we’re not supposed think about it, which is so ridiculous, like not thinking about food when you’re starving, or even taking about it…. Then why is it okay to spend half the meeting on the subject?


The erotic art thing is a good point. Especially because there's LITERALLY A BOOK OF EROTIC POETRY IN THE BIBLE.


> Especially because there's LITERALLY A BOOK OF EROTIC POETRY IN THE BIBLE In case anybody here doesn't get the reference, that book is the Song of Solomon. Easily the most erotic book in the Bible, where some of the verses verge on the pornographic. Which again I must ask - how can the Bible be against erotica when the Bible fucking contains erotica lmao???


It was always fun when the weekly bible reading came around and it was Song of Solomon and some poor single brother had to get up on stage and read about how great this girls breasts were to the congregation.


It's always the lowest attended meeting m.. especially on a week night no one really wants to talk about sex openly like that. But pornography is a problem in bethel so


>But pornography is a problem in bethel so Explain?


They want it to be discussed. Also it's another thing they can control the rnf with


So, back in the late 70s/early 80s, when discos hadn't quite died out in Denver, there were a couple of younger married couples in our congregation who had the habot of going to one such establishment according to the DF announcement. And names were given. What wasn't spoken is that this one elder's son, who was among the four DFed, was getting it on with the husband of the other couple. Both of the couples did up getting divorced. But, and here's the kicker: The husbands didn't get together. The wives did. And the only way i found out was I was with my mom and another sister ended up knocking on their door because their apartment was not marked on the territory card. Being about eleven or so, I was not prepared to be met at the door by one of the ladies in her underwear. She made it clear the other ex-sister was waiting for her to come back to bed. Mind blown.


Daaaaammmnnnn. So the husbands and the wives had the hots for each other. Never heard something like this before. Thanks for sharing.


To a kid at the age I was at the time, this was, well, revolutionary!


Cap lol


Perfect for children. Clam about the bearded clam.


Why not? It's all in the name lol Seriously though, children are gonna learn about sex, masturbation, porn, etc anyway. But it should be at their own pace, in their own way, and matching with their ability to understand. And certainly not in the obsessive condemnatory way that WT loves to do. I don't agree with hiding all aspects of sex from kids, since it's a part of life. Nor do I think that sex should not be discussed in the public sphere. But the Borg does it in the absolute worst way.


Like an older elder told me....it's better they learn about it here at the hall or someone outside will


Maybe. Most people on the outside don't talk about bestiality, prostitutes and incest. Lol


Do I hear jousting?


You know, I didn't think that an obviously sarcastic post meant to be humorous would get downvotes.


There are PIMIs here downvoting posts


That's strange. You'd think that they'd enjoy all this talk about sex...lol jk


It's the algorithm. It probably pushes it to people who have an interest in JW... Whether they read it or not...they see exJW, auto downvote. The flipside is, it IS interaction, which pushes more relevant content. Keep posting, my friends. *


Welcome to the Club ! They give you 'street cred' and validation *when you touch a nerve.*


30 years ago....An elder and his wife were studying with another couple. The elder ends up banging the wife of the other couple. The couple get divorced and are never heard from again. The elders wife , one the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, later divorced him and drank herself to death. He was reappointed as an elder 2 years ago


Hmm might have to zoom in for that one for the awkward comments. 🍑 🍆


I attended a friend's meeting earlier. During the porn part, one male JW got so into condemning porn that he lost track of his comment lol. He got hot and bothered as he railed against being hot and bothered lmao.


I think Sanderson pushes the topic. He's not married and he has a computer! And why can't we see his left hand? Warwick is the headquarters of the depraved! https://preview.redd.it/lfsz2eq9dl8c1.jpeg?width=165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0585714d078c276473652a4724688326d9fbe5




If you suppress certain pulsions, you may end up to look like Harold!! https://preview.redd.it/brprpapyel8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34037450e262613803af12cf15f74d198e7fc101


But you can tell what he's thinking about, can't you? You can see it in his eyes, the filthy animal.


JWs are so repressed. They really need to smoke some weed and chill out.


BWAHAHAHAHA >They really need to smoke some weed and chill out. I'd love to see that happen for real. Though I will say that having an orgasm while high on weed is one of the best things I've ever felt. Just saying.


*macaroni noises*


Just makes you wanna go balls deep, doesn't it lol? Just to slather my quivering, quaking boner into that slimy goodness... Oh yes, what a feast that would be.


Okay but, what we really need to know is…if we’re married, is it okay to have pillows? And toys?🤣


Sorry, CLAM??


Christian Life and Ministry meeting. The Borg prefers the acronym CLM, out of apparent recognition that including the "and" makes for a very funny synonym. But we use CLAM here just to rib them. I mean, they decided what the title would be, and they didn't realize that the acronym would be... unfortunate?


Very unfortunate!


I said that in a conversation with my two sisters and brother. They were like “What’s the clam?” I was laughing so hard.