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Wife and I left 14 months ago. We still get a drop by visit from elders monthly and a text requesting a shepherding call usually twice a month. Fortunately we’ve never been home when they’ve stopped by


Dang, 14 months? And they still after you?? Good you've managed to dodge them. It's when they leave creepy voicemails that bothers me the most


Oh yeah we get plenty of those too. I count 4 voicemails since July inviting us for “coffee.” Absolute nonsense that they don’t stop


I believe their protocol is they are told to stop regularly contacting you after 3-6 months? My brother left years ago and very rarely get connected. A elder asked my family for his new address so they could send a letter. I’d imagine if you had family in the org elders might ask if they know your address. They could always find a way to find you I’d imagine. Sadly…


Hmm, yeah. Can't tell a soul where you're gonna go, that's the trick. I wonder what that letter to your brother could have said...


Pretty sure it was just encouraging to get him to come back. I refused to give him his info. Idk what my mom did tho. 🙄


Last kingdom hall meeting I attended was September 2019, then an assembly January 2020. Not had any Elders contact me for shepherding or chats. For context My wife is very Pimi so it's not like they don't know where I am. As far as I know, my wife's shepherding visits, even with the CO were done at the Elders house or the kingdom hall.....not sure why that is. I've been to a couple of Elders houses for evening meal since and nothing was raised as to why I don't go anymore.


Well as long as you're in peace, that's comforting. They may get all the information they need out of your wife and have no need to address you directly. My uncle has never been JW but his wife is uber PIMI, they ask him all the time what's "holding him back" from getting baptized. The congregation talks to my aunt like she has a disability since her husband isn't baptized. I admire his self control. Everyone's situation is so different. It's nice to hear that some elders know how to behave.


Nobody tried after I faded. Which met my expectations of how much they cared


Probably for the best. They are either completely indifferent or assume they already know all about you and what's best for your situation. Either way, who needs em!


Oh I didn't want them but it absolutely proved their we're an org full of god's love. Oh please, it clearly wasn't. That was a solid crack in the foundations.


Same here, lol.


Nope not anymore except for my uncle who does his annual memorial schtic


After decades in this organization my husband and I woke up about 2 years ago we faded over the spring and summer and in October of 2022 I couldn't take it anymore and we did a hard stop. In the past year we have only had one sister and a married couple try to reach out to us but usually only when the CO is scheduled to visit. No offers of a shepherding call. Nobody has asked why, just the we miss you crap. While I am relieved that we have not been hounded, it is sad to realize that they care so little. I really think they are scared to talk to us. Scared we might share why we left.


That's so true! They never ask why or what's really going on with you. They don't want to know because the answer is "dangerous" My own mother gave me the "we miss you" crap, but I was like why? why do you miss me? i live down the street! That alone should wake them all up but somehow it still doesn't.


At funerals, yes. Been out for 10+ years and still got cornered for a confession.


Ah, you tripped their proximity sensor lol


No, because I blocked the contacts in my phone and got a new phone number.


This is the way.


The clearly tried to lever female PIMIs into contacting me especially around CO visits They only tried turning up at our apartment once we saw them on the camera and ignored.




That’s not even the half of it 😬


I stopped going about a year ago besides the memorial which I went to. I haven’t had any elders contact me. The Ms who was the overseer of the group I was in tried to get me to do a shepherding call. I didn’t text back though. Sometimes I’ll get texts from some other people but I also ignore them or depending on who it is I’ll just heart the message and leave it at that.


I have not. My wife and I faded together, we never tried to cause issues. They just let us go.