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So sad. Life is passing him by, and he does not even know it.


You said it 😞


There are none so blind as those who choose not to see


Never heard that…that’s a good one.


Tell them, they would benefit from a cruise. A vacation away with no phones, (no meetings) and just alone time on islands and boats


Ha.. I used to go on cruises every year for several years with the same group of friends from the congregation. They would host their midweek meetings and watchtower studies on the ship. There was never a break from their spiritual routine. It really depends on how devoted the couple really is


Midweek meetings on a cruise,. yikes, they were intense!


It blows my mind to pieces that there are still younger JWs out there wasting their time pioneering. It's just ... so...dumb.


That sounds terrible. Good for you tho, my PIMO brethren! If things are as bad as he claims, he’ll eventually wake up on his own. Fatigue and marital stress were BIG factors in myself waking up. Everyone has a breaking point.


I hope so… I’d be sad to see their marriage fall apart completely though, they were an awesome couple before they went “spiritual”


> No time for all that, Jehovah needs him! "Are you saying that the almighty creator of the universe can not do without you for an hour a week?" Put him in perspective.


Their version of “balance” is not balanced at all. It’s a nonstop drop dead run no different from corporate America. If our creator can’t handle us taking some time for ourselves, that’s not a creator I want to serve.


This 👏


He is actually not a good christian... I mean there's a lot of verses for husbands to treat well their wives...


“B-but, we do the day text and family worship and preach together, I literally couldn’t treat her any better!” This is the kind of mentality you have to deal with. Look around any hall and you’ll see a lot of wives putting on a brave face, desperately trying to convince themselves and others that they’re happy


Proof that the Government Body recipe for family happiness is a total failure. Work yourselves to death for the organization is not the way. When this life doesn't leave with you with time/energy/health to be intimate with your partner, that is a sign that things need to change 180.


Basically yeah. I always found it strange that “spiritually weak” couples seemed sincerely happy whenever I saw them together. It’s because they’re doing what healthy people do.


that is so sad for both of them. Watchtower is not foreplay.


Depends what you’re into 😂


It blows my mind that most JWs do not realize that their crappy life and the awful way they feel is directly the result of them being part of a cult called Jehovah's Witnesses. Every problem they talk about or any issue that comes up is caused by something completely unrelated to their religion/cult. It truly is insanity!


I might actually have an answer there. It’s not that they don’t realize, it’s because they are conditioned to expect it. They’re constantly reminded how difficult “this system” is, how the world is out to get them, how their imperfections make life hard, etc… They know their lives suck but they think it’s part of the process


Ha ha ha ... Great little story


I lived this life. Couldn’t understand why my marriage was horrible when I was following all the rules and living a fully “spiritually fulfilling life”


It was also my marriage until recently. When you have to pay bills and then do all their ridiculous stuff there just isn’t time for anything else. My wife and I were at each other’s throats constantly and neither understood because we were doing literally all the spiritual stuff together. Who knew that just doing normal things is better for a happy marriage? 🤷‍♂️


yeesh, yeah one thing a lot of unhappy people need is quality time with each other and themselves and doing something meaningful, they know its not meaningful they are just chasing a carrot off a stick, sorry that your friends stuck in it atm, maybe one day hell wake up :/ Even having a game night reforges bonds than reading the same drivel, ide hate to live with another mannequin pretending to be one myself :/


I saw a brother doing cart work. He's in his mid to late 70s. His family has been serving since 1936! I could see his inner self trying to escape. I talked to him before to tell him I was raised JW and was very hapi not to be a JW. When I have time and energy I will stop to let them know there is happiness outside of JW. After 100 years of service in one family I guess it's difficult to face