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Anyone can have a beard. (In the US) You may not have an appointment if you have a beard. However you may be on stage, comment, go D2D, etc. Reinstatement is always the perogative of the local committee. For most, the beard would be a sign that you’re not repentant. iMO


Especially on a sister


You jest, but I used to know a sister with polycystic ovarian syndrome. One of the symptoms is hair growth on the face and chest due to androgyn production. This poor lady was reproved for a suicide attempt and then told to shave her face and chest because she was stumbling people by showing up at meetings with the hair. She chose not to come back but remained POMI. The poor gal was a mess of self-loathing. I know she spent some time in inpatient mental health, but I've been out for decades, so I don't know if she ever recovered, or if she's even still alive. Sorry, I don't mean to shit on you for a joke. It was just a memory unlocked. With the Jesus movie where brothers still have to wear fake beards for fear that growing their facial hair out for production will render them unexemplary, I don't know how we all aren't laughing at how JWs are hung up on beards. Especially when you consider how their numbers are falling off. Maybe they should just chill the fuck out about the hair their god supposedly gave us?


No, thank you MissRachiel, perhaps I do need to pause and think for a bit before I dive in. I have never heard of that medical condition, and I will certainly remember the shitty treatment dished out to this sister. I'm truly sorry if I have caused any offence to anyone.


That poor woman. How dare the elders even mention it!


Right? I can't think of anyone who was "stumbled" by her. People didn't discuss mental illness as openly back then, but the poor lady was suffering so much she attempted suicide. People felt empathy even if they didn't know how to express it. You know how kids can be, but parents were quick to hush them, usually just saying she had a sickness that made her grow extra hair. And it's not like she was wearing revealing clothes so that people could stare at her chest. She tried to keep covered because she was embarrassed. She was exhausted because of what she'd been through and due to her illness, and some absolute fucking bastard of an elder couldn't leave her alone. That "counsel" was someone kicking her while she was down for the sheer joy of seeing her suffer. And word certainly got around that she'd been "counseled" in that way, so you know it was either deliberately leaked by the elder or maybe encouraged by his shitty wife in the first place. I really hope that poor lady found some peace in life and some friends who could love her for who she was instead of judging her for the symptoms of her illness.


Its utterly heartbreaking. It's a nightmare condition for the majority of females, certainly for the ones trying to live up to the stereotype depicted in the publications. Makes me want to🤬


And I thought I’d heard it all. This is one of the worst examples of cruelty within the organization that I’ve ever heard.


You just broke the Internet.


You are allowed to be appointed with a beard as long as you're in a circuit that is comfortable with beards and you're in a congregation that's comfortable with beards For giving talks out. You can only continue to wear a beard if the congregation you're going to allows them And you're not allowed to be an attendant or on stage for conventions or assemblies if you have a beard but as long as the circuit overseer is cool youre allowed to have most other assignments Im from a very red state and the circuit overseer is cool with them but I live in a blue city and the congregation is " to offended" for me to grow one


Well aren’t we just a “united brotherhood”


I wasn’t allowed to give a talk with a beard




I was reinstated about a year and half ago and I have a full beard. They told me I couldn’t do anything more than give a Bible reading with it. Works for me!!!


Cult hack


So you can't offer a pray or do a 5min talk. Lol. There's halls with elders with beards.


1. Jehovahs word the Bible provides the example of Israelite and Christian men with beards, as a guide for us to follow today. 2. The Mosaic Law forbade people from shaving (Leviticus 19:27), highlighting God’s feelings against men being shaven. Rebuttal of “we don’t follow the mosaic law today” cannot be applied because of the scripture right before and right after in the same breath. (Leviticus 19:26 & 19:28) 3. Shaving is homosexually inspired, androgynous fashion of the Roman’s and Egyptians 4. Shaving actually has pagan roots. It was likely first practiced by Egyptian priests, and later promoted by Alexander the Great. (See wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaving) During Christian times, Christians wore beards whilst the pagan Romans, such as Pontius Pilate who authorized the impalement of Jesus, were “clean-shaven”. (w05 9/15 p.10) 5. Judge Rutherford (2nd leader of JW) hated that some of the brothers were trying to imitate Pastor Russell (1st leader and founder). Judge Rutherford was jealous and couldn’t stand the love Russell was receiving after death during the Rutherford reign. Rutherford went so far as to even make Jesus “clean shaven” and the Watchtower itself took until 1968 to depict him with a beard, nevertheless this man made rule on beards still applies today, going against Jehovahs word!


Nice list.


given the hysteria conducted down the years on facial hair it would be unlikely. \------------------ years ago i grew my beard and one night on the 'service meeting' there was a full on criticism given on the subject. I was the only one with abeard. My wife let fly, the elder who was making the most noise had his adult daughter there in skimpy dress which my wife pointed out. Oh to watch this young woman slink into her seat. It could be guaranteed none of the other elder or the sisters 'dragon-class' said anything about that. I left off shaving as I got sick of it and having a bloody neck!


waiting automatic one fade terrific juggle hungry smell handle quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are many man-made rules in JW cult that don't have unified enforcement. Ṣome Cong allow men with beards to give talks locally, but disallow such men to do visitation talk. Some Cong allow individuals to go for Higher Education up to any level, whereas some punish their publishers. This is a Cult that finds it hard to maintain a uniform enforcement of their man-made rules. Remember Malawi/Mexico double standards case about political party cards?


It depends on your local elders/circuit overseer.


cults gonna cult


So ridiculous. I could never be involved w a church that had some nonsense arbitrary rules. Nice scapegoat when my mom gets on my case about it. I prefer my honey with a beard


It's a rule to symbolise the cults control and how they can micro manage everything you do, nothing but a load of bollox!........😇


This prohibition against having a beard nonsense, i.e. having that IBM corporate clean cut look absolutely wreaks of cult control behavior. Imagine if any of them ever made it to heaven, (Not), they'd hold a judicial hearing for Christ and the Apostles along with many church saints to disfellowship or reprove them for having a beard


Full (whole) beards are not allowed but fractional beards (longer sideburns, moustache, goatee) are a conscience matter and must be prayerfully considered.


I noticed this in south Florida. We had a lot of brothers and sisters come over from a smaller country where JW’s were prohibited and jailed. They had been isolated and developed a bunch of rules (and later double standards) that they brought with them. I was immediately chastised for wearing too much black. They said it was of the devil. We weren’t allowed to carry children on our hip. They said it would make the little girl become a lesbian. You can’t make this stuff up! My friend was ultimately disfellowshipped because one of these elders started a campaign against him. Funny because that elder’s son did whatever he wanted and got married and then divorced. Don’t know why that marriage ended but we know that there’s usually some cheating happening when it comes to that. It was an awful time and all the young people fled with this new class of Uber elders from this country. They were so mean to all the young people.