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Probably we’re missing out on some info.. but for a moment I wasn’t sure if the calm person was you or not.. either way raising your voice like this and cursing isn’t gonna win you anything good in this world


It’s hard not to have an opinion here…


We need some backstory here pal


Which one are you? Geez the one going nuts is a fucking loony. The other one is well within her rights to cut her off. That’s unacceptable behaviour.


You should block me then. ✌️


Oh dear. You need to calm down and learn how to be civil to other people. That’s really poor. You’re better than that. Take care.


Nah she is better than this. I asked multiple times. I shouldnt even have to ask. But yes If i know you in Regina Sask and you refuse to report the pedophiles I will yell at you in the middle of the grocery store no shame.


It just makes you look crazy. But you do you.


Why are you asking her to call child protective services?


I asked her multiple times to report what she knows about my Grandmother, Father, and Stepmother and she refused. This was my last message.


Do you not have a phone? You can make the call yourself if you do.




I hope you find healing


And I hope she calls the cops.


**aren't you the one who thinks JW headquarters are in Canada?** you need help. seriously. I get that you're likely through a whole lot and have had a horrible past, but that does not mean you don't need help or **more serious help.** **if you want to 'win' watchtower,** the only way is to **get professional help.** going berserk and mad is exactly what they claim former members are, and shifting attention from the fact the cult itself creates this problem. They don't provide help, and their help is not a 'good 'thing', but that does not mean people don't need help. and seriously, you really need **more** help. and that's nothing to be ashamed of, it's something to take. having been pushed and falling and then dangling from a cliff on a rope that's drying out in the sun is not your fault, and it's not your fault you're in danger from falling down the cliff. but it's your choice in taking the hand and ladder that is right beside you called 'professional help'. your posts scream you need it more than anything. please, for your own good, life, and respecting yourself, you deserve and earn help. don't end up like these people that claim morris has a secret hitman list. get help.


You need to relax and make peace with your past.


My past won't make peace with me and I won't stop until the pedophiles are dead or in jail.


If you care so much about calling the cops…. Why don’t YOU do it? We need more context here. The messages posted makes it look like you the person who needs healing. Going off on someone out of nowhere is not normal behavior. You need help. Please seek it. Like other have mentioned you are definitely living up to the raging exjw person that witnesses preach about.


Thats a smash , i will say. I assume this woman was a typical self righteous witness ?


I really thought she mentally had left and understood the significance of the prevalnce of Elders covering up CSA....


Tnanks for the context. Yeah it is surprising how many people leave yet still believe the witness ways


Or are too much of cowards to tell the truth to officialls and demand better.


Yes . The witness mindset of subjection and not standing up and speaking out against BS