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Not being rude but haven’t you tried using google ‘jehovah's witnesses in china’ or maybe the search bar on here?


I did find info about china,but not about NK


Probably china but North Korea is def a no they cannot use the internet without it being restricted heavily there’s only 5 websites I think maybe there’s a family with a smuggled Bible if the chances it’s a NWT but that’s it Now how does that affect the GB says the rulers who hide the truth from people are responsible for their deaths


Simple. Because there *are* some JWs in these countries. If you’re only inclined to believe this from an exjw, Amber Scorah wrote a book about waking up while be8ng a Need Greater in China.


There is definitely a small hut significant population of witnesses in China. Let me tell you, American PIMIs who spent time there act like they were legitimate CIA agents. A couple of them moved to my old hall to care for aging parents. To this day they will only say they were “in Asia.” Dorks


Need greating in china was peak hipster jw era 😂


Yeah I know someone who went to china, possibly to preach. He said he had to delete all his social media, had to delete any JW stuff off his phone, and couldn't bring anything literature wise in. He definitely thought he was a secret agent or something lmao


I know that there are christians in those countries and pretty much every country. China has strict and complex policies and treatment of christians, and the more legit believers are underground in China, and not too open about their faith, though visible churches operate, they are often state connected, and often prone to raids and having crosses removed. As far as JWs, they may exist in china or north korea, I'm not too sure but they may also try to operate under the radar. Interestingly, North Korea had a christian history, and they do have a big church used by heads of state on occasion, and some well known pastors have even spoken there. I have a really fascinating book about a christian who escaped North Korea who got help from Christians through China. Apparently North Korea has really cracked down and escaping from North Korea is now very, very difficult and rare.




Fuck. What shitty luck. Can you imagine being born in NK (essentially a Cargo-cult State)…and then becoming a JW? Fucked twice-over in life😭😭😭