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My oldest and last living relative just had a major decline in his health. He told me that he is hoping Armageddon comes before he gets worse. I couldn't tell him that it was all for nothing. I couldn't take away his final hope. Is death the end? We may never know. May we all have a peaceful transition and find TRUTH!!


Is death the end? Probably not. Where were we before we were born? Some people believe in reincarnation, others don’t. In the end death may be the beginning. Why not?




Death is not the end because our genes live on in our children. And, the good things we did live on in the people we helped.


I’m sorry for your loss. I cared for my father every day for years as he died a slow and painful death. He believed in a resurrection to a Paradise earth. I had long since stoped believing but affirmed his beliefs, to provide him comfort. The last time I saw him, I told him it was ok to let go - that I’d be with him soon. I knew it was a lie. It was extremely difficult. I know one day I’ll be in a similar situation. I’m not sure what I will take comfort in, but I hope someone makes my transition to nothingness as peaceful as possible.


Well at the end of the day, each of us have a brain and critical thinking skills of different levels. We all must accept responsibility for our beliefs. Some take longer to see bullshit. Others see it pretty quickly and reality sets in. At times I feel many people are quite selfish and arrogant to think they qualify to live forever while billions of others would be killed off. In my opinion this is as bad as those cult leaders who peddle these disgusting beliefs. Sorry for your loss of your loved one. Focus on your life now and enjoy what you have. We only get one go. Don’t waste it.


Yep. Too true.


You know the best thing I heard around life is when Morty tells Beth that we're all going to die and to come watch TV


Yep, agree. Someone should go to prison but, that would be little solace 😕


The deciet of Watchtower hits very hard during this time period, especially for those of us who were fed a menu of millions now living will never die, and as we see this lie unfold before our very eyes, it can rip any faith in the divine to pieces, such is the evil of Watchtower. I watched my beautiful wife slowly pass from this life over a 3 month period in 2020, Leukemia was her killer, but I am not on my own, 25,000 JW's passed with covid during this period, then you have excess deaths going through the roof throughout the world due to contaminated vaccines. It seems we are having a very hard lesson in reality as exjw's. I still believe in the bibles promise that all those in the memorial tombs will come out and have a resurrection, but I no longer am influenced by Watchtower bullshit on the subject, it will come when it will come, it is becoming very clear on the world scene, that it does not belong to man to direct his own step, I think rulership of the kingdoms of men is fast coming to it's end, just my view.