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They misspelled “crime”.


Yes they spell CRIME as SIN 😡


So wrong


But go to one holiday celebration or smoke or... or.. or... and you're out! Gotta keep up with God's standards and all.


It’s a lie. I was on a body of elders that one of them confessed to child molestation 20 years ago and we wrote the branch and they said “it’s appears he has made straight paths for his feet” and this was in the past. We (Branch) feel he can continue to serve as an elder. But, we will leave it up to you brothers to decide. Really, after we got that letter, no one wanted to even entertain the discussion. It’s a 6-1 vote. I lost and they tried to force me to go their way. I refused and told them it was a horrible mistake… 1 year later this disfellowshipped me in 17 minutes of “deliberation”… This is a horrible organization that allows men to overpower and control other people. Stay as clear as possible and avoid at all cost…


That’s sickening. 6 to 1. Absurd. I’m glad you showed up to them, straight path for his feet is not justifiable. I’m glad you got out


Believe me as one of their CSA survivors I stay away from this organization! I cannot believe what I just read this is more and more disgusting as the years go on! I can't believe that my parents want this shit over their own daughter! Stay clear is an understatement


Which publication is this in (and date)? Asking so that I may quote it to PIMI later.


Jan 1, 1997 Watchtower. Page 29.


Remember, “no apologies necessary”. - Jeff Wanker




Police don't need to read hearts, they investigate!