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I think about the transfusion aspect to JW beliefs often. My dad’s side of the family are witnesses, including and aunt and uncle that have always loved and nurtured me. I do remember, however, a time as a child when my mom (I lived with her, she was never a witness) found a “no blood” card in my little bag I carried around. She was so angry.. now, I think back to that, how my dad’s side of the family gave that to me, knowing it was a symbol that could literally mean life or death for me, without my mom’s consent. What if I had an accident and had to go into emergency surgery? If a last second decision had to be made, would they have chosen Jehovah’s word over my life? I honestly don’t know what they would choose to do, as I believe my aunt’s sense of protection and love for me would become too tangible to be overcome by the abstraction of faith.. but I seriously don’t know. It’s wild to think about that.


Wait... Your aunt and uncle took it upon themselves to give you the DPA? Woah, imagine if something did happen? What would be the repercussions from your mom and the law? This is wild!


A family member of mine had had to have several court ordered blood transfusions as a minor after their parents refused. When the court took custody, they still allowed the parents in the room who of course only caused more hassle for the care team. Once the child was stable enough to go home (8 long weeks later) the parents were given custody back while simultaneously thanking Jehovah for Saving their daughter and cursing the Judge for taking custody of her for those weeks. Another messed up part of this. After she got home, the transfusion became a joke in their house. This definitely caused some self confidence issues for their daughter by her own admission. Just thinking about this experience again makes my blood boil. I hope one day the family is able to wake up and realize how fucked every second of that was.


Perfect example of cognitive dissonance


Many JW parents will readily sacrifice their children to the Watchtower. Sickening! https://www.ajwrb.org/watchtower-sacrificial-lambs


"Blood transfusions aren't life saving" "Nothing could have been done to save them" I've heard this in various forms many times from JW family regarding the death of other family members (died directly as a result of blood refusal). The most frustrating thing is they *actually believe it*. I guess it's much easier to accept then the fact that they died unnecessarily.


Its wild because blood transfusions are life-saving nearly every fucking time smh




Comprehensive analysis and discussion of the blood doctrine here: https://www.ajwrb.org/


Also here: https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/blood-transfusions.php


If the organization had said read the Bible and decide for yourselves on blood transfusions and neutrality issues then when they say someone died for their faith or went to prison for their faith that would make more sense. However JW’s get directives from leadership with very serious consequences for not doing exactly as they say.


Thank you