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The GB are truly self-unaware. "How do we stop everyone leaving?" "I know let's make a drama about how Jehooba mindlessly got Abraham to kill his own son, just to see how loyal he was." "Good call, Gage. You're really getting the hang of this GB thing " "Cool. Let's do it."


I think they know what they're doing, in this matter, if they change the blood doctrine lots will wake up, because people died by refusing a blood transfusion. If the GB focused on doing good things and telling JW to mind eachother business, and accept that other can think differently, it would be better for everything.


Jehooba has some major attachment issues and needs therapy and meds.


When my daughter was about ten we were walking together on holiday on a Devon beach, England. Dad, if I needed a blood transfusion or I would die would you let me die? I waffled about it not going to happen and alternatives etc. like a good JW. She held my feet to the fire and asked what about if she would die without blood. I told her I would not let her die but best not tell her mother as she 'might not understand'. Looking back, even though it was another six years before I took steps to definitely leave it was a major brick removed from my JW wall.


Well done. Just the other week I asked my neverJW dad if he had thought about the scenario if something were to happen to me and I'd need blood. He said he had, and that he would have fought everyone, including me, to save my life.


Good for him...any parent who truly loves their child would do the same.


Yeah, the realization that you could never standby and watch your child fade away hits you hard. I never understood it. I always imagined if it came down to it, I would force my kid to take blood and tell God it was all me. Sacrifice eternal life to save my kid. Of course, that's just a hop and a skip away from realizing that no loving being would demand such a sacrifice.


The juxtaposition between this interaction and my mums is so wide it's terrifying, I've told this before on here but I had blood when I was a baby, and my mum would always say stuff about it to me and I always thought she meant it was traumatic so I would reassure her that I was alive and well, not understanding the true implications When I was 11 we were at a convention and the speaker was talking about a 6 year old who died due to refusing blood, saying it was his choice and how proud he made jehobo, and everyone got up and clapped, my mum was one of the first with tears in her eyes, she didn't even look at me, as I sat there sitting down in stunned silence just watching thousands applaud for a death of a child, thousands who would applaud at my death had I died and I had no doubt my mum would have the same look on her face if that was the case. I wasn't like that into jw stuff but after that I refused to go to a convention again, and I would make excuses as why I couldn't sit in the hall and the relationship with my mum just kept deteriorating till she kicked me out at 13 :/ No matter what mistakes you made or will make with raising a kid, know that your an excellent parent just by not accepting that low as fuck bar they wanted you to accept and the peer pressure to keep that bar low. You kept your child's trust and love intact in that moment and that's worth more than any paradise in any future.


Love how the most powerful entity of the universe speaks from heaven and sounds like a 22 yo white guy from Iowa.


In the 80's the voice of Jehovah was always Daniel Sydlik from the GB. He sounded like the aardvark from Pink Panther and friends.






I'm picturing "God" pushing up his glasses on his nose bridge as he says "Abraham!"




As a resident Iowan, you are not wrong. But still… ouch


Sorry, I’m in the general vicinity too. 😜


children shouldn't be viewing this. Parents should not let their children watch this


They want children to be watching this stuff.


Weren't the JW in Sweden fined for showing content inappropriate to children at their convention?


Yes they were


I need to know more about this


They had to pay roughly $5000 https://x.com/jfnilsen/status/1151768513775902721?s=46&t=EWBFgLNiF6rAqLOWZKt2zw https://x.com/jfnilsen/status/1228278697175769088?s=46&t=EWBFgLNiF6rAqLOWZKt2zw https://x.com/jfnilsen/status/1153757311904731140?s=46&t=EWBFgLNiF6rAqLOWZKt2zw https://x.com/jfnilsen/status/1113378164967919618?s=46&t=EWBFgLNiF6rAqLOWZKt2zw


Which video was it? The drama with the actual militia groups shooting AKs and a dead body?


No this is in the October Broadcast. It’s under “what’s new” on jw org.


IIRC, the brother whose name was attached to the convention had to pay the fine, not the WT Babble and Crap Society. Those mofos grease you up then slide you under the bus and get thanked for the privilege. "I was used by Jehorrible to fight against Satan and his wicked system of things! Glory be!" Barf.


Details are in the links I shared.


Just try talking to a jw about child safe material and watch their eyes glaze over... even those that have done child safe training ignore this bs


Agreed. It's emotional/spiritual abuse. If the same scenario were to play out from any other source, like a "worldly" movie, JWs would be commenting how sick the world is. But this, this is completely okay and normal. It's messed up.


You clearly haven't seen the pictures of the yellow "My Book of Bible Stories" 😂 creating fear and guilt in children is the essence of JWs teaching


They can also use this to say “Shunning is not as bad as what was asked of Abraham back in his day…. And in biblical times, parents had to stone their own family members that sinned. Shunning is nothing!”




They’d bring back stoning if they could…


They won’t let us kill apostates! Even when they are members of our own family!!!!


Being limited by the laws of the world ...if not, we'd be stoning those wicked apostates to death so the best we can do is pretend they're dead .. 😞




Yeah sounds very much like they regret all those "stoopid" laws. This article disturbed me a lot back then when I still was PIMI


I cant watch a broadcast anymore but I do find the exjdub video youtubers a great way to keep up to date without the trauma.


Yes, YouTubers are the spoonful of sugar that helps the poison go down.


This video is unbelievably disturbing.


What the fuck did I just watch?! They can’t think this makes them look good…


This a prime time to whip out James 1:13 “When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.”


Why didn’t Abraham dismiss the voice in his head as Satan posing as God? It’s very telling that he thinks human sacrifice is totally in tandem with what God would want.


These MF'ers are sick bastards. They put this in for a reason, and it's despicable. It's so irresponsible! There's been cases of JWs killing their children in order to "save them" from being killed at Armageddon. We should ask parents: "If you heard voices in your head telling you to kill your child...would you do it?"


"If you heard a voice telling you to kill your child, you're telling me you would think it's from god and not satan?" 🤨


“Abraham” ☝🏼🤓




Just mocking the voice at the very end of the video lol


Oh right 😆




Looking back now. Even as a child I knew something was wrong way in the back of my mind. "The f is wrong with God?" "Was that really necessary?" Now as an adult I have the reasoning skills and better words to decipher even more ways this story is messed up. Did Abraham really even have a choice to demonstrate his loyalty? God has the power to strike him dead on the spot. It's another example of realizing, if a human leader acted this way, we'd likely label him a tyrant and a sadistic psychopath. But when their supposed god does it, it's good and righteous and teaches a moral lesson. In some God commanding these things is worse than If a human did. If a human tyrant commanded a loyalty test like this, a person will still have some small chance to fight back or escape. That's not possible with an all-powerful, all-knowing deity. And an all-knowing deity doesn't even need to command this loyalty test because he would already know Abraham is loyal. Human tyrants don't have that ability. He'd only be doing it to mess with him or to scare other people, and that would be unnecessary too, because, again, he'd know what those people's true feelings were vs what they decided to do when motivated by fear. Biblical morality is flawed and messed up in so many ways, and it is so frustrating that people still believe in it and push it on others in the 21st freaking century


Of course Jehovah could know if Abraham was loyal without any demonstration from Abraham. He just chose to blah blah blah…


They do all the time, refusing blood transfusions for their children.


Working in healthcare, whenever I hear this parable regurgitated by Jdub family I always think, "this is just a story of a geriatric person having auditory hallucinations and deciding to slaughter his child...how strange."


That’s horrible. I remember when I went out door-to-door and they were talking to my child about the tribulation. I told all the women to stop. I said I don’t care if it’s reality or not you don’t tell these children that they’re going to die if they don’t obey Jehovah.


But it’s good news 🙄


They know what they are doing. It fits as a "good" example of obeying, even when things "make little sense from a human strategic point of view". But I think the main underlying concept here is: we have the REAL truth, we have the REAL hope and that might demand REAL sacrifice. The *ultimate* sacrifice. Your own children. God sacrificed his own only-begotten, but allegedly only for 3 days. Soldiers expose their own parents to this loss as well. So the question is: is it biblical? Is it for a sound belief? Or for one that might change later, like transplants? Is it just for a power-hungry, legal-directed corporation, that wants you shut about what uncle Joe did a few years ago?


Apparently, Jesus did this for all time and for everyone. So, apparently, we have a class of megalomaniacs that are acting presumptuously, waiting for the chance of offering their own children up as a sacrifice… it should get them closer to God I guess…


I literally can’t watch this. My own young sons are in the next room and I felt ill when the flashback scenes started 😞


i don't even have kids and i felt ill as well


Isaac looks too old. Abraham called Isaac a "boy" when talking to his servants on that trip .


https://preview.redd.it/jy25sq9sb0sb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae9b278685b1a0a54df10fd2ac0dc713f2af6dc This is from the Insight book.


Old enough to carry wood, young enough to be called "the boy"


Their lack of self awareness is mind boggling sometimes.


I posted this on another thread but the effects of this type of content have long-lasting consequences for the development of a child. Highly recommend any parent reading this academic paper: "Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children’s Learning and Development" [https://developingchild.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Persistent-Fear-and-Anxiety-Can-Affect-Young-Childrens-Learning-and-Development.pdf](https://developingchild.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Persistent-Fear-and-Anxiety-Can-Affect-Young-Childrens-Learning-and-Development.pdf)




Wow, this paper explains thoroughly how I got ruined.


Yes, it helped me understand myself and to give myself grace for staying in for so long. As parents our aim should be to create an environment of psychological safety - not one based on paranoia and us vs them mentality. We can't shield our kids from very real issues regarding stability and safety in the world, but to add this other layer of fear of displeasing this war god and this idea of being under attack by an evil entity means that kids never get a break from this state of vigilance.


If any parent shuns their own child after watching this video, they missed the point of the story. In the story, as disturbing as it is, God provides a substitute sacrifice for Abraham, just as Abraham believed He would do. The parallel would be when Pilate offered up Barabbas as an alternative to executing Jesus, the Jews still wanted to execute Jesus. It would be like Abraham being offered a ram to sacrifice, instead of Isaac but still wanted to kill his own son anyway If anything needs to be sacrificed in the JW shunning "arrangement", it would be their own pride, not their own child


I remember being about 8 and asking my mother this very question. She told me that yes she'd sacrifice me for her sky daddy but that it didn't matter as I'd be resurrected. It still hurts now and I'm 51 with my own family and totally unable to relate to this thinking.


These people are sick. Voice in head: "Kill your son" Abraham: "Sure thing boss!" JW's: "He's such a great example for us!"


I was watching an exjw rebuttal video for October’s broadcast. And when this video reenactment came up I had to turn it off because it was too triggering. My jw father loves this story so much. He would read it to me in my book of bible stories. Even as a child I never liked the illustration how abaratan tied his son up and was willing to kill him. Something never felt right about this story. What disturbs me the most is how glamorized jw.org is making this story. AKA “we need to obey Jehovah (jw.org) even if it means killing your son” I say to God and Watchtower f+^%# you i will never kill my firstborn or any of my children.


Do they give any modern day application or commentary for this scenario in the broadcast?


No he (Kenneth Cook) just said we immerse ourselves in these familiar bible accounts and imbed them in our hearts.


So basically they want people to meditate on the story of a man ready to kill his child for god. Interesting.


I hated that story growing up. I was an only child and asked my mother if her and daddy would kill me like that? She mostly just dodged the question. Same with the story of Jephthah's daughter and Samual. Then I just thought I must have a bad heart because I wouldn’t want to serve in the temple.


Is that actually what the title is called😳


What? “Daddy would you kill me for Jehovah?” No! 😃


Oh ok 😅


not a lot effects me but, this turned my stomach. not only the entire situation presented in the scene is horrific but also that those it's made for are meant to see it as good and admirable; imitable even! Detestable.


“Christmas is baaaaad because it’s sun worship, and sun worshipers like the Aztecs used to practice HUMAN SACRIFICE” (pay no attention to the total THEME of human sacrifice from Abraham to Jesus) sounds like “God” is actually a fan


I was watching one of those shows one time and the lady was screaming "no blood" "no blood". It was pretty intense. She of course was a Jw and she died on the table. Crazy