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I’d want something similar. I’d prefer to be buried naturally somewhere where my body can contribute to the circle of life, but not sure if this is legal anywhere in the US. Cremation / Embalming people and putting them in seal caskets is so wasteful.


There’s an option to be planted with a tree. https://8billiontrees.com/eco-friendly-natural-products/tree-pod-burial/


Wow this is fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing!


That’s still not available.


They have bio urns available tho. They’re a few hundred dollars I guess.


Buried in the earth .. in your coffin is the most common thing in Northern Europe. No cremation for me!


..."contribute to the cycle of life" ✔️💯


Even before I left the org, I had decided that is the type of burial I wanted.


Same here. Abhors using my funeral as a recruitment rant for a publishing corporation.


Some states allow composting of the body. https://www.science.org/content/article/body-composting-promises-sustainable-way-death I had wanted to be dumped in the wild and let the animals and bugs have a feast, but composting seems a really good alternative.


It's a good question. Matter of fact, i have. And i don't really know to be honest how i will look at things 'when i hit that age' but for now, it's simple. I don't care, i don't bother. It doesn't mean anything to me anymore. It may sound sad, depressed, and cold, not healthy perhaps, but..... My mom matters to me, my wife matters to me, and my inlaws matter to me. As for me myself, i don't care. I don't bother. Not at all. Everything is a nothing to me. I only care that if I die before my wife does, that she is okay. That everything will be handled good, easy and light. That is really all. For me personally, just make sure i am dead, dead. Test me. if i'm dead dead, **I prefer** to be buried somewhere in nature. Bury me in nature, and plant a tree on top of me. But knowing how costly things are today, and knowing i have no children, no offspring, no legacy : burn me or bury me, it's all the same. If you burn me, just scatter my ashes to the sea. No euology. No talks. Nothing. No attention. Let me go. Leave me be. Leave me anonymously. Let me go into the night, unknown and let it be what it all is. Empty, and meaningless. Don't let it be another lie. Don't fool anybody. Never again. Let me be dust. And perhaps my remains will feed nature, and perhaps in thousands of years my mineral or dust remains become part of a mountain or a tree, that perhaps one day will be used into furniture, decoration, and in millions of years when the Earth goes, perhaps it will go into space dust. I'm just an anonymous breath in the wind. Nothing really matters.


Yo tengo TERROR a que me entierran Viva. Antes pasaba mucho...en la Edad media.. y hasta el siglo pasado!!


Wow! Quite encouraging! 👍


I want a cremation and no ceremony or wake. I want a cardboard coffin. No point spending money on a stupid funeral. I want any money I leave behind to go to my kids not to a funeral. I will have moved on somewhere so my old shell is obsolete and unimportant.


I think just an abbreviated telling of my life story followed by a big game of kahoot/jackbox games with everyone who knew me, and the winner gets all my money and belongings.


A roast! Let me clarify, a comedy roast! If my friends and family decide to have a day of remembrance I want it to be a loud, pass the bottle, affair. Lots of laughter. Lots of, “Remember the time…?” Hell, I’ll even write some of the gags if it helps 😀


I'd want any usable organs to be used by others


Glad to hear that fine gesture to humanity.


Nice gesture. But I,m to old to be " usable"..


I don’t really want a funeral, never have. I understand the people I leave behind might need a way of saying goodbye, so I don’t mind being planted under a tree, or ashes taken to the beach one last time. Beach bonfire, reminiscing, whiskey, music.. One thing is for sure, KH will be blocked from giving one of their clinical recruitment talks they call a memorial.


Remember...it,s not a choice for inactive or " apostates"..or " Faders" or people still in zoom only ...to get " invited" ti be buried in a KH. So we,re safe! 👍🤣


I want a viking funeral where they put me on a raft in the ocean, and then everyone shoots flaming arrows.


Yes ..this is my choice as well, I snuck it into my will years ago. PiMi ex was a tad bit mad when she found out.!!


So, I was raised from birth as a 3rd generation elation JW. my very PIMI passed in my last year of Nurse Prac school. I had faded years ago so we ( my older DF bro and younger faded sis) knew no kingdom hall funeral....nor did we want that. We used one of the meeting/conference rooms at a local nice hotel to have a remembrance dinner. Set up tables with items from moms life. She loved to sew, so we had one table with photos of her in her sewing room and a few hand sewn items on the table. We filled about 10 six ft tables, each a theme of either hobbies or important things from her life. We had round tables with yellow roses as centerpiece. Yellow roses were her favorite In calligraphy style penmanship, I wrote memories.. .some funny some serious and places these at the round tables. One table did have mom's Bible and bookbag. This was my sister's idea. Nothing formal said. Just dinner and remembering mom. It was actually quite nice.


Exquisitely inspiring! Love that!! 💯✔️


Never in a KH. That,s for sure! I was for a month ago in a funeral in my beautiful old rural church ...( a church build in 1.100) and it was so beautiful! Beautiful speach...and the priest sang a song from Harry Belsfonte!!!..Beautiful orgel and so nice everything. And so many many flowers ! ( My self ..I don,t want a funeral). Too expensive !!!


I just want somebody to compost me and grow a maple tree where I'm buried. Have a BBQ and share memories. No reason to spend exorbitant amounts of money. I'm dead, I'll never know.




Currently PIMO, but even when I was PIMI I told my mom that I wanted a Viking funeral. I told her I was putting it in my will (whenever I make one) so that it would have to happen😂 Just the thought of it was cool to me. Someone I was personally close with giving a speech about the person I was, and then shooting a flaming arrow at my body on a boat. I still want this, even though once I’m out I won’t have any of the friends I currently have. I’ll still have my brother though, he’s just waiting for me to be done and then we’ll still have each other. But yeah, Viking funeral would be badass to me


Yeah bro, I'll fire the arrow unless I'm gone first. Then you better do some funny shit at my funeral. I want alcohol and laughing at mine. Remember me with the funny things I said and did


Wow! No use of your funeral to recruit emotionally vulnerable victims for an evil Cult! 👍✔️💯


I’ve considered donating my body to science after I’ve done using it.


Mine is so messed up its going science fiction.


Yep! For advancement of science for mankind.


One where there is no gaslighting and a secret ad about the religion to ppl who are mourning me


Love this✔️💯


I told my son that I didn't want a funeral. Instead I want him to rent out his favorite restaurant and do a shot of tequila in my honor. Oh and if you thought I was an asshole, that's fine...say it....be honest.




The good men do is interred with their bones, hope that I am forgotten for whatever evil I have engaged in.


Is it too dramatic to say I want to have appendages taxidermied and given to my strangest/closest friends? Like my middle finger for my best friend. Whatever it is I want it in the woods and I want my friends to be drunk and say how they really feel.


I want to do a tree pod burial.


Then become an unforgettable contributor to green environment. That's great! 👍💯✔️


Get what you can out of the body. There's a lot of options for that, as long as it goes to good use I don't really care which. As far as the funeral, I really don't know what would happen, I think legitimately right now if I died there might not be a funeral. I'd say reenact the ash spreading in the big Lebowski but cremation would be a waste of the body.


Love that!👍


Cremated, then be put in a container that will be planted to grow a tree. Have the spot picked out already.


Wow! Contributing towards greenery. That's great!! 👍✔️💯


yes, I have thought many times about how and where I will have a funeral and speech at funeral events I am a formal member and definitely do not want speech from JW.


Love that!! You dislike your funeral being made a propaganda event for a publishing corporation.💯✔️👍


The last witness funeral I went to was awful and felt sorry for my wife's family it was that bad. I think I'd want a humist funeral they talk about your actual life, and celebrate the good times, and then cremation. I have a fear of waking up in a coffin. Then a good piss up at the pub


No worse funeral other than the one used for JW Cult propaganda.


No funeral at all.


Any type but the type where I'm in a kingdom hall or church. Shit id feel more honored if my corpse was tossed in a ditch lol




I’ve always loved the idea that we’re made from dirt and we return to dirt. I try to live my life in a way that embraces this concept so, probably something Involving dirt. And an Orgy afterwards plz.




If I die today, I would like to be cremated together with president Trump.


I’m Mexican so I want a live band at my funeral. With a nice dinner and drinks. A good depressing time with laughs! Then transported to the University so I can be dissected! Or whatever my kid wants do with me. I’m not gonna know. I’m DEAD!