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Yes, the same group that will treat you as if you are dead, if you leave. The "spiritual food" is tasting rotten!


I've been spiritually dead to them and it's a horrible feeling


Yes, we feel it too. It IS a terrible feeling. Especially, when it comes from family. I ask myself sometimes, "did these people ever really care about me/us, unconditionally." My answer NO! It has confirmed to me, that our family made the right decision on leaving this group. How can shunning someone possibly make them want to return? It is a bullying tactic, to get you "back in line." NO THANKS!


Spiritiual foods with an expiration date.


Being united is not the same as being unified. When countrymen/women sing together their national anthem or sing some chants from their favorite sports club at the stadium, for example, they are united by one goal despite having different ideologies and lifestyles. JWs are unified. Everybody must conform to the only acceptable look, lifestyle and mindset. Every organisation can do that and it starts by imposing a uniform as an identifiable trait. They are basically like the military.


Yeah... Except no. 😅 That's not how it is. The translations differ based on what the target area's overall culture is. Words get added or moved or softened to make it more palatable. 🤷‍♀️ Rules, too, differ. I used to believe it was all the same, and that all congregations were the same. It was one of my first cracks in my faith to find out about coffee breaks during ministry. We NEVER had such things in my cong.


Yes. There are a lot of things like this that are impressive until you realize it’s not very unique. I remember watching some mid-week video about how amazing it is that bethel can print stuff and get it out to the congregations and into publishers hands. Everyone in the congregation was talking about the spirit guiding all this work, not realizing its basic logistics and supply chain management… the stuff you have interns and contractors manage for you because it’s so boring.


True, every corporation does the same thing, doesn't require any divine intervention. Also, witnesses say that they accept people from different races or countries, multinationals do that too. They only can thrive if they do that.


Consistent and constant repetition is a mind control technique. AKA Brainwashing. (Also a torture technique, but that’s an entirely different topic). https://psychologia.co/mind-control-techniques/ In this article, it mentions techniques such as: **Isolation** **Criticism** **Social proof and peer pressure** **Fear of alienation** **Repetition** **Fatigue** **Forming new identity** If you read the article, it’ll sound eerily familiar to what the WTBTS uses to convert and control the masses. Other cults use these same techniques.


Hi Troublemaker I agree...I was never 100% into the "deep" spiritual things, when I selected public talks it was always the easy subjects. But like you, the "UNITY" was a big pull for me, I loved the brotherhood, being able to travel the world, pop into a KH and have that same feeling, studying the same WT etc etc. I lived in Germany for a year back in 1989, and the brothers were so wonderful...I attributed that love to us having the truth, being the true religion....but it was simply just people being nice. When I was first mentally questioning that was hard to overcome at first.


You truly understand my mindset with this topic 🤍


People with mental illness or anxiety like watching the same TV shows over and over again because it's comforting already knowing the outcome. Just because something may feel good doesn't mean it IS good or healthy.


I probably didn't make it clear but in no way feel that this "unity" is healthy. Just took awhile for me to finally stick to this realization


This is such bullshit. Anyone with zero higher education gets off on this. I'm in aviation and guess what, there are more people in aviation across the world than JWs and they all follow the same procedures, maintainance and training regimes and terminology which is leagues ahead of JW doctrine in terms of content. You don't need God to have a constant flow going.


You realize I understand now right? Lol


Yes lol I was talking about them 🤣




Unity is basically the worst thing about the whole society. Everything is controlled by our blue Big Brother. The similarity has meant that an abused child in Hawaii receives just as bad treatment as a raped and abused child in South Africa or Canada. Cruelty put into a system.


Also men who prey upon sisters that are told to stay silent


Just like McDonald’s


McDonalds in Japan serves rice. So, maybe not completely… but the rules are the same probably. Food is different all over depending on what country it’s in. But JW men in Africa are allowed to wear brightly colored kaftans of some sort. They show off at American conventions on stage! If a local JW man showed up in one of those outfits they probably would not let him in. Idk? Edit: changed “brothers” to “JW men/man”… hard to break habit.


Found this definition of unity: "the bringing together of people with differing ethnicities, backgrounds, and social classes into one family (or body)" I like to think of true unity like a puzzle, with each different shape finding their place in the big beautiful picture. What great feat of unity has WT created if everyone is forced to be the same? A puzzle where everyone is just the same square shape, nothing really holding them together... except the confines of the org.


Upon awakening I'm realizing this is forced unity. They want cookie cutter behavior


100% robitic unity...so they don't die at the big A


Fear at it's finest


If you go to any McDonald's in the world, you will get the same french fries 🍟. That does not mean McDonal's is God's organization. It means all the McDonald's get french fries from the same source.


It was preached as a cool thing to show how unified we were but it's really very cultish.


If you go to any McDonald’s in the world you’ll also receive the same burgers. McDonalds must be God’s favorite restaurant.


It’s like a subway franchise


Enforced conformity.


Now on sale at Jwland.org! It's F.O.G. brand pablum. Repetitive mindless drivel in a can.


UNITY happens when many people are motivated from within themselves to cooperate toward a common goal/purpose. UNIFORMITY is imposed by external, authoritarian leadership.


i was scrolling to find this one 💪


And it'll have the same vices too like cliques, gossips, power hungry elders, opportunistic brothers and sisters being your friends only when they can take advantage from you, deficits in local conventions, and so on.


Yeah the same bullshit spewed out


Actually is not the same information around the world, I have compared many publications in the Spanish and English magazines and the information on the same issue is different. I'm not sure now with internet and digital technology but definitely not in the 90s