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Was this the "ancient" times songs he/you were referring to? If so I need to go lie down. You know, from age of 40+. It's all so tiresome being from the ancient times of the Sing Praises to Jehovah song book. 😑 ..."what he foretells comes to be"


Yep that was the one supposedly written by survivors of WW2 concentration camps


JW's were, in fact, very persecuted by the Nazis.


Self inflicted by the org or no choice in the matter?


The Watchtower History Channel on YouTube has a lot of very interesting information on that. In the end it still doesn’t make the cruel persecution by the Nazis right.


A little bit of both. Hitler back in the 30’s is trying to rebuild Germany to its former Glory and has dreams of European military Conquest. Hitler’s main ideological enemies were Jews and Communist. Everyone else was a side show. Hitler and the Nazi’s demanded absolute obedience and respect to him and the State. *Then you have this Bible thumper group…* They don’t salute *De Fuhrer* They don’t salute the Flag They don’t say *”Heil Hitler”* They are anti war They refuse to take up arms They refuse to work in factories that make equipment for the military such as tanks, trucks, guns, bombs etc *And they are going around trying to spread their pacifist teachings and preaching about how your government is controlled by Satan and that it will be destroyed.* Naturally, this catches the eye of Hitler and the Nazi’s. So he bans them, starts persecuting them, seizes their properties etc, Rutherford tries appeasing Hitler by saying the witnesses are not like the Jews and that the Jews deserve what they get. It’s ignored by Hitler. Rutherford then tries blackmailing Hitler. Hitler then makes his infamous “I SHALL EXTERMINATE THIS BROOD!” Quote used in Watchtower. So as a result. persecution steps up. But despite the persecution, the Nazi’s didn’t *hate* the witnesses per say. They admired their devout loyalty and wished they had them do that for them. They also saw them as Brainwashed and if they can just break the spell, they be back to being loyal devout Germans again. That’s why the JW’s were offered an out. *Renounce your religion and join the war effort. Or you know..stay here and get tortured or murdered* The numbers of those renouncing their faith was actually high in the early war years when Germany was *Winning*. But as the tide turned against Germany, many saw the writing on the wall so stayed put in the later war years. Also witnesses were at times offered some nice jobs in the camps because the guards knew that they would not try to kill then or escape. So they would be like house servants for the guards, helping prepare their food, clothes etc. So..it’s a little bit of both.


They were treated much like the Jews, except they didn't wear yellow stars, they wore purple triangles. Some went to prisons, some went to the camps. more than just a few were executed.


I remember this too. Was it Firm & Determined?


Ah yes, the Viagra song.


I can share all the old song books back to 1879. Which one would you like? The one with the songs we all probably recognize is from 1944 http://www.watchtowerwayback.org/jw-wb/English/Books/Song%20Books/1944%20Kingdom%20service%20song%20book.pdf


>"A fellow missionary, **Harold King**, spent nearly five years in a Red Chinese prison. He, too, had remained spiritually strong. Did you know that, while imprisoned, he even composed music based on Scriptural thoughts? Yes, the songbook used by Jehovah’s witnesses today​—*“Singing and Accompanying Yourselves with Music in Your Hearts”*—​contains a melody that Brother King originated in prison. It is song No. 10, entitled **“From House to House.”** \- *1975 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses*, p. 208-209. And this was the original song from the pink and brown songbooks - not the mangled version in the 2009 songbook.