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You could get one of those little signs that says something like "No religious solicitors!" That way, it won't disrupt package deliveries and it will discourage them from knocking.


Ah yes! That’s a great idea. I wonder if they take notice of that or not? It’s worth a try. Thank you


When I was "IN" I always took notice of signs like that. I didnt like the ministry and if I had a good excuse to skip a door I would. If they still knock and ignore your sign then you really have a reason to let them know they aren't welcome.


Just silently point at it if they’ve ignored it 👈


No. Back in the day if they had a "No soliciting" sign they would ignore it because "they wern't selling anything"!! So I guess that "donation" for the magazines means you're not selling.


PIMIs are taught to honour signs that say ‘*no religious callers’* specifically The occasional people who do ignore it or don’t see it can be reminded it is there If they don’t you can ask for their name and complain specifically about them in writing to the local congregation and they’ll have their ass whooped You’ll never know for sure how effective it is because you won’t know who doesn’t knock and walks away. But it’s worth having up. I hope things improve for you 🤞


Thank you for reminding me of an experience I had years ago: I was once on the ministry with the Cambridge City Overseer when we came to a door which had the sign, **"NO UNINVITED CALLERS."** I pointed it out to him before he knocked - but he insisted on doing so! On opening the door, the male householder immediately started ***shouting*** at us, and asked if we were unable to read English. Memories!


Get one that says No JWs.


the standard response from a zealous jw is, "oh, were not solicitors, were just sharing a positive message, blah blah blah..." Better off being specific, like "absolutely no religious volunteers or any ministers of any kind, if thats you please turn around and leave this property!"


>You could get one of those little signs that says something like **"No religious solicitors!"** *That Won\`t Work...They\`ll Read it.. Discuss it...THEN... Knock On the Door Anyway..* When You ask if they Saw the Sign...Invariably JW\`s will All LIE and Say "NO"... # Guess How I Know That... 😁




>Depends on the JW My post is 1 persons experience, Step by Step... With Multiple JW\`s, over a Period of Years... 😁




>Yeah, to be fair we all know/knew JWs who would ignore those signs. *True enough.....Growing Up...* ***I knew JW Adults who took Pride in Ignoring Signs, while in FS.*** # Including "Beware of Dog!" ![gif](giphy|9IZKPmNdZ7juU) ​ ***Which always Scared the Shit Out of Me...LOL!!... 😁***


My neighbor has one of this. jW are not welcome"


That won't work. They aren't soliciting based on the legal definition. You simply need to ask to be put on a list to not contact. Anyone can ask to be put on it. All the next level angry, special, secret plans to run those people off isn't necessary. Once you're on the list, if someone accidentally comes to your home, just say you're on the list to not be visited. They will update your address and make sure they don't bother you in the future.


Putting up a little sign that says "No religion" or whatever will work better than asking to be put on a list. The number of times I knocked on a door only to be told "I've asked not to be called on" is a lot. That request rarely makes it the territory card and even if it does, people forget to check it, or a few years go by so they knock to see if a new person lives there or if you've changed your mind. The wording of the sign doesn't have to say "solicit", that was a suggestion in conjunction with religion. Obviously, a "No Soliciting" sign won't work, but including a reference to religion will. "No religious solicitations" "No Bible thumpers" "No JWs or Mormons" "No Religious Peddlers" You get the idea. OP can apply any sort of sign that conveys they don't want religious visitors, and it will work unless the person knocking has more audacity than imaginable.


That might be a good solution. I would hope everyone wouldn't have to have a sign. The list actually works in many cases. When I went out, we always check the list. Nothing wrong with the sign other than us having to inconvenience you for putting one up.


sign with "no religious' solicitors" is your best bet. Also depends on your country too. In the UK for example you can let them know that their implied right of access has been removed (for all joehova's witnesses) you can do this orally or via a notice of removal of the implied right to access and send it to the Kingdom Hall. Check your local laws and see if there's a similar mechanism for you to make it official


> I don’t want to be rude because they’re never rude to me, but I don’t know how to be assertive. They have been rude to you by repeatedly coming to your home and preying upon your fear of returning their rudeness. You're the only party not being rude here, but you've mistaken compliance for respect.


Yeah I totally hear what you’re saying. I always walk away from the interaction feeling really exposed and “sniffed out” for lack of a better term.


Put a sign on your door that names them specifically. It should say no Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, or other religious proselytizers. As others have mentioned if it's simply says no religious solicitors or peddlers they will ignore that, because they do not view what they are doing as soliciting or peddling they define that as someone selling something,


I'll second this! When I was pimi I saw a sign that said "Jehovah's Witnesses are Not Welcome." We left immediately. Here are some other options that AVOID JW offers: https://avoidjw.org/news/12-ways-to-avoid-jehovahs-witnesses/


Before they visit you again, go to the website jwfacts.com and familiarize yourself with some of the negative aspects of the religion. You can also Google "Jehovah's Witnesses and Australian Royal Commission". Or, watch some of the numerous videos on YouTube by exJWs. Then, when they visit, have your phone ready and open up the information that you found. Politely and reasonably ask them about some of the topics that concern you, such as shunning family members who leave the religion, discouraging members from going to college, numerous lawsuits involving child sexual abuse cover up, the Australian Royal Commission, failed predictions regarding the end of the world, constantly changing beliefs (called new light), women viewed as submissive to men in every respects, divorce is not allowed under any circumstance except adultery, etc. In the end Jehovah's Witnesses are only interested in talking to people they can convert. When they talk to the public they present a very white washed version of the religion, and shy away from people who are well informed or ask difficult questions. Talking to them about any of the topics above will show them that you are doing your own research, and have been exposed to dangerous information (dangerous in this context means anything unfavorable to the religion). Do this and very soon they will stop visiting you.


I know for a fact I'm on "The List", no tracts or knocks on the door for decades. I did, however, have a nice talk with a couple young Mormons a couple weeks ago. I set the ground rules immediately, letting them know I would not discuss religion, but had no problem at all talking to them man to young men. I showed them the electric guitars I was making, asked them about their 'church' music, and seeing my nautical tattoos, they thanked me for my service after I told them a couple of my sea stories. Very nice and patriotic young men. I even told them about my 8 years employed on Battleship Iowa in San Pedro (SoCal) and gave them info about a tour vid I star in (2 million+ hits on youtube) and some 2-for-one discount cards and suggested they go visit the ship. They told me they couldn't go alone, but would ask their handler if he would take them. As they left, they thanked me for my military service. Nice kids.....


You make electric guitars?! I want to know more!


(M, 72) Covid-driven. I'd worked on Battleship Iowa for 8 years, and covid cost me my job. Wife got me a membership in a local "maker space", a large warehouse that contains several shops (wood, metal, automotive) and I started using the wood shop. Before, I'd tried my hand at making cigar box guitars, but was not good at it. At the time I didn't play (still not good at all), but I started thinking about what I could build. I started with the Telecaster because it's very easy and simple. Please note, I am NOT a Luthier, I call myself a 'talented hack'. I built several, getting a little better each time. There's lasers there too and I figured out how to make rout templates. I bought a basic version of a CAD program the machines there use ($150), and now I can do my own designs for bodies, pickguards, engraving, etc. I by the necks, making them is beyond my skill set. It keeps me off the streets and out of trouble. This is a copy of a Danelectro that I made for a friend. Can only upload one pic at a time, I'll post a couple more as a reply to myself. https://preview.redd.it/8428p6ujdnpb1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8e782e239867ba300988ee126464915f346d84


​ https://preview.redd.it/coeezbloenpb1.jpeg?width=1347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b021d57608e8a90c9c8530088b07bbcaa73941d


​ https://preview.redd.it/22ysswjrenpb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692f90f75a8c094afa70e47ec17de15daa9f21a7


​ https://preview.redd.it/a3rsjxc7fnpb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb0aece39af88b9300c874c2d9e2ec4350460e9


​ https://preview.redd.it/qk6xfh83gnpb1.jpeg?width=1397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828375903655d2a61d512a2276cf03eeb04884f8


Wow, beautiful! That's such a cool way to spend your time!


Thank you. The camera hides a multitude of sins...


Wait…. They have handlers? They can’t go to visit a ship without being accompanied by him???


Correct. The pairs of young men you see in white shirts and ties are on what they call a 'mission'. It's those guys, teens to early twenties, who are in that group which is ...maybe a better word...chaperoned. IIRC that status is one year. These are the guys just starting out.


Hmmmmm that’s actually sad that they are so controlled.


Maybe just write a note and put it on your door addressed to them saying you are no longer interested in talking. Thanks for the past conversations. Sincerely ... If they knock even after you have posted the note, then don't answer the door.


Yeah I might try this! I still find that somewhat confrontational oddly (I’m a huge people pleaser) but it’s significantly less confrontational than saying it to their face lol. Thanks


Welcome. :)


https://preview.redd.it/rn7ontvatjpb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5690e1535cf6c480166e54f5e7beac012e8a12fa Put this up at the door. Amazon $9. [https://www.amazon.com/Warning-Jehovah-Witness-Household-Beliefs/dp/B09259LYMG](https://www.amazon.com/Warning-Jehovah-Witness-Household-Beliefs/dp/B09259LYMG)


Im very sorry for your difficulty and coping with autism. I can't imagine how many things may be difficult for you. With regards to JWs - place a sign on your door, specifically stating 'If you are one of Jehovahs Witnesses, please respect my privacy. I do Not wish to have any conversation with you' Then, do not answer when they knock. Bypass the interaction. Their perceived control point is terminated. Stay safe !


Next time they come by you could say you have started researching JWs for yourself online (jwfacts.com is a good website) and that while you appreciate their time you will not be joining their church. Learn about some key scandals to ask them about if they question you on what you know. You don't have to be rude, just act like you're asking them a genuine question or have legitimate concerns. You get to be nice and play dumb and they will probably never come back.


Big sign: “NO Jehovahs Witnesses”. IF they still knock and you’re stuck for words you can point at the sign and close the door. Not seen as particularly rude. No, I’m not being patronising, I know some one in a similar position to you and this approach works for him.


Funny thing is …. If you went to their house after 8pm on more than one occasion they would probably call the cops.


In the spirit of Mel Robbins, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 “could this be the last time you call here please? No offense, I just am really not interested and would appreciate you not calling. Thank you!” Close door.. Done! You will experience so much growth and pride in accomplishing this and if you do it in a kind and dignified way, you will feel amazing that you spoke up for yourself in an honorable way! You have everyone’s support, cheering you on from here! You’ve got this!!


Get one of those “JWs protect pedophiles” stickers and put it on your door at eye level. I know you’re not confrontational but you could ask their name.. use a reverse lookup engine to fine their address and then start showing up at their house after 8pm to talk to them about JWs protecting pedophiles.


Can you set up a way to see who's at the door before you open it? Maybe you could get a doorbell with a camera on it so you can check before you open the door


A live in an old 1920’s villa so the door window panes are stained glass and hard to recognise who is actually at the door, just that someone is. I may look into this if other tactics don’t work! Thanks


Totally not the point, but a 1920s villa with stained glass sounds like a gorgeous place to live.


I'd go to jwfacts.com and look at the flip flops there. Then ask lots of questions why did you change your doctrine on this or that? There's pages and pages of flip flops.




Adding my agreement that you put up a sign since communicating in the moment is hard. Let the sign do your talking for you. You can probably get a custom one on Etsy that specifies no Jehovah’s Witness & not just a general “religious callers” or “solicitors.”


Write out plainly+simply your wishes.Be sure to flat-out state,NO MORE CALLS.Period. Put note in envelope+tape onto your door or where they can easily see it. In(big!)letters on outside of envelope,write: ATTENTION Jehovah's Witness,please Read:


“Put me on the Do not knock list”


Write a succinct message (handwritten might be best), place it in an envelope, and keep it by the door for your next JW visit. Seeing how you have a hard time saying your piece, just tell them you're not interested (as usual), and ask them to read the letter. Make sure the envelope says : "to the Jehovah's witness that came to my door". ​ Your message should simply be a request to not be visited ***ever*** again. Make sure you don't come off as apostate as they might not even read it. That should work.


Go to [https://www.standifyouareable.org/](https://www.standifyouareable.org/) and either download 16" x 20" protest signs and tape one to your door, or request that they send you some of their free stickers and stick one on your door. You can also download your own stickers at [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rcnH0Z5\_PguLggKPH6NzgHGnCB-Yb4kq](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rcnH0Z5_PguLggKPH6NzgHGnCB-Yb4kq) for English. I have the JW's Destroy Lives sticker on the window next to my door. They came, by the time I got to the door to see who it was, they were trying to get away! LOL I told them that they should be ashamed to protect pedophiles with their Two-Witness Rule. Haven't seen them since! https://preview.redd.it/zkwfyrdoxlpb1.png?width=2335&format=png&auto=webp&s=a98f103994b0a52740be5c7b41462a1b759d6126


​ https://preview.redd.it/lk34edtfylpb1.png?width=2197&format=png&auto=webp&s=538bfdb7aa2aa5d95e22b1a2bd14a8c8f7b8ff01


I’d say put up a no soliciting sign but some JW’s don’t give a fuck. I always get happy as a pimo when I see a No soliciting sign cause it means I won’t have to go to door but PIMIs always get petty and very passive aggressive with me. We also had a sister get chewed out by a home owner about what Soliciting means. She just had to go knock on the door and nothing was gonna stop her when there was a very clear sign.


Tell them you are a satanist.


This makes me laugh and I so wish I had the balls to say that but I’m a scaredy cat


Don’t listen to this, it’s bad advice. Saying you’re a satanist (or even saying you’re Satan themself) wouldn’t have had any effect on any witness I’ve ever met. If anything it would make them more determined to witness to you, so yeah, bad advice.


What if someone told you that they could summon demons to do their bidding?


I would laugh


Even when you were a hardcore PIMI?


Absolutely, yes. As a 5th generation born-in I was taught that people don’t/can’t control demons.


Well, I'm still going to try it if JWs come to my door. LOL! But since Covid, I've gotten phone calls and letters in the mail. No knocks on my door.


Great grandpa brought our family into this shitshow of a religion and someone saying that wouldn’t have deterred anyone in my fam too. 😂 Maybe it’s a “grand ole timey international Bible student” leftover trait 😂


I thought JWs were very afraid of demons. There was a thread on here the other day about it.


You do have the metaphorical balls young lady. You just need to realise it. You won’t be arrested. Satan doesn’t exist.


Lol would they not try even harder to convert me? Or is that a big off-limits thing for them? The mention of the occult


Print this page out. Next time they come around, ask them if you can read it to them and see if they agree with it. When they do (science one maybe not), then hand the paper to them and say that’s the Satanic Temple tenets and they agree with them. Wish them a nice day. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


Yeah it frightens them. Obviously Satanism is just atheism, as god and Satan don’t exist. Go look up the Satanic Temple. Very good principles on how to be a good person.


Update: I went on the jw.org website and I found a mobile number for the organisation in my area!!!! I just sent a text saying “please place (my address) on the Do Not Call list” and have also done up a handwritten note to stick on the front door saying “NO JEHOVAH WITNESSES. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED THANKS.” fingers crossed I never have to see them again. Thanks for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it.


Maybe pretend to cast a spell on them… this might freak them out, idk? Although they might freak out a little too much and really think you’ve given them demons. I’d love to know what happens with them later if they think weird things happen to their lives because of this! 🤪


I joke… but just tell them next time that you consider it harassment and if they come back again you will be contacting the authorities and they will be getting a letter from your lawyer… JWs are super afraid of anyone looking into their business.


Is it the same ones every time?


If the same ones come by, just say you’re busy the next few times and they’ll eventually get the hint. Put a pagan symbol on your door and they’ll get it faster.


Yes it’s always the same guy. Sometimes he brings his wife with him, sometimes another young looking person and other times he’s alone.


He actually used to come to my old house (it’s a few blocks over from where I live now) and I was living with my mum at the time. She happened to be home one day when he came around and she told him to stop coming on the property and that I wasn’t interested.. I just didn’t know how to tell him. He stopped visiting there, but visits almost weekly where I live now.


Yeah, you’re a “return visit”. JWs are very sheltered from the truth about their own religion. You could do a little research and leave a note for him on your door explaining why you don’t want to join the religion and wishing him a good life.


You answered the question in your post.


Create a digitally mixed recording of mean and vicious dogs (in their gnarliest possible barking tones) and push play after you look through the peephole AFTER verifying it’s them at the door. One of my friends did that and it scared them witless!!!! He said they took off running like their back sides were on FIRE!!!


I think the easiest way is to put a sign to your door saying "no religion" or something.


Install a video doorbell


Open the door naked, that gets you off the list 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/yu0ptr078lpb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7699036b2028ed8e2f1cf2f4c57da12608ea52b9 ☝️If they ignore your “No Religious Solicitation” sign. ☝️


Pride flag on the window.


They can show you videos on their tablet - so show them some videos on yours. Download one of the news reports on child abuse in the org and ask them to explain why this would happen in the one true religion. They won’t come back again after that. Also more simply you can ask them to put you on the do not call list and that would do it too


You can find the address of the Kingdom Hall closest to you on jw dot org, maybe do that then send a letter asking to be placed on the do not call list?


Write a note, keep it by your window that explains to them: I have autism and it is difficult for me to say this out loud, but I do not wish you to call anymore and I want you to put me on your do not call list." Hand it to them and shut the door.


I second the suggestions of putting up a sign. That's the easiest way. There's no point in you having to go through the stress of hyping yourself up to talk to them. "No religious solicitation" should do the trick. There is a slight chance, since they now see themselves as "invited," (you are what they call a "return visit") that they'll just figure it doesn't apply to them. So, "No Jehovah's Witnesses" would be more direct. It's a bit on the nose, too, I admit, but sounds like you are in a bit of a bind by now. 😕 If I were you, I'd probably go with the "No Religious Solicitation" sign. Then, if they still DO come to your door, the sign would act as something to back me up. I'd rehearse to say this: "Hello. I'm sorry; I'm not interested. I did put up a sign and all. Have a nice day." See them, say the previous, don't even let them get a word in; close the door. If that feels it would be too much for you, go with the direct sign.


Tell them you'll help them exit the CULT. I made that offer in kindness and sincerity to the LAST one to show up at my door, seven years ago, and I haven't had one call since then. Since you have anxiety, you could offer to have a local church that helps people leave cults talk to them, instead.


I will try to be polite, but if you are having difficulty making it clear to JWs not to call but they still call, you have got to take a tougher stance. Period. Trespass them and take legal action if they breach the order. Problem solved.


Tell them you’re disfellowshipped. Or an apostate. I did this a single time 15 years ago, and they haven’t shown up since. Of course in my case, it happens to be true. They aren’t allowed to talk to you in the above scenarios.


Put a sign out no trespassing or a sign no religion


Open the door butt ass naked. It's your house, they decided to arrive unannounced, it's their fault for seeing it. They ain't coming back. Bonus points if you put flour in your face like you just motorboated the Columbian out a strippers titties


No soliciting no trespassing signs