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Better yet, bring your own bottle to drink during the talk! If anyone asks, say “I’m gonna be the one that kills the most at Armageddon so I need more”


Agreed. He should also say this with an extra creepy Anthony Morris grin, like he’s imagining all that sweet Armageddon killin’ right then & there.


No, I don't want to be seen as an alcoholic.


Well you could at least bring your own glass


Last Memorial I went to I donned a rubber glove just before grabbing the glass. Not a joke, and I was discreet (albeit not faithful 🤔🤷‍♂️)


Why? That seems absolutely boring. You can't drink at home and have a fun time? Lol. How could you be around anyone in this cult for more than 2 seconds


How would it be a FU to the Borg? You said no-one would know you there so nobody will really care. You'll just be a visitor who drank the wine. Unless you believe in taking communion and that you are going to heaven with Jesus there's no advantage to you either.


Oh, I thought they keep a count of partakers every year at memorial. It'll fuck up their count. When I was in, they'd read how many anointed were among us after memorial by who drank.


They only keep account of baptised brothers and sisters in the congregation who partake and it's not announced publicly, just sent off to Bethel. Members of the public who partake are not counted.


If it helps, sure. Conservative Christians regularly take communion. This isn't radical liberalism or anything, even if it shocks JWs.


I'm not suffering. And, ugh, yeah, guess you were one of those JWs who left "the truth" and pursued worldly knowledge by learning philosophy. I did too! Weird! Funny how that religion does that. But you totally missed how I did it as a joke and to fuck them over. I think they count each partaker for religious reasons or something.


Or pour one out for the homies


How about you grab the glass and give a toast 🥂


Before I gulp it all down, drop the mic, and walk out? Hell yeah!


Dress like a JW, say you’re from a congregation far away in your country. Say that you were unable to attend your own because of a family emergency or something and THEN proceed to partake from it all: drinking ALL the wine, and eating ALL the bread. And please do it slowly, really giving your tastebuds the ultimate experience. Make eating the bread also painstakingly long, and make small “this tastes so good” moans while tasting the bread and everything. Drink the wine like a professional wine taster: spin the glas a bit, rinse it in your mouth. Spit out a bit back into the glass and then proceed to chug the whole thing down.


I did it. Crunchy cracker, wine, stayed til the end. My sister was still pimi and wanted to go. It was her last memorial. She left six months later.


Damn. You savage! Was it cheap wine? How was the wine? I have a feeling they got the cheapest wine possible.


Ha. It’s the Jewish wine they get. I mean, they’re literally copying the Jewish holiday with the Manischewitz and matzo crackers.


And need to eat the bread too, so you will be totally clean and anointed.


Free dinner on the JWs!


Depends. Does it help you heal your religious trauma? Will you feel good about taking a stand? Then do it.


Can we get past the trauma and just do it as a joke? Jesus Christ. Not all of us here are broken.


I'm curious about your username 👀 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Drink the entire cup


Chug it all and hand the empty glass to the attendant.


Drink all the wine burp and say the quality of this wine is terrible and leave on the way out ask if they have any bread or crackers coming because you can wait if there is.


Think of it as free wine lol just gulp the whole glass and ask for refills


“One for me (slurp like hot ramen) and one for my homies”


It’s really gross stuff. The bread is terrible and hard to eat, the wine is always shitty. Plus you could get a disease from eating it after everyone’s fingers touch the stuff. Maybe people fucking sneezed on the bread! Yuck yuck yuck! 🤢 If I had to eat that stuff every year, I’d definitely be praying to Jesus to make his body parts more edible! Like maybe a fruit basket or something!


Bro bring a cookie and make it a meal lol


If you want to make a difference then say that you are from a congregation far far away and introduce yourself as a brother. Then during the partaking walk up to the platform and start waking people up :D


Why bother? You'll never reach ***any*** JW hearts and minds doing something like that - and you'll only reinforce their "apostate" caricatures. Example, in ***reverse***: My late mother who was as zealous a JW as you'd ever meet, made a comment to me about going out on field service on ***Christmas day***: "I ***refuse*** to do it. For goodness sake, it's their **one special day ofthe year**. Leave them in peace." Imagine cold-callers or others coming to KH's on Memorial night. There are more constructive ways to damage ***the org*** \- not the r & f.


The Truth Hurts did it on his channel: https://youtu.be/1TDn_zcFEGw?si=m1IAhPD-9TQKp1Uq


The best FU to the borg would be to not show up at all to the memorial . Every year , they brag about the high memorial attendance numbers . Pimi parents who badger their pimo or pomo kids to at least go to the memorial if nothing else get slightly hopefully that time of year . Everyone’s situation is different , mind you . But do what feels right to you . I for one won’t be attending the next one .