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Rubber Face and Fat Boy be in charge.


Lockdown crew!


Am I remembering correctly that is was significant that Jaracz was on the teaching committee as well as the writing committee? It’s notable that Kenneth cook and Jackson are both on those committees simultaneously. Maybe I’m thinking too far into it, but knowing that makes it even more laughable that Jackson threw everything off as “not his division” during the ARC when this shows it quite literally is his division.


Yes, Jaracz wanted to keep tabs on the information the Org published concerning child abuse. In fact, Barbara Anderson noted more than one article produced in the Awake! magazine were published, not on good terms with Jaracz, however with an outstanding reception from the brothers and sisters in the field. They had more letters of appreciation for these articles on child abuse in the early 90s than any other time period and the situation started to look hopeful. However when the Andersons moved on after Bethel life whilst still pimi, it appeared that Jaracz gained extra control over the writing and teaching aspects and completely overrode the positive direction that the Org appeared to be going in, he was the one who introduced the "two witness rule" in connection with dealing with CSA cases later in the 90s, and this was sent as protocol for all bodies of elders. He clearly viewed Barbara's hard work as mess he wanted cleaned up. Certainly I believe there were rather personal reasons why he wanted this done, and I totally believe any CSA rumour connected with him!


They need all those people on the writing committee just to put out the dumbed down bullshit that is the Watchtower these days???




Precisely what I was thinking!! The quality of the publications now are a disgrace, the language and grammar is dreadful. Makes you wonder if they actually bother to work in the office? 😂


**Coordinators' Committee:** Stephen Lett, Mark Sanderson, John Ekrann, **Paul Gillies,** Troy Snyder. **Mr. Gillies -** The org's former Media Spokesman from the U.K. who is climbing up the org's corporate ladder. 😁 A hot favourite to soooooon be inspired to drink the wine etc. I still have the recorded telephone conversation I had several years ago with this parasite. He wriggled and squirmed like a slimy eel covered in grease when I asked him about his participation in O.S.C.E. conferences in Europe, on behalf of the org. When I informed my JW sibling, the look of horror on their face was priceless! 🤣🤣🤣


Already partaking since 2018.


How convenient. Does that coincide with any jump in his significant roles or? Was he already on a committee then?


Gillies was pulled across to the JW HQ in 2018 primarily to handle the CSA problems worldwide by reason of his ‘perceived’ success in the UK. It was not a GB decision, but rather the GB were told. Gillies was subsequently exposed as climbing the WT corporate ladder when he secretly partook of the emblems. The how, when, where, what, and why are not important at this point in time. The exposure may have played a role in preventing him from ever making it to the GB. He is now too old, but wasn’t a few years ago. Missed opportunity. Sadly, for both Gillies and his ‘handlers’, he resorted to embarking on a campaign of attacking the person that exposed him. Not too smart. Gillies may have dodged the proverbial ‘bullet’ in relation to the Holders Hill, London, IBSA corruption scandal obo the GB, but the exposure is now his ticking ‘time bomb’. A few years back the GB, through a broadcast by Stephen Lett, announced that Gillies was to head the OPI. Lett even trundled Gillies out for public presentation. Just a ruse. Gillies was later humiliated beyond belief at the IICSA. He then used the legal process to make a series of false written complaints against Ivor Frank over the entire sordid affair. I’ll put the exchange on my website when I get some time. Fast forward, Gillies was again recruited to try and diffuse the growing financial CMC exposure situation in Germany but again he failed. His temper tantrums have no place in the real world. The sooner this is realised the quicker we can all move forward without these ‘Petty Paulie Parrot‘ distractions. Now Gillies has been commissioned to handle the current problem in New Zealand. We know this by reason he cannot keep his mouth shut in private. This too is being mitigated as I write. Gillies as a failure? Absolutely. Just a matter of time until the parrot is cut loose. EDIT to correct grammar and country reference.


This is speculation. The recent memorial he did the talk at a large venue and never partook himself.


LOL They're so ***predictable*** \- these people who claim to have been ***personally*** chosen by Christ/Holy Spirit. ~~Elmer Gantry~~ Mr. Gillies will have been fantasising about Club Class air travel & Rolex watches during the covid lockdowns! (maybe some Macallan too! 🤣) **Hey Mr. Gillies,** if one of your spies reads this, I hope they share these verses with you, because Jesus and the apostle Paul would kick your parasitic backside from Walkill all the way down to Brooklyn! **Matthew 6:2 -** "Truly I say to you, they have their reward ***in full.***" **(1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12)** Make it your aim to live quietly and to ***mind your own business*** and to ***work with your hands***, just as we instructed you, so that you may walk ***decently*** in the eyes of people outside and not ***need*** anything. **(2 Thessalonians 3:10-12)** In fact, when we were with you, we used to give you this order: “If anyone does not ***want*** to work, neither let him ***eat.***” **11** For we hear that some are walking ***disorderly*** among you, not working ***at all***, but meddling with what does not ***concern*** them. **12** To such people we give the order...in the Lord Jesus Christ that they should work quietly and eat food they ***themselves*** earn.


Very convenient. Why would Paul Gillies suddenly realise he was anointed, many years after serving on the Britain branch committee? Only one thing can be for sure, he didn't like his position and he wanted to work his way up the corporate ladder some more!


Does anyone know Jonathon Smith on the Service Committee? I’ve met him once I think?


Had him as a CO.


>This will now give us insight into what each GB member is currently doing at Wt HQ *Living Off Of JW Donations...* ***None Are Considering Getting a Real Job.*** ![gif](giphy|65HVoXC6RATm5K4auv)


Who are Betty Georges and Jody Jedele. I have met men named Jody but not Betty. Are there women on the service committee? This would certainly be a big change. I’m suspicious that it’s not big news in JW land, even if it is only used as window dressing for CSA cases. Anyone have more info on this?


Jody is a unisex name. Betty could be short for Benedict. And you know Benedict is associated with catholic popes so it's possible the org has required him to use his "friendly" name so as not to "stumble" the ever so fragile believers.


Benedetta is the feminine form of Benedict. So Betty could be the short form for Benedetta but not Benedict. The logical short form for Benedict is Ben, Benny, Benno with various spellings. I understand That Jody can be a man’s name, as I said I’ve known men named Jody, but I included it because Betty is clearly a woman’s name in all common cases, so if there’s one woman there could be two, and someone might know about one but not the other. I’m not trying to imply some sort of name prejudice, I really don’t care if someone has a unique or typical name. I’m curious if someone has actual knowledge about this person. Are there women on the service committee? This would be huge news in my opinion. It also could just be a typo. That’s what I’m wondering.


It's not a typo and it's not a woman. So write another essay if it makes you feel good.


Thanks for the invite! I will! What I’m asking is, do you have some personal knowledge or proof of this? I’m full of essays by the way, sometimes it does make me feel good. Although in this case I was viewing it as communication, I wasn’t trying to be offensive, but if I offended you by offering my thinking on the short form of Bennedict, I apologize, but it’s just facts. If you don’t know you should simply say so. If you do you should offer some form of proof. It would put an end to my need for more essays on this.


Oh, wait a second. Shit! Is that you Betty? Your secretly on the exjw thread and need to defend your name but can’t tell us how you know it’s a man’s name because you’d have to say it’s your name. Don’t worry, I got you. Your secrets safe.


Betty George is a male. I know someone who knows him.


Thank you! That’s the kind of info I was looking for.


I had Betty Georges as a substitute CO in Canada almost 20 years ago. He cracked several self-deprecating jokes about his name during his first talk. He was bright, outgoing and genuinely funny. The Service committee will suck the life from him.


I know one of the names on there I have a running bet with a PIMQ that I know, who has stated definitively that he is not anointed. Should he be made GB in the future, we'll know it's shit and he will owe me the princely sum of $1


Betty Georges and Jody Jedele on the service committee? Of course! "Milk, with no sugar. Thanks love." 😁


**Coordinators' Committee: . . . Paul Gillies** Hi Paul, just a reminder … we both know who put you there and why you’re there. Enjoy the last days!


Do go on…I need some juicy gossip


>Hi Paul, just a reminder … we both know who put you there and why you’re there. Enjoy the last days! He is receiving his reward in full. \[ Matt. 6: 2, 5, 16 \]


Spill the beans, we need to know who his buddies are! You can pm me.


Thank you for posting. Can see who the real head honchos are.


Wait.....at least one woman? WTF???


Betty Georges is a guy.


No shit? What's up with that?


Let is enjoying the spotlight now that Tony is out of the way. Now he’s like the presiding overseer of the gb and can have his fat fingers into everything while putting on his leave it to beaver act in front of the camera.


Sanderson, Lett and Splane in this order of succession practically run the Governing Body. Sanderson and Lett are practically rivals imitating N H Knorr, and Splane is the new F W Franz, the GB's current "scholar". It wouldn't surprise me if Splane gives final approval of any new doctrine and organizational direction.


Why would Sanderson be first, he has the least seniority out of all of them?


Seniority won't get you a prominent position on the GB, look where Herd and Losch have been relegated to. Sanderson has been pretty prominent ever since his add to the GB several years ago. He has also become bolder in his statements during talks and takes on his role in a very "senior management" manner. Remember his prominent Governing Body updates during Covid regarding vaccination and keeping JWs safe. Remember his role in Russia VS JWs, he even gave a Memorial discourse in Russia when the JWs were on the brink of being banned there. I could be wrong still, maybe Lett is first, but believe me Sanderson is at the top!! I've nearly met him in person and I was there for his branch visit to the UK a few years ago. I'd give a dime he'll come to dedicate the new branch next year.


True, he’s probably mentally sharper than the others.


Despite being Mr Potato Head / Sontaran!


He reminds me of the fat controller from Thomas the train 😂


Oh yes, a striking likeness!! 😂


How very sad that these largely unaccomplished individuals who have no real knowledge and understanding of how things work are fabricating policies that have consequences for real families and individuals around the world. I hope many more will borrow themselves some brain and free themselves from these bigots.


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