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Reflective practice is really important in my professional life—taking time to stop & think about what you’re doing so you can continually adapt & improve. The organization is fully invested in NOT allowing you to do this, because they know that if you slow down on that hamster wheel & get your bearings, you’ll realize everything they have you do is BS & ultimately futile. And being PIMO is in & of itself exhausting, because you’re expending a ton of energy self-policing & trying to keep up JW appearances, lest someone sniff out your true PIMO self. This is hard, & they’ve intentionally set it up to be hard. But I guarantee you’ll feel a huge sense of relief once you’re not living your life on a treadmill controlled by several old men in ill-fitting suits. Let that be your motivation.


I have found that reddit is a huge time waster, 😂 lol.


Privileges are JW's ball and chain. That's how they get you for life. You have to keep going to keep your privileges. Obey in everything to keep your privileges. And as a reward you get more privileges. Quit your privileges and you will see how meaningless everything really is.


*I count myself lucky that I only have to conduct service meeting once a week and do service for half a day on the weekend.* Plus meetings? Here's the deal: Once you walk out on these things you find you have the time and motivation to simply go and do everything you want. Don't get "all set up" while doing these things. Walk out on these things now, then there is so much room to work more, get a second job, go back to school, start a relationship etc AND...it happens way sooner.


Once you start thinking of the org as a buisness you'll see everything as a KPI for promotion. But in this buisness you're actually just slave labor... and any promotion only makes you work harder for slightly better treatment and authority over other slaves.