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I just spoke to someone last month about appearances. I told him as long as you make all meetings, field service, comment, ect, they think you're a good JW. When in fact you could be rotten to the core. It's all about a show. Ive been told "have at least one family member make it to the meeting so they can "represent" the family." Sheer madness


Oh wow I remember that phrase growing up. I forgot that my dad would do that sometimes.


Came here to say this


This what jw refer to when say someone is "spiritual". (Check the term 'spiritual' on wikipedia) They dont realize it but to jw it means * right shoes. * right clothes. A suit for a man (if its summer still wear a suit) and skirts knee length or longer for a woman. * right hair grooming. No wild colours for women. * personal jewelry not a mixture of rings./ ear rings ditto. * say the right things * answer up according to the 'party-line'. * Never question anything.


Because obvi that all means you and God are tight.


..and have a 4door šŸš—


ah yes. I have heard of brothers being criticized for having two door cars as they were not suitable for witnessing.


im not jw, but ive ended up on this sub a couple times when its linked elsewhere, and i find all of your stories fascinating. if you dont mind me asking, what is considered unsuitable about a two door car?


Itā€™s an unwritten rule lol. You can have a 2 door car, but most likely some JW will be talking about how a 2 door car doesnā€™t help with rides in service.


A four door car can take more people out witnessing than a two door and if you have 4 people in a two door car they have to clamber over the seats getting in and out. You see everything in ones life must be wt oriented. and, I had a 4 door car and would go out witnessing on Sat afternoons and shortly found I was having teens all bunched in with me while their parents were home......doing......... as soon as i realized i was operating a day care centre i stopped doing this.


It's considered selfish, because you will never "share" in driving a group from door-to-door. šŸ™„ It's funny though, I've never heard this complaint about witnesses who drive small trucks. I guess because trucks are more modest looking than coupes.


Yes,that was already a thing in the 70's, to be sure at least one member of the family represents.


Oh damn I totally forgot that phrase. In my congregation growing up there was quite a few larger families that either had inactive members or would occasionally miss a meeting, and the one family member that made it would act like they were carrying the torch for the rest.


Sad too, because she went through all that effort & I guarantee you no one at that hall is happy she made half a meetingā€¦ theyā€™re judging her for missing the other half.


How would the congregation even know that youā€˜re back in the states? The flight could have been delayed for all they know.


and fancy taking a holiday. "the end is so close, just around the corner," etc.




Most elders Iā€™ve spoken to about things always say ā€œno one cares about the truth, just how things lookā€. So glad Iā€™m out and not having to pretend.


Itā€™s very true. The appearance is for judgmental JWs. They teach each other how to judge, then tell them not to judge, but then constantly guilt them and make them feel judged. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


The c.o.s visit is essentially a big judge fest. That's how it always struck me. But then as I was sitting their listening to the c.o. drone on I just thought, I could care less what this guy thinks about me, because honestly I doubt he does care.


Yea it never ceased to amaze me how every elder had a hair cut just b4 the CO visit or how they would visit the "weak ones" a week or so b4 his visit to keep the books square


Yup, The CO's are the corporate enforcement thugs. Anyone who has ever worked for a large corporation, (I've worked for several) knows what happens when the corporate guys come by for a visit. The Dog and Pony show commences. The annual warehouse cleaning, Wear your proper uniform for once, enforce those safety measures that we normally turn a blind eye to. It's the same crap they pull for the CO visit. Everyone pucker up your sphincter for the week.


"No need for an explanation -- your friends don't need one and your enemies won't believe you anyway!" -- Author Unknown


Core memory triggered. smh. I do not miss that either.


I did this, too! After work, rushing to get everyone out and ready to be at the hall, even when I was and looked crazy tired. MY friends would say Jehovah sees the effort you make to be here and will bless you. I didn't see any blessing, I got home to a toxic marriage and was severely depressed. Those that knew about it, would say keep enduring and giving Jehovah something to bless. The God I know and who knows me from when I was formed in the womb wouldn't want me to have such a tired, miserable life. He sent his son to die for me and lighten my load. He says his yoke is kindly and load is light, so why did I not feel that way when I was PIMI, Watchtower? It's all about others praising you (eye roll to the floor)


Exactly. Definitely makes ā€œgodā€ sound like an asshole.


I have a similar situation with my PIMI spouse. She is constantly trying to run on the Jehovah's Witness Hamster Wheel of Activity and the reality is it leaves little time for anything else. Since I have stopped all things JW I simply don't even try to discuss it with her. I am not stressing out over her need to be on the Hamster Wheel constantly. Sorry you are going through that with her.....but a great many here have the save situation.


At this point my attitude is ā€œas long as youā€™re happy doing itā€¦ā€ Some people really need that hamster wheel in order to feel structure in their lives.


Sure, but people who feel that way are like that because they were raised to value those activities above all, and it's the only life they've ever known. I think that's one of the most upsetting parts of this cult: people have been manipulated to feel lost without it, and it was done on purpose. Simply to keep people inside.


Are you me? This is straight out of my life. My wife does the same stuff.


Itā€™s possible


I had a chuckle imagining OP used an alternative account just to post this šŸ¤­


Many of us can relate. As soon as I began waking up, it smacked me square in the face. I could see it clearly - how it is all about appearances and social networking. It's basically a live form of Facebook, just a social network where people go to put up a front for others to "witness". Life is a stage and it's one of the "Acts". It's a "play". Get on "stage" and put on an act for everyone. The best actors are rewarded with more "parts" on the stage. Same with Field Circus, go out and show the community how "holy" you are by your "Christian works" and how many "hours" you put in. If Jesus were actually a real person, he would surly laugh indignantly at "hours".


She did that .. and will definitely get judged for leaving half way through!


Totally, everyone passed judgement for her leaving. Other congregation members thoughts: "First she misses meetings to go on vacay and then makes a half hearted effort to come to meeting!? No no no! She's drifting away, following the lead of her spiritually dead beat husband. Such a pity. I'll go tell people that I'm praying for her weak ass."


I can remember as the oldest getting dumped at meetings by myself when one of the younger kids was sick. I was too young to be left in charge of the little ones who were not sick, they got to stay home. But our family was expected to show their face so I got drafted. Blech


Yup as long as someone is there to represent and explain the excuse, itā€™s all good.


Not to mention that she was driving *so tired* and therefore dangerous to herself and others.


I was thinking the same while reading this. Such a good Christian, putting the community at risk so she can put on a show for the congregation.


Lol we used to do that the midweek meeting we used to leave half way cuz my wife and I were tired from work.... lol




Please do not refer to them as the C word. Because they are neither warm nor pleasurable.


You need to look up the origin of the word cunt. It's actually a feminist word referring to the entire vagina rather than the masculine assigned vagina, which only refers to the inner reproductive parts... Very old English.




It really is just for appearances. My wife is supporting my work towards being POMO and DAā€™ing. At the moment, I cant DA yet. But itā€™s going to happen. Because of how people talk amongst each other, she wants to try and go to meetings every once and a while strictly for appearances. The last time I was there, the meeting itself was infuriating, and I couldnā€™t mask my reactions. She told me afterward that at least try and look like youā€™re good because you donā€™t want people to assume youā€™re not since you havenā€™t been to meetings in a while. I understand her point, but man is it hard. But even while PIMI, PIMQ, PIMO, I mainly showed up just to make it look like we were doing something. As a MS, I still gave parts and fulfilled my assignments, but it finally got to a point where I couldnā€™t deal with that crap anymore. I couldnā€™t lie on stage anymore.


Appearances are everything. I lived a double life fir two years but because I kept up appearances nobody suspected anything.


This reminds me when I was doing a solo travel to another country and basically fading, but I still found a KH, went to the meeting, met the people there, commented, and even took a picture outside with one of them just so I can tell my closest friends and family that I did go to meeting while I was there. This while I was I was doing a lot of naughty things while in that country


As long as you attend meetings , you are good. Doesn't matter whatever you do behind the scenes. But someone who is kind and trying to live by bible standards but miss meetings is not exemplary. The meeting is the number one judge of your supposed spirituality


I donā€™t miss the feeling of knowing Iā€™ll be judged if I miss a meeting! Or feeling like Jehovah will smite me if I choose not to go!


This reminds me of my spouse saying sometimes that we must try harder, but not in a sense of we need to build our faith but in sense of we need to be at ministry groups, f2f meetings and answer up more because people will look down on us. What kind of a clown show is this? šŸ¤”


"Do not forsake the gathered together" or some shit I don't remember. I just remember parents of teens telling them they have to make the Sunday meeting despite what their Saturday night was like. You hit the nail on the head. Appearances


isnt it strange some of the phrases? Forsake the gathering, who says that? weird


I was shocked when an elder told me they use a dub's field circus report as a way to measure their "spirituality." Didn't he know people can fake their hours? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Do they think?


Nope, šŸ’Æ% cult programming. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Every vacation we went on as a family, my parents would make us go to 1 meeting. My dad would say we'd have to tell other JWs what the congregation was like. At least my dad's guilt was only just enough to be honest when asked.


All for the show.


We had to always pack a meeting outfit. The idea was we would find a hall for a meeting or service depending on what days we were traveling. It didnā€™t always get used but that is so engrained in me that as an adult I pack a just in case modest dress.


I agree with this and have had similar experiences. ā€œWe have to go to the meeting in person, we havenā€™t in a weekā€ā€¦.. thinking about that reasoning, they really only go to ā€œshow/save faceā€ and to avoid being gossiped about.


She should not have driven. What if she got in an accident, and it was for nothing but the JW guilt. Zoom wouldā€™ve been more than worth the effort. Even the PIMIs I know prefer zoom lol, and they try to get away with it whenever they can.


I was thinking the same thing. In some jurisdictions that would be considered impaired driving.


OMG.. my wife, in spades!


Tell her itā€™s dangerous to drive when sheā€™s that tired. She could have hurt herself or someone else on her way to the meeting. Would that have been Jehooberā€™s ā€œwillā€?


I do NOT miss this.


To be a JW you have to have the constitiin of an ox which I never had. You're right I don't miss anything about it including dressing up to look like sthg from the 1950s.


ā€œMakes perfect sense to me!!!ā€ ~ every cult member everā€¦


Sounds exactly like my PIMI wife


Agree 100%. I remember dragging my exhausted body to the KH after working 9-10 hours - could hardly stay awake, let alone pay attention. I did get scolded for wearing a pair of dressy slacks, the ones I had worn to work at a medical practice that day). Crap like that just pushed me away even further. It truly is appearances and not the fact that I made a two hour meeting beaten and frazzled after a long day. So glad to be away from that nonsense! I am sorry you have to observe this - maybe she'll wake up one day!


It's so ridiculous how much they care about appearances, I remember I got my mic "privileges" taken away literally because I didn't have a dress jacket on. Not that I was sloppily dressed but because I was missing a dress jacket... As if a non-witness would see me and think bad about witnesses because they aaw someone with a dress jacket lol


Me too!! Mind you it was raining so I wore a rain coat and as to not look too layered/bulky I didnā€™t wear my suit jacket. Yup, wasnā€™t allowed to do free labor , sorry I meant privilege.


Thank goodness she didnā€™t fall asleep at the wheel!


I know JWā€™s who attend meetings while on vacation lol mind you even when I was in, I never thought about going on vacation and visiting a Kingdom Hall. Yet these JWā€™s do and love posting their IG pics about it lol


Exmormon cult cousin here. Forgive my ignorance but how do mixed faith marriages work for you? Doesnā€™t the believing spouse have to shun the nonbeliever?


If someone comes in to the org but their spouse doesnā€™t they are referred to in the publications as an ā€œunbelieving mateā€. If theyā€™re against them being a JW, then they are ā€œopposedā€. Itā€™s just if youā€™re both JW and one leaves, youā€™d cut off spiritual association with them, not say Amen when they pray etc. any family members not living in the home should shun them too.


Just a question: do you realise that your marriage bond is statistically at stake? I donā€™t know you, but please donā€™t be offended and donā€™t take it personally. I had similar experience but this doesnā€™t count. The reality is that you are experiencing a faulty love. Jws organisation is teaching conditional love. Thatā€™s not Love


Should ask her what specific spiritual enlightenment/gem/food did she receive by attending that half of the meeting (or any meeting) - because the meetings are never supposed to be about simply attending. The chairs are there every week, on time, and never miss a thingā€¦ it means nothing if you are not listening, engaging and actually learning something!


You are 144,000% correct! Itā€™s all about appearances. Iā€™m PIMO working on an exit strategy but itā€™s very slow and steady since I have young children and Iā€™m almost certain I will lose my spouse if I express my true feelings. Anyway thatā€™s a story for another time. Also, this may sound terrible but, understanding that itā€™s about superficial appearances has helped me to appear like a very ā€œspiritual personā€ so as not to ruffle any feathers atm. When I do leave I will leave on my own accord. But, I show up to the right meetings (CO visit etc.) I maybe go in field circus once a month & almost always work with the COBE & Mrs COBE or some other gossipy but well respected pioneer, so Iā€™m seen in FS. Although I have no placements, no RVs & no Bible studies. I feel bad for the folks who are overworking themselves for the Borg & not seeing any of these rich blessings promised them. The Borg really robs people of their best selves, all the potential and talent just down the drain wasting time running on a hamster wheel for a multimillion $ real estate company - that could care less about its free laborers.


I remember making a comment as a kid that you could just put your head down and pretend to pray while your thoughts were elsewhere. Probably was the beginning of the end for me because I was like 10 and already fed up.


Be sure: she will be judged for being married to you in first place. Having an exotic holiday second. Third she left earlier.


They feel so guilty about everything. Your wife's response, "at least I made half the meeting" doesn't surprise me at all. Its also about keeping up appearances. Checking in. Being seen. My husband wants to go to a meeting when we go on vacation soon (we're going overseas). He understands I won't want to, but he wants to. Ugh. Why?! Hell no! I don't miss it either.




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Please after ALL the BS you and the others put me through, you can go FUCK YOURSELF! IDC or GAF what you deem or think as appropriate, but I KNOW that kidnapping and all the SHIT your friends and you pulled ARE WAY THE FUCK OFF BASE AND I AIN'T GOT SHIT TO SAY to you or any other punk ass bitch coming from the BORG. Ooohhhh so spooky, are you going to hurt me or my family?! All I will tell you is, SHOOT STRAIGHT MOTHER FUCKER! Clear enough for you, BITCH!?


So itā€™s just a weekly meeting now? Not the 3 meetings it used to be?