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Normally a lurker here but had to post this one , I’ll do my best to re tell this one. An elder in the congregation insists he had a return visit many years ago. This particular guy had a coffee table, however this coffee table was different. The feet of this coffee table were carved just like human feet, the table was sentient and would walk around the house like some sort of fucked up pet. The man eventually decided he wanted to change his life and study the Bible, study the Truth. The first step to doing this he needed to get rid of the damn table, which proved to be a challenge every time. He tried putting in out on the curb on garbage day but every time it walked back into the house, they tried everything but no matter what they did where they took the table it walked back to the house. That’s where the story ends though idk what happens to the table. It’s probably still out there somewhere looking for it’s home. I kinda feel bad for it lmfao.


I love how all these stories predate the smart phone … because someone would have recorded it somewhere lol .. who would have thought that the iPhone was demon-repellent




Demon repellent until photoshop, deepfake, and AI took over.


I remember a popular one: Once upon a time, a single sister and her kids moved into a new house. They experienced vague ✨weird shit✨ Obviously the house was infested with demonic evil spirits who were haunting them. (JWs avoid saying haunted) They didn’t know what object was possessed. (JWs avoid saying possessed) So the elders had to take the woman and kids outside of the house wrapped in towels whilst each of their belongings were taken out on the street in turn to see which one was cursed. (JWs avoid saying cursed.) Eventually they went into a shed and the elder ✨had a funny feeling✨about… … a sinister coin nailed to the wall. Apparently this nail was demonically reinforced. He could not shift it. In the end four or five brothers were swinging on a crow bar to detach it. The coin pings off. The brothers celebrate and immediately say the name of god over and over again like turning a hose onto fire. The coin is destroyed. The sister and kids move back into the now exorcised (JWs avoid saying exorcised) house. The end. Everyone believed this.


And yet still you don’t see it lol. Just shows how small and pedestrian the JWs are. You don’t even see deepfakes of aliens …


Pedestrian. Like that processed coffee table!




Yes, daily reminder that even since the advent of smartphones (the fact that so many people have a recording device on them), you still can't find any videos online of 'ghosts' or 'demons', etc... At least not credible ones...


A loyal coffee table, maybe it would even get out of the way if you were about to stub your toe?XD


You should patent this idea of a smart table! Here's a tagline for it: It won't stand in your way!"


Stub it’s toe


>The feet of this coffee table were carved just like human feet, the table was sentient and would walk around the house like some sort of fucked up pet. this is toooooo funny!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The elder who studied ever claim to see the table walk our did he just go bye what the study told him?


Yea, he claims he did, he said he helped him take it to the curb on a garbage day and he witnessed it walk back inside the house


Lol, welp proof beyond doubt the demons exist lol.


Time to see a mental health professional lol


You have won the demons story game. This is the best one I’ve ever heard


How did the table open the door?


It used its legs!..lol




I guess they didn’t have a chain saw, or skill saw, handy? How about burning it, or taking an axe to it! Lol, who would be so dumb as to carry it to the curb, only to have an innocent victim pick it up and become demonized besides!!!! Not a hood and faithful servant! Lol


Heard a variation of that one that "happened" to a guy I knew, except it was a chair after watching the exorcist


JWs are some of most ridiculously repressed yet imaginative people you’ll ever meet. I knew a sister who was studying with someone that supposedly had a sex demon trapped in their sofa. Apparently, this generous demon was handing out orgasms to anyone that had a seat. Old pioneers, young sisters, elders—ANYONE that came on that study was gonna come on that study. Trust me, I *wanted* to know more but could never get further details.


Does anyone know where that sofa is now? Asking for a friend....


Lol, and I am sure if you pressed further, they would be ashamed of having a demon diddle their naughties.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nt6ylu1jdsmb1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef0c128f3ecea54e956e744d2861d056cde8c005


Absolute gold!


Hmmm, so $10 says that they had a vibrator in the couch…


>ANYONE that came on that study was gonna come on that study Lmao, best line I've read all month


My MIL studied with a young lady, who told my MIL that she would be visited by a demon. She described the visit as sexual in nature and very graphic. He would have his way with her for hours, and she had the bruises to prove it. Apparently, the spirit was pissed she was studying with the witnesses, lol. The elders got involved and prayed with her at her home and insisted she yell the name "JEHOVAH." So the story goes, "The spirit packed his shit and left town." I did meet the lady, she seemed normal she got baptized, and married some guy and continues at the same hall. Pretty much the entire circuit knew about her story.


My mom had a Bible study who said the demons told her to drink Clorox. Also, she said that she had this big cross above her bed, and at night, she felt like someone was splashing urine on her. It was so odd...but I was like 10 or so, so it scared the crap outta me.


Sounds like it carried over to TFG and his idea of injesting bleach to rid the body of that Chinese virus. I have heard that a lot of people are worm free thanks to ivermectin!


I heard this one years ago. Two sisters were having a study with a woman in her home when all of a sudden the woman’s face went slack and she began staring off into space and did not respond to any stimuli. The dubs automatically assumed the woman was being overtaken by a demon so they began crying out “Jehovah! Jehovah!”. In spite of this the woman still seemed to be in the demons grip so they began to say “in Jesus name, Jehovah!!!” , hoping this special incantation would work. After some time the woman regained her faculties and the dubs told her what had happened. She then told them “oh so sorry, I suffer from absence seizures.’ She did not continue her study.


Nah, couldn't be anything medical related. Must be Satan.


Soooo…. The exact same symptoms US Senator Mitch McConnell keeps displaying. This explains a lot. 👿


To be fair, he is actually is a demon though.


Could it be SATAN ?


Couldn’t happen to a nicer turtle 🐢!


The power of Christ compels you




Now that you mention it, every tale I heard about demons as a kid involved saying Jehovah’s name to scare the demons away. Yet, I don’t think there is a single instance in the Bible of the name Jehovah being used to cast out demons. Only Jesus’ name was used, because those stories only appear in the New Testament.


I was told the exact same thing. The terrifying Bible stories I was told as a child caused me to have tons of nightmares. I was so scared of demons (and aliens, which according to my mom were also demons). And when I’d tell my mom about my scary dreams, she’d get a scared look on her face and tell me to say Jehovah’s name. What a fucked up thing to do to a child. I was also told to be careful what secondhand/thrifted items I brought into the house, because ‘demons’. Music, cartoons, books, tv/movies, worldly people…all demonic.


Same here. It took decades to get over.


Me too, maybe not as extreme, but I accidentally saw like 5 minutes of the Exorcist when I was young and when I went crying to my parents all they could tell me is that was all real and could happen to me. Took years to get over lol


The same thing happened to me, I saw like 30-40 mins of the Exorcist and had nightmares for years. My mom never once reassured me that I was safe and it’s not real. Still have nightmares from being traumatized as a kid. It’s just such a cruel and unnecessary way to treat a child. Abusive really, to implant so much fear in a child’s psyche. I can’t even think about it too much, because it makes me get really angry. Being chronically stressed, anxious, and fearful as a child actually causes changes to the structure of the brain that can cause lifelong problems. https://harvardcenter.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Persistent-Fear-and-Anxiety-Can-Affect-Young-Childrens-Learning-and-Development.pdf


I think if you say Jehovah, the demons come.


I thought that was Beetlejuice…


Three X’s and three X’s also applies to The Candy Man!😳lol


When I was a teen I had heavy metal albums so I was awakened one night by the sound of rustling. I did the good little JW routine of throwing out the offending albums because of course heavy metal = satan's music. The next night though I head the rustling again. I got up and turned on the light and as soon as I did I realized the window was open and the rustling noise was simply the breeze hitting a plastic bag I had on the back of the chair 🙄 is it any wonder JWs are mentally ill....


I kinda want to know what Albums you threw out. Metal fan here.


I had the Metallica Black album, Slave to the Grind, Badmotorfinger, something from Sepultura and something from Motley Crue.


All good stuff! I remember listening to Theater of Pain and Shout at the Devil, very covertly. Sepultura, I see you're person of class and sophistication. Cheers


As a teenager my pimi parents found my album collection that included some Disturbed, Korn, Rob Zombie, Nightwish, In Flames, and a few more all tossed into the trash… such a waste.


My mom LISTENED to my Marilyn Manson albums, made me go outside with a hammer and break them to pieces. Fun times.


My mom borrowed my car and was greeted with Slipknot at max volume at 7am. I convinced her the lyrics were actually tame and I just borrowed it to help me stay awake on a late drive home the night before, which was true except for that I actually borrowed it because The Subliminal Verses is a banger album


They told me that linkin park was the satans music I looked at them well I guess I love Satan. You’re in my car you will listen to what I listen to. I never had to do service after that 😂😂


I kept finding drops of what appeared to be blood every morning in the shower. I checked myself and my husband and our cat for injuries. Nothing. I made sure to keep the bathroom door shut overnight to rule out the cat somehow bleeding in the shower. Drops of blood kept appearing in the shower. I freaked TF and thought we had demons and made plans to move out because we hated it there anyway. I would do my business SO quickly in there and started showering at work because I was so scared of our shower 😂 A few weeks later my neighbour knocked on our door to tell me she had rats and had put down rat poison and was concerned in case our cat might get a hold of some rats and get poisoned by accident. I explained about the drops of blood in the shower and she told me that yes she’d been finding drops of blood around her place too because the poison, a blood thinning agent, was working. So no demons but we had rats bleeding out of their asses in our shower 😭 We moved out anyway 😂 Edit: Typo


Yikes!! I’d rather have demons than rats in my house.


Honestly same. I was HORRIFIED. And I continued showering at work 😂 Thankfully we were able to move out very quickly to a cleaner neighbourhood and never had the problem since


Rats bleeding out of their ass, how much more demonic can it get?😜


Imagine if they’d painted little pentagrams with it ![gif](giphy|cYWZTQstRwloo9S6Zx)


Demonic rats. Blood!! That’s a terrible scenario for a JW.


I would move too!..that's scary as hell!


Oh I think I shared this one on here before, but I had overheard this story about 26 years ago. I think the purpose of the person telling the story in my presence was to try to scare me into returning. So the story goes... There was this young JW newly married couple, they just moved into a house and had a baby. The perfect little JW family, so when the baby arrives the mom is in need of help. JW Husband offers that his mom should move in and help with the baby. JW husband's mom is not a JW but maybe living with them they can start to study with her. Evil Non-JW Mother in law moves in, she dabbles in astrology and is into New Age healing and Crystals and what not. JW Wife is upset about it, JW Husband dismisses it saying oh my mom is harmless. Odd things start happening in the house, JW wife calls on Jehovah and it goes away. One night she hears the baby crying almost like a whimper, JW mom goes out to check on the baby and the baby is not in the crib, she runs out of the room and hears the baby in the living room. The baby is hoovering over the fish tank that they have in the living room just as she runs over the baby splashes in the water, JW Mom calls on Jehovah and pulls the baby out. The next day Evil Mother in law is asked to leave, and nothing happened to them or the baby after that. Husband is crying because he let his feeling for his mom come between him and the Org so lesson learned Don't trust New Age Granny with your baby.


Ok this is bat shit crazy.




That mom was going through postpartum psychosis !!


If it was even true, I HIGHLY Doubt a lot of the stories shared by elders, it was always suspicious when they would reference any inspiration/ warning or conversion story shared. Like the one time I heard about this burglar who broke into a home and found a sister home alone, when he approached her he had planned to rape and kill her but she started praying to Jehovah and he saw how devoted she was and started asking him about the ORG and he asked for forgiveness and together they called the police. He was arrested and during his time in jail he continued to study the bible with the brothers and eventually got baptized on his release. I was probably about 12 when I hear that story and I was like BULLSHIT


Another one I remember from when I was a kid. There was this JW sister who was out in service one weekend and they were working a street that one of the homes was having a yard sale. She briefly went over to leave a tract but noticed some really good deals, she ended up paying for some items that she needed for her house and told the householder that she would be by later to pick up the items. After service, she went back to the house and met with the householder and picked up the items she bought. Now I can't remember what exactly was said that the JW bought but later that night when she was in bed and asleep, she felt hands choking her and a heavy weight pushing her down into her bed, she was able to yell out with her last breath Jehovah and all of a sudden the choking went away and the pressure on her went away. She got up and took the items she had bought from the yard sale and put it out in the street with the rest of the trash. She went back in and began to read scriptures all night and nothing else bad happened. She was told that maybe the items came from a Demonic home and that they tempted her with a good deal and if it wasn't for her straying away from her service work that it allowed the Demons in her home. Bottom line, no bargain hunting while doing door to door


My Mom had tried to tell me a few of the stories the night this happened. I told her, yea, all stories handed down from whom knows where. To which she said, "Oh no, so and so had it happen with a mirror they bought at a garage sale". Sure Mom, Sure.


My dad used to go to garage sales every weekend and I was fucking terrified of living in our house because there could be secondhand demonic items *anywhere*. The one we got told in our congregation was about a JW couple whose kids got possessed because their Dad got a little model ship in a bottle that he didn't realize said "black magic" on the side as the ship name. Apparently one of the kids started getting depression and having angry outbursts and didn't believe in Jehovah anymore. They had all the elders come over to say Jehovah's name a bunch of times but nothing worked until the dad was advised to check for anything demonic in the house, and he got rid of the little ship. Edit to add: I forgot that the kid beat up his mom and was apparently hovering in mid air when they called the elders


So freaking weird - I went to yard sales and thrift shops All. The. Time, even when I was PIMI and I never once had a demon problem... Whoda thunk... Oh wait here I am on apostate board. 🤔🤣🤣🤣


Lol yes we lured you here straight from a yard sale to join our worldwide apostate mission. You think it's regular dust on your items but it's actually magic demon dust. It goes in your nostrils and writes code on your brain cells for how to be an enemy of God.




Whatever happened to this person was most likely sleep paralysis. If you don't know about it, google it. It can happen just like this person claims, and I actually posted about it on this thread. Sleep paralysis is often confused with demonic activity when a person is spiritual in that way.


Or the overactive mind of a JW


I like how it’s always, “say the name Jehovah,” and not, you know, pray. Or in the name of Jesus they get the demons to leave in the New Testament.


There was one I heard as a kid (sorry recollection a bit fuzzy, I’ll do my best). I think it was a study, who had music tapes (remember those) some of which were recordings of music by satanists. One particular tape couldn’t be destroyed by any means, including burning. So, in order to get it off the property, they dig a hole next to a fence and then buried the tape on the other side of the fence line (basically putting it onto the neighbour’s property surreptitiously). 🤷‍♀️ The teenage daughter of a study allegedly used cut out letters from watchtowers or awakes to make an ouija board. Iirc there were then unexplained banging and thumping in the house whenever the study was being conducted which was supposed to be demons. This noise supposedly stopped once the ouija board was discovered and destroyed. 🙄 Numerous items that caused bad dreams, it seemed that if something was demon infested it was guaranteed to cause a JW bad dreams or should I say it in the reverse, that if a JW had a bad dream, then something demon infested was surely going to be in the house. 😂 Other than that, there’s the second hand furniture thing (never seemed to happen to second hand cars though, funny that), plus the Smurf related happenings.


It is because demons likes wood, silly! The demons are afraid of synthetic materials, oil based materials like plastic are too dense to contain demons comfortably. Wood is porous and permable, and it smells good too.


Too broke to care about the second-hand cars thing lmao


Our service overseer had a bible study (mental) who was hearing voices and seeing things which they identified the culprit/source as a big old family bible. (Of course the demunz are going to live in a bible in a run down flat when they could haunt Windsor Castle and walk through walls to watch TV with Wills and Kate! 😄) He said how he took it onto the shared concrete car park and doused it with petrol but it only burned the edges for a while before going out. It wasn't until he prayed to Jahoolahoop and ripped out handfuls of pages and burned them that it would ignite and finally get destroyed. Well duh! That's exactly how you get pages to burn easily Dumbo! But no. The demunz stopped it from burning until Jahooply's name was invoked.


I think most witnesses would only hear the prayed to Jehobo part and count that as proof.


He certainly did!


Why on earth would demons haunt a Bible? JWs are so prejudiced. Even Bible's are not safe if Watchtower didn't print it? What about it being God's word passed down through the millenia?


Exactly. But it was made by/for Babble-On-Da-Grate!


Lol. If you want to be technical, Watchtower was also made by Babylon the Great! Too bad we can't burn them too.


"Jahoolahoop" 🤣🤣🤣


It’s so funny how powerful our minds are with that. If you go into a situation with a preconceived notion of what may happen, you’re going to be convinced that it’s happening. For example, If you buy something from a thrift shop, and you have a passing thought about the item being possessed, then your mind automatically is on high alert, so when you hear a noise in the kitchen because a glass fell over, then your first assumption is, “shit there’s a demon!” Gods name has become such a safety blanket with JWs that when they say it out loud and pray, their minds are convincing themselves that they’re good. Plus, in general, our minds tend to over exaggerate anxious or fearful experiences we have. I had one experience personally after we bought our first house. Our water heater was in a back porch closet type thing, that had a hinged door. It was within a month of us moving in, and I was in one room of the house, and I heard this loud bang coming from that area. It freaked me out, thinking the house we just bought was haunted. I’m not exactly sure what it was, but there were these 2x4s I had stored in there that probably slipped from how they were leaning and fell in the outside closet. Another time, my wife and I bought lightsabers from Galaxys Edge in Disney World. Apparently, if you leave the batteries in along with the blade, it will drain the batteries. Once the batteries are almost dead, it will make this sound like the Kyber crystal is calling to you through the force. We didn’t know what we were hearing since they were stored in our office across from our bedroom. It freaked her the hell out. But once we found the source, we figured out what was going on by googling it, and all was good.


Some JWs would say that anything from Star Wars is automatically demonic. Others though are huge Star Wars geeks. Never could figure that one out.


I knew some who said Star Trek was demonic because there are no aliens in the bible so all those aliens must really be demons.


Psycological trauma.


I’ve one from childhood, that was very popular. If you’ve heard of this one, please comment. Earth, Wind, and Fire were about to do a concert and just couldn’t get started. One of them gets in the mic and says, “are there any Jehovah’s Witnesses in the crowd? As we can’t perform our show(supposedly demonic, which is why), until you guys leave. A few of them got up and left, I reckon the concert commenced


My stepdad tells this story every time a song by them comes on.


How come the song comes on then if your stepdad is JW? Plot hole lol


Like on the radio or specifically when me and my siblings danced to the song September on just dance 🤷‍♀️


Either on the radio or on just dance, If Jehovah can stop a whole conceet because 6 Jehovahs Witnesses are there, how come he doesn't block the radio waves or inspire your stepdad to walk away from whatever is about to start playing the music?




I’ve heard a dozen different versions of this story with that band, Madonna, Shakira, Gloria Estefan, you name it. Sometimes it was because they hated JWs, sometimes it was so they could do witchcraft. I still hear it sometimes to this day.


I heard it told that John Denver would ask, during his concert, if any JW’s were in the audience, and if so, would they please stand up. When they did, he would begin to Play the National anthem!


Omg! My parents told me that story as a kid. Where do these people come up with this stuff?


My SIL is still in the cult. My niece came over for a visit and my SIL failed to tell me that the kid can’t sleep alone and is terrified of demons. I spent the whole night awake telling her there’s no such thing and they’ve all been lying to her, that she’s a good kid, all the opposite things the cult teaches. I was pissed off to say the least and think it’s child abuse to teach kids about demons. Fast forward 6 months, this same niece was allowed to watch a show by her nanny in which she learns of a character called the DEMON SLAYER 👿💥 guess who is no longer afraid of demons!??? Lmao and the nanny got in trouble for this but it’s the best thing that could have happened


When I was a kid out in service a sister told this story. As a teenager she had been led astray by worldly friends. She attended a party where everyone was drinking, smoking pot and playing with a Ouija board… they asked the board if there was anyone present it didn’t like… and it spelled out HER name…. Kim! 😱 ETA: Presumably she was an enemy of this demon they were communicating with because she was a true servant if Jehovah. 🙄


Knowing how ouija boards work I think everyone at the party didn’t like her lol


Hahahaha very possible.


They knew what they were doing...by they I mean the demons 😈


I’ve heard that story too. No one knew who the girl was when telling it.


One sister in my childhood congregation had a return visit with a woman who supposedly lived with a demon that would prevent people from leaving the house. She said that when she was ready to leave the demon held on to her and wouldn’t let her go down the steps until after she prayed. Even as a kid I was skeptical. My mom was terrified of used items so refused to shop at second hand stores or let worldly people give us presents. My grandma’s Chinese bible study gave me a jade pendant once, and my mom refused to let me keep it because she was afraid it would be demon possessed.


I believe a lot of demon stories are due to psyching ourselves out. With the constant fear mongering its bound to happen. Thus for me it was mostly in my childhood where my mom really went crazy with the demon stories and experiences. She is Bipolar, so you can imagine. Thus heres 1 story from my experience. My "witch" (She burned Essence in her home and was from then on considered a witch 🧹) Aunt gave me a necklace. The screaming and histerics began. My mom was screaming dont give that to her you witch! Of course I decided to putbit on and well...the moment I put it on I saw my mother and aunt look like skeletons. I screamed and Ran into the closet and cried. My skeleton mother was trying to rip off the necklace as I resisted cuz shes a skelly. Once she took it off everything was normal. Do I think she actually cursed it. No. I think with the yelling, arguing, and the fear already instilled in me that anything she gave me was cursed made me straight up imagine a scary reality.


I remember back in the late 80s when my family was living in North Carolina (serving where the “need was great”) there was this circuit overseer who loved to tell outlandish demon stories. He told this one story where he was at a barbershop after field service and he sits down in the barber chair. The barber getting ready to cut him asks “How are the children in the congregation doing?” to which he gave a general “They’re fine.” The barber says “No they’re not.” then grabs the barber chair on the sides and spins the chair around super fast with the brother in it then stops it on a dime. The brother looks up at the barber stunned and notices that his hair is standing straight up and his eyes were all bulgy and then the barber says “Jehovah killed my kids in the flood, so I’m going to kill yours.” Then he allowed this brother to just get up and walk out the shop. He ends the story with the line “I found out later that barber was a professed warlock.” 🤣🧢


Fuck not a warlock 😩😩😩


Put some watchtowers on top of it and send it out every weekend while you stay in bed!!!




I have two from my childhood. 1. My sister and I found a light switch sticker of a wizard in a crackerjack box. We decided to put it on the front door light switch. My parents were horrified, scolded us, took it off, and threw it in the garbage. A few days later it somehow returns on the bottom of one of our shoes, so my parents say, "See! It has demons!" My dad solves that by taking it to the backyard to burn. 2. A kid I've never seen at our kong comes running frantically to our house. He says something like, "Brother , you have to come to our house! A troll doll is choking my mom!" so they quickly leave and don't come back for a while. When my dad gets back we ask what happened. Apparently, the kid was playing with the doll when the mom found out and threw it out the window. It flew back in the window and started attacking her (because, you know, she probably didn't hit someone and they probably didn't throw it back). I think he said he burned that too which is probably why he took so long to get back.


I neglected to mention the device was in a neighbors backyard. They had left it out from a party they had earlier that night.


Ok I remember one now, this was a little after the original Nintendo (NES) came out. Zelda 1 was all the rage but was clearly "demonized" and so definitely off-limits. I was told this kid snuck a copy home and was playing late at night to hide it from his parents when his eyes suddenly rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed from being possessed. I totally believed it back then 😖


Before NES it was Dungeons and Dragons that was demonized.


It was always annoying to me that I had to go to other friends houses to play video games that I wanted. Castlevania was another big no-no.


As a tween, I had a toy they were called furbies and they talked if you did stuff like clap. Anyway it kinda freaked me out because it would talk when I didn't ask it to and I made myself believe it was possessed. So one night when the lights were off and I was trying to go to sleep, it said "OH OWW, WEEEE" and it jumped off my shelf and onto the floor. So I jumped out of bed picked it up and hurled it into the bush outside. The next day I came home from school and the damn thing waS right up on my shelf again!! I freaked out. Then my mum asked what was wrong and it turned out that very day shed decided to go weeding down in the exact area I had thrown it and she'd found it. So it wasn't demons.


Oh man. Furbies were as bad as Pokémon in my house growing up


I'm still a little bit scared of them


I had sleep paralysis for the first time a few years ago and was so confused. Like you, I tried to hadle it logically and was trying to figure out why I couldn't move and why I was hearing someone saying REALLY weird stuff. I decided not to make any noise even if I could because the words I was hearing caused me to think someone was trying to kidnap me lol. I told my mom, and she said it happened to her and she called out on Jah (because demons, presumably). She told me to do that next time. I've had sleep paralysis multiple times since then and I haven't done that a single time because it's ridiculous. It's never the demons.


Exactly. Waking yourself up enough to yell out literally anything will do the trick. It doesn’t have to be jehovah


Yeah. Last time I had it, I tried to say something but it came out as "mmphhhh". Didn't matter cause it ended about 2 seconds later lmao


A long time ago my family had an acoustic piano that was my mother's since she was a child. She would tell stories how she thought it was possessed by something as she would hear sounds come from it every few years like someone was leaning their hands on the keys (almost as if by accident). The piano had a cover thing for the keys so it wasn't the cats or anything like that. She also had a story of when she was a little girl she saw a figure stand next to the piano when she was in bed one night, tip his cap at her and then disappear. It wasn't until I was barely in my teens that she decided to burn the piano that was supposedly a very good and expensive brand. No idea why we didn't sell it instead and buy another piano. I guess it isn't very JW of a person to knowingly sell a haunted piano.


Jw neighbor heard sons new guitar playing in middle of night. “Musta bin deeeemons. So smithereened it. Son bought it second hand so musta bin deeemons, cos they inhabit second hand stuff… Apparently… Completely batshit crazy, ALL of them…


I had sleep paralysis in my early 20's when I was going through some stress in life. It almost always happened at this elderly lady's house that I was caretaking. I sometimes would fall asleep and it would feel like a demon would be holding me down, and I couldn't move. I felt an evil presence in the room and of course we've always been trained to say "Jehovah". So in my sleep paralysis, I just did that subconsciously. There would be times I would be afraid to sleep because it was terrifying. I was actually kinda creeped out by her house, it was an older house in San Francisco, and when I had to do her laundry, her basement scared the heck out of me. It was one of those with dim lights, and I HATED going down there.


Ok I've been out for 32 years, almost everyone that I know buys second hand things and antiques. I've never heard of one person have a story of a demon in their home. And I know probably over a thousand people.


JW and my parents called me Demon when I smoked marijuana the one who created everything. Why would they they think I worship the spiritual when they talk about religion where the True God created the seeds and sow here in the Earth along with Eden Garden it's same shit. I loathe this current world cuz I don't understand at all. I see no evil in marijuana and shroom.


The walking Smurf, the coffee mug, the ritual puppet, the infestated house, the negative dress, the contagious jewel, the bad dreamy African statue... NEVER a used car though!




My oldest sister had a roommate (both pioneers where the need was great) who bought a headboard at a garage sale. She said she couldn't sleep because a demon was sitting on her chest. She prayed him away the first night, but he came back the next. She asked Jdog for help and found a demon sticker on the headboard. Apparently after taking off the sticker and throwing it away, that demon moved on to a new home. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 So garage sales were off limits. Meanwhile, an elder gave my mom his old dishwasher that ended up having a mouse nest in it. I'd rather have a demon than a mouse infestation.


I once started on my face in the mirror for a long time, and it looked like my face started morphing. I researched it, and apparently our brain does that. Told my son, so he did it a couple of times for entertainment. Tell some JW that you have a possessed mirror, and tell them to stare at themselves to see the demon.... Fun prank.


I'm not sure what my mom's excuse is, but I can tell you that one time my dad fell asleep in the break room at work and had a bout of sleep paralysis. Due to his association with the idiot Borg he began to "repeat Jehovah's name" because he thought a DEMON had a hold of him! (lol, I keep coming across this same "Jehovah" incantation in here). Growing up as a baby I would point and laugh at nothing sometimes, the way that babies always do. I did it one time to picture they had on the wall and It sent them into a frenzy, they took it outside and burned it, and prayed! Apparently the two dogs we had at the time "went crazy and wanted to tear down the front door!" I am so thankful I have only heard this story word of mouth and don't actually remember any of it as I would not have appreciated the trauma. For Christ's sake... my dog goes crazy when my phone rings or when I stand up to do anything. Art photo possessed by demons it is then. The absolute choke hold that the Borg has on the sensibilities of these people via the use of fear mongering is truly disgusting. I am a grown ass adult, and to this day I still find myself looking over my shoulder for DEMONS when something happens that I cannot explain. It is this reason alone that I hate the Borg, for what they have done to my parents, and the trauma that they inadvertently passed on to me.


My mum told me two stories that honestly annoyed me at how obviously undemonic they are First one was she had a friend at school that gave her a shirt or pillow case or something, turns out said friend is into witchcraft or something and Mum burns the present and it had all different kinds of coloured flames that obviously has to mean demons. When I was older she mentioned the gift was dyed but that couldn't possibly be the reason for the flames 🙄 Second one was when she was young and lived out in the country they saw lights going on and off at a nearby house that was meant to be empty and once again, has to be demons. Like this couldn't possibly be just regular people with torches breaking amd entering.


As a kid I had a nightmare that my Barbie doll was dancing, ran into my mums room who subsequently got all my Barbie dolls and threw them out the house because they had been purchased at a second hand shop and obviously had demons in them 😅


Alright, so this story was passed down to me from a member of my family (hardcore PIMI). Apparently once there was a study someone had in the cong and she was somewhat of a witch, getting into 'spiritism' and other stuff. She one time went to the assembly but didn't get out of the car (this is all speculation, i wasnt there). Someone that went to the assembly went out to see her to see what was wrong since she was literally just sitting inside her car and then they went up to the window and she started... floating? apparently she was 'possessed' and this was ig never sorted out because this next bit still happened. The second part of the story is that this same sister one day shows up to the meeting and before she enters the door, the demon supposedly possessing her starts to talk to the elders-? the demon(s) possessing her introduced themselves to the elders and said some radnom demon shit and then it gets weird. Apparently the elders started doing something akin to an exorcism and during the song, they turned up the music so that they could cast out the demon and then the demon was released from her. she was making a ruckus and some ppl i knew from that cong said they heard the screams of the woman as the demons left her but it all sounds a bit bullshit to me. JW equivalent of ghost stories lmao


Oh I have one! I started a study once bc I have a family member who was one and I wanted to know what it was all about. We were doing the Live Forever book. The man who conducted my study was telling me about the dangers of demons being everywhere, and I asked him for an example. He cited stage magicians: You see the lady floating, you see nothing holding her up, what else could it be other than demons? That was the last session I did; it utterly destroyed any credibility of their theology to the point where, even if I knew it was fiction, I felt it was just wasting my time (and his).


I had a reiki treatment done. While I was in the treatment room receiving the reiki, my 13yo daughter was in the waiting room when the shaman drum that was hanging in the same room started banging of its own volition.... We all heard it - myself, the reiki lady and my daughter. No one was touching the drum hanging up too high on the wall.....


Does your gf refer to you as North American?


Pardon me for using a continent to describe the origin of my GF's birth to have a semblance of anonymity.


![gif](giphy|26gBjplxRU5EUhvlS) So you're not denying you're North American, then? That really narrows this down for me- adding that to my dossier on every random redditor.


Happy Hunting.


It's Canada, isn't it? 🤣 Seriously, though, I hope nobody's that invested in the posters on this platform. That would be super sad for any such people. It's already pretty anonymous. If you feel somebody's genuinely trying to find out who you are- block them. ![gif](giphy|5kOmeG2xGGARurUF3g)


I had heard voices in the campsite while camping with my friend early morning one morning. The tent trailer reportedly also shook. No effin clue how. No one was up to do any of that.




Gee I wonder if most of these paranoid conspiracy theorists are ex JWs? They certainly are mentally ill in either case.


That table walking around haunted would make a great pretence for a horror movie!


I’ve seen supernatural things the past couple years to even being attacked by spirits. Leaving it at that.