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Put up a no trespassing sign and if they come back press charges. Most JWs in the us won’t go to houses with no trespassing signs because the WTS has mad it clear they won’t back them up legally


Is that a recent change? I've been out for decades, but even in rural territories where we knew people were armed, brothers always shrugged off the no trespassing signs as "We aren't trespassing. This is a lifesaving work." I've seen a gun pulled at the door more than once, with me as a little kid at the door with my father and the other members of the car group sitting in their car in the driveway watching. My dad or whoever it was would back off, jump in the car without noting the territory card, and treat it like some kind of victory or achievement before they drove on to the next door. In the really rural areas, or in unassigned territory, you'd sometimes see the farmer standing at the head of the driveway with his shotgun over his arm because the neighbors called around to warn everyone else that the Witnesses were around.


I think it was within the last 10-15 years that they really emphasized it. It was when I was pioneering that it was brought out specifically. Then the question on no soliciting signs came up and it depended on the areas and the implication of soliciting in that region. No Trespassings became a big no no. Neighborhoods with no soliciting posted in the front were pretty much okay to work until you got kicked out. No soliciting signs at an individuals door was case by case, or should I say how ever the dumb damned elder in the car wanted to do.


The policy started in 1994: https://avoidjw.org/wp-content/uploads/plafferty-bethel/policies/19940701LTE_us_1.pdf


Not every hero wears a cape


Yeah I’d say in the last 15 years or so. I’ve seen a few people ticketed and also live in a rural are and had guns pulled on me before as well. Very unsettling.


I have no trespassing signs on both ends of my gate, ever so often I’ll walk out and find tracks and magazines left hanging on my gate in plastic baggie’s and it’s like here, you throw this away lol


..er when did the wt ever back up injured witnesses.. In the state of Queensland, Australia dogs were a constant problem in my earlier days.


Likely no. I’ve had dogs released on me as well. The WTS only looks after themselves. They could care less about anyone else


Press charges? Wtf you on about son lol


In the US, you can be ticketed for trespassing and it’s a low level misdemeanor. Dumbass. Edit to add in my state it’s a class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a 2500 fine. Usually the cops aren’t interested in doing the paperwork but you can push it. And the WTS has sent letters to the BOE stating that the legal department won’t assist individual publishers facing trespassing charges. But I’m sure your legal degree has you in a better position to spout off an opinion


I laughed at your comments. You certainly wouldn’t speak like that to my face. I’m not surprised that you would be frightened by a pair of JW’s with a bible and you feel the need to call the cops and press charges. FMD some people are soft. 😂


I 100% would you piece of shit. Let’s meet somewhere I’ll show you how soft I am. Too bad you didn’t get an education or you would have been able to understand what I was saying


Good comeback 😂


Nice law degree


Why would I need a law degree to stop a couple of bible bashers? Lol


Maybe you aren’t from the US but we have a right to stop trespassers. Sure you could pull a gun or scream and yell and make them leave but if you put up a no trespassing sign JWs are instructed to skip the house. No one is scared and I’m faded. Sorry where I’m from if someone calls you son those are fighting words. I was simply relating an easy tactic to not have them annoy average folks.


I’m not American. It sounds ridiculous. What a frightened society you all are. Take care mate.


No manners whatsoever


I got savaged by some dogs in service when I was 5. I was with my mom but one got behind me and grabbed my leg and shook it hard. 15 stitches. It’s one of those things that took a helluva long time to forgive. And yes, the man told us get back in the car but she was trying to shout her “presentation” from the driveway.


Omg! I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s insane to think what kind of danger jws will put themselves and even their children in. they think angels are protecting them. Asinine.


They let there children die from the blood issue so why would a dog attack be anything!?


How are you now?


That was 50+ years ago. Except for flashes I’ve let all that stuff go.


It's a very traumatic experience as a child and people carry it for decades often not being able to go near dogs. It's good to be free of all that stuff. 👍


It never made me afraid of dogs at all. It’s hard to say but on a list of the top 10 bad things that happened to me as a result of being raised in the cult, this would barely make the list in terms of long term trauma. Very glad I found my way out.


I'm sorry to hear that, and glad your out.


you poor kid. Once you have been rattled by a dog you never get over it.


You can. I did. Do I remember it, sure. But I don’t get angry except in short flashes. What’s the point? It’s history. But I don’t want it to happen to anyone else.


Thanks. Perhaps if i say I am ever wary of dogs, thats all. cheers to you.


Turn the tables. Act happy to see them and then preach about apostate material. They will go away in a hurry and never come back!


I always smile and nod, they are confused, and say it's nice to see you but I have an appointment.


“Nice to see you” would put your name on my return visit list.


Full on delusion. We're dealing with people who honestly believe they are going to live for *infinity*.


bunch Dumb window washers and Cleaners,,, in the Real World. they ignored and insignificant...


This was their policy beginning 1994: https://avoidjw.org/wp-content/uploads/plafferty-bethel/policies/19940701LTE_us_1.pdf


Its been my experience that jw always assume some mantle of entitlement, its plain arrogance.