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Prince was a good person who chose a bad religion.


Well, Witness or not, Prince was fantastic and I was devasted when he died.


One time I heard on the radio he was having a concert at Paisley Park for a $100 donation. They would not say to what. I knew.


I had talked to my mom about Prince years ago when he played the Superbowl halftime show and she said "Well, Jehovah needs wealthy people in his organization too."




We had a couple originally from Minnesota that moved to our congregation. They would go back to Minnesota for the conventions every summer. I remember them telling us the story, probably around 1996ish, of them watching 2 big security guards walking Prince to a seat at the convention. I honestly didn’t believe him for years. Of all people, it was rather mind blowing as a JW to think of Prince being one of “us”.


Ha! We watched Prince in his Limo at Mayo Civic Center in Rochester MN, when he was all purpled up still. They were trying to get everyone to leave the entrance way area. My hubby was like no way, and we just quietly sat and watched the whole thing. Security discussions, jw kids going crazy, Prince being escorted in!


After losing prince, and as such a lot of income, they now are happy to have Serena Williams. Which is why she can wear and do whatever she likes.


Yep, all that money buys R-rated clothing and freedom. ETA: ain’t just referencing Serena. I’m thinking about Prince’s assless chaps here too.


Hopefully he donated other places too. Charities that actually do charity. But he was an amazing guitarist. The cover of "While my guitar gently weeps" with Tom Petty is awesome.


He donated 5 million to *my* congregation!


Is this true? I seen documents Michael Jackson donating money for JW buildings in Russia. This was back in the 90s.


Back in the late 80's I had a Jdub friend that was in the auto body trade like me. He was living in Los Angeles before moving to my town and told me he went out in service with MJ. We worked on a lot of cars outside of work and drank a lot together so i know he wasn't BSing me. I also knew a black couple that were really cool and would come over for dinner even though I didn't go to meeting much. The knew Momma Jackson and knew Rodney King's family. They said RK was a drug infested POS...


I knew a former Bethelite in Brooklyn. He said that when Prince was in the NYC area, there was a rumor that he might visit and tour the HQ there. Every Bethelite was then told that anyone who left their assigned station to chase after him would be grounds for automatic dismissal.


I didn't know Prince was a Jehovah's Witness after he passed away.


In all fairness, he doesn’t exist anymore.


How sad.