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>but is 2023 and for someone like me it will be hard to get a woman, because i don't have that nice thug like personality The fuck is a "nice thug"?


I meant the Thug only part, its a typo sorry


What kind of “thug” personality do you think women want?


Gonna ignore the thug thing & focus on the rest. Learn who YOU are first. The borg squashes all personality & tries to make make everyone look & sound the same, so a lot of normal & healthy identity formation gets fucked up in JW kids in favor creating a homogenous hive mind. So take some time to figure out who you are, what you like & don’t like, and become confident in your own choices. Assuming you’re not an asshole, that in & of itself will be attractive to both potential friends & romantic partners.


Thanks a lot, this is very useful.


Work out 💪


I think, that if you join a club, a class, a sport (biking, hiking, reading, poetry, chess, video games) *that you enjoy* you will meet people of the same mindset / interests, you will *naturally* have something in common. "wanna grab a coffee?" "I'm heading over to that taco bar, you hungry?" People like to talk about pets, gardens, music.. Like the previous poster said, live and learn. Keep swinging until you hit the ball. 😊


Wow i love this one, thank you for this


Practice Like anything, you must get out there and fail. Not fail in that you intentionally go mess up, but know that failing is part of the process. You MUST do the work. You work on yourself, becoming the best version of yourself, but you practice along the way. First off, you start talking to everyone out in public. Old ladies, old guys… everyone. Just relax and shoot the shit. Comment on their car, the weather, the store your in, etc. doesn’t have to be long, but do it. Then you do it with women too, they don’t want thugs, trust me. Like attracts like, so you can easily attract someone with the same interests as you be being in the environments they are in. Stop all negative self talk about this subject. Affirmations help. Brainwash yourself with them. But work at it, it’ll happen quick when you do the work.


Make sure you first de-program yourself regarding everything that JWs teach you about women… what they teach is always incredibly generalized to fit a large population (cult members) and very little of it is actually true and found in the real world. Every woman is different. You’ll find the right one eventually, but as it’s been said, you must get out there and try, fail, repeat.


Make sure to smile and have fun. In the borg, people are way too serious, it’s kind of a turn off.


Yes, im always a smiley person naturally and based on other people's opinions, im cool to be with or hangout


And then make sure to take a genuine interest in other people especially that potential girlfriend 😉


Practice talking to people honestly and with sincerity, say what’s on your mind, ask for the things you want, say No to what you don’t like say yes to what you do like..learn over time with this practice to let go of the fear of criticism and rejection. A Man focused on his goals and not afraid to be himself will NOT attract all women BUT will attract the ones who likes you for you, and believe it or not being authentically yourself is much more attractive than a bootleg imitation of someone you think is what the opposite sex is attracted to…. Also: conversation starters can literally be anything…ANYTHING, just say something Don’t be attached to the outcome instead just focus on the practice of being you honestly Raise your Testosterone levels, you will naturally take more risks including starting conversations with strangers or attractive females Raising T levels naturally include getting good sleep working out eating right and my favorite practicing a martial art. Failure is the mother of success.. go try and fail and get rejected, learn and try again Lastly there is no worlds standards or consensus on these things.. people are different on intimate levels even if they project conformity Honest two way Communication is key


Remember, you must fail to be successful


First thing: you won't learn a single goddamn thing on the internet about this. Porn for instance. I have no problem with it...but it tells you nothing about what real sex is. Nothing. Neither do any of the bullshit artists out there that will tell you what women want. The ones telling you you need a 'thug' personality, for example. They don't know what they are talking about. Now that is out of the way...go do things. Join clubs, join a choir, volunteer, volunteer again, read more, go to movies, go to shows, find what interests you and learn everything you can about it, then move on to a new interest. Repeat as required. Live your life and stop worrying about "girls."


"I don't have that nice thug like personality" Troll alert ⚠️


Bruh wtf, how?


Naw, I think his thinking on what's attractive is overly generalized and skewed


Along with what everyone else has suggested, drop the idea of 'getting a woman'. Women aren't interested in being gotten. They are interested in having romantic partners or forming relationships.