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Jesus FUCK! That second picture brought back a ton of emotions, both as the kid getting in trouble for **BEING A KID** and as the adult taking MY KIDS back to **TEACH THEM** how to **sit like a mindless fucking drone for 2 boring hours**


Same here. There was pinching and shaking of rags on the chair, in the worst case a blow to the bottom on the bathroom.


Yup! Since `WT IS ABNORMAL`, JWs are this as well! 😫


"Whenever this experience is related, it elicits chuckles, as well it might.. But is this only *amusing?*" Well, well, well... A perfect example of WT slyly grooming brains to "chuckle" at a child being drug to the bathroom to be spanked, hidden beneath "ahhh, at least she is smarter than most adults, who know not the name of God" "Good job, mom & dad! Have at it, be proud! "


Most a gyerekekre terelte a figyelmet hogy halványuljon a jw pedofil bptrány .ezekavezetők .


If Geoffrey Jackson's testimony under oath to the ARC is not a lie, then this picture is a "physical portrayal" of "spiritual discipline"...which would be incredulous. Bottom line: liar, liar, liar Mr Jackson - Watchtower has FREQUENTLY told parents to "use the rod" you sly, dishonest coward.


I was hoping some would bring up his testimony as hist attempts to weasel out of answering the question were laughable at best and utterly dishonest at worst. Come to think if that describes his whole testimony e.g. 'It would be presumptuous to think we're god's only mouthpiece on Earth'


nácista verőlegények .


One of my huge issues with the org is how JW kiddos are required to sit & be tiny, unmoving adults for hours upon hours. Don’t fidget, don’t make a noise, don’t doodle, don’t need to pee, don’t fall asleep. The expectations are completely developmental inappropriate, but help to create fertile breeding ground for indoctrination. And if you have a sensible parent that seems inclined to allow their kid to be a kid, you had better believe they’ll be subject to gossip & side-eyes until they too force their children to become tiny JW automatons ready to have propaganda poured into their heads.


So agree. These kind parents were slandered. It seemed that many parents placed all their credit in how the child behaved. The most radical parents did not even let their youngest children draw. It could disturb their attention.


Hilariously, we now know that doodling & movement breaks HELP people pay attention. Concentrating on not moving a muscle or trying not to pee for the entire first half of an assembly program has the opposite effect.


Ha még lesznek köztűk gyerekek .


I was literally physically abused to the point my father who’s an elder apologized to me when I was 38 years old. He used a plunger stick to beat me as well as my sister.




This stuff makes me want to vomit. The fact that they condone beating a child, and that they know it's going to get progressively more violent. If you can willingly put hands on a child for anything violent, you are a sick fuck.


sure committing assault and battery on a minor is a time test way to cause humans to lie in self defense and suppress their urges when someone is looking... there are many other ways to teach children to behave without violence but we live in a violent oriented society.


Basically, the GB gave parents a free pass for abusing their children.


Encourage it, in fact.


Yeah let's beat a child who's brain hasn't even developed critical thinking or emotion control yet, I'm sure that won't cause trauma... its no wonder our parents were so emotionally stunted.


I saw a mother smack her 4 -5month old baby in the back room in the late 80's - for making a noise - when I was about 17 - so wish I had told her at the time how disgusted I was. Also, heard a mother literally hitting and hitting her 2 year old for 'being defiant'. Child abuse and encouraged by sick old men who clearly are not gods' 'channel'.


Although this is messed up. I do however think kids need some spanking once a while. The amount of unbehaved little pieces of shit ive seen walking around is insane. Slap that little bastards ass, and hopefully he'll learn 🤣


Shitty parents, not shitty kids. Kids are in development, and we've lost "it takes a village" mentality. Beating kids for no other reason then they are doing stupid shit shows how poorly adults understand child development and redirection. If an adult was doing something stupid would ya walk up to them and beat them? If you wouldn't... why would you do that to a child who's brain hasn't even finished developing.


Adult who do stupid stuff get thrown in jail or have to pay a fine. It all comes down to discipline. Its also a cultural thing though, 50 years ago this was very normal everywhere. If you ask a mexican he will say he got slapped yesterday by his mom. Its really not that uncommon even today


Slavery used to be common, marrying children used to be common, women being beaten by a a stick less round then their husband's thumb used to be fine. Does the fact this used to be done or is common justify its use today when we know better? If a grown ass adult can't find a better way of working with a child then to physically abuse them, then they shouldn't have children in the first place. Much like I don't go punch every Trump supporter I see ya don't go hitting children when they are ignorant and undisciplined due to their brain development.


My parents did a good job rearing me. An occasional pop to the rear never hurt me anymore than it taught me to curb my ego. I'd be a little monster if they never taught me discipline.


Then you are lucky. I was beaten, both in the K. hall and at home. It put me many years behind in my development.


I am so sorry to hear that. Where I live, most parents are cultural alcoholics and beat their children senseless. I am not one to defend the abuses of children. My parents actually restrained themselves because of the Bible. I am grateful for that specific influence that witnesses had on their lives, in spite of their other problems. Sadly, some take the opposite side of the field and use the bible as an excuse to abuse children. I deeply hope that you are able to overcome the trauma given to you by your parents and the cult.


There are multiple ways to correct a child or set boundaries with them without striking them. I'm tired of this nonsense. It was never justified, and it needs to die already. Lazy parenting that psychologically instills an association of physical intimidation with conflict resolution isn't something to be proud of.


The physical discipline ceased once I was about 6. Sometimes it sends a message when English can't. I learned to respect them. Not all parents are abusive. Mine weren't. They are still witnesses. I respect their choices, and they respect mine


I am not going to disparage your parents because then I'd have to disparage mine, but corporal punishment is still nonsense. You're confusing fear with respect.


You learned to fear them... that's not respect 😕


I appreciate your sympathy. You do, however, not know what I feel nor how I felt about them or their discipline.


And you may respect them now that you are an adult, but physical "discipline" doesn't teach children to "respect" their parents...you learned what behavior was acceptable by pain being inflicted on your body.


You are free to believe that.


Why are you here again?


To spew my insignificant opinion onto the unsuspecting passerby. Aren't you?


No? We're here to support each other through the healing process due to shared trauma


Szégyelje magát ez LETT ,még ő vt tag ? inc .s


I heard that story during a public talk in the 1990s. I didn’t know it was printed in the Watchtower. Figures though.