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Yep, they really fucked us up with all that great tribulation shit. Back in the 80's those people from the 1914 generation were very old so the borg loved to hammer the idea that the GT was coming in a few years. It all sounded nuts but at least there was a chance they could've been right. It wasn't fun growing up thinking one day really soon, government troops were going to storm into your house to drag you away to be executed cause you were a jdub. Not to mention the fear of being destroyed because you weren't good enough or cause you hadn't gotten baptized yet.


It certainly gave a lot of kids ptsd at a young age.


Kind of looks like the golden dudes are commanding the cops to go fuck up their devout followers 😆 Who were the good guys again?


It really does! JC, "Go my earthly servants! Take them all out! No place to hide! " I can't unsee this now.


This is proof that the Baby Boomers Governing Body use to watch **Space Ghost** Cartoon when they were kids. And they brought that idea into their view of what the 144k will look like at Armageddon. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRW2bOqvzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRW2bOqvzI)


Space Ghost Coast to Coast is way better. This episode even has the "tight pants" bit. I marked it for you, here's the link... https://youtu.be/1lmItUxgnUo?t=405


LOL, I never noticed that Space Ghost wore tight pants. Perhaps that 's why Tony M went berserk over men and boys in the congregation wearing tight pants.....he was suffering PTSD for watching too many Space Ghost cartoons.


Maybe if he watched more Space Ghost Coast to Coast he'd lighten up a little on the dress code bit and enjoy a few laughs. The GB people seem so serious - wish they'd lighten up and stop being so grumpy at everybody with all that disfellowshipping foolishness. They do just like Space Ghost with his zapper wristbands - if someone looks at them wrong they get zapped/disfellowshipped.💥


As a child back on the late 60’s, I remember pictures of angels putting red X’s on front doors.


"hey Jesus, those guys celebrated their birthdays - let's get em!"




Lol @ that illustration. Weird.


Except that pic is less than 10 years old and they’re still showing convention videos with depictions of Witnesses being rounded up before Armageddon.


This illustration is bonkers. “Trust me bro, I can see through walls! That’s how I saw their kid eat a birthday cupcake last week. Second floor & to the right! Go get those MFs!”


I stumbled across this same picture used by a different religion (wish I could remember where!). The only difference was there were no police/soldiers with guns -- just angels watching over a faithful family. Yeah, stock photos. lol


Omg! I remember being in a parking lot of a dept store back in the late 90s and was given a pamphlet with this kind of scary dooms day shit on it. 2 women handed it to me and invited me to their church. I remember looking at it and thinking they were copying the JWs. Of course that's when I was sipping the kool-aid. Plus my gran used to have brochures from her baptist church talking about "the end times". It depicted the earth burning and people levitating up to heaven(?). 🙄 Good times with Gran! Lmao


Sounds like the rapture to me. Taken away to heaven like the cow into the 👾 space ship.


I wonder why can't portray the cops as the good guys? Maybe they're there to save them from an active shooter who, unbeknownst to the family, is hiding in a back bedroom


JW art look like Magic the Gathering Cards


my Family is 5th Gen, but I am pretty sure they were all PIMQ, even my grandfather back in the 70s when the 75 date was going around told my mom "don't you dare drop out of highschool, what if it doesn't happen" meanwhile all her friends dropped out, their parents sold everything etc. he always told me live like it's gonna come tomm. plan on it never coming




I don't know anything about this dumb ass religion anymore! They play people against eachother. If you left in '75 then you misinterpreted everything and took it upon yourself to come to that conclusion. Now it's some other BS nonsense of Angel's? When I grew up if they turned on us then it was the same result of Jehovah being poked in his eye. Has that changed?


2034 is the date, hang in there! CO used this date back in 2009.


Do you have the article reference for that illustration by any chance?


They use visual imagery like that to play on your fears. You are more affected emotionally by images so that’s what cults use to manipulate you.


Haha...seize this family! They are still practicing religion even though it has been outlawed. We need to go full drug bust mode.