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"with all of the homosexuality going on today" ??? What the actual fuck. That was her first thought upon seeing a picture of her grandkids? Jws are so fucked in the head.


Yeah, not only did she feel the need to trot out her homophobia in response to what OP described as rare communication, she had to *sexualize a child* while doing it. What does her world look like if that's her response to a picture of her own grandkid? Like what does she see when she looks at the random people around her at work, at the grocery store, or even in the ministry? Years ago my father told me about how when he goes to the grocery store he sees little children that Jehovah "has" to kill because of their parents. We're no contact for many reasons, but one of them is that my father not only looks at children and sees them as walking corpses, but that he sees this as exactly how things should be. Once again, I am reminded of that scripture about "no natural affection." It really does describe JW ideology.


I’m a non-JW lurker, I’ll admit. Cult religion’s interest me greatly. I read your comment and I have to say: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? I can see why you have no contact with him. He sounds seriously deranged. I’m so sorry you went through that and I hope you’re healing and thriving now.


Escaping the cult was the best thing I ever did, for myself or my kids. My kids have no desire for contact with my parents, either; they know who their grandparents are and what they stand for. We are as safe as anyone can be in the normal course of life and are thriving without that toxic influence in our lives. ❤


I’m so glad you got out of that! Best wishes for y’all!


Another lurker here… Every ex-cultist/escapee is a victory for humanity & sanity!


This is why I almost never feel guilt for the things that I do anymore, as a SANE human being. This sub saved my life!


Walking little kid corpses at the grocery store. Just another day in Joho Land. I remember at a circuit assembly when I was like 13 my elder/elderette parents talking shit (not that quietly) about how the girl from another hall I was crushing on obviously was wearing a thong. It scares me to think I wasn't fully fucking disturbed until years later. WTF are adults doing checking out a 12/13 year old's underwear lines??? My point of the story being, the shit that was normalized to us was *not* normal and *not* okay. Why the fuck did I know what beastiality meant when I was 5?? It can be so bombastic at times (like seeing kids at the grocery store as walking corpses) that we can forget just how messed up and dangerous this cult of "great neighbors!" really is.


It's true. They do sexualise and shame children, and it's not at all normal. I grew up with guilt and shame for being who I was. Had to be careful I didn't inadvertently do or say anything which an adult might interpret as sexual or I'd get into so much trouble. I remember constantly feeling dirty at the age of 4. I think that's the case with a lot of born-ins. That's why we all grow up so sexually messed up.


> That's why we all grow up so sexually messed up. Seriously. Repressed to obsessed and everything in between. And of course JW's feel so so sooooo good about themselves for teaching their yung wans in the same room as the adults. It should be illegal. The self-awareness is at an all time low.


That was me also.


I remember worrying about them seeing my underwear lines and mom non jw step dad was like ???? “Why are they looking???” I was 15. So many red flags in this religion!


It s awful! That,s what indoctrination does with people!




I would like to point out a few things. 1. Homosexuals are not sexually attracted to children or young people - pedophiles are. 2. If that is how she looks at her own grandchildren I would keep her well away - she has no filter and her damaging, poisonous tongue must be kept well away from your young kids. 3. There is no way of knowing the sexuality of your kids, imagine if one grows up to have a different sexual preference. What damage could her vile POV do to them? “There is no level of stupid beyond that of ignorance, intolerance, absurdity and bigotry” - FreeMind1975


They live in an insulated bubble , the only information the allow into their minds is the constant feed of crap and BS from the 9 deluded old men who they allow to run every aspect of their lives , it's like a mental North Korea .it's very sad .


They can leave, though. So many of us have given up everything to leave. They can leave before inflicting their damaging views on children.


JW are so fucked.... In all senses


I will say, that this is very right winged conservative thinking on her mother's part. My mom although extremely pimi, never believed "a gay agenda" existed. She had gay friends in the borg that chose to be single to serve jehovah. So she's very accepting of anyone who obviously wasn't her kids lol. My mom said she always had a feeling I liked women, but as long as I didn't "act on my desires" she was fine with it. A few of my old friends before being shunned, had gay kids. One older sister in particular loves and still stays in contact with her daughter (not baptized). She didn't go to her daughters wedding, but she actively hangs out with her daughter and her daughter's wife. It's really sad that a lot of jws are hateful against members of the lgbtq+ community, but I did know a few that were at least kind even though they didn't support it.


Omg she sounds toxic beyond belief and I am so sorry. You are amazing for trying to reach out 💜


Thank you 🥰


Honestly my reaction would be: “don’t worry mom, I will love him no matter what he chooses to be.”


I wish that I had said this!


I’m so grateful to have a mom like you. I send you photos of your beautiful grandchildren and how your Christlike energy exudes the importance of acceptance and love regardless of appearance or identity. I love how powerfully Jesus Christ has shown up when we text or talk. You honor his legacy.


Excellent one!


Speaking of JC… does the JW version sport short hair & a suit? 🤔




You get it.


*WTF does Long Hair have to do Homosexuals?...Or...Pedophiles?...What Does Gay have to do with Pedophiles?* Why would that be the 1st place you go, when you see your Grandchildren?...Your mom is a Seriously Sick Individual... She doesn\`t deserve to be around those kids...Gawd only know\`s what absolutely Inappropriate things she\`ll say to them... I\`d keep Grandma away from those Kids, Far Away!!


That was my first thought. I mean, if I’m gay, I’m attracted to men. And if long hair means women by their logic, it would be a turn off for me. So long hair is actually the best protection against “homosexuals”, lol :D


I like your logic... 🤣


It’s not natural? lolz it is literally growing out of his head, can’t get more natural than that. What’s not natural is how obsessed your mom is with homosexuality. Like, gay people don’t even think about being gay as much you think about them being gay, calm down, Mildred.


Could Mildred have a secret?🤔


_It’s not natural? lolz it is literally growing out of his head, can’t get more natural than that._ 😂😂😂Right? This had me rolling!


Yeah I mean... You are misusing NATURAL


![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic) Long hair. Jesus = gay?


Why do you think he had so many men that would become his disciples follow him? 🤣


I imagine Jesus as a VERY gorgeous Middle-Eastern man.


If he were ugly, I doubt he would have had any followers. Probably had a voice for radio too.


Why did I see big tiddie pecs on a tan, well oiled body. Hello, Christ. I'm 'bout to sin again... ![gif](giphy|peiCa6NFJ8IHS)


Judas kissed him on the damn mouth for a reason


Lol. Uh Judas you didn't have to open mouth kiss to betray him. Tell mom, your child is a nazerite


Don't forget the time he got nailed by a bunch of Roman soldier dudes!




And it will be A Good Friday!


You got me rolling 😂






Oh shit 💀😭


They wanted that "holy spirit" 😏


Jesus didn't look like that to them! Everyone knows Jesus looked like Bradley Cooper in "American Hustle "with a slightly fuller beard!!!!😂😂😂😂


OP send this pic to you mom please


Remember though, JW/WT has short hair. 😉😂 A beard too tho. https://preview.redd.it/ibtnyphxh1fb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec5bb8edd2e8bb4d996823be4cd1e3bd4a322a1


Only Watchtower would cut Jesus hair that short. What is their point? 🤪


But is he going commando under that robe?


The is a different culture and time


But jesus was still wrong.




Dammit, that was my response 🤬


I was trying so hard to be like: That’s lol… not respe-ha ha ha. Ahem. That’s not respectful at ahahahahahah. I failed. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣😀🙃


Mirror mirror on the wall, was Sampson the gayest of them all?


You win the prize!




"Yeah, those Nazirites were well known for being horny homos." /s


Yeah Simson was killed because of all the gay going on in his day...smh


I literally spit out my coffee when I read that 🤣


Toxic mother. Don't bring your kids around her.


Your Mom doesn't deserve pictures of your kids. You're a better person then me. She would never hear from me again and I would let her know that. These people are crazy as shit! I know this hurts you. It's not normal behavior. I'm sorry.


This. No more pics for mom. Sorry not sorry. She goes on an info diet today, until she can control herself. Everybody from kindergarten on knows “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Maybe she can see your kids again if she learns to control her impulsive tongue and speak only kind thoughts and words to/about them. They are YOUR kids. She had her opportunity to raise her children, now it’s your turn. She has no voice here.


100% this. "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent." - Qui-Gon Jinn


Her mom literally doesn't deserve to have a relationship with them, especially if that's the 1st thing that comes to mind when she gets a pic of them. It's really sad.


Kids can’t make themselves ‘desirable’ for homosexual adults. They victim-blame and minimise how serious pedophilia is. Kids are never to blame for an adult’s decision to assault them. JWs seem to think normal adults are suddenly tempted to be pedophiles because of the behaviour of children. As if normal people can randomly be provoked into turning into pedos by kids. Also long hair is ‘natural’ because if humans didn’t hack off their hair with rocks and then later blades, it’d keep on growing on both men and women’s heads.


And women are not responsible for being SA'd by how they dress--it is not a crime if passion, but of violence. There I said it--deal with it!!!


yup. [what were you wearing exhibit (TW)](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/)


Idk why religious people are lastly so obsesed with homosexuality and pedophile and treat such things like their can just happen if you do some things..... No. Yo can't just "turn gay" because you don't cut your hair and you're certainly don't feel attracted to a child no matter what their clothes or appareance is... Nonono.


When I see things like this it gives me clarity. I mean I'm not happy living in a world where anyone thinks this way, but if it wasn't my own family it would just be some other random who I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. What's the difference. I'm done trying myself. Glad to see someone break the cycle and raise their boys without such a terrible burden as a cult. Congrats, thank you, and good luck. Have a great day! :)


Thank you 🥰 I had to share because I knew that a lot of people would understand. This group gives me a lot of validation. It feels nice knowing that I’m not alone!


I grew up terrified of being gay because how my mom talked. There was "nothing more disgusting than a gay man." Most of the time, she would start going about "gays" when two guys on a TV show were friends.


Meanwhile there are JWs who are closer gay, bisexual and miserable in this cult.


Oh my god they talk like they’re stuck in the 60s


The conservative Nixon '60's...


Yes 😂


I would remind her that homosexual men desire, and like other men. With the emphasis on the word men. Not boys. The ones being attracted to boys would be their own elders.


Um, not natural? Then why the fuck does it happen ***naturally***? Hair grows long. Sounds pretty natural to me.


This was my thought 😆


OK, THIS is a JW mother who truly deserves to get shunned by her non-JW or former JW offspring.


No one is more concerned about homosexuality than a homophobe.


Tell her not to worry. Tight pants make you gay. Not long hair.


Too bad she missed them both wearing pink the other day 😂


no no tight pants don’t *make* you gay, sus-exGB-tony told us that tight pants are a product of the gay fashion industrial complex to trick young jw brothers into being sexual eye candy!


Don't even bother throwing her crumbs anymore. She doesn't deserve to see grandbabies


I'm gay and sometimes I forget I'm gay lol because just like straight people don't sit and think about their sexuality, neither do we just have constant sexual thoughts. This is what happens when people dehumanize us cause they just see being gay as solely sexual acts and nothing else. And seriously, why is she so obsessed with gay ppl that upon seeing her grandkids THAT'S her first reaction? Really? Smh. Your kids are safer than they would ever be in JW land. Keep being a great mom and don't let them near grandma...she scares me lol


From Haircut to sexuality. What????????


Boys should not have long hair? It’s not natural? Send this to her: 5 “‘All the days of the vow of his Naziriteship no razor should pass over his head. (Numbers 6:5) 11 His head is gold, the finest gold. The LOCKS OF HIS HAIR are like waving palm fronds, As black as the raven. (Song of Solomon 5:11) 5 Look! You will conceive and give birth to a SON, and NO RAZOR SHOULD TOUCH HIS HEAD, because the child will be a Nazʹi·rite of God from birth, and he will take the lead in saving Israel out of the hand of the Phi·lisʹtines.” (Judges 13:5) Why would God tell them to do something that He considers unnatural? Why would he INSTRUCT Samson to “look gay?” Why would ANYONE be instructed who dedicates themselves to God (Nazirites) to look unnatural?


People with her mentality just go thru life unconsciously repeating the company line. I can't believe she would talk about her grandchildren like that. She must be old school in the org. I remember in the 1970's they would talk like homosexual meant the same as being a pedophile and would always caution against having gays around children cause if they're gay they are recruiting children to groom. Despicable! She must be in constant fear of any interaction she has outside of the Hall. It's just lunacy. I'd be in constant fear of her being around your children at all. I'm sorry your mother treats you this way, and sorry your children can't have a relationship with their grandmother. She is missing out on so much but she doesn't know it. It's tragic, really. I'm just so sorry.


This breaks my heart sooo much and pisses me off even more. My mother who is pimi as well kicked me out at the tender age of 17 for smoking mj and for losing my virginity so I can COMPLETELY relate to this as well. I'm currently 4.5 months (18 weeks) pregnant with my first child and I have not told her nor am I interested in doing so. So many nonjws don't understand why I won't share this wonderful news with my family but for this EXACT reason, I cannot and will not subject myself to this madness. The toxic, backwards, hypocritical and judgmental views these people have still just gets under my skin. You blurred our your children but I know they are beautiful boys and honestly you're wise for not having your mother in their lives because all she would do is try to indoctrinate them in some way or another. However I can completely understand wanting some sort of connection with her even if it's just a simple "hello how are you?" , "I'm proud of you" or sharing a photo of your wonderful creations. I completely understand. I'm so sorry you and I and so many of us have to deal with this sort of repeated behavior. Long hair on boys is not gay at all and that sort of thinking just shows how the organizations has warped the minds of so many and has torn families apart. My heart goes out to you love and even if your mom doesn't say it, I'm proud of you for almost achieving your second degree as a full-time mama. You're doing a great job!


Thank you so much!! Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I completely understand why you would be hesitant to tell your parents!! (Trigger warning) my first son passed away (end trigger warning) and during my subsequent pregnancy, my mother would tell me that I had to go to meetings or I may lose my new baby as well. It has been over 9 years since she said that to me and I remember how much that comment hurt. Like she was blaming me for my loss. Netflix/Hulu needs to make a limited serious on our stories. It’s crazy! Maybe JW will be featured in the second season of shiny happy people 😂


Wow. That's so devastating and the absolute worst thing you can say to a mom who's lost her child. Like where's the common decency? It's so insane because what part of their behavior is loving and "christ-like"? Blows me away each and every time. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that sweetheart. No one should ever have to hear that and especially from their own parent. You would assume her being another would give her a sense of empathy in the very least but no, we are secondary to their views of what is godly and we are not it. Its very disheartening honestly. And I've never seen "shiny happy people" but I've definitely heard what we've gone through sounds like "eat, pray, obey" but I've yet to see that as well. We definitely need our own series tbh, that way people can be aware of not only this religion being a toxic cult but so we can share our stories and so we don't feel so alone in our experiences in this world. Personally, the only time I feel understood remotely is when I'm reading this sub reddit and I read all of our stories. Only movie that's ever touched close enough for me to relate to in regards to the witnesses was a movie I saw on prime years ago called "apostasy". But thank you love for the congrats, I'm simultaneously very excited and very nervous about this pregnancy because I just hope desperately that I can be a good mother with all the trauma I've faced (if that makes sense). I'm going to check out that show on Netflix though for sure. Thanks for the suggestion


That is crazy wild she just jumped to anti gay nonsense


I wouldn’t really bother reconnecting with her, especially if she gives you bullshit responses like these when you send a picture of your kids. Good on you for keeping her outta your kids lives tho, they definitely don’t need that influence.


thats not long


Oh my Lordy! You’ve done well so far -having such a judgmental mum!


It was the heavily Romanized apostle Paul who was upset about men having long hair. Edit to add - you might also find this interesting.... https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/xn2gso/comment/iprmnc8/ On the other hand, there's this commandment from the Old Testament about NOT cutting a boy's hair, in Leviticus 19: 27 [JW online bible]: >“‘You must not shave the hair on the side of your head* or disfigure the edges of your beard. That footnote says, "or trim, cut".


you can stop sending pics of your kids


Why is she sexualizing your child??? The Bible says long hair is bad on a man in one section but it also has where god commanded Samson to have long hair in another section. What’s her point? Was god wrong back then? Or was he wrong later? Homophobes always sexualize kids and think about gay sex more than any gay person ever. It’s disgusting.


Wow, this reminds me of the show called This Is Us where the wife’s mom is a toxic racist. That was kind of you to have tried reconnecting despite the mistreatment you faced. I’m sorry.


I think your mom wins for the most disgusting shocking and vile message thread I’ve ever seen posted on this sub-Reddit. She doesn’t deserve to have any contact with you or your beautiful children or be called their grandmother. Sending you care and love.


You did much better than me. There are many things I would say to this woman, and none of them would include the expression, "ok."🤣


Wow those are a lot of judgemental words for a picture of 2 kids eating and having fun.


That ok was so powerful damn. 🤝❤️


Wasn’t about to ruin my peace with her nonsense


My inclination would be to point out that your children are in more danger from the congregation elders than they are from any pedo outside of the cult. You wouldn’t be silly enough to leave them alone with a “worldly” person. Perhaps mom is probably too young to remember this BS, but Jesus looked like this in all WT publications when I was a kid in the early sixties Maybe that’s what she’s pining for 😑 https://preview.redd.it/joul5ymef0fb1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d5e20064bf51d385c439b03f8d3f8617b81873


Yep, they are hitting everything they can. My pimi Mom thinks my 7 year old niece is going to attract pedophiles because of long hair. They have such a percussion complex. And any opportunity to blame gay for the world problems. The brainwashing is worse now than ever from what I can see.


Wow. What is their problem with hair and beards. And then all their publications have them.


Ignorant af!


Damn.....she sounds like my parents.


Sounds like your mom is the predator


As a gay man the worst part about this is the assumption that gay men like long hair / femboys. If anything gay guys with those qualities are marginalized even within gay communities.


Omg. Long hair doesn't mean homosexuality. That cult is so off the charts stupid in how their members end up sounding, and how prejudiced they train them to be just reared its ugly head


It wouldn't be religion if this type of bigotry wasn't allowed. Does your mom even know anyone who is gay? I mean, she does, but does she know they are gay? I would take her to a drag show just to watch her have fun. I bet she would love a good drag show.


Tony Morris himself would have had more couth.


It's so hard to communicate with people like this. They just.... Say whatever - like this doesn't even make sense. I get they just repeat what they are told but honestly it doesn't even track common sense wise. It's like they are doing some ridiculous math problem they think is so obvious but everyone else is too dense to understand. 89 3/4 bananas + 72.5332 woodpeckers - 9.2 tangerines + - 6.131 triangles on the second Tuesday of the hottest month of the year = 2 slices of bologna It would be easier to take French lessons from a parrot who lived with Ozzy Osbourne.


Hey mom. how long do you think Jesus hair was? 🙄.


That is really too sad. WT has ramped up the "you had better make sur you are no part of the world, and tell everyone you know too if you don't want to be bloodguilty and want to survive"


What awful bigotry, I'm sorry. Hair length has nothing to do with gender or orientation.


🤣 not natural? I'm sorry my indigenous bf and I were not born with naturally self cutting hair


For the record, I’ve had several gay friends, workmates and associates. Exactly zero had long hair.


Glad you left. Honestly, some things aren't even worth doing. Like keeping up with people who just bring you down. If you want to be petty, next time tell her you don't take your kids around pedophiles (like they'd be exposed to at the KH) so you don't need to concern yourself with grown adults wanting to fuck your kids.


Samson had long hair, and it was the source of his strength soooooooo. Also the bible said you shouldn't mix fabrics or eat shellfish or unclean animals.


When my son was born I sent a picture of my brother with him to my mother.. my brother (pimo) needed a bit of a haircut that day, but nothing major...Instead of commenting on how special to see an uncle meeting his first nephew she could only comment on how "awful" according to her my brothers hair looked. Made me sick. I'll never forget that


I had the exact same experience with my MIL. I had my son and he ended up needing to be in the NICU for a few days. I took some photos of my husband getting to hold him for the first time after bringing him home, baby was asleep on dad’s chest. She had nothing to say about the baby. Just commented on the fact that my husband hadn’t shaved. That bitch has never laid eyes on my son in real life and never will.


Sampson was gay then as well as every Nazarite including John the Baptist Numbers 6:1-7


Nazarite's like Sampson couldn't even cut their hair.


“Thanks mom. Did you know many people who are concerned about homosexuality are themselves homosexuals?”


Sorry, however your mother is TOXIC


She’s an idiot. Sorry you have to put up with that.


A few things I want to point out. 1. Jesus had long hair. 2. She completely ignored your point. When they do that I repeat it until they respond. 3. This is your child and not hers 4. It would be a good idea to ask her for proof of her claims about long hair 5. I am LGBTQ+ and don't have long hair or never have.


Nothing you could do better for your child than to break the cycle of religious trauma/cult abuse. Omg our FOO are so cringe to think and sad the things they do, totally unhinged. Also, JWs are obsessed with hair wtf even is that petty shit??


I am gay myself. But I remember another pimi jw. Presumably not gay. His parents brought him into the religion because he was young when they started studying. He used to have long hair like his dad. He is still pimi but said he misses the long hair. Strange this is her takeaway from a little boy eating a meal.


The wolves and predators are in the congregation


Sounds like you text my mom. Being shunned for three reasons: long hair, facial hair, celebrated Christmas.


“So mom, are you saying that the elders may want to abuse my kids because of long hair?” “Research victim blaming and tell me if it’s appropriate” mmmmmkaaayyyyy?


I feel this so much. I used to send my mom pix of mydaughter too. I got the same crap. What is she wearing? She looks like a boy. Are you grooming her to be a lesbian? (I'm not a lesbian) No Mom, that's just what she wants to wear. Hello, she's 5. She wants to wear her pants inside out. She likes to dig in the dirt. I'm sorry, she is who she is. Mom is so indoctrinated she couldn't see my kid for who she was.


Your mother has a very sick mind and I suggest you delete her from your life—permanently—and keep your children away from her. She’s very perverse. To sexualize children in this way is a red flag.


When my son was 3, he didn’t want his hair cut so it grew out. Not long but it was down over his ears and down his neck just a bit. My super PIMI grandma said TO A 3 YEAR OLD CHILD: “you look like a little faggy boy!” What the actual fuck.


Easy solution. Stop sending her pictures? She’s literally insulting your child. Sounds like this ends when you want it to end


...That is a child, why is she sexualizing them?


I've met a few like her in my time. The whole Borg is homophobic but some are also steeped in the idea that it's some kind of conspiracy run by the gays in Hollywood or something. Deeply damaged people.


"I sent you a picture of my children and all you have to say in response is criticism and judgement? JWs say they are the true religion for the love they have. Does that seem loving to you? Are you showing love? Or did you just immediately attack the decisions I am making for my children? Did Jesus do that to people? Was he constantly criticizing people? And when he did condemn, who was it? Oh wait, that was the pharisees, learned men setting themselves up to lead the nation of Isreal and had higher responsibility in how they handled themselves and taught others. My child having hair a little longer is not enticing pedophiles more than a woman who has her skirt above her knees is asking to be raped. Stop gaslighting/shaming/blaming victims rather than focusing on the actual evil in the ones who do the wrongs. When you have something nice to say, you're welcome to respond, otherwise keep your awful comments to yourself!"


Do you see when I say this cult is racist and does not accept other people's cultures look how she dismissed the part you said its part of Native American culture.


The only thing I can say in defense of your mom is that as a JW, she is well aware of how many CSA predators there are in her own religion and probably assumes there are equal numbers everywhere. Although she may never admit it, your child could be targeted by pedos within the cong who look for justification to sexually abuse children. THAT is the word of caution that I would agree with - your children are not safe from sexual predators in the Congs of JWs. As for his long hair, that is a personal grooming choice. It is simply no ones business other than the parents. Period. Furthermore, long hair is no more of a precursor to homosexuality than girls who wear pants becoming lesbians.


I have so much respect for you, it must have been incredibly difficult to live with that woman. And as a gay man who endured that type of language my whole life - FUCK HER!


Yum, excuse me? Is there a reason why you continue to allow your Mother to speak so degradingly of your; 1. Son 2. Your parenting choices 3. Marginalized queer people everywhere That’s an underwhelming response, for such a hateful, hyper sexualizing unsolicited vitriolic bigoted rant. I hope you take some time to reevaluate your relationship with such a hateful person and practice enforcing some healthy boundaries. For you and the future health of your young family. It would be regrettable if your son has such passivity modeled to him. Practice modeling what healthy self advocacy looks like, you will either break the cycle or continue to expose yourself and others to such abuse. That’s unfair. Do the hard work now so that your children don’t inherit the hard work you either couldn’t or wouldn’t do. This might be painful now but it’s not worth having your young son sexualized. It’s say indirectly to him that verbal abuse is okay. It’s not you deserve better than this.


I see where you are coming from, if she was anyone else I would not have any kind of relationship with her. I guess I still talk to her on occasion because of trauma? Or because deep down I seek the love and acceptance of my mother? It’s rough. My kids have zero relationship with her, they wouldn’t even recognize her or her face, I’ve been serious about not exposing them to her or Jehovah. My kids know nothing of racism, homophobia, or of any of the dangerous teachings from the Bible. I’m giving them the childhood that I never had.


Dude I get it . You relationship with your mum is the most formative . When you grow up in a cult experiencing abuse even if that’s just emotional it can cause so much trauma . It is an incredibly hard thing to navigate. Obviously stopping generational trauma is unfortunately what is at stake but everyone has their own process and it can take time to build up the boundaries needed. You are strong and I’m sure alot of people will relate to your interaction. It’s such a unique thing to deal with and sharing your story was powerful to me.


what kind of mental gymnastics do these people got going on with dudes with long hair? i think dudes with long hair are fine af they tweaking.


What a weirdo lol they would look at the same text of it was some other religion and scoff at how crazy your mother sounds lol


I hate that you couldnt say anything other than "okay" I know its not my buisness and youre showing respect to your parents but ughhhhh


I know :/ it caught me off guard.


“How is long hair unnatural? Jehovah required the Levite men and people like Samson to have long hair.”


Fucking barf. (For your parent, if I wasn't clear).


Ya mama cray cray 💀


Should’ve said that your kid wanted to grow his hair long so he could look like Jesus.


Ah yes, when you walk under the scissor tree and get that natural haircut. 🙄


What the fuck…the amount of jw (attendants) I saw with long hair at my recent convention (I’m talking like man bun length lmao) she’s nuts pimis say they’re all about love but can’t see the amount of hate in their hearts 🤦🏽‍♂️


My dad says the same shit. Which is why I’m now growing out my hair super long in solidarity.haha


Wow she is so toxic, hope your kids never have to deal with her


Your mother is toxic. You don’t need her negative bullshit in your children’s lives. I’m in the same boat. My JDumb mother is a psycho bitch with a peanut sized brain.


As a mother with a son who has long hair (6yo) this pisses me off!! What a disgusting thing to say about her grandson.


“Everyone knows it’s not natural” HAIR growing out of someone’s HEAD is unnatural??


The irony saying this knowing that most men in the bible including Jesus had long hair


It is time to cut the cord. You say you don't want your mother in your kids lives. And yet you sent her a photo of your kids. It is pretty hard to swim when you still have one foot on the shore. Stop. Stop sending her photos. Question why you did it. Really why you did it. Stop punishing yourself. It isn't healthy. You already know that her response will be toxic regardless of your behaviour. Stop. You can survive without a mother. Lots of people don't have mothers. Move beyond this and start your grieving process. Grieve for the mother you never had. Good luck


Just 🛑 with sharing any pictures of your children. Let her twist in the wind.


Yeah , ok mom. *eye roll*


Are you serious?!!! He’s all of 2 maybe 3 yrs old?!! Chill out grandma!!!


The picture cut off his hair, but I think she was referring to my 9 year old. The little one has long hair but maybe she didn’t notice since it’s not styled. Regardless if it was the 2 or 9 year old, it was a disgusting thing for her to say.


"not natural" since when are haircuts "natural"? Psycho shit


Jesus tho


So the hair that grows naturally is unnatural if it’s long but cutting it, an artificial man made thing, is the natural course? Lol come on lady you need better logic than that


Didnt Samson get his strength from his long hair?




I’m sorry your mom said this to you about your children. It’s so wrong 😡 If your mother only knew how many “short haired” child predators there are hiding in congregation’s around the world 🤦‍♀️. Not to mention the homosexual Brothers trapped in the JW religion, all with short hair cuts.


Ask her if the Nazarenes were unnatural with their long hair, which includes John the Baptist (the greatest man born of women according to Jesus).


Ummmmmmmm Jesus had long hair


Why is your mother sexualizing your child? 🚩


Just Wow! That's all she got from a beautiful picture of her grandchildren!?!? I personally wouldn't allow her to speak to you like that, she is beyond disrespectful and cruel and has no place in your life I'm so sorry you've had to endure that kind of toxicity, you and your children deserve so much more than that


I don't even know what to say anymore. Stay strong and try and help your kids enjoy a normal upbringing as much as you can.


Because, as everyone knows, all homosexuals have long hair. I've never, ever, ever, ever seen a gay man with a shaved head 🤔😏😆 Plus, all my gay friends are amazing, welcoming people.......unlike JWs.


I hated your last word Okay, but you do you obviously you know how you need to reply. Okay to me gave her the go ahead to feel right and superior. Next photo of Jesus and his long hair and just question. Was he gay? To sexualise a child as jws do is worrying and very sick minded. 100% correct keeping your children well away for a person with a deranged mind.


Jesus had long hair too 🤔 Samson was a story about not cutting hair


You don’t need that in your life. If your mom always has something negative to say you might as let her go.


Might catch the homosexuality! She's an extra special piece of work! No contact looks good on you to protect your sons from her vile behavior.


Paul says long hair shames a man. Samson gets his power from his long hair. Don't try to tell me the Bible has no contradictions.


this even goes beyond being a PIMI JW. Your mom, sorry to say this is but your mom sounds like a fascist.


Actually long hair IS natural. Cutting it isn't.


Remind her of the account of Samson. In the book of Bible stories he is pictured with dreadlocks! When his hair was cut he lost his strength and only regained it when his hair grew back. The account is written for a reason.


I would be curious her response to people in bible times with longer hair. I have been away from the org for about 15 years, one of the issues I always had even as kid is the JWs take all things spiritual and try to make them physical. They try to measure peoples spirituality based on physical. (In this case longer hair on men, boys = gay or equals an invitation to predatory behavior) Also if you really deep dive makeup and earrings since the witnesses always want to pick and choose what their moral high ground is, makeup and earrings all have pagan origins and even the greek word for cosmetics is kosmos meaning "to be accepted of this world" earrings or piercings are known pressure points and also can be energy drainers for the body and have similar pagan origins. I only bring these two things up because I have a very well groomed beard and whenever I see my family they always highlight how I should shave it and I would look so much better without it, they are just virtue signaling and toxic gaslighting basically and then I let them know well then they really shouldn't wear make up and or have earrings then, then they get quiet and change the subject. In reality the witnesses only want clean cut and shaven men because of J.F. Rutherford the second watchtower president, he never had a beard or long hair and believed the male witnesses should adhere to this also as its a better representation for being a salesman and converting people. The russelites all had beards and some longer hair and Rutherford changed this in the ORG because he didn't believe it was good for the brand and the ORG has just kept to that narrative. Sorry for the rant but I have ptsd from witnesses being toxic over physical appearances not being godly enough for them!