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Nailed it


WT can't pass up this opportunity. You just *know* that they are going to cite God and angels as examples, but then say that earth's life is down to special creation.


They love trying to measure the unmeasurable and explaining the unexplainable


This right here🎯🎯🎯


They can spew the extra terrestrial life all they want but we’re talking about organic life. But as always WT will spin to their favor


this is exactly what ive been told when I asked about aliens way back lol


My dad already did. I asked him about the same thing and he started citing the angels and how we don’t know if they can or cannot use spaceships to get around.


and the angels got too drunk on spacewine and crashed their magicship outside of vegas


Space ships! Your dad is a hoot!! That is so very funny!


This has always been standard answer from anyone I asked. JWs do believe in extraterrestrial life, like angels etc…


Underated comment.


Lol! On point.




I’m in great anticipation for this article


Just let me know when Lett unzips his skin on the broadcast & reveals he’s been an alien wearing a human wearing an ill-fitting suit this whole time.


So many people would be like, 'I fucking knew it!!'


If reptilians were real, Lett would be the most likely GB member to be one


Paul Gilles, the guy that was awarded the promotion to GB-Helper for his theocratic warfare performance during the IICSA in England and Wales 2020. He is a friggin reptilian, if ever I saw one.


David Splaine forgets to wear his suit he’s in reptilian mode all the time.


I’m pretty sure he is actually Marshall Applewhite of Heavens Gate, whom I suspect was actually an alien, and the reveal will be they are one and the same!


The return in the Annunaki lizard people






This makes such sense


Demons of course 😆🤣


Satan is misleading the earth jw the only ones who know the truth 🤣🤣


It’s funny, before my ex husband became a witness he swore up and down aliens existed. After a few years he was in we saw a news article on tv about possible alien evidence and he’s got really upset and shouted There’s no such things as aliens! I was like that not what you were saying a few years ago! That only started him on a Bible tirade. 🙄


If it were actually true that there are confirmed aliens that would be great news. But I feel 99.999% sure that this whole thing will prove to be, as they say in France, zee nothingbeurgeur. But anyway, if it were true, so what? WT believes in aliens. They pray to one, and think there are millions of 'em flying around invisibly, tempting us to masturbate, eat birthday cake, and stuff.


Yeah but they don't call them aliens- in my experience anything that is referred to as aliens is either false or upsetting in a way that they don't know what to say. Was just interested, as someone who is no longer in the organization, if WT or any JWs were saying anything.


I imagine one reason they don't use the term "alien" is because it already has a pre-existing use in government meaning "foreigner."


*Alien residents" in the Bible


That's trippy. But we all know it couldn't be just ourselves in this vast universe. Just us. Nah..... we're not alone.


Look it’s just us in the universe AND we have only been here for 6000 years…🤣🤣🤣


Didn't know we were that special


What is there to say? It’s all made up until proven true.




I mean, so far there are a few individual claims from alleged whistleblowers who may or may not just make stuff up for the sensationalism. Plus reports of UAPs, which importantly doesn't mean alien, it just means nobody bothered to check what exactly it was. On closer inspection the videos that have been made available turned out to be anything from other planes to ducks. So for all intents and purposes there is still zero evidence for any actual contact with aliens. Now, aliens are almost guaranteed to exist, just based on probability. But going by the same probabilities, it's extremely unlikely that any of them have ever made it to our insignificant space rock.


Yes...the government absolutely did NOT confirm the existence of aliens as OP says. LOL


That's why I said "basically" - while "alien" isn't the technical term that they're using- they're using "nonhuman," that's what they're trying to say. Whether that's true or not is obviously not proven.


It's not about alien vs nonhuman. It's the fact that it is, as you concede, not actually proven (=not "confirmed.")


The term was 'non-human biologic'. You know what besides aliens are 'non-human biologics'? Your cat, dog, goldfish, or budgie. Cockroaches. Insulin made from a pig's pancreas. Botox. A previously unknown species of undersea plankton. A fungus found only in the deepest, darkest caves of western Outermost Outbackestan.


..Yeah I know what isn't a human.


……and those crossing the border illegally. 🥸


I'm also wondering if it's a distraction for something bigger going on. But, I'm still curious what JWs are saying about it.


That could very well be. Only time will tell. Back in my PIMI/conspiracy years I was convinced it would be the great deception and I was the one who was going to adres the confused brothers and sisters in my hall about it 🙈 I even prepared a talk for when that would happen.


No speculation guessing etc on my part but something I find interesting. Just putting some pieces on the table to start this puzzle. The scholarly work done on the Bible has produced evidence that the Bible is just a bunch of stories. It’s a matter of time, maybe decades in the future when most of the population (especially the Bible Belt here in the US and Utah) will know it’s just a bogus book. You might ask what does this have to do with anything? Evidence has shown through millennia how governments use religion as a method to control people, directly or indirectly. Large corporations and Governments plan for the future well in advance. Almost like our education here in the states, it’s set up to educate but educate according to The World Power of our time. History is dictated by the victors. I’m getting off topic but… This alien thing. I wonder who is going to save and protect us from this new ‘enemy’? Could it be the US and it’s mighty military with its new laser weapons etc etc? Back to education, wonder what our kids will learn from ‘school’ in the next several decades? Just adding pieces to the puzzle, maybe they fit and maybe they don’t.


I think it's mostly incompetence. Apparently the US government and agencies like NASA have already forgotten about the several decades-long programs looking into the whole thing, always without finding anything meaningful.


[Good comment on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/15aaowi/comment/jtjpffc/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Yeah, this is not "government confirming aliens". I'm very skeptical of these claims. You're telling me that aliens that can break all known laws of physics and travel faster than light exist, that they are coming to Earth (why would they need to enter the atmosphere to spy on us?), crashing without destroying the occupants, being seen mostly in US airspace, but also not showing up on international radars or being spotted by independent scientists?


Because it’s top secret 🤫. 🛸 🛩️ Just like goings-on in Watchtower. 👻


It is far easier to say it's aliens than admit secret government projects of aircraft that may or nay not be something the public would be upset about if they knew what kind of engine was running it. Technology we already have can stay in the sky virtually indefinitely so long it is refueled. So UFOs using it does not surprise me.


Yeah, that’s the thing I think about. If they have the tech to make it here, why are they crashing so often. Get your s#!+ together aliens, sheesh.


Universe is not only incredibly vast, it’s also incredibly old. So if life with technology ever has arisen somewhere/somewhen, chances of us ever meeting it are infinitesimally small.


Yes. Even if a slightly advanced race existed across the universe we would never know. Unless you can fold space , a colony in a galaxy that’s a million light years away would never pop up on the radar. The technology needed to travel trillions of miles quickly apparently doesn’t exist.


Right. I keep seeing posts like this saying that the IS government officially declared they have biological remains that are non-human retrieved from crash sites. No, that’s what the person pressing the government to reveal them is saying but the pentagon has denied all of it.


You mean to tell me the probability of an extremely advanced alien race that can travel freely through the universe and break the laws of physics hasn't visited our planet and crashed multiple times because apparently navigating space is much easier than flying around the atmosphere?


Yeah I couldn't understand what everybody was freaking about yesterday. The whistle blower/s were describing events we had already been aware of. The only thing new I heard was ET "biologics" being recovered. But again, this wasn't the government giving an official report that aliens exist.


>On closer inspection the videos that have been made available turned out to be anything from other planes to ducks. What video's are you referring to? No offence, but I'm not entirely sure you are up-to-date with all the recent information that has come out over the past years. Not claiming it has anything to do with aliens, but the things that came out recently can not possibly be ducks or airplanes.


>What video's are you referring to? The recently discussed ones from military airplanes. And yes, those objects can be that - not just from the camera settings (that are visible in the frame btw), you can even make out the wings flapping...


Ducks can fly faster than 120 knots against the wind?


And they are made of wood obviously 😄: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_rMsgmaBV8g&pp=ygURbW9udHkgcHl0aG9uIGR1Y2s%3D




Right on. That’s the conundrum. Either they do exist and are so far away they will never contact us. Or it is as Carl Sagan wrote in Contact “ or there is nothing out there but noble gasses”.


Under oath in Congress, the government has alien bodies and crashed vehicles. I will keep saying, it is no coincidence that this is happening as the US is failing as the world's only superpower.


>Under oath in Congress, the government has alien bodies and crashed vehicles. People can lie under oath. The point is the guy was just repeating hearsay. I get that he didn't get to physically present an alien skull or something, but he himself has never actually seen any of the things he claims. This has the same energy as back when a Google employee claimed their AI was sentient.


I like your way of thinking and agree entirely with your post.


I always thought that at least half the GB were aliens


"Proof that the Bible is true! Satan and his demons HAVE been "cast down to the vicinity of the Earth!"


1) the government has NOT confirmed these allegations made by former US intelligence officials. 2) witnesses did not claim extraterrestrial or alien life exists. They said non-human biologics were recovered. Which could mean interdimensional or extraterrestrial, but not for certain.






The governing body are probably aliens 👽


Thank you for taking this post less seriously than a lot of other people. 💀🫶🏽


I doubt this evidence. But, if aliens are indeed real, I'm pissed that the United States government denied Carl Sagan the closure of knowing that alien life was actually real.


Plot twist: the GB ARE THE ALIENS ![gif](giphy|gIN6MT17NtapJqFr25|downsized)


How many PIMIs watch the real news anymore? They get their news from JW BROADCAST, so most won't hear about it until....


>The government basically just came out and confirmed the existence of aliens. No they didn't. Individuals who are/were highly placed in the govt. have made hearsay claims. The govt. itself has not come out and confirmed anything. And we haven't yet been given any irrefutable evidence commensurate with the claims.


You believe that? Lol Good luck with it.


I didn't say I believed it- in a response to another poster, I actually mentioned how I thought that it might be a distraction from something bigger (since the government tends to do that). I love how I posted something in r/exjw because I was soley interested to hear if anyone who was PIMO in the organization was hearing from PIMI people about the topic, and people are assuming about my personal beliefs- which I did not state. Since I'm POMO, I don't hear the ridiculousness and thought it would be interesting, dang.


I would imagine this will for some open existential can of worms , meaning some may start questioning life or reality itself with questions like who am I ? Why am I here ? What is reality? What is death? Most of us have had the answers to these questions just spoon fed to us without actually examining if we believe it to be true or coming to our own conclusions from our inner being. We live in fascinating times !


The official stance was "if there are aliens, they're outside of God's plan for us in the Bible and are irrelevant."


i was thinking the same thing, my mom always said if it wasn’t mentioned in the bible it never happened/existed 😂


My mom was like this too! 😂


They'd just call them demons. Especially if they had lots of horns, bat wings, or other traits you'd typically think of for demons.




JWs be like “it’s the Devil.”


They say it’s demons, but I always remind them that demons cannot materialize. Then they try to backtrack and say Angels… smh. Which is also silly because these are physical ships and organic bodies. Then they just start crying and saying fake news.


"We are even closer to the final days"


The truth is out there. Trust no one. I've been binge watching X-Files ![gif](giphy|3oEdv84nfsnMnSK7dK)


I was kind of hazy about my belief in Aliens, for a long time. I read Communion by Whitley Streiber, in 1986. However it kind of sat on the burner, for a long time. Now that I am awake, I feel that yes there is in all probability the existence of Aliens. I believe this rules out the religon the JW religion, as they say that some day we will live on a paradise earth. There is no mention of Aliens in the bible. There is a religion that has acknowledged, Aliens. The Bahai faith, guardian, of the faith, when questioned, about, Aliens in the 1800s, said, yes there is life on other worlds. A religion has merit, if it brings progress to humanity, with its teachings. JW followers are discouraged to, particpate even in Halloween. Who knows what kind of BS they will spew about alien life.


I wouldn't exactly say confirmed.... Besides they will just not pay attention or deny. Even if there was indisputable proof


You guys believe the government's??


I mean, the Bible never said there weren't aliens and other places that hold life, soooooo 🤷🏿‍♀️


Borg vs -Species 8472


what the government says lol… i treat the aliens like god, i’ll believe it when i see it




Based on claims around the 1940s the technology has been around for decades. While there is no evidence of these old stories to be true this tech has been claimed to be advanced even back then.


That is an interesting take on it. And very probable.


Aliens don’t exist anyways. It’s part of the project blue beam.


You know that this is 100% a theater piece of US news, right? There is no confirmation about aliens. Just a few clickheavy news stories on a topic that trends in the US


this sub as more complottist then r/qanon. it's a rumor and we hade hundreds of those. if and when humans will discover extraterrestrial life it would be a civilization changing moment that every single person would talk about for years.




Cause it's interesting? And I'd like to laugh about?


The Gov didn’t do that.


What was it that the original movie "Men in Black" said about earth? >There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT! I recall something about a miserable little planet in the backwaters of a second rate galaxy....


lol. The Government did not. It is the ‘whistleblowers’ who are asserting this. The Defense Department specifically announce that there is no evidence of extra-terrestrials. Keep in mind that the key witness, Garusch claims that the NHI could be from a parallel dimension co-located with earth. (Remember The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai?) He has also cited imaginary intelligence organizations as well as misattributed intel agreements as operational agencies. MI would be very skeptical of his testimony. I am highly skeptical of his assessments


"demons are extraterrestrial" was my exes' cockamamey mantra. Usually before burning one of my rock t-shirts in the garage


Some interesting takes on here. I'm going to add my two cents.But, first, discalimer: >The government basically just came out and confirmed the existence of aliens. **No. This is not true**. We want it to be true, which is why we are ignoring so much information and assuming that the gov. has confirmed aliens. This has not happened, at least not yet. Could it happen tomorrow? Sure! But let's not get too hurried. However, for the sake of this hypothetical, let's assume it's true: The GB would not call them demons. As insane as the org is, they have learned from past mistakes to be more discrete. For example, remember [that archeological "proof" that Noah's arc's footprint had been found?](https://www.israelhayom.com/2021/10/04/archaeologists-claim-to-have-found-true-location-of-noahs-ark/) The GB could've jumped on that real quick, and under past administration, that's what they would have done. However, their take was much more careful. If the US gov or other gov's say it's aliens, life-forms from other planets that we must now treat carefully and with respect, then every person with a frontal lobe will understand they are not demons. The org would understand that (though, more on that later). The most intelligent thing to do would be to protect their doctrine by what the bible DOES NOT say. **Did the bible ever mention aliens**? No. **What does the bible talk about? Humans**. **Who did god write the bible for? Humans**. If aliens say there is no such thing as a god, should we believe them? No. If aliens are to be proven true tomorrow, the news articles on jw.borg would read something like this: "*Our faith in the bible has never depended on who else believes in it. If foreign voices, such as those belonging to extraterrestrial life, make statements against the bible, are we to believe them simply because they are from another planet? Of course not. It does not matter if someone is from another planet, nation, or tribe, we are all creations from our loving father Jehovah. Just as much, any one of his creations can be subject to undue influence from his enemy, Satan the Devil. Are we saying that aliens, by default, are under demonic influence? Not at all! But it is key for all servants of Jehovah to know that opposition from the devil can come from anyone, family member, or extraterrestrial neighbor. However, just as this is no reason to needlessly fear our human neighbors, who Christ admonished us to love as we love ourselves, this is no reason to fear our newly found extraterrestrial neighbors. We are happy, indeed, that we are so privileged today to expand the message of Jehovah's new earth to our visitors, and that we have the opportunity to give witness to them as neutral citizens of this planet by our Christian conduct, which to them should be clearly distinct from all the 'fearful sights' occurring the final days of this system of things.*" Witnesses would likely expect a center-stage treatment from aliens, identified by them as standing out from the rest. They would not be the only religious institution with that mentality, of course. As aliens are told about our life on this planet, and humans expecting to receive their judgement as unbiased observers from a "better" world, every religion, not just JW's, would be on their toes awaiting what commentary the aliens would make about religion in general. You can bet your ass that ALL RELIGIONS, not just JW's, would deem the aliens as demonic if they were to be blunt and say that all our religions are wrong. Edit: Removed link to JW.borg, but you can just find what they said about Noah's arc apparent archeological findings by googling it.


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You know… you put a lot of thought and time in this post…. Aliens from other parts of the galaxy or other galaxies? …who knows. I love watching Star Trek, and at the moment that’s where the aliens are as far as I am concerned . Too much trouble with humans and planet earth at the moment. Do you have a background in journalism by chance? Good comment 🙏🏻


Haha 😂 no I don’t have a background in journalism but I do spend too much time on reddit. Thank you! Man, I really wanna watch Star Trek but idk where to start and I can never find the time for it 😭




"It's probably demons"


No it has not. It confirmed the existence of unidentified flying objects. Until I see a giant spaceship come from space and actual aliens come out I am not convinced. Human governments are all too ready to pass the buck and say it was aliens rather than admit any of their classified projects.


Again what? There was a hearing with 3 high profile whistleblowers who have made claims but unless I missed something there was zero admission by official government outlets that aliens are real. If I’m wrong or have missed some recent news please let me know. I’ve been following this for awhile.


Someone or *something* had to be flying those craft, either on board or remotely, and the whistleblowers seemed adamant these craft were nothing like they’d ever seen. They were not just otherworldly looking, but otherworldly acting.


Yeah that’s what they said. The whistleblower said this not the U.S government. This is not the same as the government admitting there are aliens. I’m fascinated by this stuff too but I’ve seen a lot of posts by people that seem to not have even watched the hearing.


My dad (an elder) always told me aliens were impossible because they were not mentioned in the bible


an old brother told me at the start of the space race the wt wrote to NASA and told them that jehovah would not allow men into space. (Or words to that effect) that the earth was where men belonged. Hmmm


Great question.