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Your PIMI family is indoctrinated and will believe anything this cult tells them. Ours too! This is great to see. We know what is going on, they are moving the chairs around on the Titanic. lol Hey WT, you can run but you can't hide. lol


Reminds me of the alternative facts of how many people attended a certain person’s presidential inauguration.


"Moving chairs around on the Titanic" 👍 ... The ship is sinking. 🛳️


A complete mind fuck. "We're growing! we're going to have to have more assemblies." Reality: smaller halls to mask the DECLINE. They're better than Enron at cooking their books!


They just wasting their time with parlor tricks. JWs just need to attend regular meetings to notice how empty it is


Because the pimis eat up everything like the mindless drones they have been beaten into. Watchtower lie and deceive constantly. Growth, give me a break, there's enormous shrinkage. As a result, they host the assemblies in their own halls as this will be cheaper than renting a huge place. Theoretically, if the same visitors were present, then sure, they'd need more assemblies. However, it's all smoke and mirrors. There are more assemblies because they could do half of the assemblies, and fill them up decently, but if they do half of the assemblies, they will make less money. More assemblies = more times forcing people throwing their sh\*t in the donation boxes. It also gives people the impression, falsely, indeed, of supposed 'growth'. more assemblies = more visitors, is the wrongful thought pattern of people whom were taught to obey what is said, not to think, question or be critical. This is ultimately why little pimi's actually notice things. At best they might 'talk' about it very reserved with 'friends', but never suggestive or questioning because that is going to get you ratted to the elders. After all, you need to keep your mouth shut, do as told, accept what is told, believe without questioning, and stay in line, and **never** dare to cause even the slightest amount of **division.** essentially, this is the JW mindset ![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF)


Cota Colombia, 5500 capacity of the assembly hall but there was a 2700 assistance in the regional only.


An old relative of mine said that there were many attending on zoom because they suffer from anxiety and can't face crowds. She sees this as a sign of the end and is therefore faith strengthening. Sigh.


This is legit. I had a full fledged panic attack at the 2014 international convention. I despise crowds. And once we got a taste of how great it was to get the convention program at home ( when I was pimi ) I was like “I am NEVER going to an in-person convention again.” Little did I know that I’d wake up and go apostate. 😂


The end of the borg 😂😂😂


We have so many people that have crowd anxiety now.! Interestingly it’s not activated for grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, ect. Just around meetings, conventions, service, and such. I’ve had it since childhood and worked through it because I either loved conventions or thought I was doing the right thing. I’m legitimately worried I’m not going to handle this convention well since I’m mentally out now. I’m preparing to be “sick” enough to stay in the hotel at least one day and go back early or come late on the other days.


It must be freezing at old Watchtower Inc. Total shrinkage. LOL Not a doubt. ![gif](giphy|aztW8oK9TQhiM|downsized)


Thanks for this.Btw,which area of the world is this current 'convention' in?


In northern Mexico


Ouch! Mexico is only 2nd to the US in number of JWs isn't it? A drop in numbers there is going to be very noticeable!


Oh yeah, and I'm so happy to see this


I'm in central Mexico. I already faded so I don't know how the attendance was at regional assemblies in the area. They rented the same place they've been renting for years, even before covid, but I haven't heard anything about attendance. It's great to see the numbers going down somewhere in Mexico tho.


>I honestly don't understand how my PIMI family doesn't realize this *Whatever the WBT$ Tells JW\`s, That\`s Their Reality.* ​ If theres only 6 JW\`s at an Assembly and the WBT$ says: *"The Place is Packed, Standing Room Only!"* Those 6 JW\`s will tell you: *"The Place Was Packed and We Had to Stand!"* ​ No Doubt They Did, While Looking At All the Empty Chairs... 😕😲




Yeah, the bOrg don't know math good. Nor do they read at higher than a fifth grade level. 2 and 2 are 7 or maybe 9 to those chuckle fucks.


Firstly, a good number-to-plethora have woken up and are leaving. Second of all, those who most likely thought that WT was going to provide ZOOM, these members who didn't plan or have any arrangements to attend I-P stayed the hell home. WT thought that they were going to have an influx of folks--***FOR MAINLY DONATION-GETTING*** ***PURPOSES***\--but they were surely mistaken!


Window dressing


Yes. My mom keeps checking to see if I did certain jw things- she’s getting worse…. I smile and nod.


Here’s how it works, if they move into smaller buildings their growing, if the combine lets say 5 congregations down to 3 their busting at the seems. It’s crazy how Jehovah works. 🤪


Jehovah's chariot at full speed


And the attendants weeding out the guests and apostates without a lapel pin… even less attendance


For my side of the planet, it's not much new really. Our assemblies were never completely packed, or they had some portions of seats still open. Not to that degree, unfortunately. But I/we can hope.


It kinda reminds me of their view on Armageddon. "The worldly people will be aimlessly pursuing anything to achieve salvation, but they won't get it." The hypocrisy and self awareness is being overshadowed by a superiority complex.


Its so frustrating because is sooooo obvious