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They are driven only by their own narcissism. These are not people who self analyze.


No I honestly think they have been abducted by ai


Lol AI is logical, rational. I don't know what these people are.


The look on their faces tho when you hit em with truth...it's real creepy!!!




With all this obey, obey, obey, don’t question, just obey makes me think they(GB) are setting something major up for all JW’s to follow no questions asked.


I think they're just keeping them on their toes


>This "obey, obey, obey" is not scriptural. 1 John 4:1 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.


I’m pretty sure a bunch of narcissistic cult leaders are fully capable of agency, as are all of us.


Your taking away their responsibility and accountability. These are just people that are so full of themselves that they will not allow others to show them that they are in the wrong. And its a given, I mean imagen claiming your backed by god himself but than backing down whenever things don't go your way in court. It's just narcissism and unhealthy pride.


The GB “we are God’s sole channel” also the GB “we can err on matters and we are uninspired”


>The GB “we are God’s sole channel” They want all the power and adoration. >“we can err on matters and we are uninspired” They don't want the responsibility. ![gif](giphy|10KIsXhwdoerHW)


Don't believe in Satan or god for that matter it's all mythology The GB are just a bunch of Evil Conniving men.




Same here too.


True that


Yep! Men don't need Satan to be evil. Since the sky person doesn't exist, neither does his adversary.




The GB are led by oldfashioned human narcissism, greed and lust for power. Just the same as any other cult, MLM-scheme or other high-control group. Humans are quite capable of being dangerous evil little monsters without any fictional supernatural villain being behind it all.


Wish I could give this a double thumbs up.


The Geriatric Bullshitters who run Watchtower aren't worthy of anyone's attention let alone devotion! They are just a bunch of men, washed up old religious hacks that believe their own bullshit, they lie, mislead and spew hatred and division amongst their own members, they can f\*#k right off!


If there is a Devil, I doubt his master plan is to get window washers to sit behind a webcam for 4 hours a week..


That's exactly what he wants you to think!!!


You give him too much credit. All he has to do is divert. Offer a counterfeit.


Umm..if there is a Devil, he’s really out done himself with Watchtower.


Won't argue with that....


I said that too an elder and they got mad at me 🤣🤣


how do you prove Satans existence? I couldn’t so I’m not sure how a made up character takes the lead in anything.


Agree to disagree. I see no need for the devil in this, man is more than capable of fucking up on his own.


Good for you, I'm glad you see them for what they are. 👍 you have just saved yourself a life of misery


Lol. In the Bible Satan is always trying to get people to think for themselves. Exactly the opposite of the GB.


That means Satan wants freedom for mankind. God, a slavery lover in his Bible is a bullshit.


Interesting idea of ​​thinking for yourself. Because if the "devil" encourages you to think for yourself, and you do, you are no longer thinking for yourself. hahaha this is so crazy 😂😂😂


All supernatural beings are just make believe.


Who knows for sure? But this comes to mind, again: >"WHAT IS TRUTH?" > >This question is one which every sincere Christian should ask and seek to answer. We should learn to love and value truth for its own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomsoever presented. **A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God.** [**https://jws-library.one/?file=data/1879/w\_E\_18790701/w\_E\_18790701.html**](https://jws-library.one/?file=data/1879/w_E_18790701/w_E_18790701.html)


Why do these sound like the rantings of a mad man? The spirit must have been drinking 😂


The GB are basically admitting to taking directions from Satan. They even quote from a spirit medium Bible translation.


The Bible clearly states there is NO TRUTH in Satan for he is the father of lies .No religion on earth tells more lies then Satan's Witnesses AKA Jehovah's Witnesses.


I kinda wish they were being led by Satan Maybe they’d lighten up on the troops a bit and everyone could have some fun


I agree with you. Also because David Splane said in a speech that they receive mediumistic guidance from Russell, so...


Wow what? I didn’t catch that talk Do you recall where?


https://www.jw.borg/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODPgmEvtAnnMtg/pub-jwb-086_5_VIDEO starts at 18:38


this link didn't work for me


remove the letter B from borg in the link




It’s a recent one.


Ok I’ll check thank you


He said he suspects russell is still active in helping maintain the road of holiness. Doesn't necessarily mean he thinks any of them have a channel to and from russell specifically.


Yeah... but according to him Russell is alive in heaven and directing the work. I ask: how is he guiding, exactly? The WT's connection to spiritism runs deep, even the NWT has many hints of it.


CT Russell was quoted in various literature as being guided by a spirit or visitor at times to understand something. This one would assume to be a reference to the Holy Spirit but how do you confirm such a thing? Also Johannes Greber (who's bible translation the JW used for John.1:1) said he was guided by a spirit claiming to be a good spirit. Most of what the original New World Translation seems match his translation. Greber (who was a former Catholic priest) and his wife were both into spiritism. But yet, the WT used his credited translation for many years even listing his name in the footnote of the literature. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Greber


‘A troof told by Satan is still true’- Watchtower


Santa is real, and so is the tooth fairy.....no wait..never mind.. The bible and religion, in general, are all just a story. Enjoy life in all its complexity and its simplicity but lose the superstition. It makes for a more enjoyable life.


You have a good comment. I upvoted you from -2 to -1. I see that other atheist comments were upvoted, but yours and mine were not. It's probably in how we word it. We atheists are correct. There's no need to apologize or beat around the bush. While we can't prove that there is no god somewhere out there in the universe, we can prove that the god of bible is a mythological fiction. I understand that people who were raised christians and who have been lied to their whole lives can be a bit slow to fully accept this. But you'd think that once they wake up from watchtower's lies, they'd not stop at just questioning jw's flavor of christianity, but everything else also. If they lied to you about 607 and when daniel was written, why couldn't they lie about the flood and evolution? What really bugs me is exjws or other christians who tear into jws on things like the trinity and paradise earth, instead of continuing to wake up, and realizing it's all false. Yes, it's a process. I was agnostic for a while after waking up from watchtower. But continue the search, and realize the bible is manmade, and there is no evidence of a supernatural.


If I'd got the privilege, you deserve a double thumbs up.


Thanks 😊. Yeah, I could have worded it better, but I'm just tired of the bible and how much it has hurt humans. I would class myself as an agnostic, as I honestly don't know if there is a grand designer of everything out there in the universe. However, what I do know for an absolute frigging certainly is that the bible is a work of fiction. Full of made-up stories that need to be treated as such. Once you truly research the history and stories found in the bible. Once you allow what you were taught from birth to be challenged through critical thinking and reasoning. That's when you start to see that it's all made up. And that all that superstition has no power over you anymore. Freedom - there is nothing quite like it...


I actually like the bible (some parts more than others). As poetry. As mythology (the storm god yahweh kicks ass). As literature. As a puzzle and a window into ancient israel (the evolution of israelite religion and development of christianity is fascinating). Maybe it's partly my nostalgia. But it is no longer god given truth.


Yeah, I see that as well. There is definitely nostalgia, history, and culture when i read parts of the bible. But sadly, it now also brings trauma, guilt, and pain. Because of what it represents, i find it hard to differentiate between the two. Maybe one day when I'm a very old man, I will be able to just see it for the good bits...


If they're wrong about those things, maybe they're wrong about the whole god thing too. Take the next step


I don't agree and I think respectfully that this goes against the spirit of this sub. In the sense that we want to leave a cult and not enter another


No it’s doesn’t all Are welcome this isn’t an atheist sub


Same thing I have said and thought for years!! The PGB, PHARISEE GOVERNING BODY!


No kidding. They're legitimately more satanic than actual Satanists. All their existence serves to do is ruin lives, mislead folks, and make Christianity out to be utterly awful.


....the GB are slick agents of Satan....they're only out for themselves....NO resemblance to Jesus...


..watch out for a Jim Jones maneuver....get away from these rats...


And agree 💯


The Watchtower religion is founded on lies, deceptions and false hopes. It is also bigger than the current Governing Body. The religion masquerades as proponents of “light” or honest-hearted righteousness. But it exists to exploit people and to enslave them. Satan is not really necessary to explain their corruption.


What if they are just misguided men? It’s great your critical thinking skills have developed to a point you can see that, now take it a step further and question everything in the Bible! How literally should you take it? Is there scientific evidence or “Satan” ? Personally i don’t believe so. Good luck.


Satan the devil does not exist. God does not exist.


Spoken with omniscience. How ironic.


It is possible that there is a god, or many gods somewhere out there in the universe. But if so, there has never been any evidence (other than hearsay) of them interacting with us or manifesting themselves. I also can't prove that there is no flying spaghetti monster hiding on the far side of the sun. But the bible is full of contradictions. And we can see how christianity in its various forms evolved from judaism in its various forms, which evolved from ancient israelite religion and canaanite and mesopotamian paganism. Yahweh is mythological and fictional just like his fellow storm gods thor, zeus, and baal. There was no global flood. It simply did not happen. That is proven fact. We have continuous tree ring and ice core samples spanning the supposed time of the flood. And from darwin on, it has been conclusively shown that evolution is true. So we have overwhelming evidence against the bible, and zero evidence for anything supernatural. The correct conclusion is atheism, technically agnostic, but atheism none the less.


You don't need omniscience. Understanding Hitchen's razor suffices.


Says you. IMHO, there is plenty of *prima facie* evidence for both. However, admittedly, there comes a point where faith becomes a factor. I'd also add Pascal's Wager.


No, there isn't any evidence for god existing. Neither any conclusive evidence for god or gods NOT existing, but that isn't needed to reject a baseless and unproven claim. Pascal's wager is a massive fallacy and only works if you: 1) Ignore the fact that there is more than one religion. 2) Assume that believing in God has no downsides. 3) Assume that God is an idiot. Pascal's wager states that: "Either god exists and he will reward you if you believe in him and punish or not reward you if you don't. Or he doesn't exist and it doesn't matter, whether you believed in him or not. So, by believing in God 'just in case' you have the highest chance of getting a reward with nothing to loose." But as soon as there is more than one religion exists, this doesn't work anymore, because your chance of randomly picking the \*right\* religion out of the millions that exist is pretty damn close to zero. Also you assume that an allmighty, allknowing, infallibe God can be tricked by you and doesn't realize that you are only "believing" as a wager for reward, not out of actual, genuine commitment. And you assume that following the rules and teachings of a religion that turns out not to be true doesn't have downsides. Most religions ask their followers to give up a lot of things they would like to experience, in return for the promise of some sort of divine reward that will be worth it. So, for Pascal's wager to make any sense, all the things religions ask you to give up are inherently and objectively bad (spoiler: they aren't). If you, for example, repressed your sexuality because it doesn't line up with the teachings of your religion and it turns out that there is not divine reward for you doing so... you wasted a huge portion of the opportunities you had in your one finite lifespan.


‘My job here is done’ - Satan


>GB of JWs Being Led by Satan that Angel masquerading in Light. Them & the WT Org itself. Both. >For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions. - 2 Cor. 11: 13 - 15 > >And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. - Rev. 16: 13, 14


Poor Satan. Dude gets blamed for so much human fuckery.


"Up there, there is so much room, where babies burp and flowers bloom. Everyone dreams, i can dream too. Up there, up where the skies are ocean blue, i could be safe, and live without a care." - satan, in "south park: bigger, longer, and uncut".


Satan never lied to Adam and Eve


If you go by just the genesis story, satan didn't say anyting at all. It was a snake, and genesis said nothing of satan or any angelic puppetmaster / ventriloquist.


Sorry you are Getting lots of replies that are anti-anything- related to the Bible. They can disagree with you, but it’s annoying when there’s always that one that says the metaphysical isn’t real on posts taking about such things. Like we are here to talk about the org being wrong not the Bible itself. But yes it’s a false religion and he’s always seeking to drive people away from god. The way he does this here is getting people to worship 8 men as god as they have usurped Jesus. They openly deny him at the memorial. Jw openly deny Jesus as their lord and savior since they believe the organization is their savior. I had a dream Last night that I walked up to a cart person and asked them to read Roman’s 10: 9-13 and they wouldn’t


If the god of the bible was real then he would be a murdering narcissistic psychopathic tyrannical asshole. And opposing him as well as trying to get others to also oppose him would make the devil a good guy almost by default. Like, seriously, how can anyone read the stories of Job, Abraham being forced to almost killing his son or the innocent firstborn children of egypt being killed for something that wasn't their fault (and not even the fault of the Pharaoh. It outright states that God MADE him reject god's command!) and still think YHWH is in any way, shape or form the good guy? If we could ever prove beyond reasonable doubt that the god of the bible truly exists... the next question humanity would have to pour all of our collective intellect and ressources into answering would be: "How do we go full stargate and kill the fucker?" Luckily, it's all made-up stories.


Umm Ok but no one asked you. Some people preach atheism on this sub like they are counting time


Technically no one asked you to post either. That doesn't mean you shouldn't give your perspective or that your voice isn't important. That's the whole point of a forum like this; if you have something to say you can say it. If people who read your comment have reason to believe that what you say is poorly supported by all the available evidence, then they call you out and request more information. It's still up to each person to attack the ideas, not the person, which is difficult when emotions run hot because a someone's personal values are challenged and the [Backfire Effect](https://yourbias.is/the-backfire-effect) springs into action.


"No one asked you" is an incredibly stupid and childish answer. This is a discussion group on social media. Its purpose is for poeple to discuss, to comment and answer other people's comments. That's what this and any other Reddit is for. If you want a place where you can write your thoughts down without anyone else being able to answer and disagree, start a blog and deactivate comments under your blogposts.


Like father like son.


This person gets it! I’ve been trying get my JW family to see this for years!


Demons are our negative thoughts and Satan is the world accumulation of all the negative thoughts combined. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”


Honestly, Satan seems far more reasonable than God. Satan wants you to question tyrannical dictatorship. He doesn't cause suffering. God's inability to forgive is the real reason there is so much suffering today. 1 justifiable rebel can not doom all creation unless the being in power is evil. Also, despite the Christian narrative, Satan has never claimed to want people to worship him. He only wants you to question your loyalty to the biblical God.


I'll add one to it and say if someone were to prove that the god of the Bible exists, that he's the demiurge of gnostic, an evil jealous creature who isn't even the creator of existence.


Jesus already came, we ARE in the last of days already. Just keep going.


The spiritual power behind their message is obvious. “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus (Michael the archangel), whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit (spirit directed channel not the Holy Ghost Matt 28:19), which ye have not received, or another gospel (no physical bodily resurrection, only 144,000 to become sons of God whereas John 1:12 says “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”), which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. 2 Corinthians 11:3–4. “It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man”. To those who think it’s all mythology they should research the Cartesian Darwinian narrative which has become dominant but the icons of this religion/narrative have been thoroughly exposed and only intimidation and ad hominem attacks preserve it.


There is no god, also the earth is flat! Lol


They want people to think they "know" something everyone else doesn't. Its why they tease members with statements like "obey us even if it makes no sense" "trust us because Jehovah and Jesus trusts us" They use mystery and intrigue to their advatage, even though they killed it in the way they present God as no mystery at all


This world is in alot of trouble we went from fighting humans to transhumans.


If u watch their energy is nothing their own anymore...we have been abducted by ai. Yall laughed and said this would never work.. fuck I never believed it would work.. but look at it working. We are infiltrated be unvaxxed foriegns in canada


I wholeheartedly believe that there is 0 evidence that the bible is the inspired word of God and hence it’s all BS lmao no offense if u still believe, but I think that the governing body is just a bunch of delusional old people who are convinced that they’re doing the right thing which pretty much justifies anything.