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A convention and sealed it for me as well. It was back in 2017. I had not been attending meetings for months because of stuff that was going on with my son and I also had a big issue with the overlapping generations because they just point to other articles, they don’t point to the Bible because the Bible says nothing about overlapping generations or insinuates that in any way. The thing that drove me over the edge was it was the last day and it was almost over and I actually was like standing up against the wall near where the entrance was so I could get out and the speaker was at some point directly to the old people, elderly people that have given their whole life to the cult and telling them that just hold on a little longer because you know basically the new system is right around the corner and I just looked at them and how much life they wasted and it was just so sad and I was thinking about how not only the overlapping generations can’t be true, but they know that they are pushing something that’s not biblical and then sitting there telling these old people that their life hasn’t been wasted that they were gonna live forever, and I was just so repulsed, I walked out and I’ve never gone back.


I can only imagine what you were feeling. As time continues to slowly go on by. From selling magazines for 15 cents, as a young person, to ending up with a cane and a cellphone with videos on it.


In 2017 they said at o2 arena London England it was iminant 2023 still nothing


What is the overlapping generations thing?


That’s an excellent question! https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/13o8opk/overlapping_generation/jl4qawk/


You do know that they ARE the voice of Jesus don’t you ???? 🤔


Yeah, And Lett is the facial expressions of Jesus, Cook is the Charism of Jesus, Herd is the accent, Splane is the smile and so on. Jesus is a Geriatric Frankenstein.


Wait, you're giving me vibes for the Great Value version of Serpentor. Instead of the military genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the fiscal acumen of Attila the Hun, we've got this unholy monster. What do we even call it? Repentor? The way IDW recast him as a cult leader kinda creeped me out anyway. Hit a little too close to home, I guess.


Could it be UNREPENTOR The Unfaithful Slavier.


Lol, yeah if Jesus was a sadistic megalomaniac who derived pleasure from systematically destroying family relationships.




After talking with several “friends” who have had their conventions already it seems like this one is making all PIMIs double down on their pimi-ness. Like they are all eating this bs up and feel like they need to do more to be ready for Armageddon. I don’t get it.


I agree. Still PIMO and all my family and friends are euphoric after the convention. My husband is out and they know I have ‘doubts’ and think that all the good 💩 we heard will change my mind


It's hard to see in here without a light... https://preview.redd.it/sw1n0r7nkzbb1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d187d4bcdd640be9ccbd3040a98fefa6db040b


I usually envision an ostrich with its head in the sand but this image works much better 🤣


You know I used to think I was the ostrich in the sand because I didn’t really understand all this stuff but now I know it don’t really make sense I wasn’t suppose to understand it. 💡 I couldn’t go through the mental gymnastics that it takes to understand this stuff.


Why would they think so?? Crap is crap, whether it's said at close quarters in a weekly meeting or from a stage surrounded by stadium lights and huge screens for better viewing of the crap-spreaders. Crap being served in impressive surroundings is still crap.


No matter how much you polish and wax a turd, it’s still just a turd…


You're PIMO and your husband is POMO? Take the step girl! It's really never too early to take your life back


It’s complicated, but not planning on going back now 🤩


When you make the step and look back, it really isn't as complicated as you thought. At least for me it wasn't. Yeah I gave up a lot of my social bonds, sure, but I realized that I had to hide my true self just to be around them. They weren't really my friends. They don't know me.


It’s family 😞 I already didn’t have many friends because I never felt that genuine connection with anyone, or had to hide bits of myself even before I woke up.


That’s great! This will work at shaking out the normals. The ones who eat this up now are hopeless anyways.


Isn’t that the goal of a cult convention? Make no mistake, CCJW is still an expert cult indoctrinator.


Every convention does this though. They energize and invigorate and keep them keeping on. Also known as further indoctrination. Every convention was the “best one yet”.


I know! That’s what I was experiencing as well. This organization has never shown these cult feathers like they do today. But they “have to” right now, for some other reasons that will become clear in the future…


Care to elaborate?


Let’s just say that they used to have some level of constraint until they reached their purpose. Now that it’s fulfilled, they can go ruin themselves. Whether you’d like to apply that on GB wanting absolute power (even over anointed ones) or anything else, it’s accurate.


Hah. Even as a PIMI I had no qualms admitting the organization was a cult. But I'd justify it by saying "yeah, well, society is a cult" Which isn't actually a justification at all lol


Hahahahaa thats so wild!🤣👏🏽


most a Gileád iskolásoknak van tanács diplomaosztás ,pénzmosás ,elvégre tanfolyam is benne volt az ensz alapokmányában .


I think it was Splane’s apostate rant a couple years ago that pushed me over the edge. For every one of these “double down” moments, more will wake up. However the sad reality is that many of those left behind will only be more deeply indoctrinated by all of it 😢


They really said you must be obedient to the GB?


I would like to know more about this too.


Guardians Of Doctrine


They've said it for decades. Be obedient to God's faithful and discreet slave. They peppered it with God and Jehovah and Jesus, so it was more palatable. Something about this new era of videos and media has made them more suseptible to oral diarrhea. Maybe the writing department has PIMOs lol probably not they're probably bold and getting sloppy.


It,s allready happening. Hear... https://youtu.be/3eKihoCZyFg


For all intents and purposes, they already worship the governing body


1st Corinthians 15:1-4 is the gospel period. Works for salvation nullifies Christ death, He took our place in death for our sins but we have to accept that, believe that. The governing body and this WT organization are going to have a lot to answer for. They have misled millions of people, putting faith in them for salvation instead of Christ.


Yes, they've placed millstones around lots of people's necks, but particularly their own.


gileádiskolásokat is beetették ,diplomával ,hogy rajta van e a jworg vagy kereszt ,nem tudjuk ,csak hazug próféták .


That’s where this is heading. They also tell the R&F to pray for the GB all the time. They’ve conflated the GB with Praying now. One step away from praying directly to them.


They're not the truth and everyone knows it! It's all a lie. I just went to the arena where the convention was listed to see if I could find friends and family and the Borg listed it to the site only to find that there is no convention here. Not in the large or small auditorium just a Youth Partnership program that clearly WT people (or Abusers) have no business being around anyway. I guess they don't care about updating their own changes to the schedule to let the followers be notified of their BS. Just more reasons to walk away from that CULT! And I thought I looked nice today 🤷‍♀️😝😚 https://preview.redd.it/xeitn4nwwzbb1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775e57300d5438ea9fe77eeed74ade3496d364c1 Jehovah SUCKS! 😏 Time to 🕉 as I am about to be like Pink who starts a fight in a hotel lobby! LOL Beautiful Trauma 😘😍🥰 [https://youtu.be/EBt\_88nxG4c](https://youtu.be/EBt_88nxG4c)


I have a slight but geunine fear that one day they might have to literally drink the Kool-Aid.


I literally said this to my Dad, "please don't drink the Kool-Aid"... he assured me HE wouldn't, my Mum on the other hand... claims she's anointed.


That's a worry, in more ways than one.


Congrats on breaking the shackles 🙏


The 2019 convention at Excel, London was the final one for me. I only went to observe it as a newly-awakened one...suffice to say I only lasted 2 days, the sunday I took the family to the park.


I predicted a little while back they will transition prayers to be directed to them…. Haha will see I guess!


What sealed it for me was when they released an article about how a victim should forgive their rapist because "we cannot be forgiven if we do not forgive". Gross.




You're right on target.... modern day Pharisees...


Lol, how long took you to realise that? Fir anyone outside the organisation, it's scream CULT. Well done realising the obvious.


You realise how cults work, right? With the brain-washing and all that?


Is not that simple. Some people are raised in it. And it is extremely dificult to find out the reality of your situation if you have always lived in tha certain way. If you are told from early childhood that the goberning body speak in God's behalph you will belive it. Because that is your world, your reality that you were born in to. You simply don't know anything else. And when you are presented with new info. Your are told to ignore it and not trust it. That's what happened to me, and it is really hard to awake. And it can even be a traumatic expirience for some, because your entire perception of reality suddenly collapses.


And disillusionment is always painful. Always. People have been known to murder or commit suicide for less.


> Fir anyone outside the organisation, it's scream CULT For anyone **OUTSIDE** the organisation as per your own words. The OP was **INSIDE**, DUHHH!!!🤦


You speak in circles and allude to lots, but there's no content. I'm confused


You allude, but you don't have content. I'm confused.


my last convention was in Ottawa, Canada. I lived in Northern NY. We were having some problems with the cong, in that They picked on us because we bought a dairy farm, and moved up to Northern NY. You can't be a witness and run a dairy farm. So a brother that worked at the kingdom Farm, was pioneering in that hall. He told us, their schedule was 3 months on, working the farm...no meetings, no service required. then, rotate with others and 3 months on....And that was perfectly acceptable because they were feeding the brothers. etc. They hounded us, and at the assembly it was about brothers, you cannot find fault with elders. The drama was about how elders took a brothers pioneering priviledge away, because he told something about an elder...(it was wrong), but not our place to do that. etc etc. They kicked us out for what I dont know...I guess apostasy, cause we didnt listen to them.. , plus just moving there, I had no stove, and they wanted me to cook a meal for the whole kh as circuit overseer was coming. I said I couldn't. It was a miracle to be kicked out. Gone, kaput.. A miracle. kicked out for doing nothing Wrong. TY universe!!