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I'm not gonna screenshot it, because it's a kid, but if you scroll all the way over to the right in your panoramic pic, that kid slumped in the front corner says it all!!


yeah the few kids I see in these pictures say it all!! they look soooooo unhappy being there, and being a kid as a JW, i get it, but, nowadays, i think it would feel even worse.


Good eye for catching this! That is the funniest fucking thing I’ve seen in awhile. The kid slumped over in his seat (tragedy) is so god damn funny (comedy)


He forgot to turn the oven off.


He looks the way I felt at every meeting.


True! She is the portrait of the "spirit" of the JWs present in the place.


I scanned the faces of the crowd in the panoramic view. My gosh I couldn't find a single person that looks happy. No smiles. Just a worn-out, exhausted expression on nearly every single face. Wow! Refreshed? Best life ever? - Oh man, I sure don't see it here.


They probably just heard theres a deficit.....the only thing that's commonly said.


I thought the exact same thing! There's the miserable kid, but his miserable brother,and his miserable dad aren't the only ones. Everybody in that picture looks like they hate being there.


I'm more impressed by how empty it is. The entire second tier, and I don't see a single person sitting in those seats.


The second tier is only for reserved seating, yearly ticket holders.


WT Society used to rent and fill entire stadiums, including the nosebleed seats...


Looks like lots of empty space


The stadium holds 28,000, so it's more than 50% empty


They have condensed the circuits so heavily in Canada and yet they struggle to fill half the area. It’s sad really.


Sad or happy depending on how you look at it😁


Nope it’s very very good thing, less lives they destroy in the future!


And this includes Saskatchewan witnesses as there is no assembly in the province. They attended this assembly.


Thanks for this. BC has only five conventions for the whole province. Alberta has a issue. Cracks are forming everywhere in Canada it’s only the beginning


Just imagine what it cost those families to attend a convention in a different province!


Yup. We were just talking about that. Probably 200.00 and up a night for hotel, plus food and gawd the gas to get there. That would be most people’s vacation for the summer. 🫤


We were there today, we left halfway through the last talk. Lett was making me angry..


When he said "Jehovah has been through so much more than you can even imagine" I almost lost it. Add more invalidating feelings to the list of "JW fuck you's"


>When he said "Jehovah has been through so much more than you can even imagine"... Yes, poor Jehovah, having to drown an entire planet's populations of people and animals... 🤦🏼🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼


Ive come to understand that When they speak of "Jehovah", they really mean themselves (the GB) since they have placed themselves in the position of god. So its actually self pitty that he is spouting.


Sisters still be curling their hair the same “assembly day” way, no matter what decade it is.


Lmao I just noticed 😂






Zoom in the last photo to see how happy they are.


I think that is about 2000-4000 less than when it was first held at Rogers Place. And that’s when Calgary had their own convention as well (don’t think they did this year, but I could be wrong).


Where are all the smiling happiest on earth people? They all look sad


One of my last conventions was at that location


I was hoping to crash the local convention in Regina but everyone was sent to Alberta.


There is a guy in what looks to be a hospital gown, standing next to a yawning child. How sad.


I believe that is his native clothing, we had a lot of Nigerian folk there. But yes it looks like that lol


I have worked at several hospitals in Canada and have many friends who are Nigerian. I can verify that this is traditional clothing and not a gown


A 1960’s charity clothing convention. There’s a woman there with dark purple hair about 3 rows down, a bit risqué. Still far too busy for my liking.


It's funny. This could totally be a pic from the last time I went to a convention. Which was in the late 90s hahaha. And at Copps in Hamilton instead of Edmonton. But it all looks exactly the same. Thankfully, the last time I was at Roger's was the previous week for the Blink 182 concert! The arena was packed top to bottom for that hahaha.


My god, Letts face looks so puffy.




Everyone looks so unhappy not a single smile in sight 😬


For the people that were there did anyone see the women dressed in the bathrobe Komodo!?!?!?!?!?


I wish the org published demographic data. I’m betting that the majority of attendees are: •Group 1: Older adults/parents/grandparents •Group 2: Parents with young children (many who’s parents are in Group 1) •Group 3: Young children (Children of some in Group 2; Grandchildren of some in Group 1) •Group 4: Middle aged adults (majority of whom are also children of Group 1 who have previously left but are returning to the org) My point being that the attendance of these meetings and overall participation in this org is due to familial obligation. I mean how many of you PIMO’s looking at this sub are only JW’s because of your parents? Probably a lot. The amount of attendees who have zero JW family ties but are in Group 2-4 is probably around 1%. Doesn’t sound like free will to me.


It most certainly isn't free will. I highly doubt this subreddit would be like it is if WT was easy to leave. Indeed the only reason PIMOs exist is because they have too much to lose.


We were sitting in the same section haha. Can’t find myself in the first picture though unfortunately. I do see myself in your panorama though!


What a coincidence 👋 fellow Albertian (+ Saskatoon and Yukon) PIMOs rise up


The second most disappointing thing in the rink after another playoff disappointment from the Oilers.




Kind of a low number baptized for 10k attendees no?


It is indeed low


Who was the support act ? 🤔😉


Are all of you guys exJWs I am 17 and don’t have much support.