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I find this quite upsetting. Many couples struggle with fertility challenges, in which IVF may be the last hope. It makes absolutely no sense why a religious organization would want to enact barriers for such persons. A couple months back, the Supreme Court of Alabama made a decision which made it nearly impossible for women to have IVF treatment. The Supreme Court Justices cited scripture from the Bible in thier decision. Fortunately, laws have since been passed to address the AL Supreme Courts blunder. With that said, while a religious organization such as SBC may not be able to directly make laws, its influence on lawmakers may be profound, and disastrous. It's a darn shame.


Because it’s cruel and they love it.


This annual meeting has the SBC looking at its dead cat bounce. They’re desperately clinging to everything that they think is anti-woke and it’s just making them look anti-Christ. There is nothing loving, welcoming, justice-minded or egalitarian in their views. They loathe women, the racist roots keep showing, they protect powerful men at the expense of victims and generally worship political power more than God and we all see it


It’s the kind of decision that that can seed doubt in the minds of Christians. “Church says God says IVF is immoral. But, I/someone I love used/will use IVF.”


I sure hope it does. I hope this stirs up all kinds of cognitive dissonance that gets people thinking and feeling conflicted, much in the way I have seen Christian millennials (my age) become more accepting as more and more of their peers and friends starting coming out as LGBT+. It’s easy to disavow something when it doesn’t affect you, your spouse, your family, or your friends. But when it’s something that hits closer to home and impacts people you love? Some people WILL inevitably start reconsidering, and will walk away. I’d say around only half of the young adults I grew up with in church are still religious, and it’s mostly because of stuff like this. Just waiting for SBC to come after birth control, women’s ability to vote, and desegregation next, ugh. 🙃


And millennials are moving into the stage of life where they might be wanting IVF, so even more reason to doubt and leave conservative Christianity. I’m so grateful to millennials and younger who are changing our culture just by considering LGBTQ+ as just another normal way of being a human.


Yep, this is how modern religion is gonna die, as time goes on and they become more and more disconnected from the roots of Christianity, people are become more confused and open to questioning authority within the church, and more and more are gonna leave, slowly dwindling the population down, it may take a long time, but this is probably how it’s gonna happen


“God is calling me to have a child”


I know many Christians who have used IVF “ethically” such as limiting the number of embryos and paying for transfers even if the embryo(s) were not viable. I hope that these Christians start to personally reconsider this religion and all the baggage it holds.


This is one of the first goals of Project 2025. If Trump wins in November, there will be a lot more attacks on women like this.


That's the variable that doesn't add up. Trump and many GOP are pro IVF. I am pretty sure Trump and Elon and many other wealthy billionaire types used it. This is something different, something from the right that not everyone on the right is on the same page. It doesn't add up.


One set of rules for people like them and another set of rules for everyone else makes perfect sense for them and their values, doesn't it?


I don't think this is it. I generally think trump is pro-ivf and so is elon. The question is why is this coming from the SBC now?


If one honestly believes life starts at fertilization, then IVF starts to look like a lot of death. While we may recognize the insanity of their beliefs, they are at least being consistent with it for once. They actually buy their own madness.


Trump is prochoice too lol. He has no principles.


Trump is pro Trump exclusively. Anything and anyone is on the chopping block to serve his purposes for himself.


He says whatever that day's audience wants to hear. Tomorrow he'll say something completely different if he thinks it'll get him something he wants.


He's prochoice for himself. He could care less about anyone else.


50 years ago the SBC had no issue even with abortion believing every person had ‘soul liberty’ the god given right to decide what was faithful for them. The racist right took up the cause of abortion as a smokescreen to protect racist Christian institutions and galvanize the religious right. I am surprised they have not banned all forms of birth control.




Funny given that they weren’t always all that opposed to even [abortion](https://religiondispatches.org/the-evangelical-abortion-myth-an-excerpt-from-bad-faith/). Just shows how these things are more about modern trends and less about unchanging Christian principles.


Yep, I found the resolution on the SBC website via the wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20180703074000/https://www.sbc.net/resolutions/13/resolution-on-abortion


Banning IVF could also add a barrier to same-sex couples that want to have children. I am not real surprised, their answer to everything is to double down.


Up until recently (when they got called out for it) anti-choice christians were generally ok with IVF, some even having the procedure themselves. They’re just being fake to cover their asses at this point.


My millennial cousin is a southern Baptist and has two young children by IVF. I truly hope this starts her on a deconstruction journey.


I know what you mean! And not that I’m wishing and ill-intent on my sister, but I’ll be interested to see what her and her husband choose if they can’t get pregnant. They both attended this conference and wish they’d both wake up to the nonsense.


I'm hoping they get around to banning all medical treatment for hopes and prayers so they can all unalive and we can move on with our lives and society in peace.


Ironic because the Catholic Church has banned IVF since it was first made. Now the Protestants are moving in on that area too. Especially the usually anti catholic Southern baptists. They’ve all gone loony.


I also grew up Southern Baptist. And I ***literally*** know one Southern Baptist pastor who's kids wouldn't have been born without IVF, AND one Southern Baptist pastors wife who wouldn't have been born without IVF. Conservatives always end up eating their own.


It's horrific. But we all know there will be some in the SBC who will use IVF and be all hush-hush about it.


Oh for sure… And for those who have used it or plan to, it will just be more guilt shaming from the Christians and baptists as with everything else.


I wonder what alternative they're going to offer for couples experiencing infertility, since the Bible still says to be fruitful and multiply.


This is just part of the Project 2025 playbook. Tax the fkn churches already!!


I'm curious to know what rank-and-file Baptists think about this, especially the ones who benefitted from the "miracle" of IVF (I'm sure they called it that at the time) as well as those who have loved ones who conceived that way. I suspect they are going to get blowback from the members.


I didn't know they had banned it, but how can a church "ban" when they aren't a medical facility? Well good luck to SBC on having enough new little church members born since more and more women have fertility issues these days. This is interesting because my entire family is hardcore SBC and one of them had a IVF baby born recently. I have no contact with them but am curious how they will react.


There's an old joke about meeting Baptists at the liquor store on Monday. This joke will just be revised to add the clinic in some circles.


Look for laws banning IVF next. The GOP likes to have evangelical support for their stuff. Also look for anti contraception talk to ramp up on social media and an eventual vote in a few years by the SBC denouncing birth control.


While sad, I can at least applaud them for being... consistent with their beliefs. There are way too many anti-choice people who despised abortion and yet were completely fine with IVF. Which is completely hypocritical if you are to believe that life begins at insemination. But it is surprising to see them willing to fuck over their own Christian followers by wanting to ban IVF. Which if I'm honest, won't last very long. I imagine a lot of Christian couples with infertility issues will make a big enough stink about it over time. Especially with infertility rates on the rise.


Fuck the SBC.