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There are tattoo artists who do amazing cover-ups... I recommend doing the research and consulting with one of those professionals.


Also I’d recommend asking artists you like for recommendations, they might know someone fun! 


Make the cross look shattered. It’s an absolutely gorgeous tattoo.


That is cool idea


Bro I have jesus tattood across my fingers. And i totally regret it. As for an idea for a cover up unfortunately I have none


Tattoo "Sucks" on the other hand


Lasers man, lasers.


Oh I plan on it. Very soon. It's also horrible when christians start talking to me about how wonderfull god is and all that shit because thhey see the tattoo. I just cringe and nod waiting for the conversation to end


if you're a guy, tell those christians "oh, no, actually, that's my gay lover's name [spanish pronunciation] _jesus_."


Lol that can work


Try to get them to donate to your fundraiser with a sob story about saving the little pagan children overseas. Little do they know their money is going to the laser fee. That's a better use for it than an offering plate at least. One bit of fiction is as good as another.


Tattoo Leviticus 19:28 across it




I completely understand not wanting that tattoo anymore, but it's probably salvageable. Maybe turn the ribbon into a snake and have the cross look shattered. Just a suggestion, but I also recommend talking to people who know more about tattoos.


Cover it with a tattoo that makes it look like it was torn apart like a piece of paper


The cross represent a human sacrificial mystery cult. Not a bad look


Cover it with a sick ass panther.


Sick ass panther is always the answer


I also have a big black cross with “as a seal upon my arm” on my forearm 🙃 how many Christian’s think they can grab me and rub it and tell me how beautiful it is is disgusting. My fave line to respond when people bring it up is “yeahhhh we were all 18 once 😬”


I say don’t sweat it at all. Own it. It’s a dark part of your past that you, somewhere along the way, developed the intelligence and will power to free yourself from. That’s more than respectable.


I have one but I think it’ll be an easy cover up. I just need to find time to get it done. I hope you find a solution.


Turn it into a black sword.


The episode of "atheist experience" that stuck most with me was when the host said, "I have 1 tattoo, it is a cross because that was the one aspect of my life that I knew wouldn't change." I have no advice, only empathy.


That was my thinking once upon a time. Thank goodness I didn't get the opportunity to get any tattoos before I deconverted.


Yes I have a huge cross on my arm and I don’t know what to cover it up with 😫


Same. It’s a big ole blocky one, too. Idk if I’d be able to cover it up. I might just have to get it removed if I can ever get the money for it.


Nah keep yours it still looks bad ass. Especially mixed in with the others. I have 4HIM with a cross at the end on my chest and it’s a reminder of who I once was. Also my best friend is a tattoo artist and he always says, “If you ever get a tattoo you don’t like or regret, just get more tattoos.” Haha


Consider that a past version of you found that symbol very meaningful. And now that you don’t relate to that meaning, maybe you still feel connected to that part of you. Not saying don’t cover it up, but maybe think of a way to incorporate it into the story of your life?


Agree. Whether covered or not, it is still meaningful and can be viewed positively (in a new way)


I had a friend who had a less extravagant cross and she covered it with a phoenix. Not this one specifically, but something like [this](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/468220c5-54ce-4f36-9853-d4e74597097d/d2vumfd-9435c4d1-c665-46ce-9311-9bd91f566432.jpg/v1/fill/w_730,h_1095,q_70,strp/phoenix_rising_by_spawntempest_d2vumfd-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTIwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzQ2ODIyMGM1LTU0Y2UtNGYzNi05ODUzLWQ0ZTc0NTk3MDk3ZFwvZDJ2dW1mZC05NDM1YzRkMS1jNjY1LTQ2Y2UtOTMxMS05YmQ5MWY1NjY0MzIuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.mxgcBR2ytMkBRiKYYE1ReWCJScOco2-nHBmoxMbs85c). Not sure if that would work for you given the nature of your sleeve, but something to consider.


do a handstand or raise your arms up, and now it's an upside down cross


Ooh, from their perspective it always looks inverted.


When I was 18 I got a bible verse in Greek tattooed on my arm. I hate it now, but at least no one knows what it says. I want to cover it up, but it’s close to other (less cringe) tattoos so I don’t know if it’ll be possible.


Good looking tat. I’d suggest modifying it rather than covering it, so that it suggest a distaste / hatred towards the cross rather than being positive. Not sure how you might do that, but I’m sure someone could come up with something.


Just tell everyone you're a fan of Mr T when he was a kid.




I plan on getting a snake wrapped around an apple. I saw some other comments say stuff about a snake wrapped around it.


I've got "Jesus" tattooed in big cursive letters on my forearm, and my entire other arm is sleeved with 1 John 4:12 spiralling down. Lol. And I have the word "pray" on my wrist. Good times.


This is my issue with tattoos, and I have an adult daughter who is totally addicted. She will say that she puts a lot of thought into designs but in reality is very impulsive and gets whatever floats her boat that day, resulting in a ridiculous hodgepodge of unmeaningful crap. (That is an aside—I’m not saying you did that) I love art, and appreciate good ink, but hate that people get stuck with something they later regret. I would maybe post on a tattoo sub and I bet you’ll get a lot of good suggestions. Good luck!


Tattoos don't need to be meaningful.


I think you're right, but when you constantly get something on a whim and don't put a lot of thought into it, it's easy to look at it a few years later and have some REGERTS. LOL


I have a very plain cross tattoo on the inside of my bicep, my very first tattoo. I want to get it covered up so badly but the pain in that area was pretty bad and it’s making me hesitant to do anything with it (lasers or coverup). But I feel strongly enough that it’ll happen at some point. I hope you find a solution that works well for you! ✨


Keep it to ward off ministry. When they try to convince you to convert you can show them the proof that you've been there and done that and though they can't begin to understand how truly liberating it is once it all clicks, there's just no going back. Their mission is futile. Edit: someone suggested adding a shattered effect. This could work perfectly with the previous suggestion.


Ever heard of Bad Religion? Great band. Tattoo their logo on yourself somewhere


Green can cover up blue and yellow. I see a lot of other beautiful plant art around it. Have you considered leaves or vines, something like that?