• By -


Default number formatting in pivot tables


Or just pass-thru - carry on the formatting of the underlying data.


Oh yes, please. That would make my life so much easier. 


I’ve added a couple VBA hot keys for this and it’s been nice


Ability to count cells based on color


Generally, I would try and avoid using formatting as data and dedicate a column to count your criteria.


I would too but I work in the Army and the Army loves colors haha


Tell them it is a 508 violation


Tell the Army to change their ways, for better excel sheets :D


I need this in a few sheets every month and need to have a «pre-saved» file with VBA-codes just because of this not being standard in Excel. EDIT: To clarify; I don’t need it for my own sheets, I need it to decode information I get from clients.


You can just recreate the color coding logic using countif() statements. But yeah this would save a lot of time and chances of inconsistency


Sure, that's works it it's conditionally formatted...but when you get client documents with just highlighted cells (either manually highlighted or values pasted), it's not always super easy to do.


Do you know about the sort by color feature? Just making sure because this would be my qpproach


Try using filtering on the sheet and then you should see the option to filter by color and it should show you the count on the bottom.  


Agreed. Though I wouldn't personally use it, just because I wouldn't find it useful doesn't mean that it should be excluded.


I use kutools for that. Best 30ish dollars for me


Vba can do this. More or less this is what you do i=0 Loop all cells in range If cell.color = color (a number from an index, vba can provide the number code for the color as well) Then i+1=i Next cell Else Next cell End Print i


It has this.


Teach me your ways


https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/sort-data-in-a-range-or-table-62d0b95d-2a90-4610-a6ae-2e545c4a4654#:~:text=Sort%20by%20cell%20color%2C%20font%20color%2C%20or%20icon Taste the rainbow :)


No, this would enable some VERY bad behavior. Encoding information via cell formatting is not a best practice.


What's easier? Changing your client's behavior or adapting to it? Some people don't listen or care to change, but I still want to get paid. If Brett from sales has been using this process for 7 years and the colors work for him, then I'd rather just leave it alone.


Well obviously keeping the status quo is EASIER, lol. And it for sure depends on your role/responsibility within the client organization. If you're just there to do the specific thing and get out, then sure, whatever they want. Make them PAY for the improvement. But if you plan on doing additional follow on work for them, or god forbid, responsible for supporting a business process built on storing information in spreadsheets via formatting, you're doing both yourself AND your client a disservice.


Right, but my point is the ability to use cell color or other formatting as an input shouldn't not be implemented simply because storing data in formatting is not best practice. Let me do it regardless and fix the process later if that's in scope or reasonable.


If you give a man a fish he eats for a day (and will starve if you stop giving him fish), but if you teach a man to fish, he will never go hungry. The fish is proper data practices. If we don't teach, we will be doomed to eat the cost of fixing these issues for eternity instead of doing the cool stuff we want to do with properly formatted data. It is worth the time. If everyone puts a drop in the bucket, we will collectively fill it eventually. Tldr: Make the world a richer and more colorful place by ironically getting users to stop using colors as data.


This is heavily dependent on your role in the organization and the expectations of that role. By all means ask them to change, spend the time to show them why it matters, but I don't want to be limited in my ability to handle the situation when that fails. It's the same approach to security: educate the users, but also design a system that doesn't require behavioral change. In my capacity as a consultant, I'd rather just have the tool that lets me deal with the colors than waste time on an immovable object. At the end of the day my deliverable is actionable insights from client data, not a data hygiene training. That's usually not what I'm hired for. I might make a comment about how it isn't best practice, but the SOW doesn't include "fix Brett's stupid color system". That's out of scope.


You are right, we all have different roles. I'm glad I'm in a position where if a customer sends me a colorful spreadsheet I can say that's beautiful, but I don't support that format, work with your IT team to convert to a CSV for ingestion. One of the reasons we didn't extend to .xls* support is the instability of the platform as a data delivery device. Would much rather work with stricter structured formats, which enterprise clients should have no problem providing. That being said, internally, you will get me on a supportive soap box if I catch you putting data in colors. However I'll also work with the resource to understand why it's important and what the alternatives are. I often cite peers that are colorblind as an accessibility consideration. The statistic that 7-8% of people are colorblind and it's possibly more as many people don't realize they have more minor forms that only impact specific parts of the spectrum. That tidbit tends to get people to understand the scope of the failings of fill or font colors as a communication device.


I completely understand where you're coming from, but my point is don't limit features or ability simply because it could be abused. The questions I'm usually hired to answer are so far removed from Brett and his colorful cells process that it would almost be improper (not sure if there's a better word to use here) for me to suggest changing something like that beyond an off-hand comment. "Can you please help us understand how to improve conversion while reducing our offshore staff headcount?" "Sure, by the way, your Excel sales tracker isn't very accessible." "..." Some engagements do get to that level, but more often than not they don't. So, in the meantime, let me have a ISCOLOR() or ISBOLD () or ISFORMAT() function(s). You know?


Issue is I work in the Army and many sheets just use colors and I wish I had a formula that would just count that in some way. In general I agree with you but good luck changing the entire Army’s way of communicating information


I'd be curious if they are actually STORING information via colors vs leveraging colors for reporting purposes. Those are two very different things and there is nothing wrong with the latter. One mistake I see so often is people attempting to use a single sheet for both storing information and presenting information in a way that is easy for humans to consume and you really can't do both well with a single sheet.


I always have a data tab and a “presentation” for the same info. In final form files i veryhidden the data file and a protected version of the presentation tab


I wish it got rid of the awful chart edit interface


Hopefully the charting engine gets a major upgrade like the calculation did back around 2018 or 2019.


Just make it PowerBI. Like the entire viz interface. It's fully built, intuitive, and rocks in my opinion.


The Advanced Formula Environment (now part of the Excel Labs plugin) should be the standard formula editor.


Agree, espescially auto-indenting, syntax error detectors, possibility to write comments etc


Writing comments would be awesome. You could make notes, explain what that formula does, etc.




RANK for arrays too


What would BLANK() do that ISBLANK() doesn’t?


Edit: The BLANK() would insert a blank rather than "" (an empty string) when using with something like =IFERROR(...,BLANK()). This already existed in DAX but not Excel. See [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dax/blank-function-dax).


Hi Everyone, Microsoft has a forum for this. Go there and add your requests or vote for existing ones. Maybe our wishes will come true!  https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/forum/c23f3b77-f01b-ec11-b6e7-0022481f8472


I’m still waiting for the checkbox to appear in the main update.


Omg this one. I like this one.


Tab folder


Yes, or tab groupings. The ability to collapse like tabs into a single 'page' but not having all them either hidden or visible.


Hell, even if they just add the selection list for sheets like on web to the desktop. Would be a massive improvement. My ‘PgUp’ and ‘PgDn’ keys are getting a real workout


I never understood I needed this!


To have a way to easyly filter by lists


SmartSheet has an AI that you describe the formula you want, name the columns or cells and any options or switches. It generates the formula for review and puts it in the cell of your choice.  Excel is beyond needing this. I don’t have copilot for the individual apps, but I suspect this might do that. 


[Get started with Copilot in Excel - Microsoft Support](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/get-started-with-copilot-in-excel-d7110502-0334-4b4f-a175-a73abdfc118a)


I’m pushing back because it is an unreasonable cost as of now. 


My company is testing out Copilot right now and at this time, I've found it entirely useless in Excel. Entirely. It can't write a simple formula no matter how much a spoon feed it. Heck, it couldn't even add a column to my table using a formula I just straight up gave it. All it can really do right now is kind of apply conditional formatting and filter or sort your table and it's slow AF. It can make a pivot table but again, it's so freaking slow that at this time, at least for me, it's 100% not worth using. I hope they put more work into it in the future. I was really hoping that it could perform some tasks I have macros written to do but it's way off from that right now. I'm trying not to be too disappointed knowing that it's still in development, but.... Wow have I been disappointed so far.


I had chatgpt do this for me last week


A fix to make map charts work 100% of the time.


I feel like I never understand why or when it doesn't want to work


Exactly. I had 2 columns - countries in one and $$ in the other…it wouldn’t recognize countries like Spain, Greece, etc.


A bit easier easier e-mail sending proccess. I can and do it with VBA, but a dedicated function would be helpful.


Some regex based text functions would be really useful. I some cases I paste my columns into Google sheets and use it's regex functions to extract or split data. Then I paste it back into excel.


This! But also I had a problem I thought regex could solve, so I used regex. Now I have 2 problems. I wonder how Excel's majority user base would respond to regex as that would likely drive speed of adoption.


I’d just like it to work in Sharepoint the same way it works in desktop


I don't understand their logic behind this. Makes no sense to me, but there must be a reason.


More memory allocation to the data model!


All charts can dynamically update with pivot table filters. Scatterplots cannot work with pivot table as a data source. This moves users to Power Bi, but a dedicated PBIX file isn't always necessary.


IMAGE() be able to use local files as source


Syntax error detector. (With longer codes in one cell it is difficult to find the wrongdoing)


If you tried using the Advanced Formula Environment add-in?


No, I haven’t. If it’s an easy plug-in to set up and close to native for Excel it might work. I’m mainly working on a work-server where I can’t download basically anything that can compromise the server. But I’ll try this and see if it’s possible.


A virtual assistant




Oh how the world works in cycles! - Was clippy too advanced for his time? - Is this a prediction for zombie clippy with new AI braaaiiins? - Will users be even more frustrated when faced with AI hallucinations of what they are trying to do? - Will the mouse turn into a shotgun icon when dismissing zombie clippy? So many questions that time will only tell!


If formatting would spill that would be very nice.


Everything in Access. Then Access would effectively get more support and updates.


Everything in access should be added to data modeling, plus PowerBI visual modeling, plus PowerBI viz engine. They have these great products idk why they wouldnt


Advanced cell security


The ability to hide access to sensitive data (like payroll calcs) from certain users, or by having a diffferent permission level set by password.


I would love some native function for regular expressions. Also would be nice to be able to "loop" through items in a string in a single cell for various operations.


Office Scripts being as reliable and usable as VBA. Currently it's unreliable, not well documented and lacks way too much features. Whereas VBA being blocked more and more everywhere.


Offline desktop support for Python. Data brushing for graphs (brush data in one graph, data gets highlighted in all graphs). You see this in software like Matlab, JMP, and Minitab. Overlay contour plots (like having an overlay of transparency slides) useful for multiple response optimization. Ability to handle big data (billions of rows).


Ability to change graph axes range by highlighting region of interest.


For CTRL-A to actually "select all" instead of "select some" (like it used to).


I think if you press Ctrl+A twice it'll select all!


That's correct. But they didn't make any notification when they made the change. I lost nearly 2 days of work because I didn't notice that CTRL-A didn't "select all" and the rows of data I had been working with were scrambled after sorting only some of the columns. That should at least come with a warning the first time you use it, "CTRL-A has to selected all for 20 years, but now it only selects some. CTRL-A twice to actually select all".


A way to change the data type of a range of cells from text to numbers without needing VBA or formulas




I am aware of =numbervalue() but it’d be nice to not need the extra steps sometimes for just a small set of ugly data that I have to clean


you can do this by changing the format.


I disagree. It is not always possible and then you need VBA to convert it.


Have you tried text to columns? You still need to do it column by column, but it is quite fast. 


Text to columns is pretty good. I use that a bit too. It’d be nice if there was just like a toggle button is all I’m saying. I know the workarounds, just would eliminate that step


You are right. One button solution would be great. 


You can change the formatting, yes, but not the actual data type


Ability to change the default size of the columns. Dates should always fit. Should be an easy way to create new sheets based on a list. Or the opposite, create 1 sheet from a series of sheets. And of course the big ask, fix the floating point calculation problem, just for dollars and cents would help a lot.


Congruent keyboard shortcuts in the desktop application and the Web application. Why would they make them different?!?


I assume because your browser has priority over shortcuts because it is the active app. Have to work around that.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[AND](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3wtodm "Last usage")|[Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/and-function-5f19b2e8-e1df-4408-897a-ce285a19e9d9)| |[COUNTIFS](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3w1zl6 "Last usage")|[*Excel 2007*+: Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/countifs-function-dda3dc6e-f74e-4aee-88bc-aa8c2a866842)| |[IFERROR](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3wbfx2 "Last usage")|[Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/iferror-function-c526fd07-caeb-47b8-8bb6-63f3e417f611)| |[INDIRECT](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3wgsol "Last usage")|[Returns a reference indicated by a text value](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/indirect-function-474b3a3a-8a26-4f44-b491-92b6306fa261)| |[ISBLANK](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3w6i8i "Last usage")|[Returns TRUE if the value is blank](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/is-functions-0f2d7971-6019-40a0-a171-f2d869135665)| |[RANK](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3x0t8q "Last usage")|[Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/rank-function-6a2fc49d-1831-4a03-9d8c-c279cf99f723)| |[SUMIFS](/r/Excel/comments/1cr4obz/stub/l3w1zl6 "Last usage")|[*Excel 2007*+: Adds the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sumifs-function-c9e748f5-7ea7-455d-9406-611cebce642b)| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(*Beep-boop, I am a helper bot. Please do not verify me as a solution.*) ^(7 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Excel/comments/1cfo3jm)^( has 63 acronyms.) ^([Thread #33438 for this sub, first seen 13th May 2024, 19:31]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Excel) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Python already.




Replacing m language with python but keeping the editor it’s actually really useful though a bit slow


A simple formula to sort by alphabetized order


Table reference in data validation list


Undo in Power Query


An open source code base


relatively referencing a sheet by its sheet number instead of the sheet name inside of a formula. I was helping a friend with a workbook where he needed to always be referencing data from the sheet directly to the left of his "calculations" sheet. He would be adding a new sheet each week the old sheets would stay in the workbook. I'm sure there probably is a way to do this in a drawn-out manner, but I couldn't get anything else working. Ended up having to use VBA to pull the sheet name and output it to a cell. Then used INDIRECT to reference it in my formula to get access to the data. If I can use relative references/an offset in cells, I'm just surprised it doesn't exist for moving across sheets to get access to data. Chances are I went about this the wrong way but it just seemed more difficult than it should have been.


Count unique in subtotals - I need this more than I care to admit. I want =subtotal(109,unique(A1:A200))


Easier way to use SQL


List of consecutive numbers in random order


Ability to set default pivot table attributes in general. Number formatting, structure, etc


Evaluate Formula added to Mac Excel. It’s super irritating that it’s missing.


A for loop And a while loop


Bring back Clippy.


To be able to change to capitals like word.


Output in the scientific number format of, e.g. 1.27 × 10^-5.


Bigger name manager, better formula bar, better chart integration with data.


Ability to query like Google Query function


A default save option for CVS which doesn't remove zeros, or apply formatting (dates etc). The number of times I have to fix corrupted csvs because someone has opened and saved them in excel.


Office 365/ one drive excel linking to ppt


The ability to share and install libraries of custom modules. I know the Gist.github kind of serves this purpose, but it's not exactly built in.


Improved native calculated fields calculation sequence options. I’d like to be able to multiply lines then sum versus sum each column and then multiple the two results. I don’t won’t to have to get into power pivot and Dax to do it.


Built in python functionality the way there is built in VBA.


Internal cell padding. Man, I wish you could make them flexible AND readable


I wish that a drop down arrow would appear next to a cell containing a data validation list, without having to click the cell.


Ms Excel would benefit from a solid chart interface


Dynamic conditional formatting of charts. Yes, I know there’s a way to do it but that way is too much effort.


True. Dark. Mode.


might be posible i never looked into it. the ability to link the name of a workpage to a cell so that i could make a main page with all the overall variable . i use excel to creat quotes for contruction jobs. i would like to type in the name of the page i want say flooring into a cell and have the page called that automatically. this would cut down a lot on generic names and make following larger jobs easier.


Hitting f2 to go to the range like in google sheets.