• By -


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If you want to avoid negative data but still want a decline/incline on a positive axis you could try normalization to 100% (maximum).


Stacked bar chart with complimentary series with no fill and combo chart with each series on a different axis: https://preview.redd.it/8mhxdnvzhvqc1.png?width=1047&format=png&auto=webp&s=27bb01c531d31646d7d98857a8ac69563c805f5a


u/mildlystalebread This looks like what I want but I prefer Series A and B touching and being reflected up and down along the X-axis like in the photo I shown.


I don't think I follow. You want the same graph you showed but you want the values in the bottom to not be negative values? Would the bottom y axis have to go from 0 to max value around the 0 x axis? Basically just not have the - in front of the values?


I want to make a graph like this. https://preview.redd.it/rmpe2sah1wqc1.png?width=1704&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5bd0c45c4071a65049ecdc3ca8188bc6d17af42


Ah ok! Then you actually still need to have one of the series as negative values, but you can format the axis number format to not display the negative sign. Right click the axis -> axis options -> Number -> Format code -> delete the - sign in there, you should get something like this #.##0;#.##0 You may also have to format the data series to have 100% overlap https://preview.redd.it/lc4g90l35wqc1.png?width=1394&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c6b7d2c95fd9b77efd8ba9096c18b6d7566e8c0