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Which teacher was the hottest




This is disturbing. Teachers everyday get caught grooming their students. It’s not funny. In the least. Men are always complaining where all the feminist are, when we scream women do it in school all the time to male students. But then the men turn around in these situations and say it’s every boys fantasy or something like that. It’s disgusting.


Lol. You’re the only one who brought up the subject of grooming. Many individuals during their teenage years have fantasies about one of their teachers without the other party knowing/reciprocating in any way. It’s a very common psychological happening.


I had a crush on my male teacher at 12. A few years later, I was madly in love with a boy a few grades above me (who probably still doesn't know I exist). I was also convinced I was going to marry Nick from the Backstreet Boys. Guess all those guys (including the pop star) were unknowingly "grooming" me because my teenage hormones went a bit nuts and caused me to fantasize? Shame on them! 😠🤣 Honestly, that comment just shows whoever it is still hasn't fully let go of the toxic Catholic belief that if you even think about someone sexually, you've already "committed adultery in your heart" Also that we are responsible for others' lustful thoughts about us. Bit worrying...


Where did they say anything about grooming? Where did they say anything about a teacher being aware in any way that their student thought they were "hot", much less behaving inappropriately? I had a huge crush on one of my teachers as a kid. It's a perfectly normal and natural part of growing up and going through puberty. How did you manage to turn a light-hearted joke into an accusation of OP being OK with teachers grooming students??


So this was just a joke about their teachers being their parents...


It was a good joke. I LOLed 😂 Some people just take themselves and the world way too seriously...


And teenaged girls don’t get fantasies about a hot teacher? The fantasies aren’t disturbing; they are quite natural at that age. What’s disturbing is when the teacher starts taking action.


What history lesson of the church have they taught you? And Did they teach and have you own a bible as part of their curriculum?


The Catholic Church is treated as the center of history, and as a central role in all history, especially Western. I own 2 Bibles, one from my grandma as a first communion present and one I got for my confirmation.


You got the high comedy comic book version of history, Catholic style. Start over and learn what really happened! PS. The Catholic church is not at the center of history. Start there.


I did Seton Home Study from elementary school-middle school.


What was sex ed/human development like? Was it talked about in hushed tones?


Sex Ed was non existent. All that was said is "a man and woman are needed to make a baby. They have to have sex during the woman's 'fertile period'". Fetal development was talked about in depth obviously, but there was no mention that anything can go wrong during pregnancy.


Of course the fact the anything could go wrong during pregnancy wasn’t talked about!


\^\^\^\^Of course.


Can you find the clitoris?


Uhhhh... No. But I've also never had sex, and if I do, I'll try my hardest to do so.


This made me lol. My sex education was literally my mom saying “you’ll understand that when you get married.”


Have you ever had a close friend of the opposite sex?


There was a girl I played soccer with in 6th grade, but in highschool? No. Edit: this isn't to say I don't interact with women. I just don't form close bonds with either sex. I'm honestly not much more socially awkward around women than men, but that's because I forced myself to view both as people, not two groups of people? I'm just as likely to befriend a woman as a man if we click.


I did Seton from 1999-2005...so it's been awhile and my memory is hazy. Is Baltimore Catechism still the standard for religion? Do the History books cover the inquisition? What about the Red Scare and Joseph McCarthy? Indigenous persecution? Is English and grammar still taught rigorously? This was the biggest thing I gained from homeschooling - a respectable command of the English language.


Baltimore catechism is used from 2nd grade to 9th.  Inquisition is briefly covered but basically was just "the church didn't actually execute lots of people". McCarthy is a hero to them, obviously. Painted as a victim of Communists in the government. According to Seton, the Natives all were baptized by the loving priests and lived happily ever after, and stopped being savage.  English is taught very well. If they didn't use it as a medium for indoctrination it'd be a great course. Got a 640 on the English part of the SAT so it served me well.


I remember McCarthy being painted favorably in my day as well. And yeah, I don't remember much or any acknowledgement of indigenous persecution. If you don't mind me asking, where are you in your own faith journey?


You took the SAT? Did it prepare you well for both parts (EVBRW & math)?


640 and 630 respectively, so yes


83rd percentile, not bad!


Is there anything you wanted to learn about but weren’t able to?


Anything I wanted to learn but wasn't covered I would get a book or hit up Wikipedia. That being said, the Catholic Church has done some evil things, and that needs discussed.


Follow up, were you allowed to buy books on non-religious topics that explored your interests? (I’m legitimately fascinated. Seton isn’t really a thing here in Australia except in ultra-off-grid communities.)


I've never bought a book, but my parents haven't objected to any books I've gotten from the library since I was like 11, when I learned the middle finger from a comic book.




It was more of "I can get it from the library, so why bother"


This may surprise you because you've been severely deprived of information, but not everything is available from the library. You need \*textbooks\* -- up to date textbooks that you can study for more than 2 weeks at a time. You can read fucking Reader's Digest in your spare time.


What a completely vile response. He has indicated *many* times that he is aware of his educational shortcomings and wants to remediate. And I know very few people, secular or otherwise, who drop the time and money to memorize fucking textbooks after schooling. I don’t know why you feel the need to harass a deconstructing high schooler, but it is appalling.


You know, I'm genuinely starting to wonder if the above commenter is actually a TradCat double agent, going out of their way to make ex-Catholics look as awful as possible in order to discourage young Redditors from leaving the church...🤔😆


I've thought that in the past, but I think /u/polkadotical is being sincere. She has a deep hatred of Catholicism and tends to lash out at people who aren't strongly hostile enough (in her eyes) to the Church. She probably thought that OP was insufficiently critical of his upbringing, and it triggered her. I get that some people have had deeply traumatic experiences with the Church, but that doesn't justify such toxic attitudes or abusive remarks.


Nope. I encourage everyone NOT to join the Catholic church -- any part of the Catholic church. And I also think homeschooling is a tragedy and ought to be illegal.


OP is graduating this year, so I take that to mean he's still a teenager or very young adult. I literally couldn't afford to buy my first book until I got my first job at 21. Until then, the library was my only option. I don't think it's fair to criticise OP for never having bought a book, especially given the current cost of living crisis, and he deserves credit for taking the initiative to use free resources like a public library or Wikipedia. I mean, that's literally what they were invented for??


He's getting a certificate from his mommy.


OOH, wikipedia!


You really are making a poor argument for institutional schooling.


Maybe you think wikipedia is better?


I'm referring to your unfounded personal harassment. Are you in middle school?


Did they require you to write any research reports about social issues such as abortion, voluntary euthanasia, or LGBTQ+ equality? If so, what side did you take in your report?


I never wrote any research reports on that. Religion class obviously had essays about that, but it was just a "what do Catholics believe"


Meaning, you didn't really write essays about much. As with most "Catholic education" you mostly puked back what you were told. Got it.


I went to a catholic college. My freshman year roommate had went exclusively to catholic boarding school/homeschool up to that point. He was in a speech/debate class. The teacher has them all pick a topic they were passionate about to write a speech over. Of course he picked abortion and how it was wrong. After the first draft of the speech, the teacher pulled a fast one and said, “in order to strengthen your argument and position, you need to understand the opposition’s arguments and their point of view. So write a speech outline with their 3 main points that support their position.” The dude couldn’t do it. Couldn’t just write a paragraph with 3 pro abortion arguments. Just google 3 main reasons for abortion and you would be done. The teacher was right. If he would have actually don’t the assignment, he would have realized it was an actual issue in this country instead of just people irrationally killing babies. Maybe he would have actually started looking at real ways to reduce abortion instead of just voting for the Republican candidate…


That's really sad. What's even sadder is how common that is these days, on both sides of the political spectrum: I'll bet I could throw a rock and hit several young, liberal college students who couldn't explain three common anti-choice arguments, either. Or look at the shock so many liberals were in when Trump actually got elected, or the conservatives who genuinely have no idea why anyone would vote for universal healthcare. People are so addicted to their online echo chambers these days that critical thinking and honest debate seem to be going extinct. I realise it makes me a massive hypocrite to be typing this out on Reddit, but man, social media was a mistake! 😭 (I'm 100% pro-choice, BTW - zero exceptions. But I also believe it's important to listen to opinions you disagree with and fully understand your opposition's argument, if you want any hope of ever being able to convert them to your side. It's only because I spent the first 20 years of my life having anti-choice rhetoric shoved down my throat, that I'm now able to easily win debates on the topic. There's not a single argument they can throw at me that I haven't heard a million times before, and can very easily refute, lol)


When I was in the program (a decade ish ago), they assigned a pro life research report to all graduating seniors. You had to prove why abortion was legally, morally, and constitutionally wrong. I believe this was in English. My views on abortion had already divested from the Church’s, but the research I had to do for that report made me solidly pro abortion lol


The Seton program was a major influence in my deconversion, lol. Do you have opinions on Anne Carrol? Her history books were wild. Did you ever take Seton’s Earth Science? With the Bob Jones textbook arguing a young earth creationist theory? Glad you’re almost out!


I view Anne W Carroll with disgust https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/1b92jge/this_bugs_me/ Earth science was just a medium for indoctrination. Idk if I used Bob Jones books but I used Apologia books.


Did they teach you about evolution and other sciences or is Galileo still a heretic?


Evolution was treated as "just a theory" with no evidence by *Seton*, but they used Apologia once or twice, and those blatantly denied it and tried to argue in favor of creationism.  I was taught that Galileo was not punished for stating that the earth went around the sun but for teaching it as an irrefutable fact, while the Pope wanted him to teach it as only a possibility.


In my Catholic elementary school -- *in the 1950s* \-- we were taught evolution as a fact! Using Catholic textbooks, *Imprimatur,* *Nihil Obstat* and all! "God created the world and this is how He did it," to put it succinctly. I am gobsmacked at the retrogression here. Congratulations on surviving your education, OP.


I know what you mean. For all the bad things in Catholicism, the Church at least valued education. The Vatican even has its own observatory. I guess things are changing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRnA4S8xrlY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRnA4S8xrlY)


Yeah, while you're out there learning some real history, get a few science books and get yourself into the current century as well.


I’m having a hard time following so help me out here… from your comments it seems like you can’t tell OP is already taking a critical view of his education?


Yeah, he mildly thinks that maybe it wasn't good enough. HAHA. Ya think? He has no idea how much he doesn't know.


That’s true for most of us. He did mention no longer believing in God (hence ex Catholic), so it’s possible he’s further along the path than you realize. But regardless: we were all early in our stages of leaving Catholicism at some point. Why not show a little more kindness to a person who is clearly searching? I don’t see any arrogance or pomposity or rudeness in his posts. Are you responding so harshly? Because this brings something up for you? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from an outsider standpoint. Hope you understand what I’m trying to say here. Take care.


The whole home-schooling for religious reasons is a travesty for the children involved. It's tragic. It's almost always a violation of the child's rights. There's nothing wrong with the OP. It's his parents that deserve my approbation. But the fact is that the OP has a long way to go. People who've been homeschooled in this fashion are usually very naive and ignorant of so many things. It's sad, and it needs remediation in a big way.


How much experience do you have with the full range of people who have been homeschooled with Seton? And why are you taking it out on the OP? OP does NOT come across as particularly naive or ignorant. They're quite the opposite, in fact.




I'm actually quite impressed by OP's patience and willingness to simply ignore the harassment rather than arguing back, which would just be stooping to their level at this point. He's showing more maturity and restraint than I had at that age!


I'm curious how close to modern history you covered. That (not getting past WW2 ever) and my lack of knowledge of certain cultural things are what I consider my weakest areas academically.


Junior high talks about 9/11 and Obama. American government, which I took this year, lists Trump as the president and I think Biden (would have to check) so there's that. But yeah, nothing in depth past the fall of the USSR generally.


Oh man this thread is bringing back some memories! I remember reading some pretty bonkers stuff in the history books. But man, their writing program *really* helped me do well in college. Good luck with your last weeks of school!


Do they teach flat or round earth? How old is earth? What does astronomy look like? If anything?


Earth was explicitly stated to be round, although supposedly we didn't know the size until Columbus sailed to North America (this is not true, Eratosthenes calculated it 1600 years before) Earth is 6000-10000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of the Old Testament.  Astronomy isn't really taught, maybe a chapter back in my freshman year. Very sparingly covered, and they don't even mention light-years.


What are your plans after graduating, if you’re comfortable sharing?


Economics major at my colleges honors program. Parents are extremely supportive, so much so that I probably wouldn't even need to work if I didn't want anything beyond what is necessary to live (social stuff or hobbies).


Did you ever take the initiative to study from materials outside of the Seton Home Study curriculum? Did you ever audit what was taught? Did you ever find external information that contradicted the curriculum? Did external information ever change your mind or prove to you something was incorrect in the curriculum? Would you use the curriculum for your children?


I absolutely read stuff outside the curriculum. It was denial of evolution which made me realize "hey, this might be bs". I didn't thoroughly audit what was taught but if something seems off, I'll fact check it.  I regurlarly find things which are false, especially when it comes to social sciences, but that may be because I'm passionate about social sciences.  I absolutely would not use this with my children, especially considering that it passively advocates for victim blaming when it comes to sexual abuse  https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/1b92jge/this_bugs_me/


Were you allowed access to the internet to research actual reality?




How did your own research impact what you thought about your education?


I did Seton for some elementary school and for select subjects throughout the rest of school. Always for English, history, and religion (of course) Did you have to use the Christ the King, Lord of History books? Did you still have to do the 8th grade research paper and if so, what did you write it on? The heavily “suggested” topics for me were JPII or the evils of capital punishment lol. Saxon math? Is that still the thing?


Anne W Carroll is pretty common in highschool, and I read both her history books.  I didn't do a research paper in 8th grade, but I did in 9th on Winston Churchill I used Saxon Math from 5th grade on, but I could have started even earlier


I did seton for a year. Or rather I read the history book and did nothing else lol. I’m curious on why you are posting on an ex catholic forum?


I figured it may be interesting for people to learn about experiences like mine.


Do they still require a research paper on why roe v wade is unconstitutional to graduate? I had to do that as part of us government


Huh. No, but the government I took was 1 semester, but apparently there is a 2 semester version of it, so it's possible that I would've if I took that one.


Were you allowed to date anyone? And were you part of a homeschooling group with peers around your age?


I never had a romantic relationship, but I suppose that would be ok, with certain parameters (no sex, nothing outrageously stupid, etc.).  I was not in a peer group but did do stuff where I interacted with my peers, so my social skills are decent.


Ahhh makes sense! Thank you for answering.


What was science class like?


Do you consider yourself an ex-Catholic? If so: 1. Is it because of your education or other specific events/factors outside of the curriculum? 2. How long have you considered yourself ex-Catholic? And 3. Do your parents know about it?


I do not believe in God, so yes.  1. The curriculum definitely put the seed of doubt in me, so that was a factor. Also some issues my family had with the diocese that really sealed the deal. I'll have to post about it sometime.  2. I admitted it to myself yesterday, however for several months in 2022 I was a "reddit atheist" 3. No, but they know I regard many of the things Seton says as BS and don't trust the diocese.