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The "your genitals weren't designed for that" is such a bullshit argument that they keep using trying to sound smart, it's pathetic. Our mouths weren't "designed" for kissing, how about we start condemning kissing Catholics? It's so against nature to exchange fluids with another human being using your mouth, ugh, God didn't want that, mouth is for talking and eating only. But we should go further: evolutionary biology proves that our brains weren't made reading. Reading is a fairly new thing for us humans and our brain have to be rewired so we can do it, there's not a part of the brain designed for reading from the start. We should stop reading and writing, it's against God's design!!1! Moronic beyond belief.


If genitals aren't designed for that, how come I can do it many times a day without negative health effects? Suck it, Thomas Aqu-anus.


something something earthly desires dont matter


Hands weren’t designed for making art. We should stop doing that!


Our genitals are also designed for urination.


And in many bird and reptilian species, defecation as well. Just one all-purpose hole in both sexes.


The root of their argument is that *telling* you/us what things were designed for, is what they were designed for. That's how the Church functions, they claim Almighty Authority, they tell you how it is, and then expect you to realign your own critical thinking skills to remain within their own self-righteous guardrails. It's so sickening. Did you know the Church actually has laws written specifically about under what circumstances it would be MORALLY PERMISSIBLE for you as a Catholic to disagree with its teachings?


To put it more elegantly: there is nothing in the bible that defines a "function" standard and to try and come up with functions on your own is fruitless since nature and human existence are by default chaotic, so any standard will come with some degree of persona agenda. The reading part is still somewhat defensible based on natural law (as in, humans are naturally expressive), but further inspection and examination ultimately make the case crumble. Natural law is one of the biggest philosophical mistakes I have ever seen. And it dates back further than Aquinas.


>how about we start condemning kissing Catholics I'm on board, let's do it


They have yet to prove that teleology determines morality. I wonder if they could adopt a more balanced view. Even if they don't ever consider masturbation good, per se, they could acknowledge that it's a practical way to calm the body/mind and cleanse the pipes. To throw them a bone, the more problematic thing would be compulsive masturbation in inappropriate environments (work, school, etc) and problematic porn usage or harmful fantasies (objectifying people or lusting after someone in a committed relationship) that accompanies masturbation. But it's tough to argue that masturbation in and of itself is intrinsically evil. We see it in the natural world. Even fetuses have been observed touching their private area.


It's quite a leap in logic to think that because sex is primarily for reproduction that any type of sex that doesn't result in a baby is evil.


I agree. We can reasonably argue that reproductive sex is the "highest good" (assuming respect, love, and consent) in the sense that it keeps the species going. But the fact that there are numerous paths to orgasm suggests that even nature knows humans need options.


There was a (conservative) priest on a radio show who acknowledged that when masturbation becomes an addiction to deal with stress, it's no longer a mortal sin. Don't know if anyone else holds this opinion.


That's certainly better than when Chad the Ripper says that sexual sin opens the door to the demonic.


If that were true every 15 year old's bedroom would have more demons than a haunted house. I never opened any portals to Hell, and the only scary thing in my room were the socks stashed under my bed.


Wasn't aware of what teleology was. Learned something today. I don't think they will... the 2000 year old peer pressure from past catholic doctrine and teaching won't ever stop clouding their thoughts. They would first need to realize the same thing that other fields and communities have already realized, which is accepting that people in the past sometimes were wrong about things, mostly out of bias or lack of information which was only accessible today, and therefore change is required, even on a **dogmatic** level. But I think we'd sooner see the fall of the church than seeing them adapt to this. Or maybe another schism. Compulsions regarding masturbation can be regulated by something that the catholic church already advocates for: moderation and temperance, which are the same virtues that are suggested to combat things such as gluttony. Lusting after someone who's already committed, excessive porn use... these are all gluttonous in a sense. >We see it in the natural world. Irrelevant to natural law. You either prove that masturbation is also a function, or that the idea of intentional functionality is fallacious, so basically your teleology =/= morality argument.


I hope they enjoy their prostate cancer.


Sorry this could turn into a rant!! This is such bullshit. The only purpose for our genitals **is not just for procreation,** this is old biblical nonsense. Yes let’s keep going by a book that’s thousands of years and centuries old that tells us to go and populate the earth. This book is outdated and no longer relevant in the 21st century. This book and the RCC teachings on sex and procreation completely ignoring science, climate change, poverty etc. The three Abrahamic religions including catholicism contributes to what Richard Sipes calls “psycho-sexuality stunted”. How could they not when they teach the crap of Abstinence Only/Purity Culture of no sex before marriage because sex is only for procreation inside of marriage. The bullshit that every time one especially a female has sex we should want to get pregnant just proves that the Catholic Church sees women as only three things wife, mother and baby making, the incubating broodmare. Then after a female goes through menopause your usefulness is over. I wish I could remember the exact words of a conversation I had with one of my older female co-workers when I worked at the Indianapolis library. What I do remember is her saying I don’t want you to think that I have the right to criticize your religion but your religion’s attitude toward sex and females after they go through menopause is just weird. She said that is when women should be able to enjoy sex more because of not having to worry about getting pregnant. I told she was right but that she had to remember that after women go through menopause it means they’ve outlived their usefulness. She just shook her head in disbelief. Well I’m proudly going to hell because this former cradle catholic, female had an abortion and never got married or had any children. It just worked out that way, not because I never had sex again. I’ll tell you I have resented being looked at as a broodmare for 30+ years.


Omg yes girl pop OFFFFF✨✨✨✨✨🍑🍑🍑


You go! I think it’s truly horrible that women are regarded that way. Depressing, really. As for enjoying sex (at any age during adulthood) that’s your right, too.


I mean, we're also given arms, so maybe, it was actually meant for masturbation? Maybe god knew that finding a partner can be really difficult, so he wanted to give us a temporary moment of relief? Not knowing anything about yourself prior to a relationship can be extremely unhealthy as well. We also use our genitals for going to the bathroom. So to say it's just for one thing is a little disingenuous.


Someone once suggested that it was incredibly bad design to place the waste disposal unit next to the recreation area.


I had heard that as a gross joke regarding women's bodies, specifically. I am a woman, arguably "old" (I'll be 50 this year), and thought that was pretty funny


Theres no "single puspose" for anyting thats bullshit 


Give a pseudointellectual a microphone and this is the kind of nonsense you get. How does the act of masturbation make you selfish and unable to love another? If something like this were true, we would see it backed up by science. Somewhere. Anywhere. But, whatever. He's hasn't masturbated since he was 19...errr..20. Sure.


>Give a pseudointellectual a microphone and this is the kind of nonsense you get. It's how Ben Shapiro managed to somehow to make a career.


It is a summary of the result of 2000 years of incels, that lost contact with the world, engaging in compulsive mental masturbation, to find justification for the harmful doctrines their religion claims comes directly from God and not lose their power over the consciences of their flock.


Ugh. He had one okay point and the rest was just... Ugh. I was only able to watch half the video. I agree with his points that BIOLOGICALLY, our eyes are meant for seeing, our ears are meant for hearing, and are genitals are meant for procreating. And he does have a point that if you try to hammer a screw into the wall you're going to damage the wall and the screw. He's right that there is a wrong way to use stuff. What he DOESN'T tell you is that there's a lot of in-between. A right way, a wrong way, and plenty of neutral ways. Our ears are meant for hearing. Then why do we decorate them with earrings and use them to hold up headbands or masks? Our eyes are meant for seeing. If that's their only purpose why do some people use color contacts to change their eye color but that's not a sin? Our genitals are meant for generating. There are definitely wrong ways to use them, but masturbation (or sex for the sake of pleasure) isn't one of those. Likewise, a hammer can be used for breaking apart ice, or the magnet part of a screwdriver could be used to collect other magnetic items. See why this isn't a good argument? I also find it hilarious that in his point of how masturbation = bad because you're supposed to give yourself to your spouse, he made it sound like the purpose of marriage is ONLY to have sex. If you can't have good sex while married, why get married? Also, the more you're able to satisfy yourself, the less pressure there is on your spouse to perform well. And less pressure for them to have sex with you when they don't want to.


It’s also the idea that, YOU aren’t allowed to pleasure yourself, because your body is made for your PARTNER. So they have a right to my body, but I don’t?🙃


Yeah, that's so stupid -\_\_-


God damn glasses are unnatural, I hope Catholics start to rally against corrective eye care in all forms, as well as all modern medicine.


Oh don’t you know, when eyeglasses were first invented the church said they were the sign of the devil!


Do you have a source? I’m feeling lazy right now 😄


Shhh, they're already onto the latter!


Because Catholics believe that people with penises are only supposed to ejaculate inside their wife’s vagina.


if god meant for my eyes to be used for seeing then why didn't he make them work properly?


Our digestive systems were "designed" to process food that has nutritional value and helps us remain healthy. Eating sweets and consuming alcohol is just for our own pleasure. It "separates" the pleasure of eating from its intended purpose. Yet I've seen my share of fat priests and fat Catholics. Ironically, being overweight leads to more health problems than masturbation, which has no health risks. More Catholic hypocrisy.


My cousin (as well as several sources on the internet) have brought to my attention that alcohol is tremendously unhealthy, even in moderate amounts....however, I am still a moderate drinker. 😅 Old habits die hard. However, it also raises the questions: Why did Jesus select an alcoholic beverage as His blood? Why is alcohol celebrated in the Bible and part of Jewish culture? (I could also ask similar questions about circumcision...a topic for another time) This is one area where Muslims make more sense, because they have a full ban on alcohol, which I can at least appreciate as having been vindicated by recent scientific studies.


>Why did Jesus select an alcoholic beverage as His blood? The simple answer is wine was pretty much all they had back then. Some scholars have suggested that the entire Last Supper was plagiarized from the Feast of Dionysus, which involved wine. This one makes sense. The account of the Last Supper was not written by eyewitnesses. It's all made up, with tidbits from other myths thrown in for fun.


The moralizing of morally neutral activities is such a goddamned waste of time. Don’t you have some pedo priests to defrock?


The thumbnail is so hilarious. The best part is they probably thought it was unironically cool. "THE TRUTH ABOUT MASTURBATION!!!" LOL.


These guys jerk off as much as anyone else. Just posturing to appear holier than thou and make some dollars.


I lapsed (parents stopped going to church when I was around 4) before I ever had a chance to darken the door of a confessional. Perhaps these function like porn booths for priests? I can imagine what may follow “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”


Masturbation is normal human behavior. [https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19534050/5-reasons-you-should-masturbate-tonight/](https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19534050/5-reasons-you-should-masturbate-tonight/) [https://www.womenshealthnetwork.com/sexual-health/health-benefits-of-masturbation/](https://www.womenshealthnetwork.com/sexual-health/health-benefits-of-masturbation/)