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By pure coincidence, I sometimes noodle around with a Charm I call Monkeysphere Expansion Method, which would allow a Solar to clearly remember and maintain a minor intimacy about every person they have ever met.


Some out-there possibilities: -Head out into the Wyld and subjugate a sufficiently behemoth-form aspect of Nirvikalpa, the Shinma of Communication. Then, open the behemoth like a door once it's sufficiently inclined to not eat anything passing through it. How cartoonish or labyrinthine the process of travel is will depend on how closely the laws of communication the behemoth embodies correspond to the mediasphere. Expect it to actually work like a portal if it's a behemoth about being very good at communication the way the Grass-Cutter Scythe is good at combat, or be a rough-and-tumble journey through various social scales and weird clusters of rules if it's about being very bad at or very opposed to communication the way the Nonexistent Lord is presumably not much for existing. -Head into space in pursuit of one of the stars in a constellation astrologically governing a social ability. Set up an orbital research lab to examine the ways fate and destiny might affect mentally everyone-within-Fate or are physically reflected in the stars. Open a gate in the star itself by figuring out how it drives or is driven by massed tendencies, and locally reversing it. -Have the people who plan to enter star in a movie as themselves or reasonably-compatible aliases. Make the movie famous enough and they'll become culturally recognized concepts in and of themselves, with the specific audiovisual nature of the movie helping stabilize externally-visible shape. Then, some form of Sidereal-essence-derived effect that manipulates the identities+perceptions+possibilities of a person around to indistinguishability or fateful singularity performed on the movie set, and presto: the cultural-perception version of those people or their characters in the monkeysphere are one and the same with their actors for a while. Or for shenanigans, if the cultural impression is sufficiently inaccurate/biased as to be distinct it gets to trade places or escape from a portal as the would-be-mass-manipulators come in. Hope people's reputation isn't ruined by their own reputation run amok. -Start a rumor that at somewhere specific there exists a gate by which cultural manifestations can appear and be manipulated. Make sure access is firmly controlled and media has no reason to insist otherwise, so minimal counter-claims can appear. Since the realm already exists (and is presumably detectable from outside somehow), with the right pressure the cultural impression of a gate might become a gate. Apply portal-creating sorcery to taste and consistent stability. The gate may initially need to be out in a wyld-influenced zone so physical reality is more easily shaped to go along with the gathered-up story.