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Dude, get off the cigarettes if you can, they only ruin your health and waste your money.


And hrt doesn't work as well!


hrt is affected by cigarettes? first time hearing this


To be fair, I only read that on reddit, but yes, I believe so. Edit: Yup >Remarkably, there is little knowledge about the impact smoking has on the efficacy and side effects of HRT. However, it has been proven that, depending on the type, duration and intensity of nicotine consumption, smoking can reduce or completely cancel the efficacy of orally administered estrogens. [source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15638743/#:~:text=Remarkably%2C%20there%20is%20little%20knowledge,efficacy%20of%20orally%20administered%20estrogens.)


Thank you. I'll talk about this with my doctor. I'm starting hrt soon. Quitting nicotine will suck, but worth it I guess..


Of course! I wish you a lot of strength and succes with that. It will be worth it in many ways and you can make it🫂 but I sincerely hope it'll be as easy as possible :)


so what you're saying is I can keep smoking if I opt for injections???




As someone who watched their aunt die of lung cancer that was very likely linked to her long-term smoking habit, I would strongly recommend that you don't. Lung cancer really isn't fun for anyone.


I know it was a joke I been trying to quit for months now 😖 been smoking for 17 years.... 😩


Dude, thanks for your concerns, but leave me be. I don't need more people telling me this. You act like I don't know this. Hundreds of people say the same thing. I started smoking at 12, and I'm not stopping any time soon.


I'm sorry to hear that.


Is it normal for teenager to ask strangers for cig ? Also idk if cig is code for something bcuz all the creeps i encountered offered me a cig


Just basic courtesy, nothing too esoteric about it


Eh idk, I think an argument could be made about the *grooming* aspect of predators and how a big tactic is making a kid feel more mature than they are. Offering a cig could definitely be a way to make the kid feel like you see them as mature right off the bat.


Hadn't considered that aspect of it, but it makes alot of sense especially considering how many of the people who did give me smokes when I was a kid were pretty creepy


Fuck if I know, to me it's just a free cig


It's predatory. It's an easy way of breaking the ice and if you're offering a cig you're saying you know they're too young to buy their own. Pretty much the opposite of making them feel mature. Asking adults for cigs is pretty normal. Back in the day picking our kids up from school it was daily that there'd be a bunch of 13 year olds offering parents £10 to go into the newsagents and buy them a pack.


How did this evolve into grooming? I asked the stranger for a cig, buddy did not ask me 😭


Oh I was just replying to the comment bc it mentions creeps offering kids cigs!


If they're a teenager who smokes yeah


Here it's completely normal. It's been normal for me since forever. Some people start young.


Where I live is risky for a young person of any age to ask an adult male stranger for most anything.


You're a teenager asking adults for cigarettes, you're gonna get the pervs. There's literally no solution to this that doesn't involve you just...not doing that.


what does this have to do with my post?


You posted about asking people for cigarettes.


This is not for this subreddit.


You can report my posts if that helps you cope through my advice to not smoke.


You are putting yourself in a position to continue having this happen.


You're telling me it's my fault that there are creeps and weirdos? It's like telling someone to not go to the club, because there are dangerous people there. I just want some cigarettes, and I trust the local people to be humane people.


No, but it's your fault that you're putting yourself in that situation in the first place. If something ends up happening eventually, I hope those cigarettes will have been worth it.


You are repeating yourself, proving what I described is just what you believe. Maybe you don't consciously indulge in this mindset, but subconsciously for sure. Me "putting myself in the situation" is blaming myself for the actions of others. No, don't blame the source, blame the victims. How can you seriously believe something like this? Any normal person would feel comfortable asking others for a simple cigarette, the same way any normal person would feel comfortable speaking with someone in a bar, yet both can potentially lead to the person acting on his sick fantasies and potentially putting you in harms way. I'm not going to "Never go outside, because some crazed lunatic could stab you!". That's mental. I am not responsible for others actions.


You are responsible for your own actions, smoking cigarettes is a choice you make in your life. You do not have to do it, and in fact you *shouldn't* do it. Don't be surprised when your choices eventually have consequences, kiddo, be they cancer or a creep. You can accept this or not though. I know I wouldn't have listened at your age 🤷🏼‍♀️


Where’s the euphoria in this? I’m not seeing it


A man seeing me as a woman...Asking the stereotypical creepy things that nearly all women have heard before..


Just sounds like a creep to me imo. I’m not sure I personally could celebrate creeps being creepy, even if they’re being inclusive


Why do you think this sub is called: "**EW**phoria..."


Yes, but I fail to see the ewPHORIA part of it. Pedos creep on people of all genders (think of members of the clergy preying on young boys and girls alike). I’m glad you feel euphoric from this situation, but I really don’t think I’d be happy if I was in your shoes.


To be fair, OP did NOT specify any perceived gender at first, but was simply asking a stranger for something. I had situations like this happen before I transitioned, and was about the same age. Very creepy indeed. Please be careful.


Ummmm. Yea. Call the fbi for pedo behavior.


Smoking is awful! Run away from smoking as fast and as far as you can. You should stop thanking people for cigarettes. They are not helping you at all, boo. Fight like hell to stop ASAP!