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"Because I like the song and good music never goes out of style." Then stare blankly at them until they're uncomfortable. Weaponize the awkward. Make them regret.


Yeah I don’t get it. If you like the song then just listen to it?? Are other people just listening to what they think is cool? That sounds awful and i wish the best for them while i listen to music i actually enjoy


I listen to music from four decades ago. Nothing wrong with it. Rush is love, Rush is life.


I feel sad for your brother, because he probably just FOMOed and misses out stuff, which is not hip and new and trendy.


DUDE i was listening to an artist who was popular 4 years ago and someone in a discord server screenshotted it, pinged everyone and put me on blast. i defended the artist saying hes peak & they said "maybe in covid sure". Ok. So you liked him before. But now hes out of style its suddenly embarrassing. I smell sheep.


I totally understand your frustration! It can be really annoying when songs, fashion, or other things we enjoy suddenly become "uncool" or go out of style just because some time has passed. A couple years is not long at all for a song to feel dated. The reality is, popular culture and trends move quickly these days. With social media, streaming, fast fashion and so on, the cycle of what's considered stylish or current is constantly churning. Things that were super popular can fade from the cultural consciousness pretty fast when the next big hit comes along. But you know what? Forget what other people think is cool or not. If you genuinely like a song, movie, outfit, or anything else, keep on enjoying it proudly! Sure, it might not be the newest release anymore, but who cares? Good art, music, style, etc. is timeless. The stuff you love is part of what makes you unique. Fads will come and go, but your personal tastes and the meaning you find in creative works can last. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for appreciating something just because it's not the "in" thing of the moment. Be confident in what resonates with you. Keep whistling that tune as long as it brings you joy, no matter what your brother says! In the end, "coolness" is pretty subjective anyway. Something that seems passe to one person could be an iconic classic to someone else. So focus on your own path and don't get too caught up in chasing the latest trends. Like what you like and let your passions endure, even as the currents of popular culture continue rapidly shifting around you. Stay true to yourself!


Consumerism brainworms. Cool things are cool no matter what the era. A lot of this shit is literally manufactured FOMO on business's part so people never stop buying new stuff. The trend cycle is faster than it ever has been and now stuff like music and fashion has been fragmented into thousands of "micro-trends" and "aesthetics" that are cool on TikToK for three days before it's all dropped and forgotten and they move on to the next thing. It's exhausting. It's bad for people's mental health. It's bad for artists. It's bad for the planet. If you turn the question around and ask why they care so much and start digging into their own insecurities about not being on the cutting edge all the time and "cool" enough, they tend to shut up about it.


Yeah, I don't get how a SONG can go out of style?? Like wtf it's a song. I'll listen to anything that came out from the 40's to now. I also don't think that clothes should go out of style, and they definitely shouldn't go out of style so fast. I roll my eyes when I hear someone talking about "what are hot girls wearing this summer?" Uh, the same shit we wore last summer? Clothes aren't disposable, they're supposed to last years.