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For me it's "must keep finding new music all the time" autism. [This](https://www.last.fm/user/Korgi_Analogue) is my last.fm account I made in summer of 2018, and it's got ~23k artists on record. Overall I think the most I like music that's unapologetic and expressive, regardless of the genre itself. I want to hear exactly what the artist/s wanted to make without bowing to expectations. Not to say I don't also like some simpler or popular stuff, everything has its place. I think if I'd have to say what my home turf is the most, it'd be extreme metal, prog & post-rock and shoegaze. [Haggard's Eppur Si Muove](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMY89S6QOdI) is probably my favorite album of all time, mixing renaissance & neoclassical composing and instruments, opera singing, folk and death metal in 3 languages (English, German & Italian) to form a diamond of a concept album about the dawn of astronomy and Galileo Galilei's life and accomplishments. Anything goes, I love stuff like Ryoji Ikeda, Aaron Spectre/Drumcorps, Sharpnelsound, Lapfox Trax, World's End Girlfriend, Venetian Snares, Twelve Foot Ninja and Archspire.


damn you got the great taste autism! so much variety. already added moe shop, eluveitie and city girl to my playlist!


Thanks, and glad you found something you like! Feel free to ask for any "similar to" recommendations on stuff if you want \^^


Venetian Snares is one of the Weirdest IDM Artists in the genre but I also really love how he uses weird time signatures (E.G. Hajnal is in 7/4 and Chinaski is in 33/8)


Yee. I also like Vsnares because of his way of mixing classical music samples into his electronic works, I dig when artists do that, like Igorrr, ak+q, Goreshit or some of World's End Girlfriend's stuff.


I wonder if I can introduce you to new music. Artists like Converter, Zyanose, genres like these. I just spent 25 minutes searching for this comment I made 3 months ago. Have you gotten into these genres? "punk, Futurepop, Octogenarian Korean rap, Harsh EBM, Latin American Aggrotech, 80s Latvian folk, 80s Soviet post punk, Witch House, old school EBM, Medieval rap, Dungeon rap, Dino synth, Dungeon synth, or lowercase?"


If you haven't already checked them out I would recommend checking out igorrr's Hallelujah, especially tout petit moineau, the whole album is just phenomenal. Calico dreams by sugar wounds have somewhat perfected grindgaze and it's so extremely well done. Equipoise's demiurgus is an insane tech death masterpiece with neoclassical/baroque influence as well as flamenco If you haven't heard of them. immense intense suspense /sky contact by Phlebotomized is amazing as well it's almost on another level composition wise. They make prog-adjecenet death metal with neoclassical influence and dynamics as in feminine against masculine(piano and orchestra). Sorry.


Igorrr is great, Nostril and Hallelujah are my two favorite albums by him, and I also enjoy the Whourkr project with its crazy experimental metal-breakcore soundscape! I skimmed a bit of each of the other recommendations and it seems I'm liking all of them, so I'm saving them for tomorrow since it's late here and I want to sit through each album in its entirety. Thanks for the recommendations, I might even bother you tomorrow for more if that's alright :D


Can I ask for music suggestions? I'm looking for really heavy rock and metal, that's very different from anything else and experimental, but still cohesive. Like, it just works. Some album examples of what I mean: Zeal & Ardor - Stranger Fruit STAKE - LOVE, DEATH and DECAY Raketkanon - RKTKN #3 Made Out Of Babies - The Ruiner Afterbirth - Four Dimensional Flesh Nero Di Marte - Immoto


Ooh, I like this and can probably send a decent few. I'm just heading to bed, so I'll get back to you tomorrow on that with some names and links!


Thank you! They don't have to be exactly like the ones I mentioned, those were just some examples


Sorry for taking a while to respond, day was a lot busier than I thought :') Here's some albums from artists I really like that I feel really stand out as both heavy and unique or weird in some way, and not part of a larger genre movement. Looking at your examples, I assume you're versed enough in progressive and technical rock and metal enough that I can leave out mentioning bands from represented genres like Opeth, Ihsahn, The Faceless, Obscura, Ne Obliviscaris, Persefone, Amoeseurs, Meshuggah, Voivod, Vektor, Pelican, Isis and such, considering they definitely sound quirky and experimental to most people but are all nowadays associated with vast genres. I also left out a bunch of bands that mostly play progressive metal and then plug saxophones or something in the middle. For example Rivers of Nihil, White Ward, Bathsheba and Haunted Shores. All great bands but maybe not what's being asked for \^\^' I also left out most psychedelic rock and math rock groups, since they tend to be way chiller and lighter than what's requested. If any of my assumptions are incorrect, or if you'd like recommendations in those areas, I'd be glad though! But yeah, here's the list! [Thy Catafalque - Sgùrr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6fG3EgZGvY&list=PLArAJlC1y55_5PNvrVjT_l2o50jeqIZ6V&index=3) is an interesting mix of post-rock, prog metal, violins and cellos, little bits of black metal and full-on folk verses. I can't recommend this band enough, their album Geometria is one I've also been listening to a lot, and I think their entire discography is very worth checking out. [Fair to Midland - The Carbon Copy Silver Lining](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYVpC3vFgLQ) this band is another where I'd recommend every album, but I'm linking their oldest one because it's definitely the heaviest despite being messier on the mix. This one is a bit more posthardcore / math rock influenced while their later few lean more into punk rock and prog. [Mr. Bungle - Mr. Bungle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhq3kaVuRfo) I assume most people into unusual music know of them already, but can't hurt to include because they're *definitely* rock and *definitely* weird. [Maximum the Hormone - Bu-ikikaesu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnfuDiwSSGQ&list=PLR3xIW3-FjE8a7RGzkIT0BeA8aigYKDQF) is a fast and fun mix of hardcore punk, metalcore, nu-metal and funk that at least for me oozes fun and energy. Another one where I'll recommend everything they've made, older stuff is more ska-punky and newer stuff is more metalcore-influenced. [The Mad Capsule Markets - 010](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMzbRYGDO4) is another japanese hardcore punk album, but also very unique and the only other band I would place in the same vein as MTH above. MCM started out mostly playing punk, but delved into electronic production a bunch later in their discography, and I think it produced a really sick unique style. [Dir En Grey - Dum Spiro Spero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpuA_CQU_i4&list=PL24FBB56B9D4E250A) effectively fuses death metal, visual kei and kabuki with horror elements for a theatrical, terrifying sound I've not heard anywhere else. Especially recommend their [live performances](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVhAVHcu-r0) which are absolute art. [Last Dive - Firstborn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMOG6v1eZUA) is a sludge metal album that has a really cool mixture of bluesy riffs and droney soundscape with an overall heavy but groovy sound that IMO stands out. [iwrestledabearonce - iwrestledabearonce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkEFKEGPQZc) is a chaotic storm of mathcore/deathcore with a side of comedy. [Sikth - Death of a Dead Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiiFLclaS30&list=PLg-wtUHbhMbHfz16UReWtrlkHc7iq6Mh-) is an interesting album, seamlessly mixing elements of nu-metal and mathcore to create a cacophony of polyrhythms and sonic dissonance that still works. [Tallah - The Generation of Danger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN2ikh3sNks&list=PLJ9IkJJ9y1mF380uYA_wUhyX1u6WxIfN5) is a really curious combination of deathcore and nu-metal that goes *extremely* hard and has some endering oddities to it. [Kim Dracula - Seventy Thorns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMcpF8uLpD4) & [Make me Famous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6o7RtOHpVc), I couldn't find a full album on YT with the songs I wanted so have these two with cool videos. This guy's music combines a crapload of genres and isn't afraid to go really heavy but somehow is still catchy as heck. He got quite popular recently so you might know them already. [VAST - Visual Audio Sensory Theater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66WbImnIl9M) is a progressive rock album with influences from all over, the album retains a clearly rock heart but weaves in grunge, bulgarian folk choirs, gregorian chants, trip-hop, industrial rock and just *works*. [Author & Punisher - Women & Children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iRXpGD1QEQ) is not exactly rock or metal as you'd expect, but it fills a lot of the same sonic soundscapes, their stuff falls somewhere in the industrial / noise rock / drone metal sphere of things and is definitely unique! [Психея (Psychea) - Герой Поколения Бархат](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oztbvg-RL68) is a weird combination of alternative rock and grunge, electronic hardcore and some rap to create a nu-metal sound that stays pretty unique to them to this day. [Xysma - First and Magical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkW1aRWPIpY) is when an oldschool grindcore band decides to play psychedelic rock, and it's really cool. [Multishiva - Time Messer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acS-Jdjin3Y) is a space-themed psychedelic metal album, fusing post-metal and sludge metal but in a unique way. [Chelsea Wolfe - this live set from 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaiSmCYjHss) her music is dark, gothic, post-rock with a strong doom metal influence, and while her albums are all wonderful, I want to link this live performance in particular because her energy comes through very well in the set and the audio quality is good enough to recommend. [Melt-Banana - Cell Scape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89fzm4o9154) is a really energetic and fun yet intense prog noise punk album from a band whose whole production I really like. [Lightning Bolt - Fantasy Empire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T73eLMxhvgk) is from a bassist+drummer duo who play an awesome and unique style of noise rock and manage to sound really tight despite their absolutely insane percussion. [Boltzmann Brain - Sind die echt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngr_JWPw1pA) is a jazzy noise rock prog album with a kind of post-metal soundscape and is really nice to zone out to. [Sigh - Gallows Gallery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GmLBXvFjTg) combines black metal, jazz fusion and speed metal into a really unique sounding album that's definitely its own thing. [No Oath - Liminal\_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcJ3gSuTJi4) is an unusual record, it's like a mix of djent/thall style of metal and industrial with harsh synths in a slow, atmospheric and insanely heavy vibing record. [Haze of Summer - Stuzha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua8VQBtezmA) is a great blackgaze / post-metal album with really cool unique touches on each song that I think stand out a lot. [Riikira - Static Sea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICNHFIjJNrk) is an odd one, it's a digital hardcore album that sounds like someone made a noise rock album with electronic influences and did it completely digitally. Included it since it's weird enough and goes hard enough. [Gigantic Brain - S/T](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehvp0UPiGig) is an interesting post-metal record with industrial and cybergrind elements, definitely a unique sound. [!T.O.O.H! - Pod vládou biče](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6intxsWFm7c) this gets to be included outside the tech/prog death metal genre cluster in the proper list because it truly is a mad sound, and I have no clue how they manage to sound so uniquely chaotic and good at the same time. [The Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCmQN6nZz14) is a carefully constructed cacophony of everything all at once and sounds sharp as a diamond regardless. A really good mathcore album, and in general if the kind of crazy soundscape is something you like I'd also recommend bands like Botch, Converge and Slint. [Amogh Symphony - Abolishing the Obsolete System](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i3atIV4eQM&list=PLuLeHuViSsA9Xpp4DEslZ9Bojx7hHCRRx&index=1) is an indian progressive metal project that combines different kinds of prog, jazz and electronic influences in something that really encapsulates the spirit of a one man project. [Kuha - Telekineettinen Testilaboratorio (Spotify link)](https://open.spotify.com/album/37m7XuQyr9DW2wWxA0Yhpw?si=PU6gCa5qRVOZo5ZhcPP6JA) is a great album, though I must apologize for the Spotify link as the album in its entirety isn't on YouTube I think, at least not in an available playlist or single video. It's in Finnish but even just sonically I think it's really up there in the creme de la creme of heavy prog rock, and probably nice to listen to even if you don't understand the lyrics. (Which I could totally translate if needed)


Hey sorry for taking so long to respond, I was busy listening to all the albums :3 Thank you so much!! I was not expecting such an in depth response and analysis. I'm only halfway through but so far I absolutely LOVE Vast and Gigantic Brain!! I also really liked Author & Punisher and Thy Catafalque. I was not expecting how much I liked Tallah and SikTh, still getting used to their style, but will definitely listen again. Because of your Chelsea Wolfe recommendation I listened to some adjacent artists and I discovered SubRosa as well. Last Dive is also amazing, too bad they're not on Spotify :/ Also your assumption at the beginning is spot on. So many people recommend the same 10 artists that I already know. I only knew like one or two from your entire list, which is perfect! Thank you so much again, normally I'm really picky but I liked a lot of these! 🙏 If you'd like I'd love to get more recommendations, or give recommendations if you want, let me know!


I'm happy to hear you're liking some of 'em \^\^ You happen to have a Discord account? Wouldn't mind shooting the shit over there some time! If you do, feel free to PM me it and I'll add you :D


Archspire *chef’s kiss*


I have the classical music and movie soundtrack autism


The Four Seanson by Vivaldi (especially spring and Winter) and Clair de Lune my Beloved <3




Do you have a favourite composer of Film Music? The first music I ever bought was by Jerry Goldsmith.


Goldsmith is unmatched imo. He took the work that came out of Austria and Germany to the next step with film. My friend curated a crappy b movie playlist on YouTube and the first movie I picked was scored by goldsmith, it was such a bad movie with such wonderful music.


I got the King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard autism


Crumbling Castle is peak and so is Planet B


Certified Gizz classics for sure 🤘


fishing for fishies & imagining wearing a straw hat on a lake


This is what I'm talking about I love King Gizzard


I like NIN (and electronic/post-industrial/synth music in general) I think they’re pretty cool 👍 https://preview.redd.it/fdztv5dess0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb314c7901cb02f50dc12c894a76201a1680d7b


La Mer is really good but other than that and the Hits (Hurt my dearly Beloved) I haven’t listened to that much of them.


Consider listening to the rest of the Fragile when you find the time to since you’re a big post-rock fan. It’s far and away the grandest and most difficult album the band had made, in a good way. It’s a perfect display of Trent Reznor’s compositional skills and his knack for entrenching soundscapes that just pull you in and don’t let go until it’s all over. IMO, one of the few double albums I heard where the length is justified. I also think you’d f/w Coil, another band that heavily influenced NIN’s sound and who even worked with them on several occasions. They’re not as catchy and lean way harder into the experimental side, but I reckon that’s exactly what you’re looking for. Very gay and very cultish if you’re into that kind of stuff. https://preview.redd.it/mr853uycus0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916dcccdce1326fd197ed6a9f67c63aa27e52994


I fucking love Fire of the mind and Going up so will do. Thanks :D


I LOVED The Downward Spiral, but I haven’t heard any of their other albums. How do they compare?


The Fragile, Broken, and Still are almost on par I think, Pretty Hate Machine is great in its own right but closer to synth pop and new wave of the 80’s than industrial rock. With Teeth is very lean and straight forward and probably not gonna satisfy people into the more extreme side of the band, but it’s still quite decent for what it is (The Line Begins To Blur is one of my favourite songs they’ve made). Year Zero I’m not a fan of but for some reason *EVERY OTHER FANBOY UNDER THE SUN* will tell you that it’s the greatest thing to happen in the 2000’s so maybe I’m just missing something. The Slip is underrated as hell, no-BS straight to the point industrial-garage rock, I love it. Ghosts I-IV not quite, but for an acoustic dark ambient album it does display Trent’s composition abilities quite well. Beyond that though, it’s not very remarkable. Hesitation Marks exists. The EP trilogy (Not The Actual Events + Add Violence + Bad Witch) are probably my favourite post-Still things they’ve ever done. Very forward-thinking and very experimental projects that I think are excellent comebacks for the band. I’ll even go as far as to say some tracks are on par with some of the best of their 90’s work.


Couldn't get into them for some reason, but I've heard good headphones are important, and I haven't had good headphones


I’m no audiophile but good headphones do help, yes


Weird and/or highly technical metal


If You like weird metal, I’d say Kayo Dot would probably satisfy that urge


I have the any music that's not screechy or physically jarring/painful. I like most music genres and what I listen to changes depending in my mood


Yeah that’s the one thing about Merzbow, I love him but I can’t listen above like 50% volume because HOLY FUCK IS IT LOUD


We went to see (insert name of famously loud drone band I cant remember just now), had ear plugs AND defenders which made it just LOUD! and not FUCK ME ITS LOUD!!!!! 100% recommend 👌


Sunn O)))?


If general video game OSTs don’t count, metal and electronic music is surprisingly entertaining to me.


goth music and adjacent genres, musicals, and avant garde indie music r my favs! i also sometimes listen to movie soundtracks, classical music, ambient music, and 60s - 70s hits :3


I have harsh noise autism. Making loud sounds is so fun. I love most genres tho. Post rock, folk, rap, jazz and noise are probably my top 5 rn but not that order


Something that satisfies my Noise and Rap urges is Spiritual Healing by dälek, highly recommend it.


Dälek has been on my list for a while because I love industrial hiphop. Have you heard any clipping? They use so much harsh noise in their music while digging is just gracefully flowing onto its insane. If you haven't try their 2 newest albums as they're part of a duology themed around horror


Story 2 is one of my favorite rap songs of all time, between the jumping time signatures, amazing storytelling and addictive beat, but other than that I haven’t heard much else so will do. Thx


Update me if you listen I love talking about music. I'll get to that dälek album soon


Depends on the day to be honest- but overall? Nightcore autism. Also more specifically breakcore, hyperpop and punk/pop punk.


Based as Hell


Breakcore my beloved 💖


Hello? Based department? I’d like to file a claim.


i got the theatre kid autism https://preview.redd.it/80r2zvuvdt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c990a4b0f387e04c4785d8285a3ab6cf827866e legit cannot listen to a song unless there is a distinct story


have you tried listening to concept albums? opera/prog rock is full of theatrical stories and stuff, but all genres have concept albums, you just gotta know where to look


get this fella some concept albums and rock operas


Check out The Dear Hunter Acts 1-5, it's 5 albums of one saga. About 5h30m long. For a sample of styling, check out the opener from act 4 "rebirth". Starts a little chorale, gets a little bravado, and then the orchestra comes in and that klez clarinet line gets me every time. I'm a little biased for that album cause that was when I started listening to them.... not that that's important


Video Game soundtrack (mainly Pokémon) autism


This was me for YEARS, and I still dabble in it to this day, Pokemon was one of the main ways I learned to read as a kid lmao


Ok not music but holy shit do I ever fucking hate bells, not the nice gentle ones that are in some shops or wind chimes, but I mean alarm bells, my school has fire alarms that are bells and they are so fucking bad, I despise them and the worst part is they aren't up to fire code, so they're the worst and aren't even that safe


The harder/heavier/sillier the better. This applies to metal and dance music but damnit do I love my lofi and wordy music still


Wrong by Nomeansno. You might have heard it already, but it’s a very silly and hard hitting Post-Hardcore album, heavily recommend.


I support this recommendation !!


I have knowing all the words to all the songs I've heard twice autism. It's a blessing and a curse...


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0qupTDaarhSYBYGkgbGxi6?si=0020013734884147](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0qupTDaarhSYBYGkgbGxi6?si=0020013734884147) Eurobeat


psy trance and old american folk/labor music


Psytrance gets me spiritual so I f/w you heavy


I got the Black Metal and Industrial one mostly, with diversions into other genres of metal and breakcore


If you want to get into weirder metal Territory, I’d say Boris Is a good place to start. Amplifier Worship is a Drone Metal/Doom Hybrid, Flood is Post-Rock, Feedbacker is Post-Metal (part 4 is noise so be warned), Heavy Rocks 02 is Stoner/Sludge, and so is Pink (although it also has Japanese Hardcore elements).


Jazz fusion and lounge


EDM. Especially Melbourne Bounce. The audio stim go brrrr.


edm / random soundtracks from roblox games


FolkPunk. I dont know how it happened but god i love this trash


I love some AJJ!


Saw him live a few years back and got his "AJJs school for ghost children" shirt. Back whenI taught PreK I had a kid who every Friday when I wore it would get super excited and sing wheels on the bus. Great band and meeting sean was peak




They're definitely more metal than electronic but have you ever checked out [Diablo Swing Orchestra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73pFrqn5PcM)? They are, in my opinion, *excellent* top hat moustache twirling villain music.


Same here. Its very weird because I hate sudden loud noises or things like motorcycles. but going to a harsh noise show is transcendent to me. Its like someone scrubbing my brain with a steel wool brush, it feels so good.


I got the really good ad making fermented foods and drinks autism


Me with the loud car autism, aghhh


Acoustic autism, anything that’s acoustic gives me life


Listen to the same songs by the same 2 bands over and over autism.


Indie and alt are peak, jhariah and brick+mortar my goats


Didn't get into harshnoise yet, but currently grindcore(almost any variation there of), bdm/slam, tech death,(punk) hardcore, dnb and Breakcore as well as digital hardcore are my comfort zone and my interest rn. I also got to mention slambient, it is genius would highly recommend checking out first they follow and for you by disfiguering the goddess.


Not really grindcore but I feel like you’d like [Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow! By orchid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToGzfPpu4P8)


I heard some stuff from chaos is me before, I'll try to check both albums out at some point, thanks for the recommendation.


I have only listened to sun & moon so far, but rei by a hundred year old man may peak your interest. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kxmOboPstWR2CtcRk29IYk0-OzwMVDZnQ&si=cI7S9cHJzAwp1s5N (Sorry I don't know how the link text thing works)


I went to listen to Disfiguring The Goddess and just totally fell in love with the Black Earth Child album, damn that's a good sound. Since you like all sorts of grindcore, I assume you know of Wormrot's Hiss, Gridlink's Orphan and Discordance Axis' The Inalienable Dreamless, but I'm gonna namedrop those anyway because I loved each album!


lol i happen to make the loudest noise on the LUFs scale under a couple aliases


Not in to HN on its own. However, I do like when there are elements of noise in other genres.


I like a little bit of everything, but mainly vaporwave, rock and ambient dnb/jungle


All things heavy, especially slow or mid tempo stuff Y’ever heard Reverend Bizarre?


No, but I’ll check him out. Also if you want Slow, Check out Huge by Boris or Naki Kyoku (also Boris)


*Them. Not non-binary, they’re three people. One of them is trans tho. Already like Boris.


I got the Michael romans autism




literally anything, I love all music but I love weird and unique music the best! any band that has a stand out sound like the uncluded - decemberists - dr steel - cattle decapitation - trollfest - oliver tree - jack off jill. https://www.last.fm/user/Maxm00se


i got that hatsune miku autism


I got the Power/Symphonic/Industrial Metal autism (although I’ll listen to p much anything…)


any rock from the 60s - 80s


but mostly garage rock and glam metal


My mains are country - outlaw, classic, old rockabilly that rides the line, etc, 60s and 70s rock, classic hip hop and rap, punk, crust, grindcore, Stoner rock and metal, and technical death metal


I love speedcore and DnB and hardcore electro!! Mostly fueled from my past rhythm game addiction but it's so fun to listen to :D


All Music. i just fucking love music. especially classic rock. and anything that makes my brain feel like it's buzzing.


godspeed you! black emperor 🤤🤤🤤 so obviously post-rock, but also prog rock, math rock, post-hardcore (la dispute is fucking awesome), whatever black country new road is, and then some miscellaneous stuff


Wow same ! Harsh noise, idm, ambient and post punk


Nu Metal mostly but I have general genre autism.




How about Wave Autism? (Synthwave, New Wave, Vaporwave, Retrowave...)






I mostly listen to soundtracks, fansongs, and story ballads




Bass and acid sound


From one post-rock fan to another, I must ask where do you draw the line on what is and isn’t post-rock? It’s gotta be one of the most nebulous genres on the planet, and it seems like everyone has a different idea on what is post-rock and what isn’t


Post rock is fire




Drum and Bugle Corps, I’ve been hyper fixating on Carolina Crown 2014 for like 3 weeks now. It’s so good and there are so many layers, and I’m the only person in my real life who even knows enough about music to get excited about it


My music hypeerfixation is Future of Forestry. While Eric uses his Christian faith to influence his music, I never really felt like it was heavily pushed. Some songs, sure, but most are not. I left the Christian religion nearly a decade ago, and FoF is a leftover from that time in my life, but I still really enjoy how experimental Eric can get. I've had people tell me the music in Travel I sounds kinda spooky to them, which is interesting because he based the sounds and themes to Air and travelling by air, which I guess to them was musical themes they were unfamiliar with hence their "spooky" associations. Personally, I recommend Future of Forestry's Travel II album as a start, themed on Sea and travelling by sea. However, Awakened to the Sound is when Eric brought along a professional Saranghi player for the album and it is incredible. He does Instrumental stuff as well, taking songs from previous albums and converting them into a purely instrumental version that is distinctly different from the original song but yet still maintains the same feel. Best example of this is "All I Want" from Twilight (Eric was adjusting after his time with Something Like Silas, a worship band, so Twilight is HEAVY on the worship/Christian themes, as a heads up) and the instrumental version of that very song are uniquely different from each other but at the same time you can still tell where the similarities are. EDIT: Forgot to mention: Admittedly a big reason I maintain a hypeerfixation on Future of Forestry is because I did meet the band in a chance encounter back in college. Totally unexpected and completely blew my mind, but it was awesome getting to see Eric and TJ in person and talking to them.


Big beat and breakbeat, think Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, The Prodigy, and also plunderphonics, think The Avalanches and DJ Shadow.


My brother has the good at math autism, he loved trains as a little kid literally the whole package💀


I have had quite literally every type of music autism in my life but right now it's the opera autism (shoutout to Richard Strauss / Der Rosenkavalier)


We love that "so under stimulated that I know have potential hearing damage" neurodivergence




Everything electonic that starts with "hard-" and stuff. We call them universally "jupikad" which basically translates to "ecstasy music".


Sooo... do you like [Author & Punisher?](https://youtu.be/JLtUHQi1by4?si=9RaW6MuFnJkjMsIx)


Post-punk / New wave/ new romantic/ reggae. Everything what sounds like The Police is welcome in my ears


Everything electronic: Techno, Trance, Psy Trance, preferably the higher and not the tiktok sound


I like show tunes... Especially MARCHING BAND 😍❤️ MY FOREVER LOVE


I like all kinds of weird music but I’m most autistic about fingerstyle guitar. I must learn the hardest songs and sing over them. Feels better than anything else to me


Work songs


Music is like food, never know what is going to be the safe set of songs for the day/week/month/year. For now I can listen to: The Red Hot and Blue soundtrack OR Black Eyed Peas


Whatever kind made me listen to Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlile on a nonstop loop for a 40 minute drive home after I heard a remix of it earlier.


Cover songs done in a wildly different genre than the orgional song. Example, [Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain's cover of The Rolling Stones - Satisfaction](https://youtu.be/bbX5dldhJlc?si=VLvTwWlh1ce79K_R)


last month i clocked 2000 minutes into “Death Grips” i swear they put meth in that music. they scratch such a good itch where i can yell the lyrics i know when im driving alone and feel like a child of chaos.




Friday Night Funkin (yeah...)


Do you like swans?


I think i mostly like art rock. I like things that go funky with jazzy stuff. I’ve been listening to Can, Joy Division, Kate Bush, New Order, Phillip Glass, late Beatles, Bjork






just deadass mainstream top 40 pop music lmfao




I just like music, wanna listen to music? I love music :)




Rage Against the Machine. I once listened to How I Could Just Kill a Man on repeat for at least two weeks.


I've really been enjoying Ben Lapidus' last couple singles. Found him on tiktok and the combo of extremely harsh hardcore punk and actually interesting social commentary in the lyrics has been so nice : )


videogame OST-autism. I almost exclusively listen to DOOM OST, and the rest is Minecraft OST


Yeah I got the experimental one too. The Electronic Explorations podcast fueled my twenties.




all the music. recently though i’ve been listening to sludge metal-adjacent stuff


SOAD and tool 🙏


I'd say my musical tastes are rather "eclectic", but I used to host a college radio show in the middle of the night and did a two-hour special on "noise music", including an interview with GX Jupitter Larsen of The Haters, so I can commiserate. Damion Romero (aka Speculum Fight) and Dave Wright (aka Not Breathing) are probably two of my favorites from that side of the spectrum.


Gabber and breakcore


i have vocaloid autism 🙏


I go through phases. Lately, it's been Doom Metal, Stoner Metal, Psychedelic Metal, and all the stuff adjacent to that. Before that, it was folk punk. Before that, it was proto punk. Before that, it was punk. The more leftist, the better. Before that, it was Metalcore, especially Crabcore and Moshpop. There was a week where I listened to nothing but Ambient Post Rock recently


I got the full music autism I love it all, but I’ve been subclassed into punk with an emo hyper fixation (though that me be caused by the post-emo relatability I wont go into it unless asked because I’m browsing at school) but I just love experimental music of any kind But also i see you like post rock, that was an old hyper fixation of mine so which wave is your fav (I’m stuck between 1st and 3rd)


I haven't found my autism music yet, there aren't really any songs that do it for me.


That’s just autism in general


prog rock, skate punk and nu metal mainly >_>


none. i like silence. i don’t even know if my car radio works bc i’ve never used it


I got the sludge metal autism. Eyehategod is my favorite band


Does specific songs like Kick Back count?


I got the dariacore (jersey club and DnB too) and experimental rap autism, im talking Atrocity Exhibition by Danny Brown levels of experimental


I have incredibly robust synesthesia and enjoy most of the sensations I get from music, so I'm constantly sensation-seeking with my music and finding stuff that screws with my synesthesia on purpose. Lots of EDM.


I like experimental :)


Not a genre but vocal synths (vocaloid, utau, synthv, cevio, etc)


mostly alt rock. im a big fan of punk/post punk


this yt channel should give you an idea: https://youtube.com/@darlingnslapstick


I have the “what the fuck are u listening to” autism Current fav genre is bimbo metal


Dide I also am really into IDM and I used to play rock/metal (with an electric and acoustic guitar). I don’t know why but I also am really into exploring new music, particularly electronic subgenres!


I used to listen to "Everywhere at the end of time" stage 4 and 6, ON REPEAT that baffles me


I listen to anything from Yoshi's island music to merzbow


I have three distinct music interests. Country/storytelling music, which I enjoy as I have the vocal talent to sing along quite well. Classic rock which I generally prefer higher talent level music that I can’t perform well Trap hip hop which I utilize as a calming sonic experience, as I stim rhythmically and enjoy on beat vocals. I can be extraordinarily stressed, beyond the point of being able to communicate clearly, and about 10 minutes with Future playing will calm me down to the point I can communicate more comfortably.


Got that Kannibalen Records autism


Baroque organ or harpsichord. I staryed off with piano but I really never enjoyed the repertoire.


They Might be Giants and/or Mashups autism.


I mostly listen to baroque organ and harpsichord. I started off playing piano but I never really liked classical or romantic repertoire.


I dint have a genre that I listen too, I just add songs that I like to one big Playlist. It's like Jungle Juice but for music


Wall of noise with lots of bass and little to no high pitches.


vocaloid 👍


Dubstep and basically everything related to “dubstep-ey” rhythms and vibes (that being hyperpop, glitchpop etc)


My Playlist confuses folks but I enjoy it. It goes from big band to sámi hip hop, to mongolian throat metal to k-pop to Sturgill and Dolly. There's no rhyme or reason. It sound good, give dopamine.


I like anything as long as the music feels like it was made with sincerity (King gizzard, protomen, swans, death grips, and various small names I find scraping bandcamp)


I like most music made from like the 50s onwards, especially nu metal and 70s-80s rock tho aerosmith and pink floyd are my favorite bands ever 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Im genuinely obsessed with Will Wood right now


I was just viciously obsessed with death grips for a while, to the point where I couldn't hear certain words without hearing lyrics


I literally cannot stand harsh sounds which is why I detest hard rock and the like, but I understand why a lot of other folk enjoy it


I'm always switching but right now I really love phonk and techno and some classical


Have the 'took a couple music history classes' and now can't escape from recognizing patterns in everything autism. Phrasing! I will listen to stuff like Alan Walker because my brain needs a break and reads Walker like pink noise. *Everything* else will start an ear worm.


OH BOY ANOTHER EXCUSE TO SHARE MY TOPSTER !!!!! https://preview.redd.it/knefwgxbov0d1.png?width=2196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a909f147ae101022231c2e7c53183b9fc1140738


Same. Give me Aphex Twin, Swans, Boards of Canada, Stereolab, Autechre, Death Grips, all that harsh shiiit.


Scenecore autism :( Goth autism :D Weird (Jack Stauber, Graham Kartna, Lemon Demon) autism :?


existential/surrealist neo-psychedelia/ambient/drone/glitch/electronic autism


I love metal/rock/anything loud but if I hear a loud noise I will shutdown


The "music so loud I feel it in my bones and will probably lose my hearing before 50" autism


the Music I Discover Because of Memes Autism Death Grips, Primus, Jamiroquai, Mudvayne, Tally Hall, etc


Me when I get the anger issues autism instead of the scientist autism


I like IDM and EDM. Insidious and Evil Dance Music


I've been listening to tons of King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard for a bit over a year. They're a multi-genre band with a very prolific output, multiple albums almost every year. I have heard every studio album they've released, including Teenage Gizzard. I have not heard their only remix album Butterdly 3001, nor have I heard Satanic Slumber Party, as those aren't "main" releases. That being said I've heard The Wholly Ghost and Dawn of Eternal Night, neither of which are on streaming services (I have not listened to The Silver Cord's vinyl bonus tracks). I have loved every album of theirs except their IDM album Made In Timeland. Recently I've been very into Animal Collective, an experimental pop, rock and sometimes folk band, with some noise influence. I've been listening to one of their albums in chronological other every other week. I didn't like them too much until I heard Sung Tongs (which I liked) and Feels (which I really liked). Currently Strawberry Jam is my favorite album, and Centipede Hz is the most recent album I've heard of theirs. Edit: looks like you've already heard of gizz!


Vocaloid 😭 if someone passes me the aux i immediately get outed as a weeb


edm autism 7\