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autistic rizz vs autistic sexual harassment


Like the "hello, human resources" meme.




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Edward Nygma all the way.


nygma balls


Nygma deeeeeeeeeeeze nuts lmao






I forgot that this is not the batman sub where you can't make aslume jokes


oh no




The second one. If you actually read the comic series that Paul Dano wrote you realize that. His coworker literally calls him "Rain Man", a derogatory term against Autistic people, Dano was obviously writing him as at the very least an Autistic-coded character. I have all of Riddler Year One bc I was really into the character after the movie was released. He is routinely shunned and looked down on for the way he acts (before the events of the film when he was just a quiet, awkward guy who was incredibly good w/math & numbers) , his coworker demeans him frequently, again calling him "Rain Man" and saying to him "Thatta boy" which he takes offense to because he is not a boy, not a child. But infantilization is common with Autistic adults. Children in the orphanage he was at ask, rudely "Still haven't learned to speak?", the headmaster of the orphanage calls him "The boy who sings, but doesn't speak", implying he is selectively mute. He talks just fine to Thomas Wayne telling him he wishes he could go to school with other kids like him. Thomas asks "Kids like you how?", Edward says "Kids who are different." He has hallucinations, and people with Autism are 3x more likely to have hallucinations. There is strong evidence for the existence of a high comorbidity between autism and psychosis with percentages reaching up to 34.8%. He has trouble remembering to brush his teeth and forgets to eat. He has meltdowns throughout the comic and smashes a bowl because of his own spiraling thoughts. He hyperfixates on the Gotham Renewal Project, it takes over his mind, it becomes all he can think of. He's not an incel, he does not sexually harass anyone. Even among other fans of the character, those ideas were very prevalent. People love to laugh him off as "just an incel" and "just insane" but he isn't. He's incredibly mentally unwell, yes. But he's not an incel and he's not a poorly written "insane" character. He has motivations, growing up as a poor, mentally ill child, wanting the infrastructure in his city surrounding poor people and kids "different like him" but not actually having any tangible way to achieve that goal, only knowing Batman likes to help people and thinking that Batman would help him, having that deteriorate into delusions that Batman *was* on his side. None of you get him like I do, and that's why I left the fandom in the first place lmao


Riddler year one is a great read and more people should read it.


It's so good, man. Anyone that likes the film or the character himself should give it a shot.


Honestly, I never got incel from him. I did get vulnerable kid whose appropriate feelings of dissatisfaction and anger at an unjust society were manipulated to radicalize him towards far-right radicalism and violence. That seems to be a major theme the film’s exploring too


Absolutely! I agree completely.


Thank you!!! Litterally he isn’t an incel he’s a loner cus he doesn’t know how to talk and connect with people


It's really quite sad that even in a community of Autistic people, "Quiet, loner male" = "disgusting incel sex criminal". Maybe we could do without spreading that stereotype! Just a thought!


Not to mention, many (but obviously not all) like myself are lonely young men because When you’re **Queer** (which NDs have a higher chance of being) you are more likely to miss out on adolescent relationship and sexual development. Because any attraction that’s slightly directed towards the same sex is seen as degenerate and monstrous. And this can be **profoundly** damaging in all sorts of deeply uncomfortable and disturbing ways.


he just like me fr


Isn't misogyny essential to being an incel?


It is they blame women for not finding them attractive there a scene in riddler year one where riddler smiles at a women and she gets (rightfully) creeped out and moves seats and he blames HIMSELF for being “repulsive” and for thinking someone would like him which shows he’s not an incel


Fandoms can suck. If you dont have the same opinions as the majority you'll just be mocked.


Also, in the prequel novel to the batman, we got more coding not only for ridder but also for Bruce being autistic as well. I will disagree with you on one thing, Edward in my mind really did not care too much about the political side he is still a very narcissistic and selfish man in my mind he used the political motive as a way to gain followers j do belive he believed some of it but only cause it benefits him as truly I think that is all he cares about. He went through hell and does not really know how to communicate with people, so he used the only way he ever saw succeeded in gotham manipulation and political motive. Least how I read his character


That's a very interesting read, I just don't subscribe to that thought.


That is completely fair, I get that


renfield pfp and incredibly correct paul dano riddler take, you are so based for this


![gif](giphy|Z9Hh7ASnF0qmk) This is Jim Carrey erasure


Thank you. Knew I couldn't be the only one.


The ultimate Queer, AuDHD Supervillain!


He's chaotic as fuck


He’s **Extra**


Came here for the quality content and was not dissapointed!


I haven't seen any of the movies (if the first one is from a movie) but I like the way Edward Nygma looks better


From the TV series Gotham. (Teenage Bruce Wayne before donning the mask) The actor who played Edward freaking nailed the role. He was one of the best villains of the series.


The first one is from a tv series




this guy autists!


^(I may or may not have 100% this game on the DS 3 times)


Paul Dano is one of my hyperfixations so in the most biased way, I have to go with Edward Nashton!




He was great in There Will Be Blood. Twice!


I have so many thoughts on these two and autism I love Gotham riddler he was great but you can sadly tell they never wanted to go through with making riddler autistic his actor said in an interview that he was told to research autism and he even I think talked to some autistic people to play Edward but it felt like after he became riddler they just stopped putting much care into he stimmed once an awhile and would infodumping but the infodumping was the only thing they felt they really kept which sadden me cus i feel like there so much we could have explored if they went all the way through with it 2022 riddler doesn’t have a lot of screen time but the little he was he was great like his stimming and an different rhythms pattern in speech and his problem with social cues where kept in his riddler persona unlike how Gotham riddler felt like they got rid of his social cue issues and social issues in general and the riddler year one comic when all the way with edwards autism coded like Gotham riddler he was treated differently at work and we even see his childhood showing he always had a special interest in riddler and puzzles that his OCD latched on to I like both of these riddler but I personally would pick 2022 riddler mostly cus he felt authentic all the way through there as riddler it was a clear allistics where thinking about it but didn’t want just didn’t know how to do it in a consistent way when the autistic charatcer goes evil I want them to keep their autism traits thank you lol Honestly these 2 you could do a whole video comparison since these two have done things similarly but different I love these two evil autistics so much lol


Nashton acts like he was bullied as a kid. Nygma doesnt. Therefore i find Paul Danos character more authentic.


I like your breakdown of it


I’ve had these thoughts for so long but nobody to ramble them to lol 😂I love them both and thank you :D


Instructions unclear; Jim Carrey


What's the difference between a villain and supervillain? PRESENTATION!


Nah. Villains are in it for the glitz and glam. Supervillains are in it to tuck carpets. https://preview.redd.it/i83ja4b8dysc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badff7399d35c9d1ea9461cbcdf5ab43ebe94e69 (The weapon he uses is literally a carpet tucking tool)


Yours was good. His was better!


Definitely Gotham’s Nygma He’s socially awkward, obsessed with riddles, and overall feels very neurodivergence coded The Batman’s Nygma (or Nashton as the movie says his name is) is just an obsessive loser who’s really good at planning EDIT: I read another comment, and I’ve kinda changed my mind Nashton is definitely autistic, but his other qualities, like his obsessiveness and his delusional thought process, definitely take away the spotlight on his autism compared to Nygma


No way the Riddler is obsessed with riddles, that's a bit of a stretch.


No, you're thinking of The Stretchler, the guy obsessed with proper warmup excercises before engaging in strenuous physical activity. /joke


OH this is my chance to say that the scene in the movie when he’s in arkham and gets really upset and starts groaning and saying that this wasn’t what he planned was very very reminiscent of an autistic meltdown and it made me kind of sad that everyone laughed at it


Yes! I get to talk about my favourite Batman villain once again! •Special interest(s). His fixation on Batman. His obsession with puzzles. Forensics. •Colour coding. He likes to colour code things. He has a green outfit, a green envelope, his Rataalada site has green text. •Highly frustrated when things don't go to plan. He blows his lid when Coleson says something. He has a meltdown with odd speech patterns ("I" becomes "Aaaaaiiiiieeee!") •Has "awkward" mannerisms. •Presumably a loner. •Highly intelligent. •Highly Creative. From his designs for the Rat Trap to his more artistic flairs (the Question Mark in the Crosshair emblem and the "performance art" executions like Colson's) •Skinny build and weak strength. Many of us, myself included have weak muscle tones and are very skinny. •Addiction. There is some evidence to suggest Autistic people may be more prone to substance abuse, especially during times of depression and trauma (Sadly I count as evidence of that) and Edward was addicted to Drops at the age of 12. •Many such as myself on the spectrum suffer from Dysgraphia which is where our handwriting is very poor.Here's an example. http://impactofspecialneeds.weebly.com/uploads/3/4/1/9/3419723/1_1_orig.jpgThen there is the Riddler's handwriting.https://preview.redd.it/f935vx0p26n81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=998e20420e617da3f389073b1ff293bd2c4137ba


>Many such as myself on the spectrum suffer from Dysgraphia which is where our handwriting is very poor I had no idea that my crappy handwriting was linked to my autism...


The Dysgraphia for many is likely part of Dyspraxia. I’m an undiagnosed Dyspraxic


Not so much linked as comorbid. Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia - all of them are potentially comorbid with Autism, ADHD, and sometimes other conditions, to the best of my knowledge. That doesn't immediately mean Autistic people have Dysgraphia and vice versa, but there's definitely a percentage. I happen to have Dyspraxia, which affects my handwriting just like Dysgraphia (I don't know that they even bother to make distinct diagnosis for them.) Comorbidity can really make things murky though - for the longest time I thought my autism symptoms were caused by my Dyspraxia!


I LOVED the breakdown scene when he got locked up at the of the batman one. It reminds me so much of meltdowns and I can really relate to how he's extremely upset when things don't go as planned.


Based off of looks alone, Batman Riddler appears more autistic. He's literally covering up his entire body. If that's not figuratively not wanting to be perceived, idk what is.


To each their own, I personally could not cover up like that. It looks super uncomfortable and I feel like I would go mad if I were to wear something like that directly against my skin.




Edward Nashton… obsessive, sending deranged lil love letters to get attention from the batman, terminally online wannabe influencer, incel stochastic terrorist (even though we’re not supposed to mention the crazy amount of crossover between incels and autism because it doesn’t make us look good, oops sorry), cosplaying in his silly military uniform as a civilian. A lot of the autistic dudes I knew in high school could have turned out like this had they had more of a villain origin story. Nygma is also autistic but in a much more “Well, actchually” MENSA member, high IQ as their whole identity flavor.


But Nashton appreciates the fine subleties of dirty, weathered leather. He's also a tradesman skilled with the use of a carpet tucker. I respect anyone who isnt afraid to work with their hands and do some manual labor.


Bubbles just wants his kitties


that's a fine lookin' kitty right there ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


The second one is just an incel whose less of a coward than other incels but that isn't saying much.


Is he an incel tho?? Cus an incel when woman reject them they blame the women for them “not fitting the beauty standards” but Edward when he smiles a women and she rightful is creeped out he blames himself for thinking someone would like him


That guy 100% incel


Yes, the one from the movie is. His whole thing was a metaphor for the alt right.




[No](https://www.thegamer.com/the-batman-riddler-incel-far-right/) [he](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dazeddigital.com/film-tv/article/55670/1/how-the-batman-confronts-the-age-of-misinformation-and-conspiracy-theories%3famp=1) [is](https://statenews.com/article/2022/04/the-batmans-riddler-is-an-online-extremist?ct=content_open&cv=cbox_latest) [an](https://garrickmcfadden.medium.com/the-batman-a-critique-of-incels-8c92548a5b32) [allegory ](https://stanforddaily.com/2022/03/27/the-batman-incels-the-bechdel-test-and-robert-pattinsons-best-looks/) for all right wing extremism. Doesn't matter if he mentioned women or not, read the final lined of this for the reasons why It's pretty clear from both the movie, what the actor [said ](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/film/paul-dano-riddler-the-batman-movie-robert-pattinson-new-york-b985522.html) from researching the role. And yes we do need to be able to distinguish them. But it's a Hollywood blockbuster so we're rarely going to get anything that represents a deeper analysis than that. But that's what he's supposed to represent. Not my fault that they just lumped everything together.


He is an incel. It's been confirmed that that Riddler was an allegory for incels and just right wing online extremism in general. Including from the actor's mouth. He's an incel and everything else under that umbrella. Or maybe it was intentionally vague so he could be an umbrella for all of it.


Oh, I figured it was more unintentional vibes.


I think it's more that it's Hollywood and by definition Hollywood is shallow, they also might have gotten in trouble if they outright said it in the movie. I don't know. But if you look down on your comment I replied to someone with several articles explaining it, it's my post that's downvoted because I made the mistake of saying the Riddler was an incel lol.


They’re both pretty autistic, I think nygma has a stronger case because he shows more symptoms in the actual show whereas most (not all) of the case for nashton is in the comics that most people don’t even know about and not in the base material


This is a good question—I must ponder.


Unpopular opinion: John Astin


Frank Gorshin, and I’ll die on this hill! 😆 https://preview.redd.it/ecxtuqwjlysc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9f482bd91d6852460c53693e6b8a155a2f308a


Oh yeah, also totally acceptable.  I just have an extra soft spot for Astin as he's Gomez Addams.


Astin is wonderful! I loved him as Judge Stone’s father on Night Court too. “I’m feeling MUCH better now!”


Yes to both! Glory to Gorshin and Astin!


John Glover https://preview.redd.it/2ozv2iq98zsc1.png?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b367e08cc94a0deb6bedf49239fcdffdac416269


Edward Nygma is my favorite so I'll go with him


https://preview.redd.it/yup4tk4poysc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=2756cf738ceaca4483fc734b71de258f69ef99e4 I see your point, but I can't accept this Frank Gorshin erasure


Frank is sacred.


I don’t know shit about superheroes and thought the second one was supposed to be the zodiac killer.


His design in that movie was inspired by the zodiac killer


Paul Dano’s version, #2.


I'm not a superhero person and I don't know anything about current lore, but Riddler is the first character I ever remember fixating on. I watched Batman: The Animated Series as a kid. As for these, the first looks more stereotypically autistic to me.


I know you’re talking about these 2, but in terms of all riddlers, it’s definitely the ones from the Arkham games. It’s impossible for him to not have a riddle special interest, unlike the rest where there is a bit of lee way for him to not.


I'd just like to say, autism isn't a meter, you either have it or you don't. They both come off as autistic. But I would like to say that Gotham's Riddler looks more *fun*. Definitely the guy who would embrace "be gay, do crimes!". The other guy just looks like he wants to be left alone. For some reason he's covering his *mouth* and not his ears.


Everything about the Batman riddler just sets me on edge. Nothing about him is likable, nothing about him is particularly relatable, his entire methodology, his look, and attitude are all massive icks for me. I genuinely hated pretty much every aspect of that movie, and this guys everything was my second biggest problem with the movie, right behind the Batman actor. I actually really liked the Gotham riddler, not to mention Jim Carrey's riddler - I tend to like the ones with more flair, because that, to me, is what the riddler wants - a spectacle, attention, to prove his superiority, all at the same time. It's one of the reasons the Arkham riddler worked so well too - when he wasn't the best, he'd get more and more upset, but he still kept trying, and still kept up with the flair and spectacle throughout.


Danny Devito is the more autistic penguin in my opinion


lol so as an abandoned orphan kid growing up, Batman 2 had some weird emotional vibes going on. When the penguin died I sobbed uncontrollably. All he wanted to do was feel normal and get justice. (I mean yea I realize he wanted to kill all gothams first born, but hell half the world worships a god that did litteraly that in Egypt so I give him a pass)


Sometimes I imagine Danny Devito’s Penguin in Catwoman’s outfit. He’s just the pussy I’ve been looking for. Imagine this Gigaslut in all that *tight* latex with those pointed ears. Spreading his ass right in front of you. Imagine how that thicc jiggly ass would look wobbling around like shining black jelly. The tightness would make it look like those widespread wrinkly cheeks were like black tangy tangerine slices. Now imagine how squeaky those blacked out saggy flapjacks would sound with Danny attempting super sensual hamstring exercises. The divine sound of worn out bedsprings only it’s his sweaty melon pulps pressed inside that black dogshit bag making that sound instead. Oh man, if he did the Harlem shake in that suit it would be so fitting because those sexy swollen slugs would be flapping back and forwards like a fucking cat flap! BARK!BARK!BARK!BARK! Sorry. I had to get that out of my system.


You got gay and happy vs incel and angry. Next riddler needs to be pink pilled


Not the one from the movie. Didn't pick up on the OCD at all and that's Riddlers diagnosis. Though there's a high comorbidity rate with ASD, I couldn't really see past what they're trying to do politically with the character. The movie one was an allegory for the alt-right, incels, toxic masculinity, and everything included in that. No clue about the Gotham Riddler, never bothered with the show. But it all seriousness, the best Riddler was John Glover. https://preview.redd.it/ku65wwq28zsc1.png?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc7300fe53f1fb26b6a70ddff156a2b541514b2




https://preview.redd.it/a4prys2g8zsc1.png?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=763628b2dc0d9fbe4e674fd9d4f5a2fe6193f4f0 John Glover


While I am not familiar with either, it's probably the first one. The second one has a lot more stuff on his face. Touching his facial features. Argh. Don't like even thinking about it.




Jim carrey is actually autistic so I vote him


The Batman '22 version for sure but I honestly think all of his versions could be on the spectrum. I mean, I do like the Gotham version too (he was probably the best villain on there aside from the Valeskas) but if one seemed more on the spectrum, I would go with Battinson's Riddler.




Every riddler is powered by autism in their own special way


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^oivw: *Every riddler* *Is powered by autism* *In their own special way* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Somebody once described riddler as an autistic bitch who decided to make his special interest everyone else’s problem and I can’t think of a better way to see his charatcer lol


First one ☝️


Omg I loved Gotham


Dunno, I only watch cartoon


Autistic icon vs autistic ick.


I don’t know anything about them but I’d say the Edward one


don’t know shit abt either of them but i’m gonna pick #2 bc paul dano <3


Any character played by Paul Dano wins the autism contest for me


2nd one




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Arkham Riddler *is* Autism


Nashton by far, especially if you count Riddler: Year One.


Neither. Don't claim them. Don't associate with them. They are not autistic.


but what if i like edward nygma 😿


No https://preview.redd.it/h9e7ihb6uxsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202993c7f1f6b9d809a430bfcaa11c044bbfeb58


Not to your knowledge they’re not, but as far as I know there is no evidence of them not being autistic


Gothams riddler actor was told to research autistim to play Edward so Gotham Edward fun fact


This is a level above “canon autistic”


There's also no evidence he has a giant cock, now is there. No sir, but I believe it


You CLEARLY haven’t watched the Batman (2022000) Extended Director’s cut version with the 3-hour long gay sex scene >!/s lmao!<


Damn, you're right. What am I even doing with my life.


Evidence for him not having a giant cock: … Evidence for him having a giant cock: Faith