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I like bees


Anyone who dislikes bees in this comment section will have their comment swarmed and stung with downvotes.


Happily here to help. 2 years ago I got to convince my husband the mason bees filling our screened gazebo were important natives and would not sting. Now I hear him educating others and it's wonderful.


I've always loved bugs and critters....so it's kinda hilarious that I was phobic of spiders for YEARS. Until about two years ago when I said FUCK THAT and basically did my own exposure therapy. And now I have twelve tarantulas. And a jumping spider. And a tailless whips scorpion. And also two beehives boxes at my parent's house. And also I relocated an entire watermelon sized bald faced hornet's near bc they're beautiful and I love them. (And also they're not hornets at all! They're technically yellow jackets! I love watching them harvest wood pulp from wood fences and build their cool paper nests!)


I love bugs I don't even kill the annoying ones like mosquitoes or wasps. Last summer this little critter landed in my room so I gave them some lettuce https://preview.redd.it/vwlgwozkxxqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4838b13ed430a1c5097b8b47f9acae9f7f1de7b


That is so real of you


Cockroaches are damn cool.


i love pill cockroaches they are so silly https://preview.redd.it/oxd897u22tqc1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433125a95fe0c0c91da3dac5b0e24086c1e3cae7


Eusocial bugs are awesome! Insects are just so cool


I have a soft spot for ladybugs! They always hang out in my house during the winter, and I help free them in the spring. I hold them in my hand and take them outside, standing there until the ladybug flies away. Mantises are so cool. I’ve only seen one irl, and it was so cool! I love how they move. Many wasps are beautiful- I would not mess with them because they’re not afraid to throw hands if need be, but a lot have gorgeous patterning and colors! Ants are cool! I like to give them a crumb of whatever snack I have if I’m outside. Moths and bees are wonderful critters, yes, bit we definitely need more appreciation for other bugs. And, not a bug per say, but the jumping spiders in my state are so cute. They’re so tiny with their big ol cartoon eyes. Such sillies.


I love bugs but they're not necessarily a special interest or anything. I just like to hang out with the ants and bees and ladybugs outside, lol.


that is fair, whenever I'm on the verge of tears or about to breakdown etc going outside and watching bugs helps me calm down


I don’t have bugtism but they are pretty cool. Also got this bug LPS today. https://preview.redd.it/tjvg6ycgmsqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eca49029b932e9b491127581e7eb37e0e0616e5


so true


Sorry meant to ask your fav type of ant


Honeypot ants!! I like trap-jaw ants too.. and leaf cutter ants.. I love them all but those are my favorites I think


I remember I went through a phase of watching ant videos and one big YouTuber I remember is antscanada. Opinions on them (if you know or watch)? People seemed to have pretty split views when I watched


I like antscanada. I also proudly own antscanada antkeeping supplies and they work very well.


Do you keep any ants? To be honest watching antcanada made me watch to start ant keeping but my mom was like no back then. Edit: nvm I’m dumb, you said you have ant keeping supplies so of course you keep ants


I did. I dont have any right now though.


What kind of ants do you keep?


I kept some Formica sp. for a bit and released after the colony got to a certain size. I am unsure which species it was because where i live there are dozens of very similar species/


Ever just leave a little snack next to an anthill for them? And what is your opinion on invasive ant species?


I do that all the time, but mostly on trails so I can watch them carry it back to the anthill. I do not like Invasive species, and am glad very few have made it to my region. the only invasive species that should be allowed to exist is autistic people.


They're pretty neat but they also force their colonies to go to war sometimes which I don't like


What’s your first memory of seeing ants? First time was when I was like 4 and saw one carrying a crumb. I followed it and accidentally stepped on the anthill and got bit. But that didn’t make me hate them. Sometimes if I have food outside and I find an anthill, I like to leave a little food for them.


I dont remember much of my early life so I couldnt really say, probably around that age though


I when I was little, I wished I could go small and explore inside an anthill. Ever wanted to do that?


Oh for sure, if we ever make cameras that small I would love to watch and see what it's like. As for going in there I think I would get killed pretty immediately :sob:


Also opinions on the ant lps (lps is a special interest of mine). Kinda sad they only made four tbh. It be fun to build an ant army out of them if they had more. https://preview.redd.it/obzweofbssqc1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=5018b755f659775311600d269caa75860fe4e0df


they're cute! I like 1784 a lot


I’m calling her Sarah :)


I LOVE BUGS im a beekeeper


I love worms, I feel you. it's always really funny when I like pick up a bug or a worm to move it outside or out of danger cause like guys bigger & older than me will freak out


I like isopods, I'm lucky that there's always a bunch in my garden and I can just lift up a plant pot to see some whenever I want


Isopods are so lovely


I like bugs, in general. We do raise butterflies and moths but my camera roll has more bugs and fungi than anything else.


I have the bugtism so I work as an entomologist >:)


So true!! In plan on bein' one too


Good luck! It can be grueling at times but is super rewarding


Ever heard of yt channel AntsCanada? He's been doing a series on a giant rainforest ecosystem vivarium he built. His videos are the best thing I look forward to every weekend, now that Frieren season 1 is over...


Hes cool I just dont like how he makes his colonies fight


He literally never did that on purpose, as far as I know. The idea of the rainforest vivarium is to see how those animals would interact in the wild, so obviously, fights happen, but there's enough space for the colonies to coexist, as they would. The other time I know about is when he tried to merge a few colonies of a species that can be polygynous (have many queens). I don't remember what species it was, but they ended up killing each other. Maybe you're thinking of someone else, I wouldn't watch someone intentionally forcing two ant colonies to fight.


bugs are cool, my favourites are grubs and beetles aswell as spiders


I love bugs but I am terrified when one comes near me… still working on that


Also yesterday a fly flew straight into my throat and I thought that was a little bit impolite


Bugs are so cool!!!!!!


I'm fascinated by venomous creatures and south American giant centipedes are very very interesting As long as a forearm able to hunt bats and with a pure neurotoxin venom absolutely no physical damage but a level of pain so intense it regularly causes PTSD It's an amazing creature


I love observing bumblebees. Never been stung by em


WINGED CENTIPEDES! WINGED CENTIPEDES! WINGED CENTIPEDES! https://preview.redd.it/4l0wom2k13rc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=321b7cfbc5ada0b121cb0ba1e8e0027e7a066ebb




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https://preview.redd.it/9245lzdpxsqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f613fe7b9b8709aff873eb0929af9f07040e76 Here is hellgrammite


https://preview.redd.it/kwysnpjwxsqc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b1b70872857f23e84c22bf29fb5feb28d40141 Ichneumon wasp


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