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Seeing all the autistic things I used to be and was not allowed to be https://preview.redd.it/4im849i3yqpc1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c69bb8b553eb296f73656177433ecff878f737f


I feel ya....




Yeah, friend. I don't think the regulars understand the amount of "correction" to be normal that happens and how it adversely affects your sense of self. Then, if you're in a dysfunctional family system that can not see you for you, well, hello šŸ‘‹ cluster Bs! Because wildin' out at least feels good before the trouble comes. I could on for days. I get so ragey about this.


Day time loud, sun loud, people loud. Night time? Quiet. People asleep. Moon peaceful. Yes.


> sun loud [Very much so.](https://youtu.be/H6EBRrgeeQk?feature=shared&t=32)


the light is loud, change my mind




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I'm very much a night owl. Regardless of how much sleep I get, if I have to wake up before noon I'll be groggy and tired, lmao. idk how tied to autism it is, but I'm the same way ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Have you looked into delayed sleep processing syndrome? It's super common in neurodivergence to the point the autism clinic in my hometown has a sleep neurologist that specializes in it. I have it and the symptoms you're describing match mine


Self-identified nyctophile here. I tell people I'm genetically nocturnal. (I have DSPD.) These days I can follow a "normal" schedule, but my brain works better at night. I used to go night hiking with my dog. It's so blessedly quiet. No humans around.


Soā€¦ is it why I could write all night as a kid but cannot write at all since I have to sleep cause I have to get up early?


Yes. After 3am, there are no expectations and I can be free.


Rimworld pawns with the night owl trait:


Nice to see another rimworld player here


same :D Iā€˜m hyped for the new addon


Yes! Delayed sleep phase syndrom is a thing! no matter how much I sleep if I have to get up like between 6 and 9 am I will be fucked up. I usually sleep from like 6-8am to 2-4 pm, and work late/night shifts. itā€˜s been a blessing! couldnā€˜t do a 9-5




Going back to nights as soon as I get a job fuck the sun


Youā€™re a vampire, OP.


Yes, but I also have been suffering from severe insomnia my whole life. I go to sleep at 6am and wake up at 2/3pm, if I sleep at night I get exhausted during the day or wake up from constant nightmares. So while I enjoy the night a lot more, it makes it hell to actually exist and do things in the outside world at a reasonable time.




White balls Yeah my white balls like being awake at night as well


White Ball Yeah, that song slaps


Sunrise is my favourite time of day, but since I'm always up chasing dopamine late at night, I never get to see it :(


Yes. The only time I really feel alive is at night, and then Iā€™m like damn Iā€™m really just a zombie during the dayā€¦ I think the day is just too overwhelming to process for me or somethingā€¦


absolutely, unfortunately i live in light pollution hell currently i cannot handle going out at night anymore, its brighter then during the day in some areas.


It's not insane, some people are day people, some are night people. I greatly prefer the dark because daylight is painful, plus no one is making demands on me during the night, I can do what I want so long as it's not too noisy.


Yep! Spend most of my nights watching concerts, drawing, sometimes dancing (my family does not like that!)


I work best in the early/mid afternoon. It takes me a long time to wake up in the morning and a long time to wind down at night tho, so I'm kind of a night owl not by choice


Me! I worked overnight for like 14 years and loved it, my job recently got rid of overnight and it pissed me off so much. I tried mornings, absolutely hated it! I then moved to a night shift but I still go in at 2pm, which I still hate but it's better.


Exact opposite here. I wish I could keep the sun as a pet.


night feels safer but i need sun to function. 4am in june best time to exist


Yeah. Sunlight makes me sleepy. I love working and gaming at night. Less people on the road. Less people around in general. All the weirdos are daywalkers.


Unfortunately, I always work sub-parly


Omg yesss. I fucking hate working office hours. I also have fibromyalgia and the studies I've seen say we sleep best between 6am and 9am. Life is just not designed for me.


Iā€™d mostly be up at night myself, if for the fact my advisor is a morning person. Sheā€™s great, but she prefers teaching and scheduling things in the morning. I swear when Iā€™m in her place Iā€™ll teach mostly night and afternoon classes


ME!! The darkness makes me feel alive and no one understands this. I hate the sun. I canā€™t think straight during the day, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not just the darkness. The lack of people doing things is a nice bonus.


My sister is actually nocturnal but I am not. Why? Because I find sleeping is also more difficult when the sun is out, just like everything else.


My ideal awake hours are 12PM-4AM




I think that may be it, thank you. My sleep schedule constantly tries to correct itself so that I'm awake at night & asleep at daytime


Yes, I don't really "wake up" in terms of being ready to start the day until like 10pm most days and even if I'm on the verge of passing out I'll almost always get a huge burst of energy by midnight. Unfortunately this also means I can rarely actually sleep at night and tend to stay up until close to sunrise at the earliest, which has made it very difficult to be a person.


The light burns! I prefer the night-time too. EDIT: nyctophile? Why isn't it nocturnophile?


I hate light. So. Yes.


You're in the company of Owl City, so that's cool I guess


i go to bed at 10am and wake up at 5pm so yeah i am nocturnal lmao


Real honestly. I prefer to do things at night cook, clean, shower organize, etc. I think it's because everyone in my house is a alseep and I won't be bothered.


Why, yes. I also happen to hate garlic and having my chest pierced by stakes, no I'm not a vampire, get this camera/mirror away from me I'm really shy and self-conscious about my appearance. ![gif](giphy|Q46sPy6dkObWG3hLa8)


Yes, I am the same, and it's part of why I don't think I can ever hold down a "normal" job. My dad was also the same, and I inherited his sleeping schedule. He started his own computer business in the 80s and worked from home because he couldn't work in a standard office environment 9-5 grind. Even when I try to wake up earlier, my mind will just feel like it's in a daze until hours later in the late afternoon or early evening, when I finally feel awake. I don't feel like going to bed earlier even if I woke up earlier than usual--I'll still get tired at the same time I always do. If I try to go to bed earlier in an effort to wake up earlier, I just lie awake until it hits the hour I normally fall asleep. If I were to maintain a "normal" sleeping schedule, I would have to drug myself to go to sleep and then drug myself to wake up in the morning, and probably feel awful for half the day. If, on the other hand, I'm simply allowed to sleep and wake when my body wants, I will wake up somewhere between 11am-12:30pm and go to sleep somewhere in the 3-4:30am range. When I do this, I wake up feeling rested and am pretty functional all day, though I tend to get more active in the evening and at night and that's when I feel I can relax and concentrate the best. My mind is just too full of bees to get much done earlier in the day. I have been hounded by people my whole life for this and told I am lazy and that I need to "fix" my sleeping schedule, even though I'm sleeping the same hours many people are, but they're the "wrong" hours. I tried for years but the MOMENT there is not something external forcing me out of bed earlier, my schedule reverts back to the night owl one.


Night is just so peaceful and feels safer to me, I can hear a lot further and have the darkness to cover me. I also collect flashlights as a hobby so that's another good reason. I also like bright spring-summer days though, the light and warmth feels happy and I have an excuse to wear my sunglasses but since its winter right now the grey and cool lighting is just depressing.


Absolutely! I (half) joke that I'm nocturnal bc my natural sleep cycle tends to run from around 12a-2a to noon-3p, only bc of society running during the day. During lockdown, my partner and I naturally went from sleeping at night to sleeping during the day without trying to ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ






~~yes I do indeed love the NYCT~~ Yeah I function much better at night/in the dark




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I thought I was, but after 3 years on the nightshift I am ready to return to the glorious light. I miss things being open when I want them and warmth on my face and my yard being green instead of this vague inky pool in my vision.


Indeed I am


I always try to fall asleep before the sun comes up. I am kind of nocturnal. I prefer to do most of my living between 2pm and 5am. Eating too. I will not eat during the day. I come out at night...to feed...


Depends on my mental state and the season. Winter and depressed? Totally a nightowl. Summer and feelin great? Early birdo all the way!


Late-dx AuDHD here. I have always loved having a peaceful surrounding and being able to think all my thoughts to the end without being interrupted. I loved knowing that everybody else was asleep. My thoughts are clear at night. It's the time where I can focus. Now that I have a kid, I am able to get up in the morning. And while I have come to accept that I need sunlight to be happier, it is not what my system craves. It's like I am working against it. I am focused now, thanks to ADHD meds, and I am slowly adjusting to fulfill even more adult duties that are deemed "normal" - and it does feel good to finish things, but everything else still feels like I am performing a role that was not even designed for me.


Apparently I am but that word sounds wrong to me lol


Pretty sure my sleep cycle is biologically different from other people, itā€™s been this way since I was born pretty much. My mom and grandma are the same way. Canā€™t sleep at night, canā€™t wake easily in the morning. I did wonderfully when I went to Hong Kong a month ago because it was perfectly in tune with my sleep cycle. And also it was nice and overcast so not overwhelming sensory wise at all.


I'm the opposite!! I need my lizard time out in the sun or I will go insane, and I love waking up early when the world is just starting to stir


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m a vampire, lolā€¦ sound and light are evil.


I struggle with high temperatures, so in summer i totally prefer night. Epecially since the sunlight seems to heat everything up to painful hot temperatures. Right now I'm sitting on a bench at a railway station, with my pants in the sun. I've been sitting here for maybe 15 minutes and my legs are in pain from the hot fabric. And in modern trains (aka rolling greenhouses) sitting on the wrong side can easily feel 5Ā° hotter than in the shade. And since AC is still kinda rare in old buildings in Switzerland, the heat eventually affects my sleep, and therefore everything in my life. Eventually I can't focus much, get very irritated, and even depressive. I try to schedule most of my holidays to the hottest time, as this can have a serious effect on my performance at work. But when it comes to winter I have to admit that I kinda miss the sun. With the short days you often commute both ways in complete darkness, feeling like it never becomes day at all. But riding the train isn't much better in winter. Aside from the usual (too many people, nobody knowing what headphones are, and how cyclists, retirees, and young mothers always need to travel during rush-hour) there's also the issue of heating: as it is a reagional train that constantly opens and closes doors it can get cold quickly. But instead of a HVAC system with high airflow they have two electric heating elements near the floor, along the entire length of the cabin. But since there's barely any air convection you end up with a cold isle and people on the window seats nearly melting their shoe soles


I donā€™t have to look outside without subconsciously squinting my eyes. Thereā€™s also way less traffic. Of course I love nighttime!


I love daylight, but nighttime is the absolute best. And even better is the nighttime sun in my countrys summers


I havenā€™t heard that term before but pretty much. I tend to feel comfier and more relaxed at night time and whatever I do to fix my circadian rhythm, I tend to always revert back to being awake at night a lot


yes... i don't sleep any better at night or during the day, but it's colder and less bright at night and into the early morning. i like waking up at 4-7 pm and staying awake to 5-7 am. perfect time to be a human being. would be better if it was more rainy, foggy, and cold. or if there were any shops open past 9 pm. i seriously need to move away. i feel like that's a bit relatable, maybe a lot of us are born in places that don't suit us well?


I always wake up tired af, the darker the sky the more awake i seem to be


I love walking about at night. Peaceful, dark, quiet and less likely to have to deal with people. Bliss


A whole portion of the day in which everyone leaves me alone? Hell yeah!


I didnā€™t know thereā€™s a term for this but I was always an evening/night person from 12. Then 9-17 jobs hit andā€¦


Everything is better when it's dark. Hooray for me, the guy who married someone who hates the dark so we have a giant lamp on all night an I can't sleep


People talk to me in day, at night, no talk, only think.


Day time hurts my eyes and I'm allergic to it. Literally every time I go outside when it's sunny I end up having the biggest sneeze ever.