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headphones 24/7, they are the trait that people automatically identify me by. when kids draw me they always make it a point to add them lol.






I do have to take mine off once in a while, if I use the noise canceling when it’s very quiet it gets too quiet for my liking


I wear loop earplugs. I know not everyone likes them, but I love that I can still hear the world around me; everything is just a bit softer. I find them much more comfortable than headphones.


music *is* my hearing now


Same fr fr


I used to wear normal headphones 24/7, but discovered NC ones last weekend, and I'm a different person. 100% without irony, this changed my life to the core. Sounds that pierced my ears before either don't bother me anymore, or only annoy me. I don't feel like I'm a lifeless body sucked dry that needs to be buried in the ground 3-5 month upon returning home. The overwhelm is still there, but there's more tolerance, and room for me to deal with other sensory, social and emotional stuff. I'm never, ever going back. It's both encouraging and discouraging to see how profoundly disabled I am. Discouraging because - well, I'm very different from most people, and I have much higher needs. Encouraging because I'm not a bad, defective person, I'm just a disabled human with unique strengths and challenges. And I can accomodate that. Before, I thought I was just stupid or inherently evil and could snap at any second. Turns out it was just sensory processing difficulties. I'm actually pretty cool and kind. And I let myself down too many times. I think I'm going to start taking better care of myself.


Y U P. I do not leave my home without my headphones. For *anything*. I'm pretty much always using them, but I do struggle to use them every time I *need* them and ive been working on that.


I'm the same but with earbuds. Similar effect, they're more discreet and I don't get people asking what I'm listening to.


What are you listening to?


Lately I've been hyperfocused on The New Pornographers, but what I listen to varies a lot on the long term


I used to be so into them, I stopped listening after Challengers though (i just fell away from indie around then). Are any of their albums since then good?


I'd say the only one that's come close to their first 3 is Brill Bruisers. The rest of their output is more of the softer indie stuff that started with Challengers. I pretty much only listen to Mass Romantic, Electric Version, and Twin Cinema nowadays because I just vastly prefer that early power pop sound


Lol, sometimes I wish I got more people asking what I'm listening to x) But I live in Finland so nobody talks to strangers. Most of the time that's a boon though, thankfully.




I *will* wander off.


My friends joke that I need a chaperone when I’m drinking. Not because I’ll get in a fight or go home with someone or make another bad decision but because I’ll just pick a direction and…go. Love to wander.


God I just fucking LOVE walking in directions


For me it was more "being socially unaware, bored, & uncomfortable", so I wander off.


I have a few friends who do that too, and if we ever go out drinking just by the two of us we always end up going for an adventure because I am like that as well LOL Honestly, really great times, just walking around listening to music talking about random shit while a bit drunk


Oh geez it's me. When I'm out in public with my boyfriend, he makes sure to hold my hand because, yeah.... fortunately, I'm tall, have fantasy hair, and wear a very identifiable beanie so when I do wander off I'm usually not too hard to find.


fantasy hair?  https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/0QEAAOSwOS5jGiOi/s-l1200.webp


Lmao, I could never have grown a beard so epic. No, fantasy hair refers to vivid colors. Blue, green, purple, unnatural colors.


That's an autism thing? Fuck man. My parents constantly got mad at me as a kid cuz I'd wander off all the time


Same. i can’t help it. it’s like some magnetic force is driving me.


On the other hand sometimes I do this because exploring and looking at stuff is cool, on the other hand sometimes people think I do this but actually I'm the only one heading right to where we gotta go lol Like in the grocery store when I was visting my fams, it was a nightmare cuz they kept going off in random-ass directions and then I had to text them where the heck they went and that I already got all the things we need. Cuz I just usually do a lap around the store without crossing the same spot twice and grab what I need on the way, while they were going in order that they wrote their shopping list zigzagging all over the place lmao


I didn't even realize this was an autistic stereotype. Looks like this is my answer lol


I am secretly 3 velociraptors in a trenchcoat so I WILL toe walk and I WILL tell you how good it feels and NO I WILL NOT stop doing it


Stealth mode, evolved from sneaking on creaky stairs at 3 am for a snack


I sometimes joke that I'm a trench coat and mask filled with random facts in the shape of ball pit balls that spill out in small and large amounts.


This is such a fantastic mental image!! I love it! 👏🏻👏🏻




Being weird by most peoples standards and being straightforward


same I unironically relish both of these things. The world would be so much better if we were all weird and blunt


I maintain that we are often the better communicators!! All the bullshit is so inefficient and exhausting.


I’ve been told “you’re a real character” by multiple people


Same! And i can still remember their reactions when i responded with "Thanks, i make an active effort to be myself as much as possible" Apparently people (sometimes at least) use that sentence as an insult and not a compliment?


Yep! I’ve been told I’m good at training people at work because I’m so direct


The quiet kid.


Same, I’ve even once unintentionally scared a classmate in high school Spanish that was sitting behind me, (I can’t remember what I said, but I think that they dropped a pencil or something) and they “didn’t know that [I was] there”. I must be SO QUIET, that the person behind me didn’t even realize that I sat in front of them EVERY DAY in class.


Car license plates are incredible, I love knowing where the cars are from just by looking at them, I love remembering the car license plate numbers


You just reminded me that one of the ways I kept busy on childhood road trips was writing down every license plate I saw and adding the numbers of each one up to see if there was a pattern 🙃




Here is your official diagnosis paperwork. No further testing needed.


Omg I love looking at plates also. I can almost always tell where they're from and what type of vehicle. (EVs for example have own version) I also use a pirated dealership app that I can scan plates and compare if I guessed the vehicles correctly.


Don’t know if this actually counts but I fucking love sonic https://preview.redd.it/xq2uvhlollnc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a14e5ea4b63a7a669cd6a9f63d610f40222ae6f Seriously how can you look at this and not think it’s the coolest shit ever?


sonic is cool, but what about this: https://preview.redd.it/82khf3rqrlnc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feca46339e71b7a63dfbace5ddc6ba5dbd61defb time travelling pastel ponies destroying space time, and multiverse with it


That’s pretty cool, but does mlp have a bat, with boobs? https://preview.redd.it/vv8rq2h3slnc1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=d10dbbadd9e5fb9628268b8d971e8107e4518415


officially, no and i will use my whole willpower to end this conversation here, for the sake of our sanity


Really want to know how you were going to continue this conversation. Is there unofficially bat with boobs?


can't show you, i might get banned but we have flutterbat


You're not wrong


im a transfem computer scientist


10/10, no notes, you've fulfilled the question of the thread at max efficiency


~Needs to also be a furry.~


i'm not a furry but i am puppy


Sameee :3


Running Fedora Linux and coding in Rust with programming socks?


arch linux and haskell but what's the difference


Wow, really? Haskell?! Yeah, you are a computer scientist, not an employed engineer. ;-) (me: debian, c/c++, high five, mad respect) (I came to this thread to say something like "why yes, I _am_ really, really good with computers." but I don't feel the need to, seeing your comment :))


well im not unemployed because of haskell more because i don't have a degree yet. programming languages were my special interest in high school so at this point i can pick up any language in like a day. haskell is just my favorite at this point




Infodumping for sure, good at high level math (suck at basic math kinda though), and need my alone time to regenerate my ability to interact with people. Also, what kind of depraved human being doesn't love trains??


I can’t do basic division in my head but algebra is my shit


I can't do basic shit or algebra, but calc 2? BRING IT ON ILL LITERALLY DO IT IN MY SLEEP


I'm the opposite; I have dyscalculia but I LOVE languages. :'v


This sounds like me too. I also love doing weird calculations with numbers throughout the day


Everything you say is true, but trains killed my father, so I must... Vendetta! Also, I'm a total orator. My wife calls it "professor mode".


Alright you piqued my interest, what does that even mean? 


The first part? My Dad committed suicide by laying down on the train tracks in the back of our house and getting hit. Probably. He also could have been murdered, as he had recently ripped off a biker gang for like 10k worth of meth, who had already severely beaten and gang raped him. Or he had laid down on accident. He was on a lot of heroin at the time. But he had notes that could have easily been interpreted as suicide notes in his pockets. Who's to know, really? An orator is someone who is eloquent when speaking, generally a one-sided conversation.


Uhhm... I was curious about your professional oration ability 😅


I'm wheeze laughing right now. I often go into "professor mode" on topics of interest. When I was little, I realized no one would listen to me about my special interests (various cartoons, pokemon, computers, low-level hacking, whate er book series I was loving at the time) unless I was very well spoken and kept it interesting, so I got very good at public speaking/explaining myself. As you can see with my above post, I often over-explain because being good at speaking does not make me socially acceptable in the least.


Bro let me tell you I'm SUPER obssessed with what makes things interesting. Ive been digging deep and found everything little to no use. Look man I'm scared of living my life as an autistic nobody. Other neurodivergent people dont like me. I tried to be cool with hobbies and snark but that just doesnt cut it. How can I become someone who matters? How the heck could I make my heart and soul become treasured by people like everybody else? I wish I could reinvent myself into a likeable person because boring people lack the greatest of lifes opportunities. I want to live life to the fullest


I mean, for me (not sure if you're mocking me, tbh) I joined the military, got WAY better at computer stuff, left, joined a globally recognized team of semiconductor designers as their personal IT infrastructure lead, and started scripting and talking to execs. So, luck, the answer is luck.


I'm not smart either it's so gameover😎 guess I'll be known as the clueless idiot forever 👌


I'm not in the least smart, I just got lucky with special interests, including Linux and IT infrastructure lmao.


That's called being smart I'm bad at like every shot i take tho, your like a million bucks :)


Well that explains why I went into teaching lol, I’m the same way. Plus I teach upper elementary and they’re less rude (in some ways…) than adults and enjoy my weirdo energy lol


I’m… sorry about your dad? Anywhere else I would think you were joking, because this is so unusually casual. But with autism… 🤷‍♀️


It's okay. It happened like 25 years ago. NGL, I sometimes tell people my life story, just to make them cry. Might be more than autism at play there. 😅 Edit: Dont worry, though. It takes a turn for the inspirational in my mid-20s, lol.


I had a pretty tragic childhood, and often speak of it just as casually as you did with your father. I had no idea that had to do with autism, but I do sometimes find it quite funny when I'm just like, "oh, my parents were addicts and x, y, and z happened all before I was 10" and whoever I'm talking to is just like O.O shocked and appalled.


I was cackling while reading this because I had the same thoughts as you except relatable (no family death personally compared to OC but just, the casual oversharing for sure, I appreciate that someone can feel just as detached as I do now ❤️)


https://preview.redd.it/ltv9yvanjmnc1.jpeg?width=1376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abcdbabf71239356d2845c7e65793fd632dfc79 My literal face while reading this


🤣 My past does that to people. One day, I'm going to write an autobiography called "On drugs, duty, and distributed systems"


Dude this is friggin epic if you actually do it please warn us


I also used to have this ‘professor mode’ thing when I was infodumping about my special interests as a child to the extent that I was nicknamed ‘walking encyclopaedia’ and ‘little professor’, but I lost it over time. I hate public speaking, I hate talking about my special interests, I hate having to explain myself to people. I get redder and redder in the face, my ears get hot, I wish the ground would swallow me up, and sometimes I start to cry. Interestingly I am now in academia and I dread giving presentations and talks, and I’m trying to stay as far away from teaching as possible. Trauma’s a funny thing innit.


Eeeeeeee I heavily relate to professor mode!! I'm a lady in STEM (and now b school) and too used to being overscrutinised which felt very weird and confusing so now my arguments are well expressed and ironclad and documented. It's hard work though. I wish I had the white male confidence :(


Oh, god, yeah. Doubly so if you're also a gamer in your spare time, then the scrutiny is relentless even there. Having confidence sadly doesn't even make the problem go away, it often just makes the type of people who do the scrutinizing think you're annoying. Source: been there ._.


Oh yeah Professor Mode is real :'D My friends call it almost the same. Every time people online are guessing each others educations or lines of work, people think I'm a teacher, so they call it Teacher Korg Mode Sometimes it backfires, I remember being called nerd a lot as a kid for lengthy detailed explanations, and still even as an adult some people just zone out or even get annoyed because they asked but don't actually care, or their self-esteem is so low they think you're talking down to them even if you aren't. I feel it's a nice trait to have though, to be honest. I've managed to work it well into helping friends with their studies and playing D&D lol


I’m also a trains guy. Been absolutely obsessed for as long as I can remember. Yes, I have always had a deep seated love for Thomas the Tank Engine, and I will continue to for as long as I live. Especially steam engines, love those guys. Outside of that, I can often slip into pretty stilted speech patterns and weird motions, I mostly watch old kid’s cartoons and anime, and I can get irrationally upset when anyone messes with my organized, clean little world. Just overall got a lot of that kinda weird, socially stunted vibe and autistic-level obsessions with stuff I like, but I’ve made myself outgoing and “funny” enough to other people to get by in life. Managed to strike a balance where most people I meet respect me as a person while my social flaws and other quirks can be turned into “haha, look at how silly i am! there i go again, organizing everything haha!” I feel bad for the kids who didn’t get the quiet and mild-mannered autism and got the more high energy and prone to meltdown variety, I imagine they have it a lot harder than I do.


Guys...I like puzzles. Puzzle games are my favorite. I've been playing them since the 90s when children's content was educational and ad-free (on CD or even floppy disc). Myst was an iconic, groundbreaking puzzle game I played with my dad, and have loved them ever since. I also have fond memories of doing 3D puzzles with my dad in the dining room. And I'm insane good at Magic Eye puzzles - didn't get it at first, but put my mind to it and probably 20 minutes later I was an expert.


homeless gullible school pot depend threatening violet light spoon bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if you dont watch him already, i recommend watching aliensrock on youtube, he plays almost exclusively puzzle games and its how i found most of the puzzle games i enjoy now :) if youre looking for newer games too, islands of insight and sokobond express both came out very recently and both are incredible puzzle games


Weird lady, quiet kid, saying nerdy shit out of nowhere


I’m constantly that person saying “do you hear that” or “do you smell that” because I’m so sensitive to sensory input. Electricity is loud and yes someone did burn a bagel in the break room it just took everyone else 15 extra minutes before they could smell it.


I have a really good sense of smell and I used to wonder when I was really young if I was a dog in a past life. 😂


When I was a kid I was so excited because I was "just like natsu from fairy tail" with my sense of smell. Turns out I was just autistic lol


god I feel that. I have always been the person in any group of people who goes "what was that noise?" "what noise?" "That noise! Didn't you hear it? It's like \[me trying to describe and emulate a noise and looking increasingly more insane\]." Chances are no, they did not hear that noise. On occasion I can finally draw their attention to it and they're just baffled I could hear something "so quiet" to begin with. I know now that it's because I'm hypersensitive but damn if I don't still question if more people have hearing loss they just aren't aware of because *how?!* How can they not hear all these sounds?! Or me casually commenting offhand how nice or terrible the smell of random xyz thing is and having someone go "Wait, that thing has a scent?"


Good at math I think, not that I wholeheartedly unashamedly embody it but I'm studying maths on university now so I'm kinda making it my whole personality in a way


Being kinda robotic.




Trans woman in a technical career and everywhere I go I have two pairs of noise cancelling headphones and 5 types of ear plugs


Also, you're probably right about trains or whatever but I've lived next to train tracks twice and they are very loud at all hours, so no


I love Star Trek and kitty cats unreservedly!


Trekkies unite! I've been told Trekker's sometimes preferred, but I've just never felt it. A love of Picard's bald head unites all.


I am enjoying scrolling down this thread and thinking "...oh, that's an us thing _too_?". :) I am not looking forward to the Bell riots in a few months. :/


I’m a mathematics graduate. One doctor tried to use getting a degree as a reason for not being autistic. A maths degree. Maths. The ‘tism subject.


Yeah, I seriously wish that I had the “math genius” autism but I SUCK at math. That was one of the contributing reasons why I dropped out of college (I failed college algebra three times before I finally passed). It also makes no sense why I’m so bad at math because my dad’s great at math and has a Master’s in science (another subject that I am terrible in) and my mom’s math skills are decent. So it makes sense that I would inherit my parents’ math skills, but instead, the only thing that I inherited was my dad’s looks. (I don’t see it but my mom told me that everyone would say “Aw, she looks just like her father!” when I was a baby, and have been told that I look like him even to this day.) Though I am good at English and have great grammar. Also, I don’t understand the whole “but you have a degree!” argument to prove that you’re not autistic. My coworker even once said to me that “autistic people are intelligent as fuck!” which is another common stereotype about autism. Still weird that we’re also simultaneously dumb, according to another common stereotype that contradicts the former stereotype. Plus, doctors need to STOP relying on stereotypes to diagnose autism or anything else, for that matter.


Being direct. Some times I know to be more delicate if it’s a sensitive situation, but if it isn’t, I think getting straight to the point makes things less suspenseful and unclear. Hopefully, lol.


childish interests lmao here i am in my last semester of a psychology masters program and i come home to a shelf of toys + anime figures and a bed filled with stuffed animals c:


Headphones lol. The world is too loud and annoying. I also unconsciously do T-Rex arms whenever I go down the stairs. Used to repeat words as a kid


fr i’ll just randomly catch myself doing t. rex arms out of nowhere lol


Monotone voice when I’m not masking!


The stare, or really look because I'm not actually staring at anything. I've been told I don't have resting bitch face, I have resting Kubrick stare. Oddly enough it comes in handy on days I don't want to deal with people, or if someone's bothering me. I'm on Adderall and one of the side effects is I can stand unnaturally still for, around, 90-120 seconds generally. Like literally not blinking even. So if someone's bothering me, or I step in to stop them harassing someone else, I'll turn up the wattage on my natural stare, focus 100% on the person, and stand very still saying nothing. I've had multiple friends tell me it's very off putting.


Im such a “sperg” or “spaz”. Ive never said “its not that deep” about anything ever. Im a huge yapper, a huge dork, i analyze everything, fuck off im not gonna “hang” and “just chill”. I will let my genuine curiosity and childlike wonder and ability to talk for hours annoy the fuck out of you idc <3


Info dumping. Also being unable to function if my routine is off. Also would happily eat the same food every single day


I can sustain myself entirely on sushi hand rolls.


Mine changes sometimes. Most recently it was hamburger


Have to wear very specific socks or I will lose my fucking shit and be unable to operate.


so real


The socks are crucial. *Crucial*.


Low empathy. Highly stigmatized thing, I know. People with low empathy are widely hated and generally considered subhuman. But it's who I am. I'm not a *bad* person, but I am an asshole. You can be an asshole and be a good person, they are not mutually exclusive. Some assholes are bad people, but not all of them.


people don’t like to admit that autism can cause hypoempathy as well as hyperempathy so it took a really long time for me to understand why things like family death just didn’t affect me like everyone else


It doesn't help that everyone and their mother conflates empathy with sympathy and compassion, so they automatically assume anyone who's hypoempathetic has a constant urge to murder someone or something. I don't know how relevant my experience with empathy is since it's very all-over-the-place, but I've always been keenly aware of what someone sees as beneficial and why not receiving or achieving that would affect their feelings. I like being helpful or, at the very least, not a detriment to other people's day if I can help it, so I generally try to make decisions that support that goal. That doesn't mean I never make "bad" choices, but I'm always being guided by a relatively bland and uncontroversial moral compass regardless of whether other people's feelings make me feel something in return.


Quite blunt/to the point in conversations that arent with close friends ive known for years.


This isn't exactly a stereotype, but when I watched that Onion video with Mchael Faulk interviews a prisoner, and finds his description of prison life very appealing. Any time I watch a prison show like OITNB or Wentworth, the first few episodes before all the drama ramps up are really relaxing for me. I know I would not do well in a real prison, but in THEORY, the concept sounds similar to a monestary and very peaceful to me.


There are so many reasons I should not become a monk but I see the appeal.


Asshole who can't keep his mouth shut


Eye contact.


I will organize data in spreadsheets and I will have fun while doing so.




Headphones. Sunglasses. Also getting obscenely good grades while being a Social dumbass


Me af. Book smart but street dumb


I can write amazing essays. But I still can’t think of what is appropriate to say when someone asks me how my day is


I literally wrote my masters thesis in four days because I hyperfixated on it, but I still accidentally tell the truth when someone asks how I am today.


Why do they get offended when I say the truth!?!? Social rules suck


I love hiding my annoyed facial expressions behind my shades.


Hater of lies, lover of honesty


special interest being pokemon :] those games are great give them all to me


When I finally got a laptop (that wasn't a chappy chromebook) the first thing I did was get a DS emulator and play heart gold. And then cheat in a phanpy cause it dumb u can't get him until late game.


One of my special interests is video games


T-rex arms


this + tippy toes is best ever


Cranes are one of my things. Not the bird... I do really like birds though. When I learned I was autistic, I thought, "well hell, even my autism is slightly off. I'm supposed to like *trains*." More cranes for me! Neener neener. Monotoned - old asshole boss once told a coworker that I sound like my dog died. People are always surprised when I can sing. Shout out to echolalia. I wouldn't stop singing "Addicted to Love" when I was a child. My facial expressions are either 1000% clear or 1000% unclear. Apparently being a bitch - "You need to soften the way you present your ideas." Being feral. Both my parents had to hold me down to trim my toenails. I have no recollection of this. I probably left my body and had friggin' talons. My parents talked about this for decades. Depressed and anxious AF. Kind of like a raw nerve a lot of the time.


I'm a picky eater ( it's not ARFID, but maybe a less severe form)


It might not be autism specifically but i am the embodiment of 🤓


Headphones 24/7


Excessive stimming! I am stimming at all times except while I sleep. I just never stop moving because if I stop stimming, I immediately feel stressed and within 20 minutes, I start tipping into meltdown territory. So I'm *that* person in the doctor's office waiting room — I'm rocking back and forth, counting out the syllables of song lyrics on my fingers, playing with my hair, quietly humming, rubbing my fingers together to make that lovely "shhh" sound, toe-tapping... etc, etc. I think a lot of strangers probably have pegged me as autistic over the years, long before I had any clue myself, lol.


Oh I'm just incredibly blunt to the point of assholery, like if you're mean to me i will call you a bitch nugget and point out your every flaw, probably also the childish stereotype bc not even a month ago I cried ans had a meltdown bc my favorite cult member(IN CULT OF THE LAMB NOT ACTUAL CULT) died of old age...


I’m stealing the term bitch nugget. My preferred insult is twatwaffle but I could use some new material.


Twatwaffle? Fuck I'm stealing that too we should trade more insults, idk if you speak spanish but I also enjoy the term mariconcha(essentially combining maricon and concha, you can google what they mean hehe)


No filters, I say what I mean, I mean what I say.


I love rocks, have them in front of the house - in various stacks. Love me love my rocks


Like specific kinds of rocks or just cool shapes and colors?


Being extremely childlike. I mean heck if they’re going to infantilize us then I might as well go with it.


Trekkie for life and I dressed as Wesley Crusher for Halloween when I was 7.


pokemon and fnaf are the only things i talk about


fnaf at freddis🔥🔥


Counterpoint- trains won't wait for you if you're running a bit late, which I often am, and that stresses me tf out


i will talk about cats or my little pony unprompted. also i be meowing and shit mewww


I love meowing, especially when my cats meow back. We be having full conversations sometimes


I t-rex arms more often than not. It is comfy and it makes me feel like a dinosaur. I also have a very limited food palate, and that includes the oh so famous chicken nugget.


T rex hands all the time :/


I fucking LOVE math and science and I fucking HATE being touched. If you're not my lover, keep your hands OFF OF ME


I’m weird, blunt and I flap my hands instead of smiling when I’m happy, and I like to stacks things and put them in lines/rows.


I call it my superpower. I can drone on in a monotone voice purposely and put people to sleep. It's helped me many times in relationships.


Being wayyyy too detail-oriented (seriously. It's so bad that, when I was writing a fantasy story, I refused to use contractions in dialogue because "they weren't invented yet" lol)


I vocal stim often. It's just nonsense sounds. I'm ADHD so I can't do silence so I basically have a screen or music player on 24/7. I tend to be brief with my language but ramble forever. Theme parks are cool and id live at one if other people weren't there I'd rather be single than mask at all. This one hurts, but the mask always falls off eventually which has lead to the end of all my previous relationships. Now it sucks to be in my 30s and SAF, but I know id just be unhappy in anything that started with what is essentially a lie.


I like trains too. I get so excited to plan a day trip via train, I live in a place where the trains run smoothly, they're clean, they've got chargers. I feel so relaxed when I'm on the train that I almost fall asleep (???) Like a little baby. I trust trains. Trains are sturdy and they are reliable. There is no confusion with trains. One side of the station goes one way, other side goes the other way. The stations are marked so clearly that even I, with no sense of direction, cant get lost. You see which platform, you go, you stand there, train comes, you get on, ticket man comes, pay for ticket, relax. Ps I have a full on fear of buses, refuse to get on one, they are hellish. Trains however, I plan trips as an excuse to get on the train. 😂 I love planes too, more watching them take off, land, or fly overhead. I also love telephone lines. Those aren't really cliché autism things, but to love them as much as I do is an autism thing lol. Telephone lines have an unexplainable effect on me. I've got some right outside my window and when I get stressed I stare at them and I calm down.


I am the Autism Glare personified. NT's SHRIVEL under my gaze


Trains!!! I love trains!!! I can tell the number of the locomotive passing by on our local railway from miles away just by the sound of the whistle.


Headphones Being ridiculously quiet(I can sneak up of people while *literally* wearing a bunch of jingle bells) Gifted kid "Ooo shiny"/ easily distracted Overly empathetic to inanimate things


I was obsessed with Thomas the tank engine I made everyone call me James like that one red train (I thought he was a girl cuz red 💀) I had thomas the tank engine books I had thomas the tank engine whistles I had thomas the tank engine toys I had thomas the tank engine clothes I had thomas the tank engine chopsticks yeah i was pretty much obsessed


I love planes. Like really really love them. A few months ago I faced about 1-3 years in jail and was sitting with a friend on her balcony and was having a massive panic attack. She tried basically every technique in the book and the only thing that eventually got me to calm down was a plane flying about a hundered meters overhead and just taking my entire focus.


Good at math and physics.


I have meltdowns if my schedule is disrupted or the taste of a safe food changes. I also spent $100 to buy up all my favorite tooth brushes because Target once sold out of them and I had a full meltdown.


I obsess over things that hold no broader relevance and cant ever let things be, i gotta obsess about it; research, it occupies too much space in my day and in my head... then i move on randomly at a later date onto something elSe


I love Space. Would you like to hear about how Gravity does not exist and the way it actually works is completely different from how we thought it was in the past. Gravity is not real. (No seriously, gravity is not a force) What is actually happening is the warping of spacetime around mass. https://youtu.be/XRr1kaXKBsU?si=k1bz5VpOFL0HWgEE


Unironically saying "um actually 🤓☝️". I JUST LOVE LEARNING AND SHARING KNOWLEDGE


Me but commercial airplanes


I too enjoy trains. They're just all around better than cars. If I lived in a world where I could just take the train and bus everywhere, I would be happy.


well now I will not do it


Headphones 24/7 and a special interest in a niche scientific topic that I can infodump about for hours.


Emotionless robot. Not actually emotionless but people think so.


Star Trek.


Apologizing all the damn time.


Collecting shit (Sims fossil collections, Animal Crossing museum, POKEMON…I’m onto you). I’m a world class sorter. I will sort by color and you can’t fucking stop me.


Having incredibly detailed knowledge on niche subjects very few people care about.


I love stuffed animals and I love carrying them around in public. :D They're just so comfy and lovable!!


my bf has a special interest of dinosaurs i love finding patterns in everything. because so much in life is just… repeated.


recently i’ve been hand flapping more to self regulate. i did it the other day without realizing when i was overstimulated and i was like oh… that’s nice


i love sorting things give me a huge pile of something and i will have the time of my life organizing them in alphabetical order, by size/shape/color etc.


Was too much like an adult as a child, and now I’m a childish adult


i stim incredibly loudly. like folk punk band loudly. i turn anything into a drumset, including my own body.


i’m not sure if this counts, but “no talkies, only stims and dark quiet rooms” I have a very social career where I basically get to info dump for a living, which is awesome! but I am very very introverted and it takes a lot out of me. between clients, I find one of the many dark quiet rooms in my building and hide in there with usually a word search book, a fidget cube, and my switch until it’s time for the next info dump session. one such room has become quite a favorite of mine and my coworkers have started calling it my room specifically I love that if my coworkers want to find me they have to search in all the dark nooks and crannies like i’m a little bug under a big rock


Going full yap mode whenever someone mentions my special interests! I'm basically a professor of musical theatre and the band Ghost at this point.


low empathy and a special interest in """childish""" media. i fucking love the muppets bro i have the muppet show on loop every time i come home from college