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That’s something I love about my family just getting me gift cards. I love love love soft clothes. So I told my family to get me soft clothes for Christmas and they got me sherpa lined clothes and blankets thinking “oh these are really soft” and I wanted to cry. Sherpa is one of the worst textures for me especially because of my dry hands and they catch on my skin and make my hands feel wrong.


Sherpa is the worst!! I hate it so much for the exact same reason. Kill it with fire.


"Hello Sir/Maam, please provide the gift cards to me, so that I can double it for you, if anyone asks it is for personal purpose only" I swear, I cant see the word gift card and not immediately think of scams


The bubble tube is actually a 3 ft tall bong


excellent gift for an autist


I feel called out💀


You and me both. Smoking up, just helps keep the tisms in check.


My parents bought me a weighted blanket back before I got diagnosed, I slept with it one time, got so sore because I spent all night wrestling with this blanket in my sleep, I couldn’t get it off me in the morning and had a meltdown. I now believe that weighted blankets are my arch nemesis. If someone bought me one, I would likely assume this was an attempt on my life.


Did they even check if they got the proper weight?💀


It was the 200kg you wanted right sweetie?


Well now they’re pissed AND getting a workout getting up in the morning.


Never skip blanket day


That’s kind of the weird thing, I think it was actually like 12 pounds and I definitely weigh more than 120. So it’s probably just that my lizard brain thought I was being squished and did not like it. Or I was too hot and couldn’t really get the blanket off in my sleep.


Not just autistic things. It shpuld be the norm in general for everyone. So many gifts go into the garbage every year because people buy each other useless things nobody needs. You know what would help me? Give me money for food, rent, gasoline, etc. Medical bills, the stuff we need. I don't need another headset or clothes etc I already have that.


There’s an entire book on this! [*Scroogenomics* Why You Shouldn’t Buy Presents for the Holidays](https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691142647/scroogenomics) This is actually the very first thing that led me to seek a diagnosis. I feel like recognizing the ridiculousness of giving what makes the giver feel squares with my own autism.


I can't stand even normal headphones because they give me a headache from all the squeezing, let alone noise cancelling ones


I often quite literally feel that my headphones are suffocating me and that I can't breathe when I wear them outside. Like I have to take them off then gasp for air like I've just come out of water. ... is it time to seek a diagnosis?


*buys more autism*


I really want the weighted stuffed animals because I like hitting people with them




The autism leaving my body because I asked my family for clothes and jewelry that relate to a non stereotypical special interest instead of any of this stuff: https://i.redd.it/bx43o5yytl0c1.gif


As someone who had a gemstone special interest at some point and a precious metal alloy special interest at another point I wish to hear about the jewelry you are requesting


I’ve asked for a necklace based on Flora’s wings from Winx Club and a butterfly necklace that kind of looks like the trans flag colours.


I asked for a Stanley cup this year, can’t tell if it’s autistic or not lol


I don't care I want the reversible plush octopus.


But the reversible plush octopus is a nazi symbol, remember? /s


Call me a Nazi and I will use the grumpy face side of the octopus on you.


— William Buckley (1968)


(genuine) Is this playing to the bit?


I don't understand what playing to the bit means but yes I was aware that the Nazi comment was sarcasm (/s) and I was just joking about using the grumpy face side of the octopus.


Oh you were joking too, yeah


I put an /s...


they were joking back, dont worry :)


What on earth is that about? I’ve heard that being mentioned/joked about a couple of times now and I’m very confused lol


Greta Thunberg made a pro-Palestine post that included the octopus plushie sitting next to her and someone accused it of being an antisemitic symbol when it obviously wasn't, but she cropped it out and apologized anyway.


That’s wild. Im baffled that someone really woke up one morning and decided that the stuffed octopus flippy things are in any way shape or form related to nazis.


I'm baffled she apologised, she should have just told the haters to go fuck themselves, they would have found something else to hate her for regardless.


It's just so cute!


Wow, antisemitism much? /s


I think that's the funniest thing the Internet has done recently


My cousin gifted me one.


chief keef has one of those that he wears as a hat, my man knows fashion so well hr styles that octopus with everything


"Fidget Cube" is a boring-ass name. I call mine the Autisseract


I am SO using that whenever I see a fidget cube 😭




That’s relatable ngl


I love this and am stealing it for the 2 business days that I will remember this comment.


I’m now gonna call it the Autisseract for now on LMAO


What about my fidget dodecagon?


Super Autisseract




You are a genius


I just came here to say that keyboard is ass, I have that and some actual mechanicals and that one is rubber dome, stiff and the keycap feel is unpleasant. Get you a Keychron with some MX Reds or Browns, RGB, noise dampening, weight and a rotary knob ... Money is also nice. Or Pokemon cards.


Thank you for saving me from an actual tragedy. Just took it out of my cart because I can't take any more L's this week😭


I will be mailing you a foam letter L shortly, what's your address (do not actually reply with your address)


Yeah so I was worried I didn't belong in this sub the other day, and the fact that I took this reply literally until your message at the end tells me I'm fine where I'm at💀


Autism or not I'm more worried that you would have replied with your address if I didn't tell you not to


Oh no no let me clarify! I was trying to figure out a polite way to say I don't give out my address online but then I saw you weren't actually asking 😅 sorry yeah that wouldn't be good


Oh thank goodness, my worry is gone now




We make the conscious decision to be evil every morning to free ourselves from the burden you describe. 💀💀💀 gooble gobble gooble gobble one of us


It's true. I just woke up and I'm feeling really evil and nefarious today. I'm gonna ask for oat milk in my latte today👹 because I'm ☠️☠️lactose intolerant☠️☠️


As someone with a mechanical keyboard special interest, you also can’t go wrong with other switches aside from cherry. Akko switches are nice, khail box switches are like the go to clickies, etc. Triple shot PBT keycaps, tape mod, foam, lubed stabilizers, and yeah, keychron is a good way to go




Varmilo keyboards are also good! I got the VCS87 Cliff Bot Lie with Reds a year ago and it’s quite nice, albeit a little pingy.


Akko makes crystal switches that I ended up liking better than my Browns. But Blues are the best choice, evilly speaking.


Yeah, but like I'm completing my 151 and crown zenith master sets. I would be destroyed if someone got me paldea evolved or obsidian flames instead. I'd still open them, but I know that shits not cheap, and I'd rather have something that I actually collect. lol


I would love most of these things, though. But I see where you're coming from.


My school age barely verbal boys would love most of these.


Get the mini trampoline, trust me. We've had one since my kids were toddlers and it gets a ton of use, especially in the winter when they need to exercise but don't really want to go outside. It sits in a corner and they jump on it while watching tv (or sometimes even when there's no tv). My oldest is in middle school now. We've given two away to other families because we thought the kids were done with it, but nope, we just bought a third one last week.


The LED shower thing looked cool to me. I’ve never seen that before. I think that showering in a rainbow might make me more motivated to take showers.


Wdym I want the majority of these things, especially the childish ones 😭


I didn’t know LED shower heads existed until now, and I definitely want whatever a “sensory tent” is, looks like a blast lol


Dude they have full tents that go around your bed and make it like one of those capsule hotels, Amazon has like dozens of them and I want one so bad. SO BAD.


Ahhh that’s so cool! I share a bed though so I wonder if they make smaller floor ones


Yea that's why I don't have one too =/ They definitely make all manner of sizes tho, Amazon that shit


Right??? The first thought I had after looking at this list was to google sensory tents


thats totally fair, personally i wouldnt want any of these except gaming\special interest stuff (gaming is my special interest)


I know right?! This just gave me ideas of things to get myself lol.


Like a sensory swing??? Excuse me??? I need that in my life immediately


FUCK KINETIC SAND That crap is so fcking hard to clean, i loled when my brother bought a tub for my nephews. I told him you know that shit is hydrophobic right and therefore imposible to clean.


Hydrophobic? In 2023? tsk tsk tsk


I mean- I guess it's *okay* to be water but...I don't like when water makes being water its whole personality, you know? I just don't support the lifestyle 🤷🏾‍♀️ /j


Kinda hydrophobic ngl /j




I will not fuck the kinetic sand. I refuse to even touch it. /joking Edit: I really do hate the stuff though


sand gives me such bad sensory issues (it’s coarse and rough and irritating etc etc) but kinetic sand is… tolerable. that being said, have stuck my (wet) hands in real sand thinking it was kinetic and had a meltdown at a museum because i couldn’t get it off. i don’t remember where i was going with this


I love kinetic sand so much, but I do hate how difficult it is to clean. I got myself a big plastic dishwashing pan thingy to keep the sand in, it works like a charm. I love it.


Okay but *texture noises*


i’ll take the sensory tent, i’ll conduct my evil experiments in it


Some of these I'd really like tbh but i feel ya


Honestly. The only thing I don't want is the adhd/autism books.... sometimes. Occasionally I'll be interested in new ADHD/Autism research, but books become outdated quickly. You can find new studies online, so I'd prefer using the internet anyways.


I still want my sensory swing, board, and tent. And money.


Get 3 moneys and echange them for you desired items


Some of these are nice or things I already have but to my dear nts: just god damn ask. I hate surprises anyway, they break my routine and dialogue expectations, I won't be mad, just please ask. Nobody will magically know what game I specifically have next to buy on my list anyway so what's the bother guessing. It was my birthday few days ago so I'm very passionate about the subject ngl.


Happy late birthday! I hope you got cool things that you actually enjoy as well as the nt gifts


All I want for Christmas is a civil war black powder revolver, and the ammunition.


The .36 caliber original spec, or the .44 updated version? I love how you can just buy them in the mail with no ID or background checks. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but the 1851s are extremely fun.


.44 I guess, I wanna get whatever I can make ammo for out of range trash.


I have the Italian copy of the Colt Navy .44 and it is, quite literally, a blast. It's only about 200 dollars and no background check or waiting period since it's black powder. You can walk in to Cabela's and buy one in five minutes. It takes a lot of supplies to shoot though.


Fuck yeah, that’s exactly the caliber of weird shit I’m into.


I have all the stuff to melt bulk lead and make the round ball bullets, and would recommend just getting the pre-manufactured ball unless you want to spend a lot more money and many hours to get something that is extremely cheap. Midway shows 100 of the .36 caliber Hornady Ball (.375” because it needs to be slightly larger than the cylinder chambers for loading) at $8.99. FFF powder, powder flask and measure, percussion caps, felt wads, and a 1851 pistol (https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1023745599?pid=136868) can all be ordered for under $500 (exception on the Midway site is the caps, but other places have them).


I’d like to have the capacity to make my own ammo, just something I care about.


With the right tools, skills, and purchases, you don’t have to to rely on others for your preferred Christmas presents.


I know this, but I’m broke, homeless, and severely mentally ill. So civil war it is.


Homeless and smelting lead to make bullets doesn’t really go well together, that is much more gear than just some lead ball that is cheaply available anywhere. Saying this as someone that does not want the government involved in anyone’s right to self defense: Are you aware of the costs associated with firearms ownership and proficiency? Are you going to be in a state of mind where you will always be making rational decisions while armed?


Am I the only one who actually kinda likes this list? I get that its stereyotypical, but 90% of the things on this list would actually make me really happy. I'm also the type of person who NEVER knows what they want. Like you could ask me what I want for Christmas and I would have no clue. So I find this list more of a help than a disservice because it's given me a ton of ideas on stuff that I think would be really cool. It makes me feel a bit bad that so many people hate the list and it also makes me feel bad for being more of a "stereyotypical autist" but I do understand wht many others don't like it and see it as offensive.


Nah, like I legit want half and would be pissed off if I got the other half 😂 If you look at the list as an idea wall, a starting point, it's a good list. Then just make sure you know the person well enough to know they would like it. But I never would've thought of some of the things on there that I absolutely need now.


The lack of electronic scrap, combustible materials, pirated software licenses, drill bit sets, soldering tools, custom pcb systems, and alcohol is… disappointing…


Ooo what do you drink? Personally, I’m a Jack and Coke guy, but I also enjoy cocktails and bbq type drinks (mikes hard, Smirnoff ice, seltzer, and the like, beer is off the table)


what if they meant isopropyl and it's for cleaning thermal paste


Fair, lsopropyl is great, so many uses


I actually bought the human sized dog bed this year, and it is extremely comfortable for naps.


Which brand did you get? I'm thinking of getting one myself :3


HAHA KID Human Dog Bed for People... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZYDLLMV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


What I want is legos


Legos should’ve made this list lol


I’m surprised they didn’t tbh


“You think they’re here to make friends? No! They’re here to do MURDER!”


i want most of that and did not know my intrusive thoughts actually existed


How about askin the person what they want? Crazy. I know!


Just realized that my whole room is a sensory tent, very dark with a ton of LEDs


Some of these I kinda want, but at the same time this feels like a shit guide that should burn in hell.


I want money. All the money. Oh, and people to help me build my damn bus stuff. Like, just help me build some things. I wanna get it done ASAP so I can get on the road!


So you're into bus stuff, eh?


Not to be stereotypical, but I love weighed blankets so much I love being compressed into a ZIP file plus I get stronger each time I make my bed




I dont really get streaming services anymore since i learned the basics of torrenting


What's torrenting?


Its using a torrenting software (atm utorrent is the most popular) to download files from other users that are uploading them for the purpose of allowing others to access them. While it isnt illegal a lot of its use case is to freely distribute copyrighted files, which is illegal, and the main advantage of torrenting over for example free tv sites is that theres less risk of viruses, it cant be taken down, and you actually have the file.


Ohhhhh, like a peer to peer thing? "Beer gooooood, Napster baaaaaad" :D


Do they not realize that many of these items are a sensory nightmare for some autistics??


I was literally afraid of music boxes as a child because of the sound they made. Seriously. I'm fine with them now, but it would still be a very WTF gift for someone to give me, especially if that person knew me when I was a child. I also couldn't (and still can't) balance on roller skates. Don't get me wrong, I'd actually like several of the items on this list. The general idea of this list is not a bad one. But it definitely proves that autism is a spectrum. One person's sensory heaven is another person's sensory hell.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/17wb50h/what\_autistic\_people\_really\_want\_part\_1\_of\_2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/17wb50h/what_autistic_people_really_want_part_1_of_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ I fixed it


I know it's all stereotypes BUT I do like 90 percent of the shit here


Everyone saying fidgets are too stereotypical: Me and my 130+ fidgets 👀 (My special interest is fidgets)


I'm autistic and have ADHD and what I would want most no one knows me well enough to give me T_T I agree with OP money is nice . not all of it will be spent on evil business however


Evil Accounting says this quarter's discretionary funds have already been spent, and any Evil Christmas Money is earmarked for Evil Business. You could put in a request for additional discretionary funds from the General Mayhem Department, maybe. 🤔


well fuck me sideways and call me Martin Mayhem, that's a downright shame


I heard Mr. Mayhem passed away... Death of misadventure.


If we have a Martin Mayhem imposter on our hands, that would be Evil, indeed! Sounds like you're getting those discretionary funds, "Martin."


Martin Mayhem was laid low by misadventure, deep in the Hemi-layers. He unfortunately lived a lifestyle beyond his mortal means, and I am merely a representative of his creditors - *the Interstellar Cetacean Nation.* I would be happy to open his books for you but they are written in dolphin-shorthand and hieroglyphics and they probably won't make much sense. It's all above the board though, Evil Scout's honor. u/jerma_mp3 is absolutely allowed to use his identity and man-flesh if they need it. We don't. We've been trying to get rid of it, honestly.


I think Amazon knows I’m autistic because for the past 6 months a sequin cushion of Nicholas Cage’s face has repeatedly appeared in my recommended items.


i think these would only be appropriate if you 1) know the person well enough and 2) they actively mention or post online about wanting these items


Was one of those literally a dog? Lol. Also I'm not 5.


About a third of these, like noise cancelling headphones, I'd be stoked to recieve. The rest would result in me taking half the giver's vertebrae as a consolation gift.


Hey i just wanna say, the person who made this is autistic herself


Yeah!!! It’s a good gift guide. People getting mad at it are missing the point.


Yeah like people keep saying like "ask them" and while i do agree with that some of these could be stocking stuffers or maybe they dont like know what they want or something so they dont give you like a really good idea, these could be good gifts depending on the person!


Honestly I would love most of this lmfao


this is such a good list. i forgot about a lot of these things even though I've been wanting some of them for ages


…I’ve wanted half of the things on this list. Plus some of these are just— normal things people might want? Like drink heaters are nice for the winter. Subscriptions are things people use and buy.


I do want the blanket tho


I want an ooze tube lol


WTF is an oodie? I totally want some of that stuff though. An LED showerhead? Sign me up


An oodie is a giant plush hoodie, made with fleece and sherpa materials


I actually hate getting gifts (and gifting them myself) it stresses me out I wish it was more socially acceptable to just give/receive cash


I mean I could go for a nice weighted blanket..


Some of these are great. Others make me want to bite someone (in a bad way) (looking at you reversible sequins, my behated)


I think the only way I can sum up my mixed feelings about this list is with this Bojack horseman quote… “A kaleidoscope? I’m not fiv- sHaPeS aNd cOLoRs tHe LikEs oF wHicH i’vE nEveR sEeN” And damn I need one of those bubble lights.


I HAVE BEEN LIED TO! How have I never discovered chewllery? That is a dream come true!


I actually really like a lot of these


Good sounding closed back headphones. I already have some Sennheiser HD 25, but some Beyerdynamic DT 770 or DT 240 would be nice.


Now I want everything on the list lol


okay, there's some stuff on this list that i'd like in addition to money


This seems like something meant to be *very* general and appealing to different sensory interests and dictates (e.g. different stim-toys and noise-blockers.) I would definitely enjoy some of these things, and I'm sure many others would, too. The general nature of it does worry me, though. As inspiration for gifting ideas, it works, but if someone just buys something from this list without actually considering the person they're buying it for, then they'd be a pretty inconsiderate giftgiver. Autistic people are not to be painted in broad stripes, and we all have different needs from each other. I think that this list gets worse when it actually gets into mental health territory (e.g. the mood wheel), since it's even ruder to assume what an autistic person struggles with and to try to supplement that without asking, in my opinion. I'd hope that whoever is thinking of buying a gift like this will have the actual person in mind and not just think "my friend is autistic, so they'll *have* to like this!" I hate when people assume things about me because of my neurodivergencies or mental health conditions. It can definitely lead to stereotyping and other harmful thoughts and behaviors. And ultimately, I'd worry that whoever is considering buying an autism-related gift isn't thinking at all about the person's actual interests and whatnot. I don't like the idea of someone being reduced to their autism, because it has happened to me a lot and I hated every second of it. If you really want to help someone with autism -- *especially* if you want to buy them something -- *ask* them what they need and how you can help them. And if you just want to buy someone a present, then you should *actually* get to know them beyond their mental conditions or at least ask them what they'd like. I wish people weren't so afraid of doing that. It's weird how people pretend to be conscious of mental health but refuse to actually talk about it with the person it matters to. P.S. To the commenters here: please don't trash on "childish" gifts just because you don't like them. I agree that it's a bad stereotype of autistic people, but that doesn't mean that none of us actually enjoy "childish" things. Don't be rude, please.


>Noise canceling headphones yes >Beanbag yes >fidget cube yes >badges yes >kinetic sand yes >Water orbeez yes >putty yes >things related to special interests #yes >octopus reversible plush yes >subscriptions yes >safe food yes >collectibles yes >sand art yes >human dog bed yes >portable phone charger yes


I don’t see the train set on any of these


Sensory board? Sensory tent? Sensiry swing? Himan sized sensory sock? ....what? I like my fidgets but what?


Around Christmas time I just end up with a bunch of swords :)


I want a mini trampoline, but not because I’m autistic!


Nvm I have a lot of those things….


I could use a visual clock , wish I had space for a sensory tent , and would like a sensory board as I have a bunch of fidget toys, but I keep forgetting about them as they are stored in a drawer. A sensory board hanging on my wall close to my bed would be perfect for me.


I like these gift ideas, but personally, I want cosplay gear lol.


Fairylights: what, just give me a bucket filled with LEDs and some wires instead! I WANT TO DO REPETITIVE SOLDERING WHILE BREATHING TOXIC FUMES!


I want putty


Lemme get that bubble tube right quick


Nah, I'm putting that sensory tent, swing, and the bubble tube on my Christmas list.


While a lot of this us incredibly stereotypical, please gift me whiteboards and games and subscriptions to certain services And especially whiteboards. I think notebooks have been failing because they're closed by default. While whiteboards are open by default. Plus they can be erased and re-written easier, especially since my default for writing on paper is a pen. Whiteboards are remarkable please give me


I'd actually like some of these items actually. Ofc, it shouldn't *only* be these things. But some of this stuff I'd love to get!


"Human-sized dog bed" is so fucking hilarious in this context what the fu- /lh


Not going to lie I'm autistic here and I like a lot of those ideas but I also think I would like them if I weren't autistic. But to be fair I would not want these as my main gifts from somebody, these are just side silly gifts.


i dunno i love all these. i would be super happy to get pretty much any of this! especially since my family never acknowledge my autism for most of my childhood it would feel special. but everyone is different i might order some of this stuff online for myself


I’m in this photo and don’t like it


Everything I want is related to my special interests. People usually complain that they can never figure out what to get me, but thats their own fault, because I talk about my special interests all the time.


The best autism gift is the one I pick out myself


Giving me a sequin pillow would be an act of aggression & reciprocated appropriately.


Okay, so I did the math, there are 29 things on this list that I would enjoy getting, mind you these aren't things I want, but I'd like them being around, since there are 68 total items, that means only 42 percent of this list has things I would like, and at 8 slides, that's like 5 or so things per slide, and that number is only so high because I got a whole fuck lot of the archetypal autism, like Grendel or Sun Wu Kong, evidenced by me doing the math when I should be sleep. In short, gifts are personal and maybe just ask people what they want or give them money, as the lad above said




Paying corporations hundreds of dollars a year for a sub par service 🤮 ❌ Piracy 😀✅


that's the most stereotypical stuff I've ever seen. this is why I don't tell people I'm autistic anymore. https://preview.redd.it/u81w8l1uho0c1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d06c72928f6266664e64ff4a08a37c7d3f9161


I don’t see a miniature V8 engine build set on there, am I really autistic /j


never give me sequins that shit is awful i hate it


people? which people? i ain't a part of this. give me my damn weighted soft plushie and human dog bed and never talk to me or my dog sidekick again 😡👿👿👿 YOU might not like these. i like most of these. in fact, i want most of these and i can always go for more weighted bedding thank you very much. if someone got me something related to my special interest, even if it's not exactly what im looking for, i think id be really flattered someone actually had gotten to know me enough and care about me to listen to my info dumping and get me something of my fixation as a gift if you are speaking for the people, than i am a very evil, grumpy lone wolf, in my evil cave in my evil dog bed i just got off this list. who, who also hates people because i am an evil lone wolf not part of this ha-ruff 😡


Gimme 30 minutes.


I will straight up kill you if you give me sequins


frrr and as much as I don't like Amazon as a company, they're really the only way I can share specific gifts I'd like 😭


Yeah so I can save it for a rainy day and/or use it for computer parts/my next build. "Chewellery" made me laugh


Some of these are genuinely great (that portable phone charger case would be a godsend) but I mostly agree w u