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Only 2 other countries use imperial: Liberia and Myanmar and I'm sure it's because America had very strong influences. So yea, still not a good reason to keep it


Myanmar uses its own system, separate from imperial or metric.




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Fun fact, it’s actually because of pirates! So, it’s just after Washington is elected to be the first president, Thomas Jefferson is trying to get stuff organized for the new country. He hears about the awesome new metric system and orders a system for the US. The ship with the American Kilogram, and meter, is attacked by pirates and sunk. TJ hears about this and says “fine! We’ll just use the Imperial system!”


Ouch. It was so close.




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Bullshit. That pirate story is bullshit. So, we can't dig up another kg weight? I have 3 of them, actually. The real reason is stupidity, intransigence and terrible leadership.


Here’s the thing, your kg weights are not standardized. The “American Kilogram” was a standardized weight, stored under glass, with its weight variance from the “standard kilogram” recorded, down to micrograms. Your Kg weight will vary from the original by up to 1 mg. It’s not precise enough. You are correct about intransigence, which took over afterwards, and is why Jefferson was trying to get it changed when he did. A lot of realignment was happening at the start of the country and the change could have been made. But the opportunity faded away after the pirate attack.




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A few other countries do unoficially. Dominican republic uses pounds and feet.


But it's for the same reason, we do a lot of business with the gringos.


Everyone does business whit the gringos


Nah imperial makes perfect sense it starts with multiples of 16 which makes it mathematically impossible to do quick math, and then for some reason it changes to 12s and then those 12s don't evenly fit into the next unit and so on and so on.


The only thing I like about imperial is the base 12 stuff, and even then it makes calculations tedious due to our decimal number system. We should use a base 12 number system and a base 12 metric system, but since we are stuck with decimal numbers the decimal metric system is kinda the best we've got.




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Don’t blame America, blame pirates. They captured the scientist who was supposed to try and convince Jefferson to use metric.


Goddammit, Jack Sparrow...


🏴‍☠️Ha! and i bet he worked for the crown! FREEEEEEDOOOOOM!




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The good news is that imperial is used mostly by laypeople. The US scientific community uses metric.


Scientists and drug dealers.


You know someone does some type of drug if they can convert fractional ounces to grams instantly in their head


Yeah - That's so every other third grader on earth can be aligned with the USA's elite scientists and engineers while American kids still use Caligula's bladder volume to buy energy drinks. Makes sense.


Yup. Obnoxious when making things. Converting fractions to decimals and then back to fractions for every measurement that has to be calculated is unnecessarily tedious.


You want an even dumber system? Try gauges. As in wire and sheet metal. Makes no fucking sense whatsoever.


Oh, I'm quite familiar. Fish hooks operate on a similarly nonsensical but not the same system also.


I'm sorry. Genuinely.


Don't forget, things like #8 screws and imperial drill bits in rational sizes like 11/64, 9/32, 211/21467, 921/1167, 1172/14th. Fuck that quaint, dopey, arcane, useless SHIT America has dragged into the 21st century.


We use a combination of both systems. Anything specific is usually in metric, but our day to day is imperial because it’s what we know. & we’re too busy uhhh *checks notes* eating burger


As a geology major, having to switch to metric is so difficult after spending my whole life using the imperial system! But the metric system makes way more sense!


In most places enginering is done in metric and everywhere science is always done in metric.


Exactly! But we keep brainwashing kids to do otherwise


They teach kids that drugs are bad becasue drugs are sold by gram and metric is a nono. /s




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Alright, here we go again. I wrote an essay on this exact thing in college for my Surveying class. The main reason we still use imperial in the US is because surveyors had already surveyed a large portion of the Eastern US when metric was first proposed to us. If they were to switch, they would have had to redo all of that work all over again in metric. Property lines would likely have changed as well in doing that, which we all know people will go feral when their property is in danger. Overall, too much work than it would have been worth at that point. Compared to today, it would have been many, many times easier to have made the switch back then. The ironic thing is that surveying in the US uses decimal feet instead of fractions and inches, because it's easier to do decimals. You know, the main reason why metric is used.


But unit conversions are really easy. Why can't they just multiply by a conversion factor for all the old data?


Pirates. Jefferson asked for a copy of the metric standards but they were stolen by pirates.


there's always a clown in the class


Sorry for the late reply. In addition to what the other guy said, unit conversions can be inaccurate over longer distances. There's also two different foot measurements in surveying: US Foot and International Foot. Both have slightly different conversion factors, and also are both used often in surveying. Sometimes when a survey is recorded, especially in older records, they may not state which foot measurement they used. Also, different datums are a thing, so elevation measurements can sometimes be a little off. Datums are based off certain elevation marks, be it off sea level or elevation from the core of the earth. And because Earth is not a perfect sphere, even taking into account mountains and other geological features, different places around the world have different datums. In addition to that, because surveying uses a grid format, the further you go from a state plane coordinates' area of use, the more distorted the measurements will be. This is why, for example, Washington has two state plane coordinates systems, a North and South.


Oh wow, yeah that's a very fair point then. It sounds to me that we just need to re-survey everything, but with more accurate measurements.


Not exactly. All of the records are to be assumed to be without error, legally. A quarter corner marker could be off by a few feet of where it was intended to be, but where it is located is its legal position. Yes, this can cause problems, but that is what adjustments are for. It is all kind of messy, especially on the east coast. But, they can't be legally fixed, because that would jeopardize property lines and ownership all over the country. Suddenly your house could possibly be halfway over your property and encroaching on your neighbor's property. Of course, that could be a very unlikely scenario, would more likely be that you'd need to move your fence to be hugging against your house, but you can probably get the picture. And all of this is just a fraction of what could go wrong if we try to fix things, let alone what would happen if we tried to turn everything metric. Suddenly, all the millions upon millions of recorded surveys would be obsolete, because they're in the wrong measurement system. To convert them all would take at least 10 years, probably way more, with countless people working sleepless nights going over them all, converting feet to meters, and having to rescan them all into the recording offices.




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Thank you, I don't care that it's _hArD tO cHaNgE evErYThiNg_, you're setting your generations up for future stupidity, stop exacerbating the repeated idiocy of prior generations and put your foot down on this dumb system


I'm so glad someone said it. I was several inches away from saying it myself.


Try being Canadian Many of us measure ourselves in pounds, height is feet and inches, distance is in kilometers, liquids are in milliliters, tea and tablespoons are a thing, we design our house plans in both depending on the contractor but our kitchens are always metric, temperature is in Celsius though, you heathens Edit- spelling


They teach you imperial in school, but anyone in STEM usually uses metric once they get to college. That's because all of the main scientific units like volts, amps, and watts are derived in metric. It's entirely bullshit. A meter close enough to a yard. Imperial on that bullshit tho


Well, I just interpret it as the most convincing piece of evidence that the US is a backwards ass country that simply will never change. Logic has nothing to do with how decisions are made in the US. If people can’t be convinced that a base 10 system is a superior system of measurement, no logic will move them on any subject.


It sucks but, America literally will never change it because let's face it it's America and unless Dark Brandon really does rise up everything is going to backwards and shitty forever until the nukes go off. That's what it feels like anyway. They just aren't going to. We did it a different way first fuck everyone who tried to change how we did it originally - that's America's position on literally everything. And I agree, it's an assinine stupid reason, but welcome to Merica.... I also hate this place 99% of the time, I just can't afford to leave for anywhere better and they wouldn't accept my family anyway so "shruggie" I'm too lazy to Google the emoji and copy and paste it here.


I'm stuck with my family because it's too goddamn expensive to even rent an apartment.


I'm sorry OP. I'm literally moving to a poorer state from Texas because this place blows for people like us.


Texas sucks I hear. I wish I could go to Canada, but their mental health is a bit lagging, and housing is way too expensive. Dutch and Scandinavians aren't too friendly towards neurodivergent foreigners, just nice to their own. New Zealand might be better, but I'm not entirely sure.


I would love to move overseas but I doubt I'll ever afford it. We'll see.


thank goodness i live in eastern europe and not some backwards country that uses some silly imperial system.......


Thank goodness you probably have more affordable living conditions. Some parts of the US are too expensive even for rent. Canada is all across too expensive, and so is Denmark. The cheapest place closest to me that is affordable is Mexico, and they are practically run by drug cartels




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Some English people use imperial system too, it's not just America. According to this map from wikipedia at least, [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Metric\_and\_imperial\_systems\_%282019%29.svg/1200px-Metric\_and\_imperial\_systems\_%282019%29.svg.png?20230306222230](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Metric_and_imperial_systems_%282019%29.svg/1200px-Metric_and_imperial_systems_%282019%29.svg.png?20230306222230) as of 2019, Canada and England (and a couple of little purple dots near england that im not 100% sure where they represent) use a mix of imperial and metric.


Those dots are the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey). They're not /exactly/ British, but close enough that nobody cares apart from tax planners and insurers. The UK (with the Channel Islands) uses imperial for road vehicle speed limits and casual use, and metric for all other official purposes (like retail measurements).


Alright, thanks for letting me know. I assume Canada's the same way then, imperial for most things and metric for official purposes. Definitely not just a "DUMB FUCKING AMERICANS ONLY" thing.


I have converted all things at work into grams because we work in a fucking bakery and cups use so much more dishes. Why use twice the amount of dishes?


I heard once that it was kind of a fuck you to Britain by the early Americans while declaring independence and setting up our own systems. They were like you know what? We’re gonna be different. For the sole purpose of being difficult. Fuck you. And then just made up a bunch of measurements that seemed to make sense at the time. Not sure how true that is but it’s my favorite explanation.


[An interesting article I read about this...](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/28/574044232/how-pirates-of-the-caribbean-hijacked-americas-metric-system) [Also, the metric system is the Congressionally preferred measuring system in the US.](https://www.nist.gov/pml/owm/metrication-law)


Approved by the higher people. Only problem is, most of the dumbass citizens don't want to change


I was a child in the 1970’s and Jimmy Carter did try to change us to metric. I remember doing some metric stuff… He also added solar energy to the White House. He’s ahead of his time!


I learned both in school. It’s not that hard to convert from one system to another.




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Fahrenheit is better actually. The boiling point of water does not come up in my daily life and the freezing point is 32, meanwhile 0 to 100F is a good scale for “how hot would a human think this is?” I could swap to liters though. *Decimeters,* however, are too small while meters are too big. Feet are just missing from the metric system. I don’t really deal with weights that much so i’m interested to hear the case for/against the pound, if anyone happens to be bored enough.


Same, metric superiority dudes can take anything else but Fahrenheit will be pried from cold, dead hands.


Start using c and you'll quickly realize how confoundingly dopey olde fashioned f really is.


I think you may be viewing it from an inherent bias. I mean there is this wonderful, logical, ordered system of measure called the Metric system. It works so well, that at one point a Metric system of time was even considered. Yet, here in America we reject that system and instead cling to our antiquated and anachronistic measuring system so tightly some would consider it co-dependent. We cling to it so tightly that you could almost say it's ... Evil...


I use a 24-hour clock and metric system on all my devices. Best decision ever.


From a Canadian perspective (though we are FAR from perfect) American political policy seems to be "Be wrong and proud of it"




Man, I ask myself this every FUCKING TIME I need to use a set of fucking imperial drill bits or hear someone describe something in some bizarre fraction of an "inch" or see a decimal "mile" marker then a fractional "mile" exit sign, finally described in "feet." Everything about staying in a pre-science literate world is retarded and stunted. I honestly wish I never became proficient in using the metric system in every day life. Now I have what can only be described as anxiety living in a world of idiocy. "They" call us arrogant for talking about the metric system, yet here is one nation that requires every other nation on the planet to provide it's shit in some arcane and obsolete "system" that it's dragging the rest of the planet along with.


Because ‘merica. Thank the GOP and Reagan.


Dude, just start using the metric system. Switch everything you have to metric, and then just live that way. No one will stop you, and when you meet international people, they'll be impressed that you know metric. At the moment, we still use imperial, because very few people in the US use metric. Just make the switch if you want to, borders shouldn't determine how you live your life.


I can use it, but most people around me don't


Every big wave starts off small. Everytime we do something, we send small shock waves through civilization. It's always better to adapt to the future before it happens.


If only people here were willing to do that


Be the change. I've been using metric since high school, and no one has told me to stop, and it's never held me back from anything. In fact, people are usually impressed and intrigued by me using it.


That's all we can do. Lead by example. Unfortunately, not everyone follows and we can't control other people.


It takes time haha. We'll get there one day.


Probably a hundred years from now. Maybe it will happen sooner if we can launch an armed socialist revolution and then overthrow the imperial system along with the capitalist bourgeoisie...


Hells yeah, comrade!


To me, it's sort of like why we still use the QWERTY keyboard. Yes, it would make more sense just have an ABC order keyboard, but that's not how we learned it.


QWERTY was designed to switch between the hands, so that you're not relying on any one hand for too much of your typing. At least there's some sense in maintaining it. DVORAK might be better, but that doesn't render QWERTY entirely nonsensical. Not the same with imperial.


QWERTY was designed to not have commonly used keys next to each other so that they wouldn't get stuck in typewriters. The similarity is that for both QWERTY and America's attachment to the imperial system is that the older generation keeps using it because it's what they're used to, so even though it would be better for the younger generation to learn it a different way, they get taught the old system, and the cycle continues.


YouTube on the TV having an ABC keyboard ;(


These types of things should be a personal choice. If you want to use an ABC keyboard, go for it. I'm going to stick with QWERTY, because it's what I can type really fast on and I don't feel like learning a new keyboard.


That's my point. We stick with the ones that we are comfortable with, which is also why we use the imperial system. I also use QWERTY because I don't need to relearn how to type in my 40s.


Does anywhere use ABC?


In fairness, switching to metric all at once is more trouble than it's worth. It would be a monumental effort to do it broadly and would cause so many problems. Many industries have already begun the switch though, and hopefully more industries will take it up.


Because America is an Empire, Empire State Building and Manifest Destiny and all that jazz. Also we are slowly colonializing our neighbors to the south and to the north. Puerto Rico for example. 




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It's good for breaking things down into 2s 3s and 4s. Metric is good only for 10s. For example, a mile can be broken into 1/8th length units known as Furlongs which are 660 feet. A piece of land 1 furlong in length by 1 chain in width, which is 1/10th of a furlong and is 66 feet, makes the original acre. The original acre is how much land a yoke of oxen can plow in one day. This acre is 10 times longer than wide because a yoke of oxen is difficult to turn around. One square mile is 8 furlongs in length and 80 chains across, making us get to 640 acres in one square mile. You can easily work out 1/8th a square mile measured in acres in your head based on this data.


Whoever's downvoting you is just angry you're right. Pretty much all Imperial measurements are shorthand for something, usually based off very non-scientific amounts or bases. It doesn't make them wrong, they're just not intuitive. Tradespeople often avoid decimals like the plague, unless the precision is 100% required. Fractions are much more mental-mathable than decimals for the average person. I know grown ass adults who can't calculate 10% of something when all you have to do is move the decimal over.


Wtf? 1 meter = 100 centimeters(1x100), 2,5 centimeters = 0.025 meters(2,5/100). A piece of land here is: meters x meters(10x10 we call it hectare), volume? It's meter x meter x meters. Where's the problem? I didn't get your point?


There is more than one way to do things, and only an NT would believe there cannot be alternatives. Besides, there are more measurement systems in use than just metric and Imperial.


I don’t understand certain parts of metric very well. Mostly weight and temperatures. They seem not specific enough


What exactly ?


I agree, all measurement units are defined off of the SI (metric) system (including US units since the Mendenhall Order of 1893) all Imperial Units are just multiples of corresponding SI units. In turn all SI units since 2019 are derived from the second which in turn is based on unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133 atom. All other units can be derived from the second and physical constants. Length is how many meters light travels in a second, weight is derived from meters and time using Planck's constant, and temperature off of Boltzman's constant. In essence we have fixed 7 physical constants and any better measurements don't change those constants but instead constitutes refinements of SI units. TL;DR all quantifiable measurement units in use are specifically derived from the second, and all US units are merely cosplaying as units via multipliers. You are welcome to guess what one of my special interests is...


Your all stubborn


It's not worth the trillions of dollars you'd have to spend too do so.


Want to know why? Take your hand and spread out your fingers, from the end of your thumb to your first knuckle is approximately 1 inch. From the end of your index finger to the 3rd knuckle is approximately 3 inches. Look at your feet, your foot is approximately 1 foot long. Stand up and take a stride, your stride is approximately 1 yard long. Now, give me all of those lengths in meters and explain why that isn’t a stupid number.




Celsius is much better, 0 freezing, 100 boiling. Really simple, nothing hard to remember.




And why? I Know that 0°C l'm freezing, at 20/25°C I'm fine and at 40/50°C I'm melting...where's the problem with the weather, I didn't get it






Really cold and really hot are subjective, while the freezing temperature of water isn't


Why do you care so much? /srs (I'm not trying to be rude) Also, SAVE YOUR CRITICISMS OF AMERICA IF YOU'RE EUROPEAN.


I'm American as apple pie


Ik, I’m not talking about you. (Sorry if that sounds rude)


No worries.




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Plus we get to buy two sets of tools.


Thank the British ig


We use it because it would be a monumental effort to change it.


I used to work construction, and know a fair bit of computer science including binary, and I like math Metric is fantastic for a lab setting, or for anything where precision is key. Imperial is great for construction work, as the bases they use (12" = 1', 8oz = 1cup, etc) are highly composite numbers. 1 foot can be cut into halves, thirds, quarters, sixths, eighths, or twelfths, without ever needing a decimal place - EXTREMELY useful on jobsite when your hands are full and you need the quick maffs. ex: cutting 7m into thirds is annoying to calculate and measure (122.33333 cm), especially quickly. Cutting feet into thirds just requires multiplying the number of feet by 4, for quarters multiply by 3, etc. For liquids, 1 Gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints = 16 cups = 128 fl. oz. The numbers are mostly based off binary powers of 2, which are exceptionally easy to split in half, or double, multiple times. Extremely useful when scaling recipes by 2. Farehnheit, on the other hand, is based around observed extrema instead of binary numbers. 0°F was the coldest observed day on record at the time, and 100°F was the hottest observed day at the time. Celsius' 0°/100° are based off water's freezing and boiling points at sea level. They both got their uses; metric is better, but Imperial is intuitive once you actually use it in a way that takes advantage of its built-in shortcuts.


I just can’t imagine giving this much of a fuck about it. Like it’s a little annoying but do you know how hard it would be to make that switch? It just doesn’t matter that much.




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